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Everything posted by caulfield12

  1. QUOTE (southsideirish71 @ Aug 9, 2008 -> 12:54 AM) Draft cutoff date this week. This kind of bluster is all fine and good, and most of the high-profile (first and second rounders) player we haven't signed have turned out to be blessings, but we're talking around $2.23 million here. We gave Joe Borchard well over twice that amount for nothing. KW needs to realize we're one of the clubs that's most vulnerable in terms of our farm system and the age of our roster, and that just because he's been able to piece together a contender this year, it doesn't mean this club is well-suited to be competitive 2-3 years down the road. It's really hard to imagine anyone but Quentin, Ramirez, Danks, Floyd and Jenks being around at that time...and even Jenks is iffy, because the White Sox typically don't like to pay $10 million plus per year to relievers and Bobby's going into arbitration I think. As much I would like to believe that Anderson and Fields will be starters and that Poreda will joining the rotation, I'm not convinced. When KW looks at his "mythical" big board, I wonder if there are any starters in our minor leagues right now? Maybe Shelby or Getz at 2B? Maybe Martinez or Silverio at SS, where we would seem to have less of a need now with Ramirez. So if we don't want to have one of the worst teams in baseball, we need to get this signing done. I'm still not convinced we would have been better off with Gio Gonzalez and Sweeney, and you could make an argument for Young over Vazquez simply because Young is affordable and athletic, and because we haven't been able to fill that position since Rowand was here...and even when Rowand was here, we kept trying to improve that position, refusing to see Rowand as an everyday player.
  2. ''Call his agent [scott Boras], I don't know. Joe Crede isn't going to help me right now. Good luck.'' Crede had an epidural Friday in Charlotte. The Sox will monitor the outcome before announcing a timetable for his return. Might Crede be nursing the injury because he'll be a free agent with millions at stake? (NICE ONE, COWLEY, JERK!!!) ''I'm not going to say yes or no because I can't read his mind,'' Guillen said. ''But I trust Joe because when he's hurt, Joe has played with pain the last three years. When he says he can't go, I know how bad the pain is. I don't think he's doing that. If he's doing that, I can't control that.'' from suntimes.com/sports
  3. http://sports.yahoo.com/mlb/news;_ylt=Aio6...o&type=lgns
  4. QUOTE (witesoxfan @ Aug 9, 2008 -> 01:48 AM) I would say that, as sad as it is, track stars are generally sought after because managers love guys who have the potential to hit .300 and get on at a .360 clip, even if said potential is, quite honestly, non-existent. I'd have a hard time seeing Owens clear waivers and what's worse is that his value is next to nothing. If there were any player I would consider never putting on waivers it's Owens. I guess it's somewhat similar to the Renaldo Nehemiah's or Alexander Wright's of the NFL. Except it's a little easier to take a track athlete and make him a WR than to take an athlete (see Michael Jordan) and make him into a .300 hitter. Neither usually works very well. I also remember all the hype about Anderson Gomes, and I don't think he will ever make it out of A ball, let alone come close to the White Sox roster. Still, the White Sox should make signing or identifying more "speed" players a priority...because Minnesota does it well. If it's not a "little" deal like bringing in Jason Tyner, it's drafting athletic players like Jacque Jones, Torii Hunter, Denard Span, or trading for D. Young and Carlos Gomez. Thank god that homefield advantage won't be quite so dramatic beginning in 2010.
  5. QUOTE (Jake @ Aug 8, 2008 -> 10:51 PM) I was thinking this as well, there probably wouldn't be much interest. Just looking through the list of names of relievers...it's all MEH!!!! Could anyone get excited about acquiring Doug Brocail, Luis Ayala or Tyler Walker? Ron Mahay? What about Heath Bell, Taylor Buchholz (he would cost a lot), Jim Johnson, Scott Downs, Ramon Ramirez (KC), Will Ohman, Sean Green (SEA), Jesse Carlson or David Weathers (I know his name has been mentioned many times)??? These are all among the current MLB leaders in "holds," meaning they're pitching in the 7th and 8th innings of games in which their team is leading. I don't think we should worry about RH versus LH at this point. We just need to find a quality reliever from either side to back up Dotel and Thornton.
  6. QUOTE (Kalapse @ Aug 8, 2008 -> 10:18 PM) Josh Fields, Brian Anderson and Jerry Owens would all have to pass through waivers before being traded. None would make it through. Well, I think Jerry Owens would have a 50/50 chance of making it through, due to his results this season and his advanced age.
  7. QUOTE (griffey17 @ Aug 8, 2008 -> 10:21 PM) Great win tonight...Mark pitched a gem....CQ continues to dominate! Well, the Royals loaded the bases against Nathan but couldn't break through. 4-1 Twins. Looks like Cuddyer might be out for the season, but Twins' fans (a small majority) actually prefer Span because of his defense, speed and lower number of strikeouts. Twins 8-2 this season against KC, White Sox 7-5. That needs to change to 10-5 or no worse than 9-6 this week.
  8. QUOTE (joesaiditstrue @ Aug 8, 2008 -> 10:07 PM) it's probably frustrating when you ditch your own team for a bandwagon club like the Red Sox, then watch them choke away the division I don't think the Red Sox choked....the Devil Rays are winning this division. You can't take anything away from what they've accomplished so far this season.
  9. QUOTE (whitesoxbrian @ Aug 8, 2008 -> 09:51 PM) Great win. I heard Mark was great, and I heard Q's HR on the way home from work. Sucks KC couldn't help us out but we need to keep on winning. Need a big one out of Jose tomorrow! Teahen could have tied the game with runners on 2nd and 3rd against Reyes, but struck out. It seems to be over now, if it wasn't already...two Twins runners on, no outs in the top of the 9th, and Nathan looming.
  10. QUOTE (wilmot825 @ Aug 8, 2008 -> 04:19 PM) Since we play the Red Sawks, we may make it in the first hour of Sportscenter and get some actual coverage. As we all know; ESPN is all devoted to Favre, Manny, and the Sawks and Yanks. Sad how 3 teams that were predicted to not even finish second are in playoff contention (White Sox, Rays, and Marlins) are hardly covered, except for Tampa. That will only happen if the Red Sox win the game...if they lose, it's buried at the bottom of the broadcast with only the boxscore.
  11. QUOTE (SoxAce @ Aug 8, 2008 -> 09:42 PM) There will be a thread by a poster here soon talking about the MVP race and how close it would come especially with the 1st place teams. (or second/third if close in the hunt) IMO, not even looking at stats, I would say it's a Quentin, Hamilton, A-Rod, Morneau race (I think Youk is having a damn good season too) and I'm sure someone here will probably compare each player. A-Rod has only 68 RBI's. With Joba out, I don't think there's any way that the Yankees can make it to the playoffs. Then again, stranger things have happened. I do HOPE A-Rod has a good series in the HHH Dome next week. That's about the only time I will root for the Yankees over another team.
  12. QUOTE (JFields27 @ Aug 8, 2008 -> 09:37 PM) Chad Bradford was claimed already by the Rays, but yeah it could be nice to add a reliever. I dont know why we would deal Fields, and that's an unbias statement. Crede isnt resuming at AAA til next week and if we let him walk blah blah with that situation. Well, it seems like there are some pretty legit concerns that both Crede and Linebrink might be out for the rest of the season...from everything we're hearing and NOT hearing. Who would have thunk that Juan Uribe and Alexei Ramirez would be two very key starters in our infield...and that they'd be leading the White Sox in the heat of a pennant race in August?
  13. QUOTE (tommy @ Aug 8, 2008 -> 09:30 PM) It seems like he's been stuck on 108 RBIs forever. I think Dye will siphon off some of his votes...but it could/should be close. I think Hamilton still is the sentimental favorite. You know the Rookie 2 movie is already in the pipeline at Walt Disney Studios.
  14. Of course, a lot depends on the quality of that reliever...you would have to think it would be "veteran" reliever with a multi-million, multi-year contract, not someone like a Fuentes, Sherrill or Putz that would result in multiple claims by other teams. Someone like Chad Bradford or Denys Baez (I'm talking money, not necessarily quality here) 1) Josh Fields 2) Aaron Poreda 3) Juan Uribe 4) Silverio or J. Martinez 5) Chris Getz or Shelby 6) Jerry Owens or Brian Anderson Obviously, it would be nice if we could just give them Broadway, McCullough (sad to say about two former first rounders), Haeger, etc., but that doesn't seem to be reality with all the competition for the same thing. Maybe, in some ways, it's even trickier to find a consistent 8th inning set-up guy who can get the big outs...it seems capable closers are easier to identify. Maybe someone like Brandon Allen would draw some interest, too. Logically, if Carrasco keeps struggling like he did the last two Fridays (I know he did well in the 2nd Tigers' game)....then the logical choice is Adam Russell for that position. After that, you're pulling straws, taking someone like Link from the minors.
  15. QUOTE (Wanne @ Aug 8, 2008 -> 09:10 PM) puh-lease.... You can stretch you guys a little bit...especially the way Mark threw tonight. 110 isn't that bad. Don't be so dramatic. If he gets Varitek, sure, keep him in against Crisp. In the way that modern baseball is played, however, and considering what we're paying Dotel...if he can't hold that lead or get out of that inning, I'm not sure how that is on Ozzie Guillen. Thornton is a little like Thome...something happens to him when the game's really on the line, and I just don't trust him against Youkilis in that situation. I guess it worked out doing it Ozzie's way after all.
  16. QUOTE (BearSox @ Aug 8, 2008 -> 08:01 PM) lol, what a bogus statement. I said it before, and I'll say it again, pitch count is the biggest load of garbage used to determine if the pitcher is over-used or tired. Tell that to Wood, Prior, Hudson, Zito and Mulder. If Dotel can't hold a 4-0 lead, then we don't deserve to win. Simple. He gave Buehrle a chance to start the 8th and get Varitek. You put their worst hitter on base twice in the game...it's hard to argue with that decision, with 110 pitches already.
  17. QUOTE (fathom @ Aug 8, 2008 -> 07:58 PM) Just brutal managing....nothing like using your 2nd best reliever for one batter. You want Thornton to face a right-handed Youkilis? Well...obviously Carrasco doesn't belong anywhere but in mop-up or before the 7th inning. But I don't trust Thornton there either, not against a RH batter.
  18. QUOTE (Wanne @ Aug 8, 2008 -> 07:56 PM) Seriously....why? Guy's throwing a friggin shutout and gets yanked. Goddamn...can we get Ozzie suspended again. Well, a 4-0 lead, you shouldn't assume that you should treat your starter like Leyland leaving his franchise ace Verlander out there for 130 pitches. Next, Ozzie will be second-guessed for not bringing Jenks in here, instead using Carrasco in a position he's not too familiar with.
  19. QUOTE (tommy @ Aug 8, 2008 -> 07:55 PM) Buehrle was rolling, he gave up a base hit in the 8th but pitch count was low I believe. Nope, he was over 100 pitches....110 to be exact.
  20. QUOTE (WilliamTell @ Aug 8, 2008 -> 12:16 AM) Ugh, now I'm pissed if she's not in the next movie. I have never been to Bettendorf, but I'm guessing there's a good chance you've never been to Mason City before. Both towns are roughly 30,000 I think. I go to UNI. That's awesome you were married to a Russian model, how did it end if you don't mind my asking? The way all relationships between middle class teachers and 21 year old Russian models that have known each other one week, lol. Seriously, my life has been a blast, though. I've had a chance to work in professional baseball (for the Augusta GreenJackets, as Director of Stadium Operations and Public Relations) for two seasons, for an NFL football player's foundation (I remember going to a NY Giants' game with a VERY young Jordin Sparks, because her father Philippi was best friends with the wide receiver I worked for), AmeriCorps/national service work for five years and then my teaching career has allowed me to live in Colombia (South America) for one year, China, the Philippines and now Thailand. And I coached high school basketball, volleyball and soccer. Megan Fox is up there, but I have been lucky enough to meet/date some of the most beautiful girls imaginable in South America, Eastern Europe and now Asia, so my life hasn't been all bad. I've also managed to become fairly fluent in Spanish. Although almost every girl I meet thinks I am absolutely insane to listen to baseball through GameDay Audio at mlb.com, which they barely can conceive of...from 12 am until 10 am in the mornings, especially those Saturday and Sunday games or the Sox/Cubs games. Most of the White Sox games start at 7:11 am here in Thailand, which is very ironic, because there's actually a 7-11 on about every street corner of Thailand. In the Philippines, it was Shakey's Pizza...here, we have KFC (more popular than McDonald's in Asia) and Dairy Queen, and an occasional Pizza Hut, Subway or Burger King.
  21. QUOTE (WilliamTell @ Aug 7, 2008 -> 10:59 PM) haha Megan Fox is on my avatar, she was the girl on Transformers. Yeah she's not the Iowa Golden Girl, however maybe I'll make my way down to Des Moines early next week for the state fair and check out the golden girls, if there are any, haha. Knightni made me a "Tennis Queens" signiture a while back of Kournikova and Sharapova, but at least on my computer it doesn't pop up anymore. Wow, she looks more like an adult movie star in that pic for some reason. I guess she's not going to be in the 2nd Transformers movie. How that geek/goofball Brian Austin Green from 90210 was lucky enough to win her over, I'll never know. However, with her fame ascending and his descending, I don't think it's fated to last forever. Who knows, she does have quite the tattoo with a reference to him. I am from Bettendorf (Iowa alum too), originally...but live and teach university in Thailand now. Although I was married to a Russian model and we played tennis occasionally...does that count?
  22. QUOTE (WilliamTell @ Aug 7, 2008 -> 10:51 PM) I never liked getting rid of Marte. Anyone remember when Rocky Biddle was the closer for the Expos? Not saying I'd want him on my team but his named popped into my head. I thought of Biddle or Majewski, but Biddle's out of baseball now and Majewski isn't close to the pitcher he was 3-4 seasons ago. I remember meeting him in ST 2001 and thinking how tiny he was and how tall Rauch was. Just out of curiosity, who is the girl in your sig? I know she's not the Iowa "Golden Girl" LOL.
  23. QUOTE (whitesoxbrian @ Aug 7, 2008 -> 10:25 PM) Right. So you wouldn't have taken Sosa or Bonds? Who said I'm (we're?) up in arms over losing him? I'm just saying... Sosa wasn't on steroids until well into his Cubs' career. When he played for the Sox, he was nicknamed The Panther and was almost as "wiry" as Ramirez. He also had one of the best RF arms in the game, along with Dye, Larry Walker and Vladimir Guerrero.
  24. QUOTE (whitesoxbrian @ Aug 7, 2008 -> 09:55 PM) Where's Eric Gagne? First of all, we'll never know how much of his results with the Dodgers were legitimate. I'm skeptical or dubious. Second, losing a first round draft pick (not signing, although we didn't suffer losing AJ Hynch or Bobby Hill either) is much different than a 30th round pick. I think Cubs' fans should be more upset that they let Josh Hamilton go for virtually nothing to the Reds...compared to Sox fans being up in arms we didn't sign Eric Gagne.
  25. QUOTE (fathom @ Aug 7, 2008 -> 09:48 PM) Completely agree with that, as I've never been a fan of defensive range stats (I don't buy that OC is a good defender). Anyways, I don't think it's a surprise that the opposition has 3 triples so far that have been hit at Griffey Jr. Therein lies the problem with the White Sox. Look at the Twins' game the other day...not unlike Torii Hunter, Denard Span made a really good, athletic play on what would have been a game-changing (they would have given up their 3rd lead in 3 games) homer by Adrian Beltre. I swear, that balls goes out and Minnesota would be really hurting and be heading to KC 1 1/2 games back and searching for answers. And the guy had 4 RBI's as well in the game. It's just frustrating we have guys named Contreras and Vazquez and they don't even seem to be the equivalent of Slowey, Perkins, Baker or Blackburn. Well, Jose was VERY good for stretches this season before breaking down...but his last 6-7 starts before going on the DL were pretty abysmal, especially at Wrigley. At any rate, the Twins have Gomez, Span, Cuddyer, Kubel and D. Young. That has the looks of a VERY good outfield for years to come, barring major injuries. All of them are players in their prime or nearing their prime. Unfortunately, we only have Quentin who you could put in that same category.
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