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Everything posted by T R U

  1. Because I work in an "essential" business and cant work from home and my wife works and cant work from home. Neither one of us can afford to quit our job to stay at home with the kids. They will be going to in person school because they have to.
  2. Actually, I’ll take the high road here. You can bother someone else with your snarky comments.
  3. I used it for the basis of the joke, anyone who watched the game last night knows damn well Benetti didn't talk about Seinfeld during the Moncada home run. I thought me saying "exactly" would have tipped that off. The point was Benetti has a weak home run call and tries to throw in obscure references during the games.
  4. How the fuck do you edit your signature, im past my posting prime

  5. How the fuck do you edit your signature

    1. T R U

      T R U

      Dont know, ask a mod

    2. T R U

      T R U

      Nah, ill just deal with it

    3. T R U
  6. What does that even say, reduce to from 30 and 28.... ? Reducing to 28 and staying there all year?
  7. You're mistaken. I wasn't talking about the Moncada HR specifically, I was talking about Benetti calls overall. The Moncada thing was a joke to emphasis his lame attempts at humor which I thought was pretty obvious. Multiple posters on the site agree too much cornball, so I don't see how you can call it asinine or flat out wrong for people to feel that way. You don't, no big deal, its ok to disagree about it.
  8. Ok so I was joking, he didn't say it like that, but that's the gist of his presentation
  9. Im only doing this by memory but im pretty sure this was the exact call on the Moncada homer last night Benetti: Moncada lofts one to right field, Gamel heads back. Gamel getting close to the wall. (The ball goes over the wall) Hey Moncada has hit a home run, "No soup for you!" Gamel. Hey Stoney did you ever watch Seinfeld??
  10. Hawk was the best because he was a diehard fan of the team. It was special watching the games and listening to someone who cared as much as I did calling the game. Benetti sometimes doesn't even realize its a home run until it lands in the stands, and while he may be a fan he just doesn't have the same energy and passion that Hawk had. I also get annoyed listening to the same arrested development joke sprinkled in every other inning.
  11. I agree, think that’s why the umps are making bad calls too. Not enough time to get ready.
  12. Which has rendered his arm useless, hence death
  13. Man Robert is going to be a superstar
  14. No argument from me, I knew you weren’t talking about Fry but your sentence was weird so I see why it caused confusion
  15. His sentence was crap, caused confusion
  16. I like this guy, good to see there’s some solid posters around still
  17. So no one should be shocked when he pitches 7 innings striking out 9
  18. Dude get lost. Winning 99 games and going 11-1 in the playoffs isn’t some fluke season. Differ was a scrub carried by a defense.
  19. Um excuse me, you aren't allowed to speculate on a complete strangers life. Its offensive. Cant you read?
  20. LFG boys, put up a crooked number for a giolito confidence booster
  21. Unfortunately, everyone is finding some way to claim they are essential so they don't need to shut down even though the order came through this morning in the county I live in (Harris)
  22. You’re not the boss of me
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