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Everything posted by T R U

  1. Ok, then we are just in plain disagreement about that gutting the future. None of those guys move the needle, Sosa does.
  2. I would definitely do this. Crochet is a lost cause as far as I am concerned.
  3. Sorry, I meant the package would be Vaughn, Montgomery, and ONE OF Sosa/Mena/Vera. I only put those three names because I don't know if they would be looking for a pitcher or hitter as that third piece. Yeah, we know they aren't trading for him but its still good discussion on what ifs
  4. Taking money out of the equation, this trade would be perfect. Soto is an upgrade from Vaughn and Montgomery is still a prospect who is 2-3 years away. That's getting a superstar player without hurting the big league team and not gutting the farm. Almost seems impossible.
  5. Well Sosa right now isn't top 40-100 type. That's Montgomery. The package of Vaughn, Montgomery, and Sosa/Mena/Vera is more in line with what you are proposing. I do agree with you though, the package will not be as crazy as some are making it seem due to that looming price tag.
  6. How would the batter not be able to hear what the catcher is saying?
  7. Especially when the odds are likely that starting next year Soto isn't batting third for the worst team in baseball, hes batting third in the Yankees, Dodgers, or Padres lineup. The counting stats will be absurd.
  8. That's an offer that I think would be easily beaten by other teams. Its fun to play this game, but the White Sox will never make this trade and its because of money, not assets.
  9. I like Andrew Vaughn a lot, but he is in no way comparable to Soto. Not even close. Juan Soto is a 6-7 war player. Andrew Vaughn will never come close to that, ever.
  10. I would venture to guess when he does get traded, it will not be a better package than Vaughn, Kopech, and Montgomery.
  11. Ugh, this team would have been so much better off with Rodon than Pollock
  12. Not a ton, but there are some Brady Anderson is #1 Edit 1 - Welp, gonna have to go back to this one I had a filter on outfielders only.. Edit 2 - Actually, turns out Anderson is the best one Edit 3 - Actually, nothing I said is right I am not looking into this anymore..
  13. If Soto is here for those 5 years, yes it does. If he is here for 2 years and then on another team, ouch.
  14. Vaughn, Eloy, and Montgomery not being in the ballpark is definitely silly. If money was no obstacle and the White Sox would sign Soto to the extension he seeks, I would have no problem trading them Vaughn, Eloy, and Montgomery.
  15. As in you think he plays out his contract and walks as a FA or nothing happens this season? If he isn't resigning, he will absolutely be traded eventually.
  16. Yes you are right, I came into this thread thinking "Wow, maybe he is on the hot seat" and am now leaving with "Welp, sit back relax and strap it on, LaRussa isn't going anywhere."
  17. Sounds crazy, but unless he literally loses a limb anytime soon that money range isn't going anywhere for future offers I would imagine.
  18. He was not playing well, but you already had him up for 83 games and your team isn't going anywhere. Why not let him figure it out on the big club?
  19. They should, being able to recruit a kid and tell them "hey come here and we will get you drafted" is a huge draw.
  20. Also, you can go to college at any time. This is a once in a lifetime situation that may never come again.
  21. I want them to go BPA as well, and like I said I do appreciate the pick. You're right, its very complicated because I don't trust them at all to be able to 1.) Develop this kid and 2.) be worth a shit if/when he does make it to the majors. At least if they had taken one of those LH college bats we would hopefully see them making an impact in the next year or two and assisting this window.
  22. It will be interesting to see what it takes to make this happen. His contract he is going to get really eliminates a lot of teams.
  23. I agree with this. While I really do appreciate the White Sox going with massive upside high school talent, a player like Drew Gilbert, Sterlin Thompson, or Dylan Beavers offered left handed offensive non DH potential that this team is sorely lacking. With our window now and hopefully the next few years that would have been way more beneficial than a HS arm that may be ready when all of our current players price themselves onto other teams.
  24. Not a fan, no faith in developing this kid i would have preferred a Tennessee bat, that fits our window better
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