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Everything posted by caulfield12

  1. QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Jun 21, 2011 -> 06:58 AM) I'm confused. Are the Sox paying JP $3 or $5 million? $5 million this year (Dodgers are responsible for $3.5), $3 million in 2010 (Dodgers paid $7.5 million). This gets back to the "investment of resources" argument. We're already paying $3.5 million of Linebrink's $5.5 million contract....plus Teahen, plus Viciedo. Being stubborn over $2.75 million when we spent a lot more than that on a washed-up Manny Ramirez....not sure what to say anymore about the "spin" coming out of White Sox Land. In reality, this has nothing to do with money anymore. It's about Ozzie's will versus Kenny's, and who will blink first. Will KW give in and trade Viciedo or hold him back to build around with Ozzie out the door? While they're at it, they might as well just send Beckham down to the minors to play everyday and let Lillibridge, Vizquel, Teahen and Morel share at-bats. Not that they'll ever get anything back for Teahen now, but hey, might as well use him if they're stuck paying him millions.
  2. QUOTE (greg775 @ Jun 20, 2011 -> 10:47 PM) This story isn't going to play well on soxtalk. http://www.suntimes.com/sports/cowley/6074...-just-bolt.html Save your time. Comments coming: -- Fire him now. -- Let the big mouth go. -- How much more can Jerry take from this guy? -- I'm sick of Ozzie and his kids. Florida just take him now!! You can have him!! Key the reaction in three, two, one ... Boom sox fans go get Ozzie. This is a little bit like Jeff Skilling going to Kenneth Lay weeks before Enron collapsed and asking for a pay raise, more stock options and a better golden parachute. Just tired of Ozzie thinking he's more important than the team. Seriously, they already gave him an extension through 2012...what are they supposed to do to make him happy, an Ozzie Theme Park filled with statues of him bunting, Venezuelan Night and a tribute song by Dennis DeYoung? Seriously, Greg, aren't you the one always saying "just win, baby" and quoting Al Davis? Maybe if we actually got to .500 for once since the 2nd week of the season, someone besides Cowley would actually listen to him.
  3. QUOTE (southsideirish71 @ Jun 20, 2011 -> 09:24 PM) He will trade Viciedo, because its our biggest splash of talent and gets the most bang for our buck. He will go for a name, a name that will draw fans. A vet. Not young players. He will trade Jackson, and get a small pidence. He will look to move Danks in the offseason. He is not a FA yet. Pittance? Joking. If he trades Viciedo...I'm seriously going to boycott White Sox games until Hahn or a new G.M. is named.
  4. Belle's offensive prowess was at least respected by the fans. While never loved or even liked, I don't ever remember a cascade of boos raining down on his head. DJ: "Whatever Dunn's doing is just not working, period."
  5. Hey, don't put Ozuna on that list. I loved that guy...one of my all-time favorite Sox players.
  6. I think this is one of those seasons we'll just go back and forth between .500 and ten games under...can just never over the hump. Not as bad as 2007, but more frustrating...because we're in it "just enough" to keep from doing anything to change our roster or TRY any younger players on an extended basis.
  7. Well, we better never acquire a "big-name" left-handed hitter again. First, Swisher...now Dunn. How is it even possible both guys could veer so far off their career norms when they came to such a hitter's park? It's the curse of Joe Borchard. (Yeah, yeah....Thome was good).
  8. Plenty of time left this season....basically 90 games to go. The Indians are losing, so this game doesn't really matter. They'll get it together sooner or later.
  9. QUOTE (elrockinMT @ Jun 20, 2011 -> 08:00 PM) Dunn juist amazes me. 3 at bats and 3 k's and Zambrano is a righty pitcxher with nothing on the ball according to you guys And he's crushed him throughout his career too, 7 or 8 homers alone in the match-up. Babe Ruth was fat. John Kruk was fat. Tony Gwynn was fat. Why didn't it affect their hitting?
  10. QUOTE (southsideirish71 @ Jun 20, 2011 -> 07:55 PM) Our team whole heartedly believes that there is no reason to worry. That they can sail along cashing checks and the rest of the division will just wait around. Its a long season, no reason to worry until September 15th. Look at our lineup. The manager can't control himself and puts a stacked lefty lineup of old and the crappy. He must live in some area where time is frozen. That players dont age, and slappy is better than power. I for one would of liked to see what Viciedo does tonight against Zambrano. But we get the slap and tickle show. Farmer laying into Sox fans for their reactions to Dunn's ineptitude. Yay, he's trying! "I was already booing myself." Some consolation for $14 million. Wow....some action. Ozzie kicked Soto's mask 30 feet. At least there's some excitement finally. For some reason, when one of the teams are REALLY down in this series, they have a way of really making life miserable for the better team. It's like the playoffs for the Cubs. For the White Sox, like another game against the Twins or Tigers. Wonder how many games this season we'll get 36,000+ after this series?
  11. The scariest thing of all is the 50/50 possibility that we just watched our Opening Day starter in 2012 get violated. Other than one inning last night, the White Sox and "crooked numbers" don't go together. We bench Beckham (fine) but we weaken our defense with Teahen and don't think about trying someone over Pierre or Dunn.
  12. Where's the heart with this White Sox team in 2011? We could have stepped all over the Cubs and we let them back into the game. Jesus.
  13. QUOTE (Flash Tizzle @ Jun 20, 2011 -> 07:41 PM) And I know Konerko has a HR, but jesus, he has had about four hangers from Zambrano alone in his ABs that he has just stared at. If we actually had a DH, that might also be helpful. That hanger to Konerko was high to take a legit hack at...not a normal Paulie swing path. Now Gavin's doing his best Edwin Jackson impersonation. Lovely. We should be leading this game by 2-3 runs.
  14. The one guy you don't let beat you and we can't even figure that out. It's not like Cubs' games aren't available for anyone in the Sox organization to watch.
  15. Wow...Carmona just got ripped to shreds. Indians now down 7-4 after leading 4-1.
  16. At other message boards, the answer to that question probably would be yes. That's why SoxTalk is the best site, to me...because there's more tolerance for freedom of expression. If we live in a society where common phrases that were used in the 1970's suddenly became the grounds for firing from a job (or being banned from a message board)....there HAVE to be more important things to worry about in the country and the world, aren't there? I'm sure if you went through lots of 80's and even 90's movies, you would see the phrase "stop acting retarded" or "that's retarded" used numerous times. I suppose, when it's aimed at one specific person, it could be perceived as being more hurtful than just a "generalized" usage, but if you start parsing words, meaning, intention...it's a VERY slippery slope. Freedom of speech has always been one of the most important values.
  17. Tiger Woods and President Obama have both got caught up in this very same debate. I think it was Tiger saying something about acting/playing like a "spaz" after a round at the Masters. http://itre.cis.upenn.edu/~myl/languagelog...ves/003020.html Then there was the bowling/Special Olympics controversy with Obama, if you remember. If you're African-American, the "n" word will always be the most charged word any non-black person except for Eminem can say. If you have someone in your family afflicted with a physical or mental disability, that's certainly going to be #1 sensitive issue. Gays and lesbians, etc. I remember when I was younger, my mom used the phrase "acting Jewish" and then I heard someone refer to the owner of the White Sox in that manner (because of the "low payroll") and it never really dawned on me until I grew older how hurtful that could be. Then there are movies like Borat or There's Something About Mary that make fun of "political correctness" and are deliberately over-the-top in order to provoke. Can Sascha Baron Cohen be racist or prejudiced if he's making fun of his own religion, for example? We've seen it ourselves with Ozzie, Mariotti and the whole "fa-" debate. If Ozzie was a white manager, would he have still kept his job?
  18. "Your Highness" might be the worst movie ever made with such a strong cast. Don't think Mr. McBride will be writing any more screenplays for a while.
  19. QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Jun 20, 2011 -> 07:04 AM) I know I say this EVERY year. But if Ramirez or Escobar don't win the AL GG I will do something tragic. I'll do something that will make this board famous. On the plus side, his not winning might mean far less "Lowe's" commercials that we'd have to be pounded over the head with. The one with Farmer and Alexei has to be the worst one I've ever heard in my life!!! I think I would rather listen to Rongey extol the virtues of Pierre, Ohman and Teahen in the clubhouse than hear it again
  20. Saw in the paper this morning that Ozzie was second in a poll to Jeff Conine The Barbarian for who fans in South Florida wanted as their next manager. 38% tracking/Q number for Ozzerroo.
  21. QUOTE (Brian @ Jun 19, 2011 -> 08:07 AM) Never knew Soderberg left MONEYBALL. Aaron Sorkin's certainly a great pick-up for the project as one of the screenwriters. Usually, everything he touches is gold.
  22. QUOTE (greg775 @ Jun 19, 2011 -> 06:38 PM) Cause Ozzie is old news. He's been here a long time and people are tired of him. They don't like the fact he calls for the bunt once in a while as all managers do. And they are mad he plays Pierre this year and Kotsay before that. His credentials, however, guarantee he'll have a managing job somewhere until he decides to take up golf everyday. Greg, your "once in a while" comment is going to get you lambasted by the real statistics and our abysmal success percentage in those situations. This is like the two camps fighting over Greg Walker for years now. Well, the first place Cleveland Indians fired their hitting coach after a stretch where they hit as well as we did against the same dominant starting pitching from mid-April through the beginning of May. I guess that will be something of a case study for mid-season changes in the coaching staff. Although a managerial change like Geren or Gonzalez is more significant...but I read where six different hitting or pitching coaches have been fired/resigned in the last couple of weeks. Do you honestly believe Ozzie Guillen is still the best possible manager to maximize the potential of this White Sox team? Let's put it this way....would you wager your house that Ozzie would win the division against my house if I could have anyone not currently managing a major league team as Ozzie's replacement? Of course, there's no way to "prove" (besides computer simulation programs) what would happen if we did have a new manager. And, just to make you happy, I'll remove Torre from my list.
  23. 54.6 IP, 36 hits This guy is no joke....and he gave up something like 10 hits and 5 runs in his last start.....the rest of his season, only 6 ER TOTAL All with a FB that tops out at 88.
  24. QUOTE (JoshPR @ Jun 19, 2011 -> 02:51 PM) Yeah once and a while.... A long while Teahen and Ohman, not so much.
  25. QUOTE (southsideirish71 @ Jun 19, 2011 -> 02:32 PM) Rongey was on Whitesox weekly going into a with what they pay Pierre giving him away for nothing would be wasteful. It's better to keep him around in the hopes that he can provide some value. Looks like bagdad bob got him marching orders and is filling the airwaves with this wisdom. Who's our "Chemical Ali" ?? So how does Rongey explain giving up on MacDougal and Linebrink? Weren't those deals wasteful? Manny Ramirez? Will Ohman? Mark Teahen? That was the worst National Anthem I've ever heard....unless the little girl's father died fighting in war, I'm not sure what the DBacks were thinking.
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