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  1. Chisoxfn: You're exactly right. But it wasn't Koch who blew this game. To get angry over the last player who gave up the run he didn't need to even face, someone is so immature.
  2. Sad, but so true!!! It seems as if EVERYTHING KW touches turns into stone. I guess the kharma surrounding KW is all bad!!! I'm beginning to see what HSC has been talking about all this time. :fyou KW!!! HSC doesn't know anything. Do not give into her frequent posts like it means she is knowledgeable. She isn't anymore than you. She is the most opinionated person I have seen on a message board. Check her stats out on here. She posts 50 times more than anyone else. It's amazing. Marte gives up two runs, both inherited runners, that by the way, don't count on his era, and you're pissed at Koch. Another who doesn't understand the game. That 's okay we will pray for you.
  3. Sad, but so true!!! It seems as if EVERYTHING KW touches turns into stone. I guess the kharma surrounding KW is all bad!!! I'm beginning to see what HSC has been talking about all this time. :fyou KW!!! HSC doesn't know anything. Do not give into her frequent posts like it means she is knowledgeable. She isn't anymore than you. She is the most opinionated person I have seen on a message board. Check her stats out on here. She posts 50 times more than anyone else.
  4. jc456


    Hey, I heard I made you leave the MLB White Sox board. What's a matter, can't take it. I thought you were my master and I was your slave. Darn I mess that verbiage. Come on back so I can pick on you a little more. I miss it. LOVE jc456
  5. jc456


    She'd make me puke.
  6. They could go get one and not develop one.
  7. I think you are out of your league here. What source(s) do you have that this clubhouse fracas occurs? "Some of our very favorites" would be Maggs, Olivo and Loaiza....and guess what? They all speak spanish as well. I think the whole thing your trying to stir is a load of crap. Did you see how frustrated Colon was after the HR to Manny? Yes, he threw back to back high and wild pitches, but they were thrown with authority. That's how he shows his emotion. The guy's a workhorse and will improve as the season goes on. I wouldn't trade him for Fossum or anyone the Red Sox might be offering except that SS prospect they have. I agree...take the draft picks. He just thinks he's important. He has friends who defend him on the boards by stating he is an investor. And ain't it great, that this investor spends his times speaking to us the fan? He wants the Sox to get rid of a 20 game winner. Anyone know what pitching is worth? Pitching wins, hitting is a necessary element of the game. No, no, no, the Sox should not trad Colon. We have a chance to catch up in this race. We don't need anothe White Flag deal.
  8. Another new line up. Another loss. Another bad hitting performance, and another excuse will be coming. But at least JM is still the manager filling out that ole line up card. Any bets that tomorrow there is another new line up?
  9. So, do you suppose that is why they brought him back up to sit the bench and play 2 innings a game? I'd rather see Bourchard. I like the left handed bat in the line up and he hit a home run too. Rios is a joke, and it proves again this management doesn't know what the other hand is doing. They need a CF, othewise they are going nowhere in the standings. Willie Harris isn't a CF either. So again, Rowand sits and doesn't get at bats. Send him back down and let him finish his career where he at least plays everyday. Manuel can't play the same line up two days in a row and that has hurt this team the most. He isn't a good Manager. he may be a good coach, but not a manager.
  10. lol i see your still an asshole troll boy......the more things change somethings just stay the same................. babysitting service is done here, now run along little troll boy your mommy needs to change your diapers........... You're a pretty brave little girl behind a keyboard. And you think you own quite a lot. The only thing you own is your own finger where it doesn't belong. I think you are the troll. Your insider information is so out of touch you must be a troll. By the way, I ain't going nowhere. Tell your buddy, you know, the one who thinks he owns the MLB board. Mr Security board Guard.
  11. Just like you to get obscene. The St. Louis comments are a big deal to many fans. Your relationship, whatever, has nothing to do with the comments he made. He made them and unfortunately for him is paying for them.
  12. Its' funny how they sent Joe Bourchard down and brought Aaron Rownd up, but haven't played him, but one game. What a waste. Another fine example of the managment disorder on this team. This is a team going nowhere fast. So fast, they had to hitch a ride with a tortouise to pick up the speed. HSC, KW is still GM, Remember me?
  13. jc456


    Because he sucks more than he is good times 100.
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