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Everything posted by caulfield12

  1. QUOTE (The Ginger Kid @ Jul 21, 2009 -> 03:43 PM) Poor BA...he used to be the subject of beefcake threads. Oh how the mighty have fallen. I limit my crushes to players with at least a 700 OPS. And to Alyssa Milano, just because not many hot chicks also dig baseball.
  2. QUOTE (Rowand44 @ Jul 21, 2009 -> 04:02 PM) No excuses for him anymore. The point is he's better than Wise, that's all. He's better offensively, he's better defensively, Wise is faster but it's not like Anderson is Konerko on the bases. As for this division not being won but Anderson's superior glove in the late inning, most likely that's the case, but I'm sure glad we didn't have to find out what would have happened if Anderson didn't make that diving catch in the 9th in the one game playoff last season. It was a slightly above average play that about 22-25 starting MLB centerfielders would/should also have made. Let's not overstate it.
  3. QUOTE (flavum @ Jul 21, 2009 -> 04:00 PM) Prediction: Torres stays up the rest of the year, and starts at least 10 games. Prediction: Kyyie and Larry Eustachy end up on either facebook.com or myspace.com with BA's and Gordon Beckham's "slayed hotties" in a hot tub holding Milwaukee's Best cans. ISU "inside" joke...sorry. If only a certain un-named basketball player was around to rob the local Burger King.
  4. Last time I checked the survey results, White Sox fans were reportedly smarter than Cubs fans...so I trust we'll be able to get the thread back on track without massive traumatization to anyone's day-to-day existence.
  5. QUOTE (Heads22 @ Jul 21, 2009 -> 02:37 PM) Thank God he was extended for seven years. It's hard to find a coach with that s***ty of a record against Iowa State. Not really, Steve Alford certainly qualifies. Unfortunately, Lickliter might be even worse bringing in talent and/or running off athletic players who might actually be able to competently play in the Big10.
  6. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Jul 21, 2009 -> 02:28 PM) Do you ever stay on subject for the full length of a post? You said Sherrill was the equivalent of Thornton/Richard, I pointed out that saying Thornton/Richard is like saying any lefty/any lefty. You then asked how many other teams have lefties who happen to be in the 94-98 range (which is a pretty broad range), which is not what I was talking about, nor is it what you were talking about originally. I need to go beat my head on a brick wall. That's because you went to Iowa State apparently...and I went to Iowa, so there you go. How is Thornton/Richard JUST like any lefty/lefty? What does that even mean? Which teams have a tandem or trio of three lefties coming out of the pen like we do (or could have)? Why do you underestimate Richard so much, because he has been pitching so poorly as a starter recently? I'll narrow the range, 95-98, if that appeases you. I will also go to beating my head against a brick wall like Kirk Ferentz must feel every year after somehow losing to ISU inexplicably with superior talent.
  7. I vote for Pods, Jon Garland or Jose Valentin's manly moustache. No votes for Ron Karkovice, Willie McGee, Tyrone Hill or Randy Johnson?
  8. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Jul 21, 2009 -> 02:14 PM) Richard does not throw 94-98 consistently. He throws 92-93 consistently, occasionally hitting 95 when he reaches back for extra. Thornton is 96-97 like clockwork, occasionally 98. They are entirely different in delivery, pitches, velocity, strengths/weaknesses... again, except for the lefthandedness. Still looking for answer to question, what other team possesses what we have, not to mention Poreda as well? Second, Richard had numerous starts when he was 93-95 MPH this season, on various guns. Why WOULDN'T we be able to extrapolate that he could easily/comfortably throw 93-94-95-96 coming out of the bullpen? Did anyone predict Richard would be throwing 2-3 MPH harder than Poreda this season? I don't think so. Or that he could possibly be one of the two center pieces in a trade for Jake Peavy?
  9. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Jul 21, 2009 -> 02:13 PM) we pretty much ruined Freddy Garcia's career. No, Seattle and Piniella did. Look how many injuries Gil Meche had out there, as well...they really abused him his first 5-6 years in the big leagues. He was consistently 94-96/97 MPH with his FB when he came up. He was usually high 80's and mostly lower 90's with us. Interesting note on the White Sox offense.... We're now EXACTLY tied with the American League statistical average of a .761 OPS and 11 runs behind the AL Runs Scored Average, trailing the 440 average by 11 runs at 429. Amazing how much Beckham, Pods and a more confident Getz have meant to this offense. Greg Walker's name has disappeared from SoxTalk and even Dick Allen's vocabulary for the time being (along with Orlando Cabrera and arbitration). IF IF IF Quentin stays healthy, they could average 800 ops from here on out, easily.
  10. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Jul 21, 2009 -> 02:03 PM) Thornton and Richard are nothing alike other than being left-handed. What other team has two lefties that both can throw 94-98 MPH consistently out of the bullpen?
  11. With our 39,000+ attendance from last night, we should be able to go out and get Tim Belcher or Ken Hill now. Note to Paulie, JD, AJ, and Thome: Please, if KW comes to you THIS year, like in 2006, and asks if additional help is needed at the trade deadline, PLEASE SAY YES.
  12. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Jul 21, 2009 -> 02:56 PM) Probably because we have one of the best collections of pen arms in baseball, one of whom is a pending FA, and we have a few apparently good RP prospects ready at AAA, and we just traded for a younger, cheaper one. Makes perfect sense to me. We would have to give away additional prospects with Liney or eat salary....especially after his performance the last 4-6 weeks (see Richard, Clayton and Poreda, Aaron for other Sox pitchers who have lost a bit of luster). With Dotel, we won't get much of anything back at all, but clearing his salary gives us the ability to "rent" a CFer (Endy Chavez, for example) or veteran 3B. Plus, as expected, Pena has been very inconsistent already, just as he was with the D-Backs for most of this season.
  13. I wonder if KW is going to consider trading for veteran players Melvin Mora or A. Huff for 3B, with Beckham moving to 2B? Maybe 10% odds? Sherrill is the other Orioles player reportedly being offered up in trade, but he would be way too expensive to acquire...plus, we already have his equivalent in Thornton/Richard (eventually) down in the pen.
  14. http://blogs2.startribune.com/blogs/neal/2...L7PQLanchO7DiUr 175 posts about the Twins' Front Office, GM and "bad" manager Ron Gardenhire after last night's horrific loss... How many of you would "trade" Ozzie for Gardenhire, straight-up, to be our manager for the rest of the season? Or for Jim Leyland, who abuses almost all of his best starters and runs their arms into the ground historically? Yeah, the Cubs' loss was a tough one to take, but Ozzie really had a lot of faith in Liney up until that game, based on the 2008 season when he was healthy (like Hermanson the first half of 2005).
  15. Poreda, who is the Sox top pitching prospect, was used sporadically since being promoted to Chicago on June 9th. Poreda pitched well (2.45 ERA, 9H, 12K, 8 BB, 11IP) in all but his final appearance, where he faced two batters with the bases loaded and preceded to walk both of them. PROCEEDED...
  16. http://sports.yahoo.com/mlb/news;_ylt=AkuX...o&type=lgns White Sox NOT included in the list of potential suitors in this particular article.
  17. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jul 21, 2009 -> 11:02 AM) We do have a real habit over the years of having guys stall at the AAAA level who go on to be solid relievers with other teams, don't we? Rauch Majewski Frank Francisco (wouldn't describe him as stalled, though) Aardsma Javier Lopez with Boston Masset MacDougal Jesus Pena (joking) Chad Bradford Josh Fogg Rocky Biddle
  18. QUOTE (Kalapse @ Jul 21, 2009 -> 10:46 AM) Andy Sisco. Don't know how many of these guys actually had TJ surgery... Lorenzo Barcelo Jim Parque Jason Stumm Corwin Malone Danny Wright Jon Rauch (labrum) Rocky Biddle Bobby Howry Kelly Wunsch James Baldwin Mike Sirotka Kyle Kane Kris Honel Brian West
  19. QUOTE (That funky motion @ Jul 20, 2009 -> 10:23 PM) I agree with you that BA will only be a 4th OF and his swing sucks. But the only manager that would keep Wise over BA is Ozzie. Do you really think KW completely disagreed and wanted to keep BA on the roster? I think they know maybe he COULD POSSIBLY get hot down in AAA playing everyday and maybe they could capitalize on that if they can't find a replacement for Wise.
  20. All I know is that we should get someone like Endy Chavez that can actually handle the bat (a little bit) and can play all three outfield positions extremely well. Yes, KW, those players DO exist. We can't keep having Pods/Wise/Dye trying to hold down leads from the 7th inning on. That's just a recipe for disaster.
  21. Has there ever been a worse defensive outfield in the history of the game than the one we're trotting out there now?
  22. Can Jenks please just have ONE 1-2-3 inning every couple of weeks or so?
  23. Who is playing CF now? What did Jenks eat for breakfast? Power Wheaties?
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