oh bulls***... dont lay wsc's f***ing mess at bmrs feet......thats not right.........if you know that little asshole cubsuck then you should kick his ass and tell him to get his s*** together......that would serve him better than coddling him like a little puppy dog............wtf.. thats whats wrong with people today.... they have no balls to take care of themselves and blame everything on someone else............geez us f***in christ..........
You know what, I ve actually tried to have a responsible argument with out insults or any of that bulls***, but if you want to resort to childish insults or any other crap than be my guest, go ahead and get pissy at me for having a different opinion than you. NOT ONCE have i made a peronal attack or called anyone names in any of my posts, but i guess we can see who wants to act like an adult here.....