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Posts posted by TLAK

  1. I didn't realize Ozzie was saying that much -


    oh the bliss sometimes of not having Chicago media -



    and I think Ozzie should tone it down vis a vis the north side team

    Ozzie only said what a lot of us feel. Frank is a legitimate HOF candidate after 13 years at the highest level but the Chicago papers treat him like he was a bum, perhaps if he were a wife beating cheater they would treat him better. On the other hand, Saint Mark Prior is 24-12 after 49 starts, compare to Jason Bere who was 24-7 after 48 for the Sox. But St. Mark is the greatest pitcher who ever lived, so lets run a side bar on him every single day.


    I can see why Ozzie is getting results from the guys, he is a real leader. I accept your later coments. I'm still not completely sold on Ozzie either, but he's right on this one.

  2. This game and at least one of the two with Cleveland would be mighty good to get. Then Toronto comes in and it looks like the Sox will get Hentgen, Halladay and Lilly. While all three are off to very rough starts, they are too good to be kept down forever, and you don't want to play them when they wake up.


    The boys need two more wins to guarentee a +.500 April.

  3. Whose bright idea was it to let him play in Puerto Rico this off-season? He's never missed a winter ball, so of course at 34 his legs are f***ed. 


    Jose will always be stupid, but was there nobody with common sense in this organization who could have put a stop this? I guess taking care of 5 mill dollar investement is overrated.



    He only played 16 of the team's 50 games. He's a local hero who didn't move to Hollywood and forget his hometown fans when he made the big time, which I find admirable. I don't have the stats handy but I'll wager that in olden times guys like Babe Ruth played a lot more on their barnstorming tours through the south. Probably made more money too.

  4. So basically Kelly nixed this himself. Yikes, I'm worried that something bad could come from this...

    It's just a talk show rumor, so it could also just be a big load of crap. I fell for the Frank Thomas hates Ozzie rumor so now I take anything like this with a big grain of salt.

  5. The talk show rumor is Kelly was going to be in a late spring training deal, but the deal was quashed when somebody (read Kelly himself), said he was injured. The Sox brass got PO'd and now Kelly is out there for the highest taker. He's only pitching in AAA to show he's not hurt. Unfortunately in one complete inning at Charlotte, he's given up 1 earned on 2 hits with a walk and a wild pitch. So I imagine any takers are still skeptical.

  6. Ozzies pregame show with Rooney on the radio is a riot; Ozzie is a loose canon.


    Before the last Yankee game Rooney innocently asked how Jose and Frank were coming along. Ozzie started talking about the hammies but got into how he expects his players to be honest with him, no hero stuff. Jose told him he felt great in Tampa but he ended up pulling him during the game.


    Yesterday Rooney noted that Frank was back and said he heard that Jose was coming along fine. Ozzie said he might send Jose back to the minors to play some games. Rooney quickly said it would be a great opportunity to get his timing back.


    The twist I put on it is Jose will go down because Ozzie won't believe him even if he says he's ready. Now he has to see him play a couple days to prove it. The message to everybody is 'Don't lie to me'.

  7. But in 1998-2001, Sammy blew Maggs away badly.


    Both in on- and off- the field value.   


    Yeah, steroids, cork and rum bottle swinging.


    '98 was Maggs 1st full season. To be fair you would need to compare it with Sammy's 1st full season, the one he .233 in.

  8. His range is greatly helped by his instincts.  He follows and understands the game well, which gets him great jumps on the ball.

    The more you watch Aaron, the more he grows on you. When you see most players day after day their warts come out, with Aaron, his skills come out. He just gets it done, day after day. He is just so unspectacular, so un-hot-dog that the X-sports set doesn't appreciate him. I don't understand why, he's a X-sportster himself. But thats OK, there are lots of things I don't understand, but I do understand running down balls and Aaron is the best we've had since Cameron.

  9. You know they only needed four more wins last year to get to the Twins. Today's and yesterdays were games that I don't think last year's team would have won. Once deflated, like after Koch blowing the save or Buerhle getting tied, that team would have curled up in a ball and died. These guys just keep coming at you.


    I'm hopefull, but its a long, long, long year. Guys get hot, they get cold and they get hurt. Every year is roller coaster so enjoy the ride. Who knows, maybe something good will happen.

  10. What about Wilson Alvarez?  What's the general consensus on that guy?  He only gave up 5 HR in 95 IP last year.  He had a 1.08 WHIP ratio and a 2.37 ERA.

    I finally get to agree on something with the Hammer. Judging from the appearance he made against us last year he has his velocity and still knows how to pitch. The concern would be how long he takes to recuperate, I mean can he go consecutive days?


    We won't find out as long as he's with LA. They have a young man named Gagne who will get all the save opportunities, along with middle inning guys like Dreifort and Mota. I've heard rumblings they may start him if their rotation doesn't come around.


    He would fit in with the 'putting the band back together' spirit. This year's numbers:

  11. Thats just insane.  Any true baseball fan can see that starting 5 lefties is not a smart move.

    The closest that I can remember was the Sox '79 team.


    Kravec, Wortham, Baumgarten and Trout. Four lefties. I remember a Sporting News Cover with them and a sign 'No Right Turn'. The fifth guy was a righty, Fransciso Barrios who made 15 starts.


    The team finished 73-87.

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