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Everything posted by caulfield12

  1. QUOTE (Heads22 @ Sep 26, 2008 -> 04:19 PM) Though with Cabrera and Wise (up until the last coupple of nights) hitting well at the top of the order, it sure would have been nice to have someone that didn't suck in the 3 hole. Has anything come out at all about Dye and off-field problems, or an injury? DJ made a comment (surreptitious/circumspect) about some type of issue, and that it was bothering or lingering with JD. The only thing I can compare it to is Jose over the last couple of seasons when things were going down behind the scenes with his divorce and he was just pitching like his pre-acquisition form...totally different player you didn't even recognize.
  2. I guess you create your own luck...for whatever reasons, the really good teams find a way to have the breaks go their way. While the Gomez blown call at 2B and the ball that dropped an inch and a half off the line yesterday will be cited as reasons for our losses, sometimes things just go your way. Call it the "baseball gods." (Of course, the baseball gods are very cruel, and punish teams like the A's, Twins and Braves over and over again...to the point where some of their fans dread making the playoffs for fear they will be embarassed or "one and done" yet again). Almost everything that could go wrong has for the White Sox (playing in the dome instead of US Cellular in the final series, Quentin's injury, the calls in that series, the decision to go with 3 day's rest instead of sticking to the regular rotation, etc.) has gone wrong. Decision-making from the dugout and from the catcher. Execution. Just like all the stars lined up behind the Sox three years ago. Yes, the White Sox theoretically could have gotten hot like the Cardinals a couple of seasons ago, but there really haven't been any reasons to believe that was possible based on our play the last two months. There was another stat quoted about our abysmal winning percentage against winning teams on the road, in general on the road, on the road in domed stadiums... I think I was reading another thread where someone said (and OC made this point, too) that the 2005 team just went out and expected to win games, and you knew many were over before they started. This year, we've instead found new and interesting ways to lose them. We don't have any one reliable aspect of our team that shows up on a day-to-day basis. We have a lot of talent, but a lack of collective belief in ourselves as a team. The fans sense this, I'm sure the players are aware of it, too. The 2005 team gets those breaks we were handed in the 6 run inning yesterday, they put the game out or reach...and the Twins have no belief with the Politte, Cotts, Jenks pen that a comeback is possible. Yesterday, we're all thinking of the various permutations that will prevent us from using any other reliever but Thornton and Jenks. Yesterday was telling, not even Linebrink and Dotel have Guillen's confidence right now. While it might have been better for selling season tickets in 2009, missing the playoffs aren't a disaster, although it would have made for good stories the first couple of days next week about the Cubs and Sox meeting in the WS. From a rooting standpoint, at least I can still pull for the Rays (or Twins) and against any team playing the Cubs. I think another big difference is that Contreras was just SO dominant. We forget about the roll he was on, and how well McCarthy pitched down the stretch. We weren't getting blown out down the stretch when we were collapsing, most of the games were quite close. Even then, we had games started by McCarthy and Jose that you felt VERY GOOD about winning, before the game even started. This year, despite the seemingly favorable match-ups, almost nothing has gone like predicted. In fact, the opposite has usually transpired. It has been an interesting and fun season to follow, but thoughts of "why do I follow White Sox baseball?" (or any sport in general, instead of doing more volunteer work, lol) are receding. Maybe I'll just change my mind. We were so close to having the playoffs you could feel it slipping away yesterday, all game long. As fathom said, it will be quite interesting to observe how the fans, team and coaches respond, as well as KW, the broadcasters will react/feel/hope or despair. Today feels a little like the day it would have felt like had we lost the Crede/Riske walk-off shot game. At this point, I'm not expecting the playoffs, just hoping against logical hope...but not surprised by any result.
  3. QUOTE (fathom @ Sep 26, 2008 -> 10:16 AM) I'm sure he's referring to Danks. Sounded more like a reference to Bobby Jenks.
  4. QUOTE (fathom @ Sep 26, 2008 -> 10:13 AM) I heard Lee will pitch if the game means anything. I wonder if Greinke will do the same?...sounds like that's a much more unlikely scenario at this point.
  5. The key is tonight. If we can hold serve SOMEHOW, then the pressure really is on Perkins tomorrow, who's been ever WORSE than Blackburn recently, if that's possible. Of course, he'll throw a shut-out and Meche will get knocked out in the 3rd. Then again, with Vazquez again on 3 day's rest, I guess all bets are off. And Liriano has been so tough for much of the second half, and he's at home, AND...well, there's always hope I guess. At least in Nicholas Sparks novels. If he stumbles yet again, I think KW will have to move him...and it looks like Swisher now, too. Not a good problem, dealing from a position of weakness instead of strength.
  6. QUOTE (DBAHO @ Sep 26, 2008 -> 09:50 AM) He's had a decent season, but he'll be what 37 next season. Depends on the O's asking price I guess. Also IIRC, he's not exactly the world's greatest fielde at 3rd base. Hence why I'd prefer Beltre instead. I'd give up Fields for him in a deal. After Olivo/Morse/Reed for Garcia and Thornton for Borchard, we would have to give up Fields, Poreda and Allen for Beltre, lol.
  7. QUOTE (fathom @ Sep 26, 2008 -> 09:44 AM) BTW, my prediction for White Sox 3rd baseman next year is Melvin Mora. I'd like a Roberts/Mora trade as much as the next guy, but for who? The only thing with Mora, I just don't like this idea of taking on contracts of players in their 30's anymore...at least Swisher, albeit a failure to this point, is close to in his prime. Maybe he's just not that good, I don't know. The results with Cabrera have been mixed. For whatever reason, he's gotten on Ozzie's bad side and it's hard to get back in his good graces. Maybe it's because O-Cab thinks of himself as the "on field" manager and there's a fight for control or authority or respect between the two. Also, I know Cabrer and Renteria (both Colombians) had a falling out. I wonder if maybe there's also an issue we don't know about...something that has happened besides the call to the booth, the leaving the clubhouse early, etc. I know a lot of Venezuelans and Colombians don't get along, from my one year living down there.
  8. QUOTE (Texsox @ Sep 26, 2008 -> 07:58 AM) ding ding ding That begins and ends all discussion about September. In fact it so perfectly sums up this moment, I just don't want to open any other thread. But couldn't we make the same argument, statistically, about our record since July 21/22nd, when Linebrink left his 8th inning set-up role?
  9. Williams wondered how many days the Sox had spent in first place since 2002. He said he couldn't believe they had been there so often and won only the one title, in 2005. He almost looked like he wanted to cry. Imagine how he felt after Carlos Gomez and the Twins kept fighting back and the Minnesota bullpen—the one that had been 4-14 since Aug. 4—handcuffed Chicago hitters. The Twins eventually tied the score in the eighth inning and won 7-6 in the 10th on Alexi Casilla's two-out single off an exhausted Bobby Jenks. Minnesota had completed a sweep that was imperative, moving into first place by a half-game over the stunned Sox. They have led the Central for 145 days this season and 464 since the start of 2002—almost exactly 40 percent of the time—but the Twins are the team that stands up at the end. from chicagosports.com (Phil Rogers) 1) Fact, in Williams' time, he has won one AL Central Division title (1/8=12.5) 2) Fact, in Williams' time, the Twins have won 5 out of 7 (71.4%) I would like for these numbers not to be true after Monday, but the odds are exceedingly in the Twins' favor. 3) Fact, the White Sox are 5-17 in games played in domed stadiums this year. There are about 500 threads here, so why not another one? At least the keyboards are fired up! I kept going back and forth and thinking about how painful this was, comparing it to 2000 or 1983 or 1993. It really reminded me of the game the Twins won when Denny Hocking hit a walkoff homer against Foulke for some reason, that game sticks out in my mind. I went back and forth between anger and sadness, wishing that Guillen would implode or resign, and definitely that Walker would be asked for his walking papers. Bainsey, too. Just for once, I wanted us to be able to say that we beat the Twins in a division race where both teams were pretty equally matched. It doesn't matter if the Twins go down 3 and out to the D-Rays (which would be likely if they can't use Liriano and Slowey is also out)...and we can go back to the old 2005 >>> five playoff appearances argument. I can't imagine Williams keeping his job if it weren't for 2005...after last season. He's done a good job, all things considered, to put the team in a position to compete, just like he did in 2003 and 2006. I would gladly go through three seasons of below .500 baseball if I knew at the end of it we would finally have a great team again. The problem with KW's philosophy is it's not unlike that of the Kansas City Chiefs (putting together competitive teams season after season, just not quite good enough to get to the playoffs or do damage there)...but when the wheels come off, they really come off!!! I can't even say that I was shocked or suprised at the final result. Everyone knows that Jenks isn't the same pitcher he was in 2005...although the statistics, overall, are good, he's just not the same intimidating pitcher, which is why I really think it makes some sense to shop both Jenks and Thornton NOW and see what might be available from other clubs. Whether it would have been better to use Linebrink or Dotel, I doubt it. A walk off homer from either of those guys would have sent out threads of outrage about not using our best pitcher in the most crucial innings of the season. Ozzie believed in Dye, Griffey and Thome to the end, and here we are. Realistically, it comes down to pitching, and the Twins' pitching was just better (certainly the bullpens) and we fell into our normal trap of not adding on runs and building the lead. Dwayne Wise's at-bat (not bringing home Uribe) and then Griffey batting against a LHP with runners on 2nd and 3rd, just no excuse for that. Wise should have been benched after Game 2. Now we have yet another issue with Swisher's "bruised feelings" about riding the bench in the most important series of the season. These games, once again, exposed all of our flaws for the world to see. A lack of clutch hitting, station to station baseball, almost never putting pressure on the opposing team on the basepaths (of course, it would be nice to have a catcher who could throw and pitchers who could hold runners, too), just the lack of creativity and imagination and adjustments from most of our hitters... Most of us agree we are happy about Quentin (now he's a villain again, for knocking himself out of the line-up), Ramirez, Danks and Floyd. And that's about it (I guess you can add Buehrle!). Those five players symbolize what this team could be...but they're only 20% of the roster, and ultimately the Twins' team won over the White Sox individual statistics once again. So I hope KW will cry and cry, that might finally convince him to do something about changing the make-up of this roster, just as he did before the 2005 season.
  10. I think it's Linebrink or Thornton. You can't risk Dotel at this point.
  11. QUOTE (IlliniKrush @ Sep 25, 2008 -> 07:58 PM) Let's assume Floyd gets to about 110 after 6...who pitches the 7th might be Ozzie's most important decision of the year It will be Thornton for Mauer/Morneau/Kubel, unless we get some more runs or Gavin just tears through the next four batters. Then you'll see Jenks come on in the 8th I think, possibly Linebrink for one hitter or two, but VERY VERY short rope for Scott.
  12. Floyd has four more batters to go. Then Ozzie has to go to Thornton, unless Gavin just really finds that curveball and gets on one of his patented rolls through the line-up for 2-3 innings. Unfortunately, he's at 94 pitches and he still might have to go Monday on three day's rest against DET. I wonder who would be pitching for the Tigers in that theoretical game?
  13. Why can't Ozzie use Anderson there? He's just bound and determined to play Griffey until we're setting up tee times for next week.
  14. QUOTE (The Ginger Kid @ Sep 25, 2008 -> 07:41 PM) i thought konerko was supposed to be hot. he's got one hit in this series. Past tense. 5 for 28 stretch recently. Got cool just when we needed him to carry the team with CQ out.
  15. That was a foul ball according to Farmer and Stone. Well, we definitely succeeded in letting them right back into this game when we needed Gavin to mow down the bottom of the order.
  16. Looks like it is at best 50/50 that Cliff Lee will make his scheduled start against us Sunday.
  17. BA would have no prayer against a pitcher like Slowey. Fine, I'll play along and give you a 0-0 tie, but our offense isn't likely to score the way things are going, not if we couldn't get a big hit off Blackburn.
  18. It's especially nice to hit .311 with RISP. Every hit in this game has been to the opposite field. They just have the right approach and game plan. The Twins' pitchers and approach is just better. Get ahead with a first pitch strike, usually on breaking balls. The odds for the batter go down astronomically starting off down 0-1. Just very difficult for our hitters to pick up the offspeed stuff in that building for some reason. And very few batters on our team (other than Ramirez) can make the needed adjustments at the plate from pitch to pitch, and AB to AB.
  19. White Sox 5-16 so far in domes this season. The only consolation is we would have been completely embarassed playing at TB. At least Minnesota has a chance to actually beat then, especially with Wheeler looking vulnerable and Percival battling health issues.
  20. Where will the bunt or infield single end up with this at-bat? Gork shot? Dunker?
  21. Young a career .398 hitter vs. CWS. Guess it just went down a bit.
  22. QUOTE (santo=dorf @ Sep 25, 2008 -> 07:30 PM) What the f*** Griff? I hope he did that without a call and gets his ass benched. It's a little late in the season for a Griffey benching to have any effect on this team. Even if Griffey was benched, he still wouldn't use Anderson, lol.
  23. Why is he swinging at a 3-0 pitch that's outside and high, not low in his happy zone. Everyone is pressing. They HAVE to fire Greg Walker or I will have no hope of this team every making the post-season again.
  24. so he has some material in case there's a blowout. http://sports.yahoo.com/mlb/news;_ylt=AkLc...o&type=lgns
  25. This game will be remembered for that call at 2B. The White Sox are so terrible in domes this year, realistically, what are the odds of beating the D-Rays? We could play Minnesota, Toronto and TB 100 games on the road and possibly win 10-15.
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