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Everything posted by Pastime

  1. Every time Gammons opens his mouth the past month, I lose more and more respect for him. Buehrle will be here til the end of the season and beyond - BOOK IT, DANO! Gammons is just a shellshocked Red Sox fan who can't think straight because his favorite team took it up the ass unlubricated by the Yankees ONCE AGAIN. At least they have their baked beans to soothe them in their time of need.
  2. I don't hate New York - nice city, great people, kickass food, great time - but I hate that team that plays in the Bronx, and I hope their owner .... well, I won't go that far, but you get my drift. To King George, a hearty
  3. From what I'm hearing on the radio here in Chicago, this very well may go down before noon. Borasshole strikes again. It irritates me intensely - FOCK THE YANKEES!
  4. Perhaps he was mourning with the rest of Red Sox nation. Actually, he was getting his picture taken for the new $20 bill. See?
  5. As long as Kenny is with the team it won't work There is no way Evans and Williams could co-exist. That bridge has not only been burned, but it's also fallen apart and been washed down the river. There's going to be enough fireworks to watch when Ozzie and Frank have to share the same dugout 162 times.
  6. They should be making a profit - their concessions are the most expensive of any ballpark, their tickets are very pricey, they have a great product on the field that people come out in droves to watch (hey, there's a novel concept!), and they have that huge television contract with the YES Network. Even with a payroll of 200 million smackers, George is still raking in cash hand over fist.
  7. I wonder if that replica comes with a GI-Joe-sized Andy the Clown.
  8. How long do you think b4 Ryan Wing will be ready? Rex Hudler would be better suited to answer that. My opinion? I don't want to rush the kid and potentially destroy his confidence. However, if Wing, Honel, and Cotts are in our rotation next year or the year after, we are sitting pretty.
  9. it has to be on espn because of A Rod.. ...and Willie Harris.
  10. Only thing we can hope for is that the farm teams the Sox have can bring in some good talent. Maybe I'm being overly optimistic, but I would expect to see Honel and Cotts in our rotation next season.
  11. Of course I'm kidding. I just can't see the Sox getting rid of Buehrle unless we get a monstrous trade offer that no one in their right mind could refuse. Buehrle is not Mark Prior, or maybe even Barry Zito, but he's a very good pitcher who is a season of good luck away from winning 22 games, IMO. He's an "ace" type, and you can't easily replace that - well, the Yankees can, but WE can't. Plus, I think Buehrle is happy to be here, and any animosity he had towards the team should be dead and gone. They offered him a nice contract, he refused, then had a bad season (or mediocre if you prefer). So what did the Sox do? They offered him basically the same contract in good faith. I don't know if any of this makes sense or not, but I try.
  12. Steff, That's pure blasphemy. The organization is completely fan-friendly and does anything it can to appease us and make us happy. If Kenny's courteous responses at SoxFest and the renovations of the upper deck don't prove that, I don't know what does. (Being a Sox fan, I really need to buy stock in Tylenol).
  13. Jester, What's frustrating is that even if Reinsdorf jacked up the payroll to 75 million, we STILL couldn't sniff the money level of the Red Sox, Cubs ( ), or Yankees. I just wish Kenny spent the money he DOES have in a wiser manner.
  14. Ashby - history of arm trouble, when healthy (rare), decent but unspectacular Astacio - coming back from arm trouble, hitting 85 on the gun Burkett - retired, and tired Maddux - going to pitch at the World's Largest Singles Bar Moehler - inconsistent, either pretty good or really bad Stephenson - still recovering from arm trouble, but worth a look
  15. Mark isn't going anywhere for the next 3-4 years. He signed a legal binding contract to pitch with the White Sox, and I expect him and the team to honor said contract. (Keep in mind that I'm typing this with my fingers crossed. And yes, it's very painful - and awkward).
  16. If they don't win this year, he'll fire tons of people and make wholesale changes. The Yankees will either then go back to doing things the right way and be a little more patient or they will self-destruct and become the Yankees of the 80's with lots of talent and high priced players and not enough wins. Rex, Along those same lines, I heard an interview with Chalrie Steiner yesterday (Yankees announcer), and he said that if they don't win the World Series this year, he can see Steinbrenner saying "Why the hell am I spending all this money if I'm not winning it all?" and making wholesale changes, much like you said.
  17. Why is Mark Buehrle's name on that list? That really irritates me. He's OURS, Georgie, and you can't have him. So go scratch, Daddy Warbucks. If the Yanks want a lefty so badly, they can pick up Shawn Estes for a song. With that lineup, Estes and his 6.00 ERA would still win 15 games.
  18. Yasny, I will be interested to see or "observe" the effect the trade will have on the Red Sox' mental state of mind and psyche. And to know they almost had the guy has to really hurt them even more. If anything, it will add even more fuel to the fire of that rivalry, which was already an out-of-control inferno to begin with.
  19. I just look forward to how all those huge EGOS mesh together, if they do. Their pitching staff isn't "world beaters." I've seen great lineups get their asses handed to them by great pitching staffs. EXAMPLE ONE (I hate to say this) - the 2003 Cubs vs. the 2003 Braves.
  20. All I know is what I observed. And I didn't drink, either. Nancy Faust was on Steve Dahl's radio show a few years ago and had a lot of fun with the praise Steve heaped upon her for her "antics" in that game. So she is either lying to you, me, or Steve. You be the judge. It's not important enough to me to argue. I had a great day with my dad (a TRUE rarity in my life), so it was a good day in my life. Steve Dahl actually suggested some "theme songs" that she should play when a certain opposing hitter comes to the plate, and he asked her about that. She didn't say much except "I have a sense of humor, believe it or not." Either way, I don't care. I remember it as I remember it, and my dad remembers it as he remembers it, and Steve Dahl remembers it as he remembers it, so if it's true or not, who cares? I sure don't.
  21. I don't know if my sig is showing up or not, but if it is THANKS A MILLION S4LPA! KICK ASS! A thousand thanks to you. It's awesome. I almost had tears in my eyes - seriously. My wife thought it was awesome. THANK YOU.
  22. Sox4Life, This is a perfect background: http://www.dugout-memories.com/gofffor2.jpg You can find the pics of Mathewson, Johnson, Gehrig, Mays, Musial, Ruth, and Weaver here : http://www.suntala.com/classicbaseball I don't know how to shrink the pics and superimpose the players among the background, but you do. Thanks again. I appreciate it.
  23. Pastime

    You Bastards

    Cry me a river. I was in Albuquerque, New Mexico in 2000 on vacation (Christmas). We got 6 inches of snow, and I was livid and pissed beyond belief. I walked around the hotel for 2 days yelling "This is the fu*king desert, the FU*KING DESERT!! How the Hell can it snow here?!!" (Even though I ranted and raved and cussed a blue streak for two days, she still married me anyway.)
  24. Pastime

    51 dates

    Oops. When I first saw this thread, I assumed that WSoxShuff had 51 dates to choose from on Valentine's Day. I assumed he was either studly, rich, hung like Ron Jeremy, or all 3. My bad.
  25. Pastime's evening was simple. I gave the wife a nice card and a small gift, then we went to dinner at a lakeshore restaurant (Lake Michigan is still frozen, sadly). Then we walked on the beach for a while, froze our asses off, and then drove home. Then I held her in my arms in bed for an hour until she fell asleep with Kenny G (GAG!!!) playing in the background. She's still asleep, I'm still awake, and I'm posting here. I hope you all had a nice Valentine's Day. If you didn't - I'm sorry.
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