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Everything posted by Pastime

  1. If you want to be on the David Wells program, then here's all you have to do: Each and every day, drink a 12-pack of beer, eat 3-4 cheeseburgers and/or 2 pizzas, scratch your crotch once an hour, be surly, mean, and nasty to all people you meet, don't care about your physical appearance or health, and hang out in places where you can smoke and swear like a sailor til all hours of the morning. You follow that plan, and I guarantee within 2 months you TOO will be a major-league fatass has-been pitcher and a major-leauge dickhead to boot!
  2. From listening to the SoxFest coverage on the radio, there will be ANOTHER Q+A session with Kenny Williams and Ozzie Guillen later today. I'm sure they're stoked and really looking forward to it.
  3. Even without I-Rod, Detroit beat our brains in last year. But I'm not worried - we now have Ozzie! I will never refer to I-Rod as "Pudge." There's only one "Pudge," and he played half his career for the White Sox. For the record, even if I-Rod DID agree to sign with the Tigers, I can't see him staying there. He'll probably get traded during the year - possibly back to the Marlins. He just won the World Series, and now he's going to play for one of the worst teams in baseball history? I just don't understand that at all. But I'm sure 10 million a year will cushion the blow.
  4. I loved that 1993 team. I went to 20 games that year, and they won 17 out of the 20 I attended, so it was all good. Ellis Burks, Lance Johnson, Tim Raines, Ozzie Guillen, Frank Thomas, Joey Cora, Bo Jackson, George Bell, Robin Ventura, and Cowardly-Lion Karkovice were the main hitters, with Black Jack McDowell, Jason Bere, Alex Fernandez, Wilson Alvarez, Kirk McCaskill, and Roberto Hernandez as the main pitchers. That team was a lot of fun to watch and a lot of fun to root for.
  5. I still think the owners are morons for accepting McCourts bid. Whether or not they accepted the bid, the opinion still stands.
  6. I would like to see us sign Albert Belle to a minor-league deal. He probably feels as though he has something to prove to all of us who doubted him and rode his ass back in the day. Plus, he would be a real "hip" player to have on the Sox.
  7. Nice find, and the pic of the Cell is even cooler than the one of that s***hole, Wrigley Field! Blasphemy, I say!! Pure blasphemy!! How dare you say that about the World's Largest Singles Bar - how dare you! :fthecubs
  8. I think it means that he likes to clear his head. In other words, if your whole mental makeup was baseball baseball baseball for 12 months, you might become bored and disinterested and suffer from potential burnout. You could suffer from baseball overload. I think he likes to clear his head in the offseason and think about other things besides baseball. Just my thoughts. If he comes to Spring Training fresh, rejuvinated, and full of energy and enthusiasm, then I'm all for whatever he does in the offseason.
  9. If Reinsdorf sold the team, the first bottle of champagne would be courtesy of Pastime. The Sox are willing to do ALMOST anything to appease Sox fans - the stadium is too high? We'll adjust the upper deck! The starting times for games is too early on Sundays? We'll move it back an hour! However, when it comes to the team and its roster - no can do. That's the biggest problem. I hate to be negative, but the roster as it's laid out now doesn't impress me a whole lot, and it's sad that we are hoping to win the most pathetic division possibly in baseball history. I'm sorry - I thought the goal was to win the World Series, not to win a horrible division and then get your ass handed to you in the playoffs. Let's just say that the Sox win the division. Our #1 pitcher in the playoffs would be Buehrle. Our #2 pitcher in the playoffs would be Loaiza. Our #3 pitcher in the playoffs would be Jon Garland. I think you get the picture.
  10. I like any trade rumor that doesn't have Ordonez involved. Me too - if he's going to leave town, and he will, then let's milk his last season here for all it's worth. As for Washburn giving up a ton of dingers, as long as they are solo shots, it's not the end of the world. I read today that the new Dodgers owner says his payroll will be in excess of 100 million. I would lean more towards a Sox/Dodgers deal than anthing else.
  11. Whether this deal is merely thinking out loud, speculation, or a "true rumor," it's nice to hear SOMETHING about the White Sox. Once the Super Bowl is over, there won't be much to talk about in the sports world. If Kenny really wants some coverage for the Sox, maybe he should fall down a flight of stairs.
  12. Someone get a pick-up basketball game going NOW - invite Derek Jeter and Jason Giambi. When they go up for a shot- stick your foot out under theirs. Enjoy!
  13. Everyone will consider this negative, but I see Miguel Olivo as our new Ron Karkovice. Great defensively, and a great teammate, but will never hit above .240. However, he will have some power numbers. The difference is that we could afford to have Karko because the rest of the lineup was really good - I can't say that now.
  14. Willie Harris - He is currently hitting .501 with 1 HR, 14 RBI, and 24 stolen bases in just 12 games. ????? I figured if people were just making up phantom stats, I would join the mix.
  15. Irish, I think Kenny will always have something to say about something. He has finally realized where he is and what he is. He's a GM who has a short leash to deal with, a GM who has restrictions thrown in his face. He's bitter, angry, frustrated, and pissed. And he should be. However, he should take his frustrations out in another manner. Hit a pillow, hit a punching bag, go into a secluded area and scream, etc. Starting trouble with a player who already has thin skin is NOT - I repeat, NOT, a healthy way to deal with his troubles. Especially when said player has purposely remained quiet and secluded. I still think the best alternative is a steel cage match with Ozzie, Kenny, and Frank. Whoever crawls out is the one we deem the "correct one."
  16. Hell, sign all of them up to minor-league deals. The more pieces of coal you stick under pressure, the greater your chance to find a diamond. That's geologically correct, by the way. Not that you care.
  17. It's supposed to be Bartolo Colon, I think. I wanted the avatar where Bartolo eats one of his teammates in a hunger binge, but I couldn't find it.
  18. Irish, I have to disagree with one of your points. Frank is a member of the White Sox. They are paying him to one simple thing - hit the baseball. That's it. Unless you know something I don't, he's not being paid to be a "White Sox Spokesperson" or a "White Sox Ambassador." In other words, his "loyalty" and "duty" for the Sox occurs during the season. Is he not entitled to an offseason? Is he not entitled to his life outside of the Sox? Yes he is. If Frank chooses to leave the team after the season and just live his life in PRIVACY, without saying or doing anything related to baseball, that's his business. Not your business. Not my business. And not Kenny Williams' business either. Once again, unless he's being paid to be an official spokesperson or ambassador, then he can do whatever he damn well pleases in the offseason with no judgment against him being valid. If he doesn't want to talk to the GM or the manager, and if he doesn't want to come to SoxFest, that's his prerogative. They aren't paying him to do anything BUT HIT A BASEBALL DURING THE SEASON. Frank doesn't owe you, me, or Kenny one damn thing. And unless he's contractually obligated to do anything outside the season, then he has done nothing wrong. He wants to enjoy his offseason living in obscurity and anonymity. That's his prerogative and his choice. And no one can question that. Believe or not, but professional athletes DO have a life outside of their team's seasons. Yes, outside of their 6-month seasons, they do have a life of their own. Frank wants to do what he wants in his personal time, and I don't fault him for a minute, if he's happy and content with what he chooses to do. Kenny should just shut up and leave people alone. Before that dips*** criticizes ANYONE, he should look in the mirror at that ugly face he sees, and then judge THAT person first and foremost, because Kenny has yet to prove one damn thing in this league. His first criticism should be upon HIMSELF, and not upon a player that hasn't made a peep in the offseason - a player that has proven himself. When Kenny actually accomplishes something worth a s*** in this league, THEN, and only THEN, can he criticize or open up his big yap. Otherwise, Kenny should shut the f*** up.
  19. Dammit! I hate the Score's morning show, and I won't listen. Listening to Mike Murphy's voice is like listening to someone trying to shove a hot cactus up their ass while they're getting their head fried in a skillet. I used to listen to Tony Kornheiser for an hour or so until Boers and Bernsie came on the air on the Score. Now, I will just tune to Sporting News radio or just play a CD. ESPN 1000 really botched this up big-time. Weren't they trying to GAIN ratings? Well, they will LOSE twice as much now, if not more. No one wants to hear Jay in the morning. Or the evening. Or the afternoon. Or anytime. ESPN just lost one of their "target audience" members by making that stupid move. Reading Jay Moronatti lowers your IQ. Listening to him might cause you to become a savant. Just say NO. Hey ESPN, overthinking things too much will kill you - and it will.
  20. "[Chairman Jerry Reinsdorf] wants the best team that we can put out on the field,'' Williams said. "He's never run the operation for profit, [but he wants to] at least break even on this thing.'' Bulls***. I just can't believe that for one single second. Once again - and I've debated this ad nauseum on this and other forums - if Reinsdorf wasn't profitting on the team, he would have sold the franchise years ago. He's an intelligent businessman and a corporate genius. He's owned the team for 25+ years, and if it was losing money, he would have dumped it. NO ONE is stupid enough to own a business entity for 25+ years that doesn't turn a profit, or just "breaks even." You don't become a corporate millionaire by owning "stagnant" business ventures. So, in my stupid little opinion, Reinsdorf sits with his calculator and ledger and bases his payroll around how much profit he can expect to haul in - nothing more and nothing less. The whole "best team that we can field" crap is more rhetoric and bulls***. He should just be honest and say "best team that we can field where he can actually make money - piss on the team's record and piss on the fans." "I would gladly trade the Bulls 6 championships for one World Series championship."
  21. Rex, Neither you or I are big "die-hard" fans of Frank Thomas, but even WE can see that Kenny ended up with his foot in his mouth and should have just kept his trap shut. I am not being a Frank Thomas apologist at all - my main point is that Kenny should have just "let sleeping dogs lie." If Frank hasn't said or done anything related to the Sox for months now, then why the hell did Kenny open his yap and even remotely try to stir the pot? It's not only ridiculous and stupid - but complete unprovoked. Maybe Kenny should spend less time on the radio airwaves, and spend more time on the phone trying to acquire another pitcher worth a s***.
  22. Once again, Mike Downey proves that he has the baseball intelligence of belly-button lint. And once again he proves that even a person with the IQ of a flea's asscrack can actually write for someone - anyone - anywhere. Dumbass.
  23. Willie can hit the ball out of the infield. He just doesn't do it because he's a rebel, and he wants to stick it to all of us. Wait, is that in green? Should be.
  24. Agreed. Frank hasn't said s*** for 3 months now - he's just living his life, and he should. This is HIS time, not the Sox time. If he doesn't want to say or do anything baseball-related and just wants to enjoy his offseason, then just leave him the f*ck alone. If he was asking for the criticism, then he should get it. But he hasn't said s***, and he's kept to himself. Even then, he's getting ripped. Pathetic. Hey Kenny, find another scapegoat. Try finding that in the front office - in your owner who pulls the strings in your back - Jerry Reinsdorf. Instead of ripping people who are laying in silence and quiet - rip your owner. But you don't have the balls to do so. He's 10 times the problem that Frank is. But you won't say anything negative against JR because you know better, puppet. The day you get the nuts to challenge your precious boss, he would fire you. You're a b****.
  25. Yas, Did Danny Wrong have surgery? I swear to you I didn't know that. You would think that all the time I spend researching Sox stuff, I would have remembered that. Did he have Tommy John surgery? I just remember him going 14-12 and saying, "Wow, he came out of nowhere." Then he collapsed.
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