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Everything posted by caulfield12

  1. QUOTE(aboz56 @ May 18, 2007 -> 03:48 PM) This is totally inexcusable. You can put this loss on the defense and MacDougal. Take Crede and AJ out and you see the difference, and it's massive. There's another run thanks to Ozuna at 3B. Jesus. Everything about our organization sucks.
  2. QUOTE(WHarris1 @ May 18, 2007 -> 03:44 PM) OMG HES ALIVE THANKS f***ING DUMB f*** If MacDougal isn't effective for the rest of the season, then we're done, pretty much. Aardsma can do well enough, but we will lose too many games due to Sisco, Masset and MacDougal....just change the names from Politte, Cotts, Nelson, Tracey, Montero, etc.
  3. QUOTE(chisoxfan79 @ May 18, 2007 -> 03:39 PM) No more days off for A.J. when he doesn't play we lose Ummm...and we'll be about 12-24 the last five weeks of the season. Great idea.
  4. QUOTE(Capn12 @ May 18, 2007 -> 03:35 PM) Lovely foot in bucket approach guys. Its simply amazing we've won 20 games. 14 saves in 22 opportunities. Tied for 2nd in AL (with two other teams) with 8 blown saves. Some improved bullpen, KW. And our offense still sucks. I guess we have to blow out Buehrle's arm to get a victory. And Hall's one of the worst defensive catchers in baseball.
  5. QUOTE(Capn12 @ May 18, 2007 -> 03:29 PM) Other third base options were.... Yeah indeed. In other news, face it. Our bullpen isn't that good. People creamed their pants when they saw a bunch of guys who 'can' throw mid to upper 90s, but point me to one that has consistently thrown that hard? Low 90s, straight fastballs get hit by even the Washington Nationals. MacDougal has a ton of movement, it's just that his pitch to Pagan moved right into the middle of the plate. And we give up almost as much defense with Hall as the offense he creates. Catch 22.
  6. QUOTE(GoSox05 @ May 18, 2007 -> 03:27 PM) Mac has blown more than one game. And so has Thornton...if we become a team of just Jenks and 2 more relievers, we're done anyway, we can't compete without an offense and solid bullpen 1-6.
  7. QUOTE(TitoMB345 @ May 18, 2007 -> 03:22 PM) This one is on ozzie. Worst pitcher to bring in in this situation. Ummm...why don't we just waive him? If you give up on every pitcher after they struggle once, we wouldn't have a bullpen. Aardsma hasn't been automatic recently either, he gave up a homer the other day. The problem is our bullpen is overrated. We have just as many blown saves as any team in the majors.
  8. QUOTE(forrestg @ May 18, 2007 -> 12:43 AM) I was at the game 5/17 and I liked what I saw in Sweeney. Sweeney plays a better centerfield that Erstadt while Erstadt plays a very capable 1st base. Sweeney will improve at the plate and in the field. Sweeney is better than Jeremy Reed (it's close) but there's no way he is better than Erstad in CF, not at this point in his career.
  9. QUOTE(bmags @ May 17, 2007 -> 11:48 PM) oh man i hope it's nothing. White Sox designated hitter Jim Thome played five innings in his third game rehabbing a strained rib cage. He singled in the first and reached on an error in the fourth for the Knights. I looked at the Knights' site and the Charlotte Observer but didn't find anything alarming that would cause one to believe Thome was re-injured.
  10. QUOTE(joeynach @ May 17, 2007 -> 06:36 PM) Did I miss something Why are we talking about skipping starts or bringing somebody up, we have 5 solid starters dont we? Tue (played Wed) was Danks Wed was Contrertas Thu was Garland Fri is Buehrle Sat is Vazquez Sun back to Danks What gives? Because they would both be pitching 3 days' rest, actually, Jose would have even less time, since he pitched at night and Sunday will be a day game.
  11. QUOTE(klaus kinski @ May 17, 2007 -> 07:56 AM) Guillens lineup changes in third games of series have often thrown away possible sweeps. 2 of 3 is nice, especially against good teams. But the throw away games add up to problems in September. However, if you underutilize your bench, they're never going to perform for you, like Gload against Baltimore last year, Cintron against the Tigers, Timo Perez on a few occasions...giving them playing opportunies keep them sharp as well as motivated, and they pay more attention to what's going on around them so they're ready when called upon. Playing the bench players contributed a bit when Geoff Blum hit a homer in the World Series.
  12. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ May 17, 2007 -> 08:35 AM) So who is already on the 40 man roster, and is lined up to be able to pitch this game? Gavin Floyd pitched Tuesday for Charlotte and threw well, although he's been having some blister problems apparently. Egbert had his second tough outing in a row for the Barons.
  13. QUOTE(southsida86 @ May 16, 2007 -> 08:32 PM) Does anyone think that Jose is going to get his fastball velocity back? If not, do we trade him in the offseason? He has a 2.29 ERA since the Cleveland game...so obviously he's done "okay" without throwing 97. The gun seems to be 2-3 MPH slow...Contreras has been 92-94 when he's tried to throw a "straight" fastball. Garland's velocity is down, half of the bullpen, Vazquez.
  14. QUOTE(soxfan3530 @ May 16, 2007 -> 06:57 PM) Man! I'm almost baseball'ed out today! First the Sox game, then I had to cover a high school baseball game and now the second Sox game. There's no break!@!!!! The Sweeney bandwagon has cooled down just a bit recently...
  15. QUOTE(danman31 @ May 16, 2007 -> 04:36 PM) Before this season Getz was barely a prospect because he sucked in AA. To be honest, we barely put him on the list. It's our fault for releasing it late, but you simply can't make the argument that Getz was a top 20 prospect in this system before his success at Birmingham. I still think his upside is as a better than average utility infielder. Isn't that what they always said about Aaron Miles? Maybe we should trade for Angel Berroa, move him to 2B, and have the lowest OBP for two middle infielders in the majors...although we might have the best defensive infield, if Berroa pulled his head out of his a--.
  16. It was brought up on the post-game show, while Danks was being interviewed. Doesn't make a lot of sense not to start Danks for the following reasons... 1) Cubs bat .252 vs. LHP, .285 vs. RHP 2) You don't want Danks and Buehrle back-to-back 3) Ozzie seems to really trust him and I don't think would try to "protect" him from the Cubs' hysteria
  17. QUOTE(The Ginger Kid @ May 16, 2007 -> 04:16 PM) I really didn't expect Danks to be this good. Anyone know the most innings he's pitched in a season? 157.6 IP in 2006 and 140 IP in 2007
  18. QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ May 16, 2007 -> 04:08 PM) Thanks, guys. And a damn fine game. Wish they had Sox/Yankees instead of Red Sox/Tigers on ESPN, but you can't blame them. It would be great to see the pain it causes Cashman and Steinbrenner when Contreras pitches well against his former club...it must hurt doubly, with all the pitchers they've run out there the last three seasons or so.
  19. QUOTE(AddisonStSox @ May 16, 2007 -> 03:56 PM) "Value be damned" Great words to live by when running a professional organization. It is exactly that sort of mentality that cripples the future of an organization--incidentally, it is exactly that same mentality which brought G. Gonzalez back to the White Sox organization (sacrificing a better yield for either a) a player the organization over-values or b ) a salary dump) But what were getting rid of Lee, Ordonez and Valentin, if not salary dumps? Heck, Ordonez is the AL MVP so far this season, but is there anyone who would argue we would be better off having paid Magglio $12-13 million per season than paying Jermaine Dye $17 million TOTAL for 3 years? Who's to say Gonzalez won't be another Danks, or that we won't use those savings from the Garcia deal to make a mid-season acquisition? The Royals had to overpay to get Meche, the Tigers had to overpay (at the time) to get I-Rod...but both those moves gave credibility to unstable organizations and made it easier to add pieces to the puzzle down the line. QUOTE(witesoxfan @ May 16, 2007 -> 04:00 PM) No, it's getting rid of a pitcher who is about to fall off drastically. It's not a philosophy you take in every move you ever make, and it shouldn't have been taken in the Garcia trade. In this case, it really should be, because I just don't see how taking Contreras over Garland, regardless of the return you can get back, is a worthwhile move in either the short or the long. Tell me, are you going to be able to get 3 top prospects or 4 valuable commodities for Garland, ala Hirsh, Buchholz, Taveras, and Pence? If not, then trading Garland doesn't make sense, because you're not getting enough value back to justify trading him. Paying a #3 starter Garland's money makes a lot more sense on a 90-100 win team than a .500 team. If we lose Buehrle, it would make a lot more sense to get 2-3 quality players back for Garland (including a starting prospect) and create payroll flexibility. There's no way a pitcher in his 20's who has won 36 games the last two seasons but has so-so WHIP and BB/K ratios is ever going to be worth more than he is right now.
  20. QUOTE(whitesoxfan101 @ May 16, 2007 -> 03:54 PM) HA what an atrocious pun. Great work Danks, nice to see some runs, let's beat the Wang tonight and get a sweep. "REAL" ERA for Danks=3.46 Awesome...although Masset's slide is taking a little of the shine off that deal, and McCarthy has improved, with a 3-4 record and 6.51 ERA.
  21. QUOTE(SoxFan101 @ May 16, 2007 -> 03:25 PM) Yeah, not a huge fan of the list but I like reading them and seeing it anyways so nice job. I wonder if they took into consideration how Getz has started 2007...? The danger of doing this list going into the season is that it might change again significantly as time goes by.
  22. QUOTE(AddisonStSox @ May 16, 2007 -> 03:40 PM) Sure, on X-Box. This is the real-world, whereby we need to formulate projections on tangible, real-world baseball realities. Moving Contreras results in a net loss...of this much, I assure you. Moving Garland, on the other hand, (something Williams has attempted to do in two consecutive off-seasons) would most assuredly result in valuable pieces of the big-picture puzzle. Which player would you rather have on your team? Yes, that's what I thought. Now, why would any professional, paid, real-world general manager feel any different? [This is exactly the line of thinking I never really understand when it comes to Soxtalk proposed roster moves] In all fairness to Contreras, his ERA has been below 3.00 this season if you take away the first start of the season... To hear some people here talk about Jose, it's like he is nearing mediocrity. Subtract game #1 and you have these statistics on the season: 39.3 IP 28 Hits (best IP/H ratio on the team, of the starters) 10 ER 16 BB 20 K's 2.29 ERA And that's without his best stuff...nowhere even close. I'm guessing he gets back to 94-95 MPH consistently with his fastball in July and August, and he's going to pick up his strikeout numbers, no doubt about it. Of all the pitchers we could recall from AAA or AA, the best anyone realistically expects out of the gate is a 4.25-4.75 ERA, and that's being HOPEFULLY OPTIMISTIC. Nobody on our team has put up those results over a consistent period of starts or months except for Jose. Garland, at his very best is a #2, but he's never going to be a true ace like Jose has been, off and on, from the 2005 season onwards.
  23. QUOTE(SoxFan101 @ May 16, 2007 -> 11:33 AM) Yes he is making 12 million right now but he got that contract during the prime years of his career. Now he is 31-32 and is on the downside. Also Hunter while having a good offensive season it wont be as good as Gary Mathews jr was last year. Also it was believed the Mathews turned a corner which so far this season has proven right because he has similar numbers to that of Hunter. And Mathews is only making 6,400,000 this season. Idonno overall what he is due but its prob comes to an avg. of around 8-9 which is what Hunter should get. Given that he is going to be the same age of Mathews was as a f/a and the fact they both are really good with the glove and about equal offensivly. Hunter will give you more HR's but once the season is over and done Mathews will have a higher avg. Keep in mind in terms of overall offensively, Hunter has never had a season as good as Mathews was last year in terms of OPS. Did Magglio's contract go down, even AFTER half of baseball thought might not be able to come close to returning to form? Torii Hunter's HR numbers in seasons when he has 500+ AB's... 27, 29, 26, 23, 31 RBI numbers... 92, 94, 102, 81, 98 This year, he's projecting to well over 30 homers and 100 RBI's, something of a season like Jermaine Dye had last year. GMJ had 19 homers and 79 RBI's last year. You can't put a one year wonder and a proven veteran player in the same conversation, let alone argue that Matthews deserves or will make more money than Hunter. And the reputations of Hunter and Andruw Jones defensively add another $2-3 million onto their contracts. Matthews had that one great play for the Rangers, and he's a very good CFer, but he's never won a Gold Glove. Plus, he's nowhere close to the same type of leader, clubhouse presence and "franchise-identifiable" star that Hunter has been with the Twins...he just doesn't have that charisma that makes someone want to go out and buy tickets to see Gary Matthews, Jr. play baseball.
  24. QUOTE(Hanky Panky @ May 15, 2007 -> 04:43 PM) What about the Royals? Don't they deserve analysis? Geronimo Berroa is up again, and he's not talking to the media. Enough said. Maybe the White Sox should trade for him and make him the new 2B? (Green implied...Uribe and Berroa, the OBP Brothers, I can see it now...) They do live cut-ins to Royals games when Berroa walks, like when Buehrle threw a no-hitter.
  25. QUOTE(SoxFan101 @ May 15, 2007 -> 10:20 AM) No way is signing Hunter the cost of what Dye would of got if he was a f/a. Dye had an MVP type season Hunter has never gotten close to that. Andrew Jones is so much better its not even fair to compare those 2. No way does Hunter get a contract over 10 million unless the yanks/redsox are involved with it. And we wouldnt lose 2 of our starters, but 1 of them is w/out doubt going to be gone no matter if we sign Hunter or not. Hunter is making $12 million RIGHT NOW, TODAY. He's off to his best ever start...you can pencil him at $13-14 million per season, for 3-5 seasons, minimum. For those doubters, look at Gary Matthews, Jr., coming off ONE pretty good season and how much he got, which is more than some are saying Hunter will receive. For those who keep saying Grudzielanek, the Royals will exercise an option between $4-4.5 million on him for 2008. If he's so bad the Royals don't want to keep him, we might as well retain Iguchi, right?
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