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Everything posted by CubsSuck1

  1. QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Feb 26, 2006 -> 01:36 AM) I was gonna say. When Im home theres Home Run Inn right up Archer Ave from where I stay and it just slaps the hell out of Pizza Hut. QUOTE(Controlled Chaos @ Feb 27, 2006 -> 12:41 PM) Home Run Inn The best tasting crust, The best tasting sauce, and The best sausage. I'd take a frozen HRI like Los Medias described over Pizza Hut, Dominos or any other chain. YES!
  2. QUOTE(aboz56 @ Feb 26, 2006 -> 09:35 PM) Comparing the two is laughable, so I won't get into a phantom debate. There is nothing to debate on this. QUOTE(aboz56 @ Feb 26, 2006 -> 10:04 PM) Any argument who comes from a so called fan who quit on the team doesn't count. Just want to put that out there. QUOTE(aboz56 @ Feb 26, 2006 -> 10:10 PM) Had they listened to my bottom line, the conversation would be over. Not to be an ass, but if you (or anyone) are going to argue an issue with someone else, you should at least have the courtesy to acknowlege the existence of an opinion other than your own. You don't help your own cause by disregarding someones credibility or declaring yourself the winner because "there is nothing to debate".
  3. Is that Captain America pounding Wonder Woman?
  4. QUOTE(minors @ Feb 21, 2006 -> 11:27 PM) I feel so sorry for the victim's families waited 25 years for justice then this. As the mother said "I'm totally disillusioned with the justice system. We've been waiting 25 years with the expectancy that he is gonna pay for his crimes," she said. "It feels like we just got punched in the stomach." The fact is the state of California chickened out and now looks like fools, send him down here to the south and we will take care of him. "These are not circumstances by which somebody ought to be executed," Well did the victim deserve to die by those circumstances. Shame on California Decisons of this level of importance should not be made under pressure of 'chickening out'. Heres an idea- let's take an intellectual look at the situation, then make a logical decision, rather than what you seem to be advocating: acting out of anger and rage becuase you're pissed. People can do incedibly stupid things when they get emotional, and this is no exception to that notion.
  5. QUOTE(Cknolls @ Feb 21, 2006 -> 02:14 PM) About as humane as sucking the brain out of a baby. No cruel and unusual punishment there right? An innocent child pays for his parents mistake. I never said I was pro-abortion...
  6. QUOTE(minors @ Feb 20, 2006 -> 10:32 PM) Wow I don't even know where to start. OK inhumane??? WTF what about the stuff these thugs do to innocent victims. Keeping them in prison fine tell the at least 9 victim's families that Ken McDuff killed after he was granted parole you can't guarantee these thugs will be locked up for good unless the DP is used. DNA evidence on the murder weapon is pretty conclusive evidence. The Death Penalty is case you have forgotten is in use in 38 out 50 states so I guess all the people that live in those states are blood thirsty as well. And I can sleep easy knowing that dumb s***s like you are not in power. I will agree with you that those who have committed crimes such as murder ('thugs', as you like to say) have terribly and visciously ended human life. It is also my belief that one's government should have the intelligence and presence of mind to not only avoid stooping to the same level as a percieved killer, but to also resist acting out of raw emotion seeking vengeance. For each innocent life that is ended by an escaped or paroled murderer, the chance exists that another innocent life may be ended as the result of an innocent human murdered by means of capital punishment. Obviously, however, we can't measure how many people who have been killed via the death penalty were innocent vs. gulity, so that is a moot point. Yes, the prison system is in MAJOR need of reform, but its shortcomings are not resolved through capital punishment. IIRC, the trend, if anything, is that states have been moving away from practicing the dealth penalty, such as Illinois a few years back. I would hope that this trend continues and that that capital punishment fades into obscurity much like slavery. As a matter of fact, when the Unted States did finally put an end to the institution of slavery, it was one of the last nations in the world to do so. This may be the case with the death penalty, as I believe someone mentioned that the US is the only western country to still have it in use. We won't know until years in the future. Unfortunately, it seems that the United States tends to lag behind most of the globe in regard to human rights, with the south in its determination seeming to drag the whole nation down.
  7. What the die hard death penalty supporters fail to realize is that the American justice system is not intended to punish, but rather keep the threats to society away and in jail so that they cannot repeat their horrid acts. Capital punishment does a fine job of this, but is incredibly inhumane and assumes that himans are perfect in thought and are incapable of making any mistakes. We do not rape those that commit rape. We do not stab someone twenty some odd times if we believe that is the crime they inflicted on another. We should not kill someone that we believe has killed another. As mentioned, we cannot reestablish the lives of the innocent victims of capital punishment. The primitive justice system of 'an eye for an eye' makes the whole world blind, and I can rest easy that those such as nuke cleveland and minors, with their bloodthirsty, vengeful motives, are not in any position in this country to make decisions regarding how the lives of others should be handled.
  8. I'm looking into business management or administration, what are the differences?
  9. I definetly should have taken advantage of this offer.
  10. Pretty soon I'm gonna start looking around as it is now my second semester of junior year in HS. I'm looking at going into business, and the only school I've thought about so far is NIU. I can probabaly get into most schools besides the highest tier, so any suggestions on some schools I should look into?
  11. CubsSuck1

    WTC movie poster

    QUOTE(Steff @ Feb 15, 2006 -> 03:24 PM) Speaking of the WTC tragedy... and I assume this will soon head to the other forum... has anyone seen this? I'm in the middle of it for the first time. Thoughts...? http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-5...&q=loose+change Should I take this seriously? Anyhow, it makes you think...
  12. I'm undecided on Lincoln. His actions very likely saved the union and had the greatest effect on the country, moreso than any other president. However, his disregard for the constition and his expressed limitations of power could have gotten him into some shady territory. Luckily, he made mostly wise decisions (though the habeas corpus episode is very questionable) and didn't make any grave decisions that produced any really regretable results, but separation of powers was created with good reason.
  13. QUOTE(Brian @ Feb 12, 2006 -> 12:11 PM) His big block near the end of regulation brought Welsh Ryan to their feet. and then the charge... that was an amazing series
  14. And how about that GBN fan section? Great teams, I had a lot of fun, my buddy even ran into Oden and got his signature.
  15. Anyone know when Opening Day tickets are going on sale to the public, if at all?
  16. i may be in... last time was interesting
  17. QUOTE(whitesoxin' @ Jan 26, 2006 -> 10:47 PM) Well it should have been a 4.28 Three of my six classes are on a 5 points scale, so it is inflated. It sucks though because my first four semesters of high school I didn't get honors points for being in honors classes. Junior and senior year we get the extra point, so it balances things out.. 4.5 this sem.
  18. Funny story here, all year in physics I've been gliding through class, A's on all the tests, even a 99 on the final which I didn't even study for. A few weeks back we had a project in which we had to construct a bridge with toothpicks and glue following some perameters, then test how much weight it could hold. I spent a week staying up late after wrestling practice to work on my bridge. Day of the testing comes up, and my bridge holds a respectable weight, somewhere in the top 5. Mine was one of the first to be tested, so i figured i had a good chance of getting into the top 3, and getting some bonus points on the project, although it was not to be. One girl in particular, who i might add is a f***ing idiot and had not said anything of any intelligence all year, comes in with a bridge clearly made by her father and she ends up getting the top scorewhile she sists there acting surprised. Obviously, having her father do this project for her accomplished nothing in regards to her education, besides keeping her dependent and an idiot. I just have to laugh because one day people like her will work for people like me and her parents won't be around to bail her out.
  19. QUOTE(BHAMBARONS @ Dec 29, 2005 -> 11:36 PM) Krystal's yum The White Castle of the south
  20. To Willie who scored the winning run in game 4 of the WS. Although he disappointed, Singleton hasn't been doing much better I believe.
  21. Scheyer vs. Oden February 11 at Northwestern. I've gotta see this one.
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