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joejoesox last won the day on January 29 2023

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About joejoesox

  • Birthday 02/12/1980

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  • Location
    Peoria, IL

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  • Favorite Sox Minor League Affiliate
    Birmingham Barons (AA)

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  1. just dropped off some weed there at 3pm, lol
  2. Robert is such a choke job with RISP
  3. Venable will be regretting his decision in about 4 weeks
  4. literally the most caufield-esque caufield post ever
  5. put a nail in that Cease trade, what an absolute travesty it was to let Getz handle this s%*#, just wow man
  6. I said this last year when they announced massive payroll cuts, putting Getz in as GM (which to me seems like a temp move, where a new owner can go in a different direction) and the new stadium, it's obvious that they (the Reinsdorfs) are selling the team
  7. still carrying water for the Kremlin I see, how much is Putin paying you?!
  8. baseball is pointless to watch now, and it's even more pointless if you're a Sox fan I'm hoping that Sox attendance drops significantly next year to the point that it damages the brand for at least a decade. they all deserve worse.
  9. lmfao Nicky Delmonico hitting coach for the Baron's
  10. Toronto is such an amazing city, I recommend anyone who hasn't been to check it out. Their public transportation for tourists is excellent compared to the s%*# show in Chicago
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