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  1. Frank's OPS is .986. And I'm guessing Frank would have more than 48 RBI if he had Soriano and Jeter hitting 1-2 in front of him, rather than Jimenez and (mostly) Valentin. Add in the facts that Frank is the greatest player in franchise history, and finished second in the FAN voting. Well, this just stinks.
  2. Hey MSF! What's the deal with worldcrossing? Somebody drop a bomb on it? Good to see you around.
  3. Gotta disagree with DWright closing. He is just too wild. We've already got a closer like that.
  4. Olivo did move to third on Braindead's groundout. The FSN graphic was wrong.
  5. I'm sorry, but this is also ridiculous. "Most thought to translate?"----I'm pretty sure that the catcher usually goes to the mound anytime the pitching coach comes out. It's also not unusual for a middle infielder to visit as well. I don't know whether Bart has a clique or not---your story may well be accurate for all I know. But the fact that Cooper came out and talked (not in Spanish!) and nobody translated for Bart is hardly proof. Plenty of Latino's understand English perfectly without being able to speak it well.
  6. Yawn. Bartolo has more complete games than anyone in baseball the last two years. You may have an argument that we should trade him, but when you post this tripe....your argument looks feeble.
  7. Look out, Mount Steinbrenner is about to erupt. He'll probably rip the "C" off of Jeter's jersey.
  8. I know Buehrle isn't a bum. Hell, he was our only pitcher in '01 and '02---and I've enjoyed watching him pitch. I'm just a frustrated Sox fan venting a little (Surprise!) He seems to have lost his command and location, and when you throw salad---you're going to get beat.
  9. I know Foppert is a stud prospect. I also know he was just lathered by Minnesota in his last start. And, it's not like it's a one time thing---we get shut down by bums that the Rangers call up for one start.
  10. Great, you've explained 3 of his what, 13 starts? Where'd the other 7 losses come from? And how is it that his ERA is nearing Todd Ritchie proportions?
  11. Supposed to be Brian Lawrence (the de facto ace of the Padres)
  12. Colon v. Rueter tomorrow Esteban v. Jarvis Friday Wright v. Lawrence Saturday
  13. Buehrle freaking blows. And save me the "no run support" argument. His ERA is nearing 5 and opponents are hitting about .295 off him. He would need a LOT of run support (something along the lines of the '27 Yankees) to even be a .500 pitcher right now. Why do we struggle against pitchers we've never seen before? Do we even have an advance scout?
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