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Everything posted by dasox24

  1. QUOTE (Heads22 @ Nov 5, 2008 -> 03:11 PM) My dog is being put to sleep back home as we speak. It sucks. Sorry Alex. I know the feeling and that is definitely rough.
  2. I think alternative energy needs to be addressed as one of the 1st things, as do many of you it seems. Also, I put re-vamping our education system before things like the Iraq war and health care. I mean, health care is important, but not implementing a universal health care system. Some sort of other changes can be addressed with health care, but those would probably come 4th on my list. Universal health care just doesn't work and the cost is running countries dry (like Canada). They don't have the money for it, but it's about damn near impossible to scrap the system once it's in place b/c of all the people that think it's needed. They're too scared of the alternative of going back to a privatized system. But, education is one thing that needs to be and can be changed. Not sure how to do it, but that's why I'm not the man in charge. Obama and congress have to come up with something. Unfortunately, that seems to be about the last thing on Obama's agenda.
  3. QUOTE (scenario @ Nov 5, 2008 -> 01:11 PM) 'A Case of Need' is a little known classic. Definitely worth the time. Absolutely. Very good book... My favorite Crichton contribution has to be ER. I own seasons 1-7 and have watched season 1 probably like 3 times. The show might not be what it once was, but overall it is definitely the best medical drama ever.
  4. It was just brought to my attention earlier today that this proposition passed. I had no idea. I thought that with how liberal California is, it had no chance of passing.
  5. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Nov 5, 2008 -> 02:02 PM) I'm sure you were equally appalled at the 23 year old white guy who cried when the Sox won it all. Eh, not really. We'll just have to agree to disagree 'cause there's no changing my opinion. Even my buddy (who's black) who I watched the coverage with last night thought the random people crying was a little over the top, but whatever...
  6. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Nov 5, 2008 -> 08:31 AM) You obviously don't understand the context of this in history. But go ahead and call me a fool because I had tears going down my face at the rally last night. I do understand the context of this in history. Hell, just 20 years ago if you had told a black man he could have been president, I don't think he would have believed you, which shows just how far we have come. Maybe I should have been more clear in that the people I'm referring to are the 30ish-looking white guys that were hugging/teary-eyed after Obama was announced as the winner, or the young white woman (maybe late 20's) that was crying as well. What are those people crying for? And that goes the same for if McCain won b/c I'm sure there would have been the same type of people crying, and I would have called them out for it too... As much as I dislike Jesse Jackson, I can understand why he or any middle-age or older black man would be so emotional - they lived through a period of awful hatred/racism in the country, so this is a great thing for them and a continued step in the right direction for race relations in this country. By the way, I shouldn't have said "fool" b/c that's harsh and I didn't really mean to insult you, but I still think it's over the top for a lot of those people they showed crying to be crying.
  7. Just want to make a couple points... 1) Though I don't agree with much of Obama's economic policy, he is the 44th President of the United States of America and I have the utmost respect for the man. He seems to be a genuinely good guy. There are definitely some important things (e.g. education) that need to be addressed in our country and I hope he can lead us in the right direction. I just hope he has the balls to not let crazy-ass Pelosi and other wacky dems dictate the next 4 years with a democratic congress. If he doesn't agree with some of their radical bulls***, then he needs to say so, though it will be hard being in the same party and all... 2) I'm sorry, but if you cried when Obama was announced as the victor and you weren't on his immediate staff or a family member, that's just ridiculous. All those people crying looked like fools at the Obama rally. I would never have cried if McCain was elected. I understand being happy, but tears of joy are over the top.
  8. QUOTE (beautox @ Nov 4, 2008 -> 06:06 AM) I love that video... "I wanted to do hoodrat stuff with my friends..." lol
  9. QUOTE (zenryan @ Nov 4, 2008 -> 04:12 AM) A lot of talk in Tampa is that Tennessee wants to go after Gruden. Are you hearing any of that? I dont think the Bucs would really stop Gruden if he wanted to bolt. Oh absolutely. There's ton of talk around here that we'll go after Gruden. His wife went to UT and all her family is in the area, and he was a grad assistant here. Not sure he would leave the pro game since that is really all he knows, but if there was a school he would go to, I think UT would be the one.
  10. QUOTE (danman31 @ Nov 4, 2008 -> 12:12 AM) I just want to know why Tennessee football thought back to back 10 win seasons in 06 and 07 put him on the hot seat in the first place. It's Tennessee and they play in the SEC. They were in the SEC title game last year. The thing I keep hearing is that they are only 14-12 in his last 26 SEC games. Why is that firable? It's usually (though, not this year) the deepest conference in the country. I can see some logic to it, but I think it's rather absurd for Tennessee to think they are better than this guy. Yeah, it's the problem with being so spoiled with wins for so long. Going 5-6 three years ago and then this season means we're probably going to end up with 2 losing seasons out of the last 4. It has been a downhill fall since about 2001. The main problem isn't the overall record, but the record against Florida, Georgia, and Alabama the last few seasons. We've beaten Georgia 2 out of the last 3 years, but other than that, Bama and especially Florida have dominated us. And when you're competing for an SEC championship every year, losing to Florida really hurts those chances unless Florida gets upset, which is what happened last year. Not sure if this will be a good thing or not, but I can only hope it is. We have a top 10 recruiting class, and I hope we can keep some of that, but there will definitely be attrition, which will hurt in a couple years. UT needs a great hire or else we'll go through a period like Alabama did from about 2000 to 2007...
  11. QUOTE (Iwritecode @ Nov 3, 2008 -> 04:33 PM) Mommy, that salesmen is on TV! Without even having to click on that, I know what it is... and it just gave me goosebumps.
  12. Fulmer leaving is weird for Tennessee fans. On one hand, I firmly believe a change needed to be made and I think it's a great opportunity for us to snag a great coach that is a little more up-to-date with the times. On the other hand, it was sad watching his press conference and re-living all the great things he did for the program. UT was 45-5 in a 4 year stretch in the '90s. Doesn't get much better than that. I can't imagine going from your freshman year of college to your senior year, and only seeing your team lose 5 times. I've seen us lose 5 times this year, lol... I want Will Muschamp of the realistic choices. My dream choice would be Pete Carroll, but that's not gonna happen. Not sure why he would ever leave Southern Cal where USC football is the top dog in a city with no pro team. Though, UT is said to be planning on making him an offer that would make him the highest paid coach in college football - over $6M/yr. After that, they'll go after head coaches at smaller schools (Brian Kelly/Mike Leach) or coordinators like Muschamp.
  13. Nice pics, Scenario... Pretty cool that you were able to head out there and catch some games.
  14. QUOTE (Rex Hudler @ Nov 1, 2008 -> 10:43 AM) Here is the problem Brian. When you live down here in the middle of it, it is impossible to pick just one school. See the link below and tell me if you can really come up with a favorite!! Women of SEC football No nudity in link above Ha, I just saw two girls I know in those pictures...
  15. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Oct 31, 2008 -> 02:04 PM) The New Madrid Fault system is an odd one. It exists right in the middle of a plate, where it's difficult to get big earthquakes. But it's certainly there, and troublesome. I've never really liked the studies I've seen on that one because most of them seem like they rate the recurrence interval too low, they tend to be a little too alarmist for the match I do in my head. I think about a 500 year recurrence interval for magnitude 8 events seems reasonable, and there are some numbers out there that say that. It's been 200 years since the last big one, but the last big one was a swarm of about 4 magnitude 7-8 events. It's fairly likely that there will be a magnitude 6, slight damage, annoying type event on that system within the next 50-100 years. I think the next big one there is probably a couple hundred years off, but with faults, it's really hard to say that for sure. It could have a recurrence interval of 500 years, move 3 times in 200 years and then decide not to move again for 1500 years. You've got probably a 5% chance in the next 50-75 years of having another magnitude 8 event on that fault. On the other hand, the Southern San Andreas has probably a 95% chance of going within the next 50 years. Makes me feel better. I had been hearing things years ago that said we should expect a 7.0+ earthquake in the next 10 years. So, I was beginning to think that would happen very soon. Oh, and that sucks to be on the San Andreas. Pretty much inevitable I guess...
  16. QUOTE (Disco72 @ Oct 31, 2008 -> 04:11 PM) If a student comes by, it can help them if they are borderline for a grade, but the "content" of the meeting (as well as the Guinness) certainly makes a difference. For example, if you come by my office and say "I haven't read the chapters yet, but can you explain them all to me?"...it's probably going to hurt your case rather than help (that happened to me this week). If you have legit, insightful questions (even "dumb" questions are ok) that are based on a misunderstanding of the material or not totally understanding the text and/or lecture, it definitely has a positive impact on my impression of the student. Coming to office hours to kiss-ass doesn't help, but legitimately wanting to learn does, if that makes sense....and, yes, I can usually tell the difference between ass-kissing and legitimate interest. That's what I figured... thanks. I've only been to my teachers' office hours a few times in my college career, but every time has been for legitimate questions. Like you said, email is normally good enough to get any questions answered, unless it's some in-depth stuff.
  17. I don't go to office hours much, but every time I've gone they've been there, which is nice. For you professors out there, does a student attending your office hours (e.g. showing they care enough to ask for extra help) give them any extra benefit when it comes to grading, etc?
  18. QUOTE (Jimbo's Drinker @ Oct 31, 2008 -> 03:01 AM) You guys will be a good test for Kansas to see how the young kids have matured by mid season. I recommend you try to see the game live on Jan 3rd and visit the greatest college basketball stadium in the nation. That would definitely be a fun game to attend. I can imagine how awesome the atmosphere must be.
  19. Hey Balta, you have any info on the New Madrid fault? It hasn't done anything in like 200 years, and I think we're well overdue... aka, do I need to stay clear of Memphis for the foreseeable future? lol
  20. dasox24


    Seems like it would be fun. If only I could grow a real mustache...
  21. I currently have a regular 'ol 19-inch TV. It suits me just fine in my room at school, but I'd like to possibly upgrade this holiday season. I think a 32-inch would seem huge compared to what I've always been used to, lol... My 1st experience with Black Friday was last year, and I just missed out on a laptop we were going to buy for my mom. Didn't realize how early people got places. My sister and I showed up about 2 hours before Circuit City opened and the line was already really long.
  22. QUOTE (zenryan @ Oct 30, 2008 -> 01:12 PM) ESPN/USA Today Preseason Poll is out today http://sports-ak.espn.go.com/ncb/rankings ESPN/USA Today Poll 13. Tennessee 0-0 408 I'll take that. Pretty respectable ranking for a team that lost all 3 guards that started from last year's team. I'm so excited to see Scotty Hopson, Renaldo Woolridge, and Emmanuel Negedu. They'll have there ups and downs as all freshman do, but they're all just so talented. Should be fun to watch...
  23. I love that we'll most likely have 2 first rounders, a supplemental pick, and a 2nd rounder. How long has it been since we had 2 1st round draft picks? Like 1998? I don't feel like looking it up, but I wanna say it was that Kip Wells year. Regardless, it's a great way to keep rebuilding that farm system.
  24. QUOTE (FlaSoxxJim @ Oct 29, 2008 -> 03:26 PM) Stupid Velociraptor I could survive for 1 minute, 6 seconds chained to a bunk bed with a velociraptor Created by Bunk Beds.net That's what I got too... I have a feeling it would be a lot less than that though
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