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Everything posted by caulfield12

  1. I get the sense they don't want to keep yo-yoing Sweeney. Hasn't he basically been "treading water" since we sent him down? If we're going to bring up Sweeney, we might as well just ditch Mackowiak and let him play in LF everyday, for better or worse. Which means we might as well just DFA Pods and Erstad too. Good throw by Terrero...better arm than BA for sure, or Rowand.
  2. It's actually BUCK-vich, not BOOK-vich, as the ESPN guys are pronouncing it. We might as well bring back Aardsma and MacDougal, unless we're worried they're going to lose what's left of their confidence.
  3. QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ Jun 11, 2007 -> 07:58 PM) We pinch hit a guy who should be on the DL. What the f*** is this, managing by blindfold. He told Ozzie he could play, same with Owens. KW doesn't have any better answers in the minors. Do you PH Andy Gonzalez or Owens there? Seriously?
  4. QUOTE(rafacosta @ Jun 11, 2007 -> 07:38 PM) this is disgusting....why Terrero is not hitting in front of Uribe? Who would have imagined that we would be discussing whether Luis Terrero was our best hitter at any point in this season, or any season?
  5. QUOTE(Heads22 @ Jun 11, 2007 -> 07:34 PM) Why do you know that? Because I was a tutor for Roy Marble when he played at Univ. of Iowa...if you remember late 80's Iowa sports. Not sure how old you are. We're officially the worst offense is modern White Sox history. Bring back Carlos Martinez, Calderon, and gasp, Kenny Williams. Heck, I'd take Eddie Williams at 3B at this point, or Chris Brown.
  6. QUOTE(Heads22 @ Jun 11, 2007 -> 07:30 PM) Gooch is a nice guy. So is Jamaal Tinsley. Not. Oops, I meant Sam Mack, who robbed a Burger King.
  7. QUOTE(SoxFan562004 @ Jun 11, 2007 -> 07:23 PM) not Greg Walker's fault at all though Fields now a frigid 5 for 40 (.125) in his MLB career and looking like Joe Borchard numbers would be a great achievement for him this summer. Sutcliffe just dissected Javier Vazquez tipping his pitches, I hope someone with the White Sox organization tries to address it, because they're calling every one of his pitches and the location from the broadcast booth.
  8. QUOTE(hitlesswonder @ Jun 11, 2007 -> 10:31 AM) I think people are crazily overestimating Jermaine Dye's value. He can't run and his OBP is below .300. He's shown some power this year, but that's all he brings to the table right now. There are a lot of guys that will be on the market with at least that skill set, and maybe more. The Reds alone will likely be trading Dunn and/or Griffey both of whom are more attractive. The Sox won't get either Billingsley or Broxton straight-up for Dye. They might be able to get Betemit for Dye, but that's it. I think people are going to very disappointed in what the Sox firesale brings back. Dye has a much more attractive contract than either of those two guys, however. They would only have to pay $2.3-3.5 million for the best RFer in baseball last season.
  9. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Jun 10, 2007 -> 05:05 PM) Could you imagine how huge it would be for this team if Luis Terrero were actually good at baseball? He's an incredibly talented all around baseball player, his defensive ability and power could be huge for this team if he could display it consistently. His .270/.372/.595/.967 line thus far this season is quite promising, being able to plug him into RF/CF next season would make KW's job so much easier and allow him greater flexibility so he can go after a high priced player like Ichiro to fill the leadoff spot. I think he needs to be in CF, and the bigger power numbers have to come from LF and RF. Terrero seems like he SHOULD be able to hit 20-30 homers if he was just left alone out there for an entire season, he's a very good defender, hustles and has a pretty good arm as well. I wouldn't mind seeing a Sweeney, Terrero, Ichiro outfield, you're giving up a lot of power, but Fields/Konerko/Thome/AJ and whoever we have at SS and 2B should be able to help compensate for that. Anything to get younger and more athletic. When you have better team speed, the team just seems to come to life, as opposed to the "corpseball" sleepwalking appearance we've had for the past 4-5 months of regular season play.
  10. That sums up Andy Gonzalez...warning track power, not much speed.
  11. QUOTE(rafacosta @ Jun 10, 2007 -> 01:34 PM) He K'd...is this not worse than GO? He K'd agst a LH pitcher in a 90 mph...where is the bat speed? Nice work terrero... 89...
  12. Anderson, Crede, Rowand (especially first two years), Sweeney, Borchard, Fields...can we get ONE player with a short, compact swing to develop in our system?
  13. Well, even with those late 80's teams, you had players like Sosa, Bere, Alvarez, Thomas, Ventura, McDowell, Melido Perez, etc., to look forward to... With this organization right now, we'll be lucky if even two of our prospects make it.
  14. This is already a long season...I guess it can't get much worse.
  15. http://www.suntimes.com/sports/mariotti/42...T-jay10.article The White Sox have gotten so bad, so fast, that Mariotti is actually praising Ozzie (well, not for managing) and has no choice but to rip into KW. The funny thing is that the constant refrain from last year was "we were Soriano away from the playoffs" and now he's bringing out the "fluke" label. The 2005 White Sox were not a fluke...the Cardinals were last year, or the 2003 Marlins (although they had tons of pitching talent). You can't do much but laugh, though.
  16. http://chicagosports.chicagotribune.com/sp...-home-headlines Story on the Garcia "injury"
  17. QUOTE(Dick Allen @ Jun 9, 2007 -> 06:12 PM) KW's phone should be on fire right now, and he should be the one making the calls. His team is in freefall. I'm sure they will blame injuries when this dissappointing season comes to an end. Shocking how Erstad, Pods, Thome and Crede wound up on the DL. I would never of guessed it considering they have physical issues every season. Toby Hall goes down, and I know he's a huge part of the team. He's been back for a couple of weeks now and what does he have 2 starts? Ozuna gets hurt. I just hope when KW does the injury whine someone calls him out on it, and calls him out on his and his staff's player evaluation skills. Are you really expecting JR to call out Williams? That's not going to happen publicly, not at least until 2008, IF (big IF) then. You know exactly which writers will drill Williams, while the "beat" guys like Cowley, Gonzales, Gregor, etc., will let it go...
  18. QUOTE(Palehosefan @ Jun 9, 2007 -> 06:18 PM) Just thinking. Would you guys be interested in a Jermaine Dye, Lance Broadway to San Diego for Scott Linebrink and Mike Cameron deal? Dye, Linebrink, and Cameron are all FA's next year, and at the very least we could work on extending Linebrink and let Cameron walk after playing CF for us this year. Offense wouldn't gain much, but the bullpen and defense should. Absolutely not. I'd much rather have Rowand than Cameron (can't believe I said that), but neither are long-term solutions for the White Sox IMO. Our main priority has to be finding starters at nearly every position on the field, players that are ideally in years 2, 3 or 4 of their major league careers. This trade MIGHT make us better in 2008, but it doesn't do much for 2009/10/11, when we're "transitioning" back into contention (hopefully). Some people like Broadway enough to make him our #5 prospect, others feel he will never be anything more than Matt Guerrier, and that's being optimistic.
  19. QUOTE(sin city sox fan @ Jun 9, 2007 -> 05:53 PM) We could always send up Owens to bunt for a hit? Great idea with a strained hamstring.
  20. QUOTE(fathom @ Jun 9, 2007 -> 05:52 PM) I can't wait to see Uribe get to leadoff this inning. Nothing like having such a bad bench, you can't ph for one of the worst hitters in all of baseball. Owens can't play, and you're not going to use Hall there. That leaves Andy Gonzalez?
  21. The contagion spreads. 28 Days Later: No White Sox Bullpen Left
  22. Note to KW: Please stock up on more relievers who throw 92-94 MPH with no movement. Please send down Prinz and give anyone else a chance.
  23. QUOTE(StrangeSox @ Jun 9, 2007 -> 01:58 PM) It also helped contribute to the legendary corpseball offense. Those strikeout numbers are interesting. I'd be very interested to see pitches per at-bat rates for the players. It may not have been Greg Walker himself, but this organization has professed a "power or speed" approach to hitters. Greg Walker would be a big part of this plan. We don't need no stinking high-OBP guys around here! P/PA 2005/2006/2007 Dye 3.99 4.10 3.93 wrong direction Iguchi 3.84 3.91 3.92 improving Konerko 4.15 3.89 3.83 wrong direction Crede 3.61 3.67 3.70 improving Uribe 3.54 3.41 3.66 improving AJ 3.56 3.36 3.36 decreasing Pods 4.07 (06), 3.89 (05) Rowand 3.59 (2005) Everett 3.73 (2005) Thome 4.31 (2006), 4.11 (2007) If anything, our patience is increasing slightly, not decreasing, among our "regular" players. It just LOOKS worse than it really is, but the stats don't really back it up.
  24. QUOTE(juddling @ Jun 9, 2007 -> 12:51 PM) During a pre-game interview today KW was asked about MacDougal and Aardsma and how long they were expected to be in AAA. KW replied that he's been getting 20-25 calls a day from other GM's asking the same question and if the Sox are ready to give up on these guys yet. Am i the only one who finds it really hard to believe that Kenny's phone is ringing off the hook about Mac and Aardsma???? Heck...as long as he's gonna strain credibility...he might as well tell us that Sisco has gotten all straightened out and is ready to help the big club. I think it also has to do with the fact that Percival is off the market, officially. I don't mind trading MacDougal if we could get back a AA/AAA position prospect (heck, even Justin Gathright would be better than Owens)...but I think KW needs to hold onto Aardsma for now, although his confidence is definitely close to shattered right now.
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