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Everything posted by caulfield12

  1. QUOTE(Heads22 @ May 18, 2007 -> 04:22 PM) Well, s***, we're going to lose upwards of 70 games this year. This loss has no effect on anyone else on the AL, giving them a better record. These games are of the least consequence. I'd really like to see us sport a real LF though. Terrero and Sweeney aren't doing it for me. It'd be super if Brian could figure it out and become a member of our OF again. I still think Ryan needs another year in AAA. You want Anderson and Erstad to start in LF and CF? We will average 3.5 runs per game for the rest of the season with that line-up.
  2. QUOTE(WHarris1 @ May 18, 2007 -> 04:20 PM) The thing with Ozzie is this... Fine MacDougal blows the f***ing game, you're down 1...ok. BUT HOW DO YOU SEND HIM BACK OUT IN THE 8TH? What if we need Aardsma tomorrow...when we're ahead? If you now consider Aardsma and Thornton the two primary set-up men for the games we're winning, then I suppose it makes some sense. What are the odds of our offense scoring a run against a guy who has converted 89% of his save opportunities, yesterday notwithstanding? The Mets have one of the best offenses in baseball, we are the worst, pretty much.
  3. QUOTE(BearSox @ May 18, 2007 -> 04:14 PM) We are lucky the game was as close as it actually was. The Cubs left 18, count them, 18 runner on base. The Sox only left 8, but thats because they suck ass and not only cant drive runs in, but even get on base. No, you're reading the box score wrong, if you're adding them up for each batter...I'm sure it was quite a few less than that, especially the first 6 innings. Sucks Buehrle had to suffer for MacDougal's incompetence though. QUOTE(Greg The Bull Luzinski @ May 18, 2007 -> 04:15 PM) So bring him in next inning with the bases empty to build his fragile confidence. IMO, the conifdence issue is bulls***. If you are in the big leagues and don't think you belong, go home. Tell that to Garland when he was micromanaged by Manuel. Whether anyone wants to admit it or not, Ozzie has done wonders for the starting pitchers since he has been here.
  4. QUOTE(Hideaway Lights @ May 18, 2007 -> 04:12 PM) Right, but we will ADDRESS his roster spot at some point this season, via waiver or via trade you can make damn sure of that the real problem here is that Kenny is in between, and it's what I was saying all offseason. This team is about good enough to win 84-87 games, which means we have to stand pat with major pieces all year because we are never more than 4-5-6 games out, but never much closer. He acquired just enough pieces to "contend" but not enough to compete with the two or three other juggernauts in this division. Still, we're in better shape than I thought we'd be right now given the circumstances. Which is why I've been arguing all along we need to blow it up and rebuild sooner rather than later....before it becomes a 3-5 year project, like the Kansas City Chiefs. Despite KW constantly mentioning it, we got old one year too fast...Dye, Iguchi, Pods and Thome. And then Konerko and Crede struggling as bad as anyone, nobody expected BOTH those guys to fall off a cliff simultaneously.
  5. QUOTE(Greg The Bull Luzinski @ May 18, 2007 -> 04:10 PM) Manegerial talent was the problem to day - Why bring in McDoofus to throw batting practice to the Cubs when h has been awful almost all year. I would have rather seen CLiff Politte back. It is basically the same thing. The same reason Dempster was in after blowing a 4 run lead yesterday, or that Ozzie kept showing faith in Vazquez to try to get him over the 5th and 6th inning "hump." A player who knows the manager has no confidence in him is dead to the team (see Anderson, Brian).
  6. QUOTE(Hideaway Lights @ May 18, 2007 -> 04:09 PM) "nerve racking", in my humble opinion, is an 8-19 start to the 2001 season coming off of a division title, watching big frank go down with a possible career-ending triceps injury, and watching the biggest offseason acquisition David Wells go nuclear, then go injured all in six weeks this is the friggin' kiddie pool compared to that s***, people Try 14-29 too...they did make it back to .500 around July and hovered near there for much of the remainder of the season.
  7. QUOTE(Hideaway Lights @ May 18, 2007 -> 04:06 PM) we still don't have Jim Thome or Scott Podsednik, and we just got back a backup catcher capable of hitting at the major league level a little patience beyond one game would be completely refreshing I doubt we will ever have the "real" Podsednik for the remainder of his Sox career...it's not unlike Cubs' fans hoping for the return of Prior and Wood.
  8. QUOTE(fathom @ May 18, 2007 -> 04:04 PM) Bingo! Look at our talent level....it's nothing special. And Ryan "The Natural" Sweeney is now down to .200. Well, at least he has SOME clue at the plate, watching Terrero up there with Hall at 2B was laughable. And Erstad's now 4 for 34 against LHP. Great AB against Lilly, although a good LF catches that ball that Darin hit.
  9. QUOTE(TitoMB345 @ May 18, 2007 -> 04:01 PM) I really wish we hadn't blown so many games. We'd seriously be in first place. Good job! No team that gives up more runs that it scores has ever finished in first, probably not even in 2nd. We're simply not that good. Our offense is the worst in the AL, and our bullpen is tied for 2nd in blown saves. We're exactly where we belong with our strong starting pitching (20 something starts of 6+ innings) and good defense...it's cancelled out by our offense and bullpen.
  10. QUOTE(striker62704 @ May 18, 2007 -> 03:56 PM) Ozzie will never learn that MacDougal sucks. You have Aardsma, with an ERA under 2 and more k's than innings pitched. OR You have MacDougal with an ERA over 5 and a WHIP of about 2. I'm so sick of Ozzie's stupidity. The choice is so obvious but he's so F32king stupid. His ignorance has cost us at least 5 games. Please don't wake up tomorrow Ozzie. We've scored quite a few less runs than we've given up. By Pythagorean, we should be 3-4 games under .500, not over .500.
  11. QUOTE(GoSox05 @ May 18, 2007 -> 03:54 PM) this kinda game is been in waiting for the sox. When you cant hit and you put your two worst bullpen guys in a two run game. this is what you get. Ummm....Masset and Sisco are worse, which leaves us with Jenks and Thornton again...what new?
  12. QUOTE(fathom @ May 18, 2007 -> 03:52 PM) I wasn't watching the game, but why in the hell wasn't AJP brought in for defensive purposes after the top of the 7th? With a 2 run lead and Hall just batting the inning before, that would have been the smart baseball decision to make. Of course, with the idiot we have managing, that would be too much thinking. The problem is you can't play AJ in every single game. I think he eventually entered each of Molina's starts. He won't survive August at that pace. And it's going to be a huge problem, as Hall obviously can throw the ball about 75% as well as Victor Martinez with Freddy Garcia on the mound. Good thing we played the Angels already, they'd have 14 stolen bases against us.
  13. QUOTE(BigSqwert @ May 18, 2007 -> 03:51 PM) Attacking Blanco could have changed the entire makeup of this game. Blame Hall or Buehrle for that? Yeah, but it's up to GOOD pitchers to pitch over that. We did it time and time again in 2005.
  14. QUOTE(aboz56 @ May 18, 2007 -> 03:48 PM) This is totally inexcusable. You can put this loss on the defense and MacDougal. Take Crede and AJ out and you see the difference, and it's massive. There's another run thanks to Ozuna at 3B. Jesus. Everything about our organization sucks.
  15. QUOTE(WHarris1 @ May 18, 2007 -> 03:44 PM) OMG HES ALIVE THANKS f***ING DUMB f*** If MacDougal isn't effective for the rest of the season, then we're done, pretty much. Aardsma can do well enough, but we will lose too many games due to Sisco, Masset and MacDougal....just change the names from Politte, Cotts, Nelson, Tracey, Montero, etc.
  16. QUOTE(chisoxfan79 @ May 18, 2007 -> 03:39 PM) No more days off for A.J. when he doesn't play we lose Ummm...and we'll be about 12-24 the last five weeks of the season. Great idea.
  17. QUOTE(Capn12 @ May 18, 2007 -> 03:35 PM) Lovely foot in bucket approach guys. Its simply amazing we've won 20 games. 14 saves in 22 opportunities. Tied for 2nd in AL (with two other teams) with 8 blown saves. Some improved bullpen, KW. And our offense still sucks. I guess we have to blow out Buehrle's arm to get a victory. And Hall's one of the worst defensive catchers in baseball.
  18. QUOTE(Capn12 @ May 18, 2007 -> 03:29 PM) Other third base options were.... Yeah indeed. In other news, face it. Our bullpen isn't that good. People creamed their pants when they saw a bunch of guys who 'can' throw mid to upper 90s, but point me to one that has consistently thrown that hard? Low 90s, straight fastballs get hit by even the Washington Nationals. MacDougal has a ton of movement, it's just that his pitch to Pagan moved right into the middle of the plate. And we give up almost as much defense with Hall as the offense he creates. Catch 22.
  19. QUOTE(GoSox05 @ May 18, 2007 -> 03:27 PM) Mac has blown more than one game. And so has Thornton...if we become a team of just Jenks and 2 more relievers, we're done anyway, we can't compete without an offense and solid bullpen 1-6.
  20. QUOTE(TitoMB345 @ May 18, 2007 -> 03:22 PM) This one is on ozzie. Worst pitcher to bring in in this situation. Ummm...why don't we just waive him? If you give up on every pitcher after they struggle once, we wouldn't have a bullpen. Aardsma hasn't been automatic recently either, he gave up a homer the other day. The problem is our bullpen is overrated. We have just as many blown saves as any team in the majors.
  21. QUOTE(forrestg @ May 18, 2007 -> 12:43 AM) I was at the game 5/17 and I liked what I saw in Sweeney. Sweeney plays a better centerfield that Erstadt while Erstadt plays a very capable 1st base. Sweeney will improve at the plate and in the field. Sweeney is better than Jeremy Reed (it's close) but there's no way he is better than Erstad in CF, not at this point in his career.
  22. QUOTE(bmags @ May 17, 2007 -> 11:48 PM) oh man i hope it's nothing. White Sox designated hitter Jim Thome played five innings in his third game rehabbing a strained rib cage. He singled in the first and reached on an error in the fourth for the Knights. I looked at the Knights' site and the Charlotte Observer but didn't find anything alarming that would cause one to believe Thome was re-injured.
  23. QUOTE(joeynach @ May 17, 2007 -> 06:36 PM) Did I miss something Why are we talking about skipping starts or bringing somebody up, we have 5 solid starters dont we? Tue (played Wed) was Danks Wed was Contrertas Thu was Garland Fri is Buehrle Sat is Vazquez Sun back to Danks What gives? Because they would both be pitching 3 days' rest, actually, Jose would have even less time, since he pitched at night and Sunday will be a day game.
  24. QUOTE(klaus kinski @ May 17, 2007 -> 07:56 AM) Guillens lineup changes in third games of series have often thrown away possible sweeps. 2 of 3 is nice, especially against good teams. But the throw away games add up to problems in September. However, if you underutilize your bench, they're never going to perform for you, like Gload against Baltimore last year, Cintron against the Tigers, Timo Perez on a few occasions...giving them playing opportunies keep them sharp as well as motivated, and they pay more attention to what's going on around them so they're ready when called upon. Playing the bench players contributed a bit when Geoff Blum hit a homer in the World Series.
  25. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ May 17, 2007 -> 08:35 AM) So who is already on the 40 man roster, and is lined up to be able to pitch this game? Gavin Floyd pitched Tuesday for Charlotte and threw well, although he's been having some blister problems apparently. Egbert had his second tough outing in a row for the Barons.
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