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Everything posted by caulfield12

  1. Who is playing CF now? What did Jenks eat for breakfast? Power Wheaties?
  2. Beckham and Ramirez look like a consistent 20/20 club waiting to happen up the middle with steals and homers each season. 30/30 would be amazing, and Ramirez is the more likely one there....but we'll easily settle for 20/20 every year. Who got sent down to make way for Quentin, BTW?
  3. QUOTE (fathom @ Jul 20, 2009 -> 08:38 PM) Linebrink's fastball is at 93-94 mph. The problem is it's so straight, and he rarely throws an offspeed pitch. He had pinpoint control the first half of last year, and that has totally abandoned him. What happened to his slider? Seems the bottom of the order has let us down a little in this game, but what can you expect with Fields having sat for so long? Nix usually is a good match-up with lefties, though. Atta boy Gordo, don't go down quietly.
  4. QUOTE (JohnCangelosi @ Jul 20, 2009 -> 08:35 PM) How could Thornton have gotten Longoria who is right handed??? I don't understand? Don't we need to have a righty pitch him? Kidding. What a joke Ozzie is with this righty on righty BS. Nothing more over played in this game of baseball, that s*** doesn't matter. Bring in your best f***ing pitcher for the 8th and 9th and close the f***ing god damn game out, for christ f***ing sake! I'm a little relieved Ozzie didn't bring in Jenks to face Longoria...just a hunch, seems Ozzie had the same feeling, too.
  5. What pitcher in the bullpen isn't scary right now? We have to get something out of Pena, Linebrink seems done, at least for now...until his good fastball comes back. Can't believe we didn't score in the bottom of the 6th or 7th, let's hope it can stand up. By all appearances on the net, though, a great game...very entertaining. Wish we could have put it away earlier, but we can still score some runs here.
  6. Grudzielanek is not a SS anymore. He will be replacing Casilla (.177) and Tolbert over at 2B. Punto, Buscher, Harris and Delmon Young will all continue to get significant playing time, and their OPS numbers are pretty abysmal, even compared to the White Sox.
  7. Whatever Beckham's doing off the field, we haven't heard nearly as many stories as were circulating about Brian Anderson's late nights and "hunnies"...I think with Ozzie, he doesn't really care what you do off the field, as long as you perform when the lights come on. But if you're underachieving AND going out all the time, woe is you!
  8. QUOTE (nitetrain8601 @ Jul 19, 2009 -> 09:38 PM) How is he supposed to gain experience in a situation like that if you want to keep him out of a situation like that without giving him experience in that situation? You and a couple of others just made a huge Catch 22 with him. Ozzie needs to use him, Ozzie set him up to fail by using him today. It's one thing of Poreda was wild, but has showed amazing stuff. He has yet to show amazing stuff. Right now, he's much worse than MacDougal because he has jack s*** going for him. He should be traded while his value is high. This place reminds me of Soxtalk a couple of years ago when they would do whatever it took to protect Jeff Bajanaru. You mean Bajenaru, Joe Valentine, Rob Purvis, Brian West, Kevin Beirne and Aaron Myette weren't ready for greatness?
  9. QUOTE (TheBigHurt @ Jul 19, 2009 -> 09:36 PM) Yeah, like I'm the only guy who complains. Did you happen to notice that the thread is on the SUBJECT of Ozzie's mismanaging? Thanks for the inept reply. You have have all the credit for a win you want (and I do give credibility when it's due), but it doesn't change the fact he does some really inexcusably stupid things, and as I keep saying, no excuse or pathetic argument an Ozzie defender will make ("He's not the only one who makes mistakes," your excuse, etc.) changes that. It really amazes me to no end that with all the supposed intelligent fans on this board, I have yet to see someone make a point that disproves what I'm saying. But I'm not getting into this again. Not worth it. So which managers (not named Ozzie Guillen) do you think would have led us to a championship in 2005? Cito Gaston? Jerry Manuel? Wally Backman? I'm sure the usual answers (Gardenhire, Torre, Tom Kelly, LaRussa, Maddon, Scioscia, Francona, Leyland, Ken Macha, Piniella, etc.) Right?
  10. QUOTE (Kenny Hates Prospects @ Jul 19, 2009 -> 10:04 PM) Coming off a WS win you can't hardly blame them for going for it. I just hope it gets done soon if he really is going to Philly. And the NL has to be the Jays preference anyway. We did the exact same thing in 2006 with the additions of Thome, Mackowiak, Vazquez, etc. It just didn't work out...and Rollins is having a pretty horrible season offensively, they could use some help from the pitching to complement Utley and Howard. And of course, Werth wasn't going to continue to play like an All-Star.
  11. QUOTE (TheBigHurt @ Jul 19, 2009 -> 07:58 PM) Yes, and no one will ever convince me otherwise after that s***job "managing" he did in that game vs the Cubs we gave away. But... I have EYES. It didn't take me NEAR that long to realize Ozzie is an idiot. But couldn't we find 54 games for even the "great" managers in a season and pick apart their moves and say they contributed to their teams losing those games? Why doesn't Ozzie get credit when we win, but only blame for losing that 5-1 lead to the Cubs, to the Pirates (Jenks isn't at fault either) or failing to take 3/5 against the Tigers, because Ozzie apparently is the home plate umpire, too.
  12. QUOTE (BearSox @ Jul 19, 2009 -> 06:47 PM) People have mentioned getting Rolen, Rios, and Wells back in a trade, but what about Marco Scutaro? If we give up Alexei, they have to move Scutaro or Rolen, but getting Scutaro back instead of Rolen makes a lot more sense from a financial standpoint. He's only owed about 1 million after this season. However, he'd likely raise the cost more because he'll probably get at least type B comp in the offseason. Plus, Scutaro is a Venezuelan SS. We always say how Ozzie will bring in so many Venezuelans, but that's never materialized. We kind of ran off Ordonez (understandably) and couldn't get Miggy Cabrera. I guess there's Santeliz in the minors, that's about it.
  13. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jul 19, 2009 -> 06:29 PM) On BA not earning playing time, I'll totally agree. I just can't see how anyone could make a case that Wise will put up an 800 OPS against anyone and Anderson won't. Simple...is BA putting up a 800 OPS (or close to it) against EITHER RHP or LHPing? Ozzie knows that Wise is capable of doing that at least, as recently as last season...he witnessed it first-hand.
  14. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Jul 19, 2009 -> 06:26 PM) Yeah, that's weak. I was thinking though, I really do have a theory now as to why Ozzie played Wise all three games this past series. And no, its not "cuz he's fasssssssssssssssst". I think they are probably going to be getting rid of Wise in the next few days, when Quentin returns, and they are trying to give DeWayne more playing time on the off chance some other organization wants to have him. Not that he's worth anything in trade probably, but at least Wise can go get a job. Just my recent pet theory. I could very well be wrong. Lillibridge and Fields are still worth MUCH more than Wise. 10 Wises are worth less than 1 BA, one of my least favorite players. Betemit is worth more than Wise, even.
  15. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jul 19, 2009 -> 06:12 PM) Really? That's the best you've got? This is Ozzie's way of demonstrating to KW that he needs something different, putting Wise out there every day? Clearly Ozzie believes that by giving Wise almost all the AB's against RHP, he can capture (or recapture) his .800 OPS against them in the second half and get on a hot streak finally, like at the end of 2008. Defensively, there's obviously no comparison. That and the fact he also believes Wise's speed on the basepaths is more valuable to the line-up than BA's defense in the field. So it's really, 640 OPS BA versus 800 (if he can do it) OPS Wise, and that's clearly a decision that could go either way, with arguments on both sides. Also clearly, BA didn't do anything to prove he should play everyday or get more playing time.
  16. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Jul 19, 2009 -> 05:52 PM) I am usually a defender of Ozzie, because I think he is doing things at times that people here don't see the long term view on. However, this season, there are two things he has done which are just not good, short or long term. One is the DeWayne Wise show (and don't talk to me about 1 at-bat today). The other is, Poreda is just sitting there in the 'pen getting rusty, which makes zero sense. I don't care so much exactly what situations he has him go in, I just want to see him pitch some damn innings. He's being misused and it drives me nuts. Have you ever thought maybe Ozzie's trying to demonstrate clearly that he needs some help at that position? That he doesn't have the confidence to play Anderson everyday (because of his 630-650 OPS typically) and that he believes the odds of Wise getting hot and putting up an 800 OPS against righties with consistent playing time outweighs the defensive benefits of Anderson. Surely you don't want to play Anderson, Kroeger or Lillibridge in CF every game?
  17. QUOTE (BearSox @ Jul 19, 2009 -> 04:21 PM) In my proposal, we have Ramirez going to Toronto for Halladay. So we wouldn't have to bench anyone. That's the proposal that requires us to play Nix/Fields at 3B. Which is STILL infinitely better than dealing Alexei and Floyd/Danks, because trading either young starter blows yet another hole in our rotation for the not-so-distant future. If we're 100% sure Quentin comes back healthy, then you can THINK about acquiring Halladay. Otherwise, you're going to cripple the future of this franchise in uncertain economic times for a 50% probability of making the playoffs (when Minnesota doesn't play NY/BOS/TB and Detroit ends with MIN and us at home) and then the certainly higher than 12.5% chance of us getting to the World Series and winning it with the Top 4 we'd have in Halladay/Buehrle/Danks/Floyd...assuming we could make the trade WITHOUT Floyd or Danks, and just Ramirez. So do you make the trade with roughly 1/8 odds of both winning the ALCD and then winning it all COMBINED, it create a much, much lower probability of having a team that could win it all in 2011/2012/2013??
  18. QUOTE (Lemon_44 @ Jul 19, 2009 -> 03:54 PM) did you ever think Ozzie,instead of the ridiculous claim that he was setting him up to fail, put him in a tough spot to prove himself. Let's say Poreda gets out of that jam then Ozzie has another viable lefty he can bring in tough spots. Poreda didn't get the job done, so be it. When you think about it, Ozzie put him a no-lose situation. If he fails,like he did, he's a rookie in tough spot.No biggie.If he comes through, he shows he merits more time. Bingo, winner winner chicken dinner.
  19. QUOTE (knightni @ Jul 19, 2009 -> 03:57 PM) There's a difference in a guy with 4 years of mlb closing experience and a guy who's been a reliever all of 11 innings in his entire pro career. Poreda still is working on his offspeed pitches and has control issues. He's not used to coming into games with runners on base. He was a walk (or two) just waiting to happen. Obviously, that was NOT the time for Jenks. Thornton has pitched a lot recently. Who would you have used instead of Poreda in that situation, with those two batters coming up? Pena, Carrasco, Dotel or Linebrink? If we constantly have to use Dotel and Linebrink in games where we're trailing, then they're going to be toast by the end of the season...
  20. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jul 19, 2009 -> 02:45 PM) Given how he was admittedly reluctant to do so when Becks first came up (we had at least a couple threads on that), I'd say the answer for the first couple weeks was "Edict from above" and now it's "my God he's just that good". Ozzie's basic defense with Beckham (and he addressed this yesterday in the post-game) is that he wanted to "protect the kid" and he didn't want the media to get too ahead of themselves in setting expectations too high for Gordon. Fair enough. Obviously, they've seen MUCH more of Poreda, both in the minors, Spring Training and now with the big league club, and there are still serious reservations about using him in key situations. It's just as likely their options in AAA/AA are worse...which was yet another reason for the acquisition of Pena, even though he's obviously right-handed (and insurance for Linebrink or the possible trade of Dotel to another contender).
  21. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jul 19, 2009 -> 03:43 PM) If Ozzie doesn't have confidence in him right now, then what's he doing on the big league roster anyway? Because in our X-Files alternative universe, Ozzie and/or Cooper don't want him up with the big league club, but KW is forcing their hands.
  22. QUOTE (knightni @ Jul 19, 2009 -> 03:39 PM) He set up Poreda to fail today. He hasn't pitched in a week, he's already wild. Let's throw him in there rusty with the bases loaded! It gives Ozzie a reason to not pitch him or have him sent to AAA. So Ozzie deliberately set up Jenks to fail yesterday as well, because he hadn't pitched for a week since the ASB? These are professional athletes paid to play a kid's game, why should they be treated like babies and their failures rationalized? He just didn't get the job done. If there's a BA/Aaron Poreda/Sean Tracey "conspiracy," why does Ozzie keep playing Gordon Beckham, a rookie, every single game?
  23. QUOTE (Flash Tizzle @ Jul 19, 2009 -> 03:16 PM) Guillen's still an idiot, but I didn't call him a psychopath -- just you. I'm amazed you were able to stay on track without being sidetracked by the odd thoughts running through your mind that make it onto this message board. Apparently you've never heard of the associative theory...but a bunch of people talking about having sex with Megan Fox, Anne Hathaway or Shawn Johnson, those are perfectly normal things to talk about in PHT. I think name-calling belonged at wsi, not over here? Do you think you will ever find an instance of me calling a poster, a "psychopath"? Seriously, feel free to disagree with what I write, block me, ban me for not loving Brian Anderson or Aaron Poreda, but at least try to be civil.
  24. There is your answer. Ozzie is an idiot...but I am just a psychopath, and so is Ozzie, because he doesn't know what's best for the White Sox, apparently. But posters on a message board can see something our own scouts, manager, coaches and front office cannot.
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