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Everything posted by caulfield12

  1. I'm now starting to wonder with our current 3-15 stretch if we can actually go 2-11 over the next 13 games to "reverse" match our WINNING streak last year? TWILIGHT ZONE TIME. 6 in a row lost at home, no more than 4 runs scored in any of those games. BTW, Oakland and the Angels are 1-2 in AL pitching, both with ERA's under 3. And we face Pineda and King Felix. Perfect Storm, here we come!
  2. Speaking of swagger, the Indians are going for their 5th series sweep of the season. This year in insane. Sox and Twins both down by 5 runs and on the verge of total self-immolation.
  3. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ May 1, 2011 -> 01:44 PM) You guys continue to have no idea what the average "4th starter" is. That's a guy with an ERA around 5.5. Fine, Mark Buehrle is still a 3rd starter, too. It doesn't matter, the Indians are about to put us 10 GB. 100+ years of baseball history is against us now.
  4. Might as well just go ahead and bench Rios and play Lillibridge instead. Things couldn't be any worse. PS: When's the last time Beckham and really turned on a ball and driven it to LF?
  5. Well, if it's any consolation, Detroit finally untied the game and the games back margin MIGHT not sink to 10. Royals up by 3 runs on the Twins, 5-2. Eerie how the Sox and Twins are sliding and sliding downwards in tandem and meet for the ultimate season-saving showdown.
  6. QUOTE (Chet Kincaid @ May 1, 2011 -> 02:30 PM) I usually listen to Farmio and DJ, but I'm getting tired of DJ's "We got some wo-rk to doooo". I didn't know it was this bad for Hawk. I've never ever seen this much bad luck before in any sport. The way he says Carlos Qwenn-TIN is more annoying by far. At least those guys have the Bears to promote with the draft pick in the box. Rios showing how NOT to play a flyball by drifting, drifting, drifting with it instead of going back to the wall right away and then readjusting.
  7. At this point, it's pretty clear that Gavin Floyd is never going to be better than a 4th starter with occasional flashes of brilliance. Still has a lot of trade value though.
  8. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ May 1, 2011 -> 02:23 PM) I know they've been terrible, but do the stats actually show they've been the worst in MLB? I don't know about the SABR stats like UZR, but I'm sure about 50% of the misplays by Pierre and Rios these past 30 games haven't been ruled as errors, thus not accurately reflecting the true profundity of their suckiness. Quentin has actually been almost solid out there compared to the rest of our outfielders. Milledge was also horrible. There's trouble/danger lurking here SHEREEE.
  9. Dog Day Afternoon has now become "Old Yeller" for the Sox marketing team. Have to put this team and season out of its misery soon. At least the 2007 team gave us a couple of months of entertainment.
  10. QUOTE (fathom @ May 1, 2011 -> 02:19 PM) I wonder if Ozzie will play Dunn against him. I would have rather had Dunn sit vs Liriano and play against Britton, as the sinker ball is more in his wheelhouse than the Liriano slider. Liriano doesn't have any control at all so far this season. It's an absolute crapshoot trying to figure out match-ups on an individual game basis with the way things are going.
  11. Unbelieveably, Sizemore just left a runner on 3B with one out. Still tied 2-2 going into the 8th in CLE.
  12. Twins are also losing 2-0 in KC and are in danger of losing their 6th in a row I think. Detroit and CLE tied 2-2 going into the bottom of the 7th.
  13. The dreaded 1-2 change-up to speed up Scott's bat. MAKE IT STOP! Correction, hanging/rolling slow curveball. Exact same pitch on 2 straight.
  14. Well, the 1983 White Sox were 16-24 and 7 games back on May 26th. That was their low point. Of course, citing examples that happen once every 20-30 years (or 2006 Cardinals, 05 Astros, Rockies, etc.) doesn't instill too much confidence.
  15. Wow, one of the slowest starting gamethreads of the season. Can't say it's not completely understandable.
  16. http://www.imdb.com/media/rm807242240/nm0050584 Thought Carl Everett was one of the Rock's DSS agents at first. The resemblance isn't quite the same in his pictures as I saw in "Fast Five."
  17. QUOTE (Marty34 @ Apr 30, 2011 -> 09:50 PM) Yes, it's panic time. No sure-fire options, but here's what I'd do. Pena (dl), Sale & Morel sent down. Kinney, Infante, and De Aza up. Lineup v. R. 8 Rios 7 De Aza 9 Quentin DH Dunn 3 Konerko 5 Teahan 6 Ramirez 2 AJ 4 Beckham Lineup v. L 8 Rios 5 Lillibridge 9 Quentin 3 Konerko DH Dunn 6 Ramirez 2 Castro 7 Pierre 4 Beckham Bullpen Closer: Santos, Setup Thornton, Crain, Middle: Infante, Ohman, Gray, Long: Kinney. Start Sale in minors. You do realize that Lillibridge has very little experience at 3B, and that he's been mostly a SS and 2B his entire career with the Braves? You do also realize that the team started to get hot when we inserted Vizquel in 2010 and Uribe at the end of 2008....both players who are solid defensively. Teahen's not going to help our "seive-ish" or porous defense get any better. And with the offense not scoring any runs, we'll need to prevent as many runs from scoring as possible.
  18. "The Pohlads are too cheap to go beyond the $113 million pay roll they now have" What more do you want them to do? Who do you want them to bring in? Who's available for what we have right now? I don't see this as rock bottom. There are no pitchers pitching well---don't ya think they should have known this was coming? They gave up six guys who were pretty good last year in the bullpen. There are guys playing who would not be playing for anyone else. Why would we think these guys are going to start hitting? It is not going to happen. I think the Twins franchise started to believe they would win just because they are the Twins. When that feeling encompasses an organization - watch out - you are going to get throttled. And we are and will continue to be. Hopefully the players will be embarrassed and will get back to being hungry for the 2012 season. But, it will take significant losses and roster changes in the next 11 months for that to happen." I quote this simply because I believe the White Sox were also overconfident coming out of the gate, especially after the first two games when they simply dismembered the Indians. Then the Alexei triple play, the constant bullpen implosions, the team is just sort of shell-shocked. They hit that run of really good pitching and they're about to go through the same buzzsaw again for the next two weeks. What team emerges at the end of the tunnel, God only knows. But you can't blame most of this on the closer situation anymore. It goes way beyond that. Now every game there are 2-3 mental errors and 2-3 physical errors that are almost inexplicable for modern baseball players. You really thought after beating the Yankees twice in a row in the "Stadium" they would snap out of it, but just the opposite has happened.
  19. Just out of curiosity, how many game threads have been closed before the game actually ends?
  20. Don't tempt me to return to Dark Cloud-ism. It will start a reign of terror and fear unparalled since the Inquisition and the French Revolution.
  21. QUOTE (since56 @ Apr 30, 2011 -> 09:29 PM) Kw has put together a collection of talented players, instead of a team. Which has been the case every season since 2005, especially 2006. TOO much tinkering. You can't change out 8-10 players every season without suffering a loss in team chemistry and cohesiveness. That's where the Twins have the advantage. They've promoted players in waves who have won together in the minors, were drafted and developed together, by the time they leave the organization, they've often been playing together for 8-10 years. With that philosophy, you learn how to trust in and rely on your teammates. It's only now that they have a huge payroll and have lost the chip on their shoulder that they're struggling not being in the perpetual underdog/Piranha role.
  22. If Bell is named manager, I'm going to become the 2nd J4Life around here.
  23. The funny thing is that they were out there Saturday for early bunting practice as a team. Little help that did. Camp Cora. And Ozzie's mid-season tirades about fundamentals that change things for about 3-5 games and then the old patterns and habits are resuscitated. I agree. It's very hard to imagine the malaise or funk they're currently in turning around, especially with the West Coast looming. This might be the most interesting Twins-Sox two game set in recent memory. I'm predicting that whichever team sweeps it, they'll go on to win the ALCD. In all likelihood, it will be a split. Neither team is playing well enough to beat each other two consecutive games.
  24. QUOTE (greg775 @ Apr 30, 2011 -> 09:18 PM) I watched it too. I'm constantly totally amazed at how many weak pop ups our guys hit. And how games just utterly turn to crap and steamroll out of control at some point. Do you realize since the bullpen implosion when we were 7-4 or whatever, we have had what, one save situation? Two save situations? We're not even in games. Yep, this week against the Yankees, the first two. And the other win was in Tampa Bay, where we won 1 of 4 games to even the season series somehow.
  25. QUOTE (La Marr Hoyt HOF @ Apr 30, 2011 -> 09:11 PM) What's the point/value of a manager if he's not accountable for performance? The exact same question was asked of Rongey in the post-game. He kind of danced around it and decided not to argue too much, it was more along the lines of my response above. By the way, we've just witnessed the "second string quarterback" with Cora managing the last two games. Not much reason to believe he's the one to do it. It's one thing to take out the manager is mid-season, but Walker and Baines would probably both leave (I know, I know, Bainsey isn't a huge loss) with Ozzie. That's a pretty dramatic change to make. Cox and Cooper would stick it out. That's my guess at least. As Fathom has mentioned numerous times, Cooper would really love to manage this team. It's a theory. At least you have the idea he's separate from the ex-Sox players "clique" that Ozzie has surrounded himself with.
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