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Everything posted by hawkiconk

  1. 75% of priests get more sex than rosie o'donnell and she's on her honeymoon
  2. i think it's time i propose to jk rowling
  3. hawkiconk


    after smoking cigs 16 years i quit 1-16-86 at 5:15pm as a reformed smoker i say--- make cigerettes $2 each, $40 a pack
  4. hawkiconk

    come fly with me

    we'd be safe with him on a plane he doesn't have the cajones to kill himself
  5. http://www.zooass.com/games/neverland/neverland.swf at home now i see the dot mafia shot down the 1st link sorry
  6. http://www.zooass.com/games/neverland/neverland.swf
  7. hawkiconk


    how about the best american rock and roll band? i am ready to take your abuse whippersnappers--probably 90% of you are under the age of 40 so you're musical taste has not begun to mature but if you do not say the GRATEFUL DEAD you are sorely mistaken fire away
  8. that's what happens when pa bad mouths the beatles-- he never has given us old hippiesa fair shake ya' know
  9. just enough money left to get one more tatoo
  10. there is a special ingrediant in budweiser that allows you to eat anything you'd like and not gain weight as long as you wash it down with a dozen buds
  11. hawkiconk

    Colon Cleansing

    could we have koch cleansing next?
  12. bet he was sneakin' chocolate chip cookies :headshake
  13. couple weeks ago at a high school girls basketball game here ,the opponents made a 3point goal at the buzzer to send the game into ot the father of our team's star player threw a water bottle at the ref who allowed the shot to count--missing him bu a couple feet and exploding on the court he apologized to everyone and their goat--but the school board banished him from the next 6 games during the last game this guy's daughter was held to 8 points and the local paper reported that she had been bottled up
  14. could not agree more i always love it when the hawkeyes are underdogs and/or taken for granted a couple pitchers step up big time and we win well over 90 games
  15. hawkiconk


    how have you guys put up with this man?
  16. hawkiconk


    when i have sex with j lo she never wants to wake up
  17. hawkiconk

    TV Shows

    that's elly mae.... go for it begood pa you gotta get out of the sun
  18. abbey road side 2 (on the lp) perhaps the finest piece of music ever recorded
  19. hawkiconk

    TV Shows

    'beverley hillbillies' i'd love to go skinny dippin' in the cement pond with elly mae
  20. how about 'mb is better than wood' shirts? :fthecubs
  21. hawkiconk

    I hate PA

    i knew pa had something in common with jerry garcia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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