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  1. TO EVERYONE.... Managers Dusty Baker & Ozzie Guillen Interview - Sunday, 10-11AM 820AM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- John Morales has a SEASON KICK-OFF ONE HOUR INTERVIEW with Dusty Baker & Ozzie Guillen on Sunday Morning from 10-11AM on the radio - 820AM. DON'T MISS IT! How Many of these 14 Questions can you get right about yourself? http://www.hhpcc.com/lifequiz.htm
  2. Vote Here http://forums.prospero.com/n/mb/message.as...msg=604.1&ctx=0 Who Would You Most Likely Buy A Drink for Their Contribution in Losing the NLCS? Dave Veres Kyle Farnsworth Dusty Baker Alex Gonzalez Cub Fan Along the 3rd Base Line
  3. The best part about Cub fans is when a Cub hits a routine fly ball to the outfield they all start cheering and then when the opposition makes the catch they all of the sudden become silent. Talk about stupid baseball fans!
  4. Yes, Florida takes game 1 and only 3 more to go. Cubs relief pitching is weak. Marlins have better fielding and speed! GO MARLINS!!
  5. Let's talk about Steve Garvey, Lou Brock, Leon Durham, Bill Buckner, corked bats, ivy dying after the Sox/Cubs series or something like that. GO MARLINS!!!
  6. Here's Mine... Boston Red Sox - Bill Buckner Chicago Cubs - Leon Durham
  7. in the Playoffs or World Series? ANY SUGGESTIONS? Heres Mine... A. Instead of Overturning Cars in the Streets, Cub Fans Will Overturn Their BigWheels! B. Cub Fans Will Hold a Party and Instead of Playing "Pin the Tail on the Donkey", they will Play "Pin the Cork on Sammy's Bat"! C. Bleacher Bums Will Celebrate by Removing Their Bibs! D. Cubbie Fans will Finally Change Their Stuffed Cubbie Bear T-Shirt with a new World Series Championship T-Shirt before they go to Bed With Their Teddy Bear! E. Bleacher Bums will claim they Actually Watched More than 15 Outs During the Playoff Game and now Claim They Know the Game of Baseball! F. All of the Above
  8. ISN'T IS REALLY FUNNY HOW... -when a fan at Sox Park runs onto the field, Cub fans are all over the Sox board telling us how much better fans they are than the South Side. -when a fan runs onto the field on 8/1 in the Cub game vs. Arizona, Chip Carey & Steve Stone remains silent and don't mention a thing about it on the air. -when a fan runs onto the field on 8/1 in the Cub game vs. Arizona, the internet version of the Trib remains silent and does not mention a thing about it. (I have not yet checked the paper version of the Trib yet today). -when a fan runs onto the field on 8/1 in the Cub game vs. Arizona, the Cub fans on the board are no where to be found to respond about it. Gees, if a friend of mine was not at the game I would have not known about it either. I am beginning to wonder -- ARE WE LIVING IN A COMMUNIST COUNTRY? I just had to ask because EVERYONE JUST REMAINS SILENT!!
  9. I agree with everything you said. I would add I think Sosa should now be baseball's new whipping boy and replace Pete Rose from being banned from baseball. Let Rose come back to the game; Put Sammy in Baseball's Slammer (Jail).
  10. I have seen many Cub fans come on the White Sox Boards and give Sox fans a hard time because its fans were running onto the field. Well, what about the Cub game last night against Arizona which went into extra innings?? A Cub Fan went running onto the field and security had to catch this person and drag them off the field. You talk about double standards!!!
  11. Very interesting debate going on in the Cubs board thread "Best Right Fielder in MLB." The debate is over WHO is the BEST RIGHT FIELDER in CHICAGO? I have defended Maggs on over 500 posts against those Sammy Lovin Cub Fans. I really do not even see it being close if you compare both of their first 6 1/2 seasons in MLB. Maggs is 300 RBI's ahead and the "intangibles" edge goes to Maggs also because he makes more contact and strikes out much less than Sosa. Help Needed from Sox Fans - Join the debate on the Cubs Board! GO TO THE CHICAGO TRIBUNE CUBS MESSAGE BOARD!!!
  12. Since the trades we lost the series to lowly Tampa Bay and Detroit. All I can say is I told you all these were a BAD TRADES!
  13. Let's see now with all those SO-CALLED AWESOME TRADES everyone on the board is talking about, we now LOST the SERIES to the HAPLESS TAMPA BAY DEVIL RAYS. This just further proves all of you are full of it about the trades. Let's see under GM Kenny Williams we have .... -downgraded defensively in Center Field. Everett is no center fielder. He has always played the corners of the outfield Adding his bad leg to the equation is added proof he does not belong in CF. He is a downgrade defensively compared to Rowand. -downgraded the Bullpen. Billy Goat does not have it and cannot close games. I don't care if Biddle plays for Montreal. He still has 22 saves before All Star break we do not have. Just look at Osuna and Foulkes stats also. There is no doubt the Sox downgraded in the bullpen. -downgraded at 2nd Base. I see Alomar making the same mistakes on the base paths as Jimenez! Yesterday he gets doubled off of second base. Sure does not look like he came to play to me! Also, its not about what you have done five years ago, its about what you have done for me this year. Alomar is definitely an offensive downgrade at 2nd base. 2003 Average Alomar - .268 Durham - .313 -while downgrading at all these positions Kenny Williams has depleted our Minor League system with all these changes which were supposed to improve our club. -Ah Yes. Can you tell me when we will be refunded by the Pirates when we got robbed trading away Fogg and Kipp Wells for vitually nothing?? Last I checked the starting pitcher we recieved in this trade is no where to be found on our roster. It would be nice if Kenny would at least ask the Pirates for a BAG of BALLS for making the charity trade with the Pirates. -Still 1B has never been addressed defensively. Frank Thomas still cannot throw anyone out at second base. At least he tried it yesterday. A few years ago in the playoffs Seattle showed us Thomas could not field bunts and therefore Seattle bunted their way to a sweep over the Sox in the playoffs. This problem should have been rectified by now!!! -Still have a SS who commits many errors! Valentin should not be with this club. I have addressed a few of the many problems on the Sox. I want them to win but I just do not see the RIGHT MOVES being done at certain positions or NO MOVES being made at postions which have been crying for help for years. It seems this team is overly stacked with players who either play positions in the CORNERS or DH. Why? I don't get it! Face it, with the new trades this team has increased the number of weaknesses on its team as well as AGING the team at the same time. The proof is in the pudding. The Sox are LOSING to the DEVIL RAYS and they are still BELOW .500. Last I checked a playoff team had to be at least .500 and should be able to beat Tampa Bay. How bout them Bears????
  14. In 5 years, if he is the next Lee Smith, Ill be mad. But then again, if in 5 years, the Sox finally won a pennant, Royce ring for Roberto Alomar will seem like a good idea. What makes you think Ring will be converted into a reliever? Why do you set your standards so low as to win a pennant. Winning a pennant use to mean something when there were a total of 4 divisions. Now we have the watered down 6 divisions. I say if we do not make the ALCS Championship game, all these trades will be a dissapointment. Everyone here raise your hand if you saw Rocky Biddle saving 20 games for the sox this year? All Manuel had to do is change Biddle (who has 22 saves, obviously the Expos had faith in Biddle as a closer) from a starter to a closer. I think Managers should know enough about baseball to try players in different situations. http://forums.prospero.com/n/mb/compose.as...id=428&rptsn=42 Royce Ring for Roberto Alomar just doesnt seem as scary as you are making it out to be. Alomar still has a nice glove but no offense anymore. He has hit .270 during his 12-16th Major League Baseball seasons on average. He is pretty much just a .250 hitter today. I rather keep Ring. the kid was a first round pick, but then again, MANY people have been first round draft picks Then you tell me who is going to fit into the Sox pitching starting rotation who is now in our minor leagues when we know at least half of our current starting rotation will no longer be around especially Buehrle & Colon? Just a reminder pitching is 90% of the game. Also, as I have stated on this board many times, our RELIEF PITCHING is a huge weakness. You cannot win in the playoffs without good Relief Pitching. Right now BILLY GOAT does not have it. GM Williams will not admit he made a mistake on BILLY GOAT until the end of the year. By that time, it will be too late and all these trades become meaningless anyway!
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