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Everything posted by Pastime

  1. Sox4life, If you have the time, a signature with 5 old time baseball players (Nellie Fox, Lou Gehrig, Walter Johnson, Hank Greenberg, and Sandy Koufax) with an old stadium in the background. If it's in black and white, it's fine. Could you also add the words "It's Our Pastime" to it at the bottom. Thanks a million, bro. Much appreciated. I've tried that Adobe crap for two days, and I have no clue. Hey, I was born in 1971 - I grew up with "Pong" and Atari, so please have sympathy.
  2. You mean signing a high-profile free agent might actually increase ticket sales? Well spank my ass and call me Charlie. No way!! That can actually happen? Wow. We would rather take the "come out and support us and then we'll spend" approach. Pure genius, I tell ya. Pure genius - or stupidity. You say tomato, I say tomatoe. Pffft. Instead of the next "Wheel Of Fortune" contestant buying a vowel, let's hope he buys Jerry Reinsdorf a clue as to how to run a f***ing major-league franchise.
  3. My favorite Nancy Faust moment came back in 1988. Jose Canseco stood there at home plate and took a fastball down the middle from Dave LaPoint with 2 outs and men on 2nd and 3rd. The ump called it ball four. Total bulls***. LaPoint was jumping around on the mound, Jim Fregosi comes out and screams at the home-plate umpire for about 25 seconds and then is ejected. The crowd is up in arms and screaming. Fregosi is ejected, and the crowd is pissed big time. About a minute later, the game resumes with the crowd still pissed off. The hitter comes up, and all of a sudden you hear a loud organ playing the tune "Three Blind Mice." The home plate umpire immediately throws Nancy Faust out of the game and she has to leave. LMAO!! A precious memory for me. We ended up winning the game in the bottom of the 9th anyway.
  4. A White Sox fan who drinks? Hmmmm. I can't see any tie-in, but I wish I could. It would make for a fabulous research paper. I say just stick Cotts in there, let him take his lumps, and we'll be better off for it a year from now. My positive thinking about the upcoming season is sinking faster than the Titanic. Schoenweiss is a decent pitcher. He would be a long reliever on a championship team. He would be a 5th starter on a pretty good team. He's our 4th starter. It's UH-OH time, folks.
  5. Pastime

    Jerry Krause

    Amen, my BRUTHA!! Preach it - preach the TRUTH!! I've already compromised my sister since she's one of the few females in that organization's hierarchy, so I won't say anything else. But trust me, the s*** that came out of the last few years of the Bulls upper management is BUTT-UGLY. Use your imagination.
  6. Pastime

    Jerry Krause

    C. Rector, Honestly - a chimp could have built a team around the greatest player in NBA history, so don't give too much credit to Fatass Krispy Krause. For every Dennis Rodman he acquired, he acquired a Brad Sellers. For every Bill Cartwright he acquired, he acquired a Jeff Sanders. The guy built a team around a guy who scored 1/3 OF THE TEAM'S POINTS EVERY GAME. Yeah, he drafted Pippen (well, traded for him, although he was a gamble and was sought by some other GM's), and he scored 20 points a game. So, in other words, he had to fill a roster with 10 other guys who could score 45 points. LOL!! How hard can that be, truly? Not hard at all. And Krause ruined the Bulls franchise for the next 5 years. It will take Paxson another 3 years to clean up the crap that Krause left behind. That's why Crisco-Boy skipped town to watch teenagers play baseball. How's his "boatload free agents" of Brad Miller and Ron Mercer doing? How's that Elton Brand for Tyson Chandler trade looking? How's that Brad Miller and Ron Artest for ballhog Jalen Rose trade looking? Without the greatest player in NBA history to build around, he was a miserable failure - he couldn't wait to build a team without Jordan to show the world how "smart" he was - and how's that team been doing? Krause is a f***ing moron, plain and simple. We could have a starting lineup of Brad Miller, Elton Brand, Ron Artest, Kirk Heinrich, and Jamal Crawford right now, with Curry and Mercer as the 6th and 7th man off the bench. How would that look right about now? Better than 15-38, I can assure you. My sister works in P.R. for the Bulls, and I have inside info and free tickets (ha ha ha), and believe me when I tell you that Krause "resigned" because he was going to be fired, not because he wanted to. The other stockholders literally held a "revolt" and stormed Reinsdick's office on a Monday morning. I only wish Sox stockholders would do the same.
  7. Jerry's just pissed because now someone has called his sorry ass out on the carpet on a nationwide forum, and the world finally gets to see what a jackass Reinsdorf really is.
  8. You know, it's already a crap shoot to expect all of your starters to remain healthy for a whole season to begin with, and now we have 2 proven pitchers and a bunch of question marks in the rotation. I'm not liking where this is going. Not one bit.
  9. I personally think we'll have a "5th starter by committee" this year. We'll eat those inning with about 4 different guys, hope for 9 wins amongst them, and pray to God that it's good enough to help a patchwork pitching staff win a weak division. Pathetic. Did I miss something? I didn't see a Baj post anywhere in this thread. My bad, but they have the same damn avatar. Between people sharing the same avatar and the whole "Rex Hudler - Hex Rudler - Hudler Rex" crap, it's hard to tell who is who anymore. So sue me.
  10. If we had taken a chance on Burkett, he would have blown an Achilles tendon. So goes the rotten luck of the Sox.
  11. He may have had that velocity in his younger years, Up Yours ( ), but according to the ESPN radar guns the last few years, he hasn't hit 90-91 on the gun for a long time.
  12. She has trouble with a "Speak 'N' Spell," so I don't worry too much.
  13. Anything without Roger Waters is not Pink Floyd - end of discussion. David Gilmore, Richard Wright, and Nick Mason can perform all the albums and concerts they want to under the name "Pink Floyd," but they are only lying to themselves and to all the die-hard fans. Unless Waters is in the rotation, it's not truly "pure" Pink Floyd. Thank God I saw them in concert back when they were all together.
  14. Anything my wife cooks. Seriously. :puke
  15. Shine On You Crazy Diamond Keep Talking Breathe In The Flesh Another Brick In The Wall - Parts I, II, and III Run Like Hell One Of These Days Wish You Were Here Welcome To The Machine Have A Cigar Comfortably Numb Hey You Mother Money Us And Them Dogs Pigs (Three Different Ones) Sheep Young Lust Wish You Were Here Anything UmmaGumma See Emily Play Brain Damage/Eclipse Time Just Another Movie Sorrow
  16. I hear ya. They should just rename "Baseball Tonight" and call it "The Yankees and Red Sox Baseball Show." That's all they seem to care about anyway.
  17. Baj, Where did you get this info? Was he working out with you guys or something? How do you blow out an Achilles tendon anyway? If this is true, I'm pissed. I really thought he could step up and be a contributor to this team. If this is false, then let's see what happens.
  18. Good. I'll be in Vegas in a month, and I have some money to bet. Cha-ching! As for Santana, I love his music and his awesome ability to play the guitar, but I hope he stinks as a starting pitcher. You would think that the callouses on his fingers would affect his grip on the ball.
  19. Reinsdorf's a little baby. He's like the kid who doesn't completely get his way, so he takes his ball and bat and goes home. I hate Mariotti, but I do absolutely love the fact that Jay is calling out and ripping Reinsdorf on the same radio station that hosts the Sox and Bulls. For someone who claims that he "never reads the papers or listens to talk radio," Mr. Reinsdorf sure seems upset and flustered lately. Hmmmm. I guess the truth hurts.
  20. It's not easy getting away with a 89-90mph heater, knuckle-curve or not. The only one I can think of is Mike Mussina, who has won 199 games in his career. Other than that, I draw a blank. And who knows if Honel will ever come close to sniffing the success of Mussina.
  21. Perez for Thomas is highway robbery - for the Dodgers. That would be the stupidest trade in Sox history. Unless Jackson is involved, forget about it. Plus, I thought I read that some "Billy Beane" clone was close to taking over as GM for the Dodgers. If that's the case, then I could see Perez for Thomas straight up, since Beane has a history of making Kenny look silly, and his clones might do the same. However, if Kenny is going to try to trade Thomas just because he didn't return phone calls, then KW's a dolt and a moron of gigantic proportions. All respect I've gained for him over the last 2 years will be flushed down the s***ter. For once, I hope Reinsdorf sticks his ugly face into the situation, and then nixes the deal.
  22. If ATA Airlines REALLY wanted Maddux to come to Chicago, then they should guarantee that Britney Spears was the flight attendant. Any of you who have seen her latest video know what I mean - coffee, tea, or ME - (giving you lap dances). I wish I could afford first class seating. My flight attendants are always mean old women who need industrial strength Oil Of Olay.
  23. We need to beat ANY team that we face early in the season, regardless of who they are. And I will let the Kansas City press and the KC fans worry about their rotation - I could personally care less. I'm more worried about MY team's rotation. If KC's rotation or Minny's rotation are shoddy and weak, awww - too bad, so sad. I'm glad people have written us off. Even with Harris, Rowand, and Olivo as 1/3 of our lineup, I still think we pound the s*** out of our division opponents. We will be more competitive than we think. Harris isn't great, but at least he's not Donnie Hill. Rowand isn't great, but at least he's not Dave Gallagher. And Schoenweiss and Garland aren't great, but at least they're not Eric King and Jeff Bittiger. In other words, back in those days, we had a snowball's chance in Hell of competing. This team DOES have a chance. Let's play the games, fellas. (And ladies).
  24. NL MVP: Paul Bako ROY: Sergio Mitre NL Pennant: Cubs Batting Champ: Alex Gonzalez HR: Michael Barrett RBI: Mark Grudzielanak Cy Young: Todd Wellmeyer Saves: Kent Mercker Wins: Juan Cruz AL MVP: Sandy Alomar, Jr. ROY: Arnie Munoz AL Pennant: White Sox Batting Champ: Jose Valentin HR: Juan Uribe RBI: Willie Harris Cy Young: Scott Schoenweiss Saves: Cliff Pollite Wins: Kelly Wunsch ----------- World Series: Sox over Cubs in 7 Comeback Player of the Year: Ron Kittle
  25. Being creeped out by vaguely satan-looking, wasted slobs in the waiting line...and then having to slide across a vomit-, urine-, s***-covered washroom floor, terrified of losing your balance as a grinning Ronnie Woowoo impersonator in front of you doesn't even bother to zip up on his way back from a stall.....is a rite of passage for every North Side boy under the age of 10. "That's utter bulls***!," yells the drunken yuppie as he dizzily stands on a Wrigleyville lawn, gently sprinkling his fluid waste and wearing with pride the ocean-blue cap with the blood-colored "C" imprinted upon it. Meanwhile, other grassy havens of Wrigleyville meet their familiar urinary fate, and then become cluttered with the glimmer of aluminum cans that once held the chilled remnants of krausened brew. Finally, as the night becomes bleak and dark, the figures left staggering and laughing finally find their comfort in cars, busses, trains, and distant sidewalks. Ahhh yes, another glorious memory of baseball Heaven has been consumed at the welcoming arms of the Shrine. Even using a little poetry can't brighten the fact of a typical game there - I'm thankful that I'm not a Cubs fan.
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