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Everything posted by T R U

  1. QUOTE (Black_Jack29 @ Aug 1, 2016 -> 03:51 PM) or 3.) trade Sale for a package of prospects AND a young, established player I tend to agree that, regardless of what they do, the Sox will not be contenders in 2017. That said, if they make the right moves this winter, they could have a solid team in 2018. You cant trade Sale if you want to compete. He is young, he has a great contract, and he is one of the best pitchers in the league. Why on earth would you trade that guy with the mindset that you are trying to make the playoffs and win a championship? Cant and wont be done. Nobody else thinks Q is elite except for Soxtalk, you aren't getting players and prospects for him in a deal. The Sox basically have two choices, rebuild or keep trying to make fetch happen. Its not going to happen.
  2. QUOTE (Black_Jack29 @ Aug 1, 2016 -> 03:40 PM) Because the Sox can trade players this winter, when you have a larger trade market (not just contenders) and this season's playoff teams may be willing to deal ML talent, and not just prospects. There is no situation where you trade Sale and/or Quintana AND still be able to compete next season. No other position player on this team worth trading will bring back anything to change that as well. If this team is going to compete, it needs to 1.) Sign Free Agents or 2.) Trade prospects for established players. There is no realistic situation where one of Sale, Q, or Eaton are traded and the big league team gets better. This team is begging for a rebuild, enough half measures already
  3. QUOTE (Black_Jack29 @ Aug 1, 2016 -> 03:33 PM) One thing to consider is that if they dealt all of those guys, they wouldn't have a team to put on the field next season. The FA market this winter is going to be very slim. I don't know why they didn't deal Robertson and Gonzalez. I understand why they didn't deal the rest of them. So how can this team rise up from mediocre status with a lousy FA market this winter? We have very little to trade, I don't think we have all that much flexibility with the payroll. How are we not looking at more or less the same team next season?
  4. QUOTE (OmarComing25 @ Aug 1, 2016 -> 03:24 PM) I really doubt Boston offered both Moncada and Benintendi, every indication was that was the holdup. But I still can't believe Robertson and the others are still here. I figured that at least he would be gone. Maybe, would be nice to hear it confirmed. I still believe this front office went into this whole thing knowing full well they weren't going to trade any of this key pieces and made sure no offer would be good enough
  5. QUOTE (Eminor3rd @ Aug 1, 2016 -> 03:06 PM) I don't understand the bafflement. I get that you guys think they should blow it up, but why are you shocked that they aren't? They're a .500 team with all of their core players controlled next year. They just decided to keep trying to build and win. I'm not saying it's the RIGHT decision, but it's not a confusing one either. This is not a .500 team By some miracle, we opened the season 23-10.. they have been 28-44 since then, damn near 20 games under .500 Here's whats coming, 3 @ Detroit - 3 Vs Baltimore - 3 @ Kansas City - 3 @ Miami - 3 @ Cleveland Pretty much 4 playoff teams and one team we cant beat.. its about to be hammer time
  6. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Aug 1, 2016 -> 03:08 PM) Then why assume otherwise? We can either assume the White Sox are asking too much or the Red Sox aren't offering enough, there's really no other ground to take here. Based off of moves Boston has made in the past and "moves" the White Sox have done, I feel pretty confident in assuming its the White Sox that are causing the issue until proven otherwise. Again, no idea what the internal talks were. I just find it hard to believe Boston wasn't ready to play ball and come at us with a legit trade offer. Quite honestly, I think they probably got a great offer but deep down refuse to pull the plug on this team.
  7. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Aug 1, 2016 -> 03:05 PM) Where are you seeing that they offered Moncada? I have no idea.. I made that pretty clear in my original post.. No one knows what was offered or talked about, its all rumors to this point
  8. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Aug 1, 2016 -> 02:51 PM) They also aren't offering Moncada, and might not even be offering Benintendi. This is a team that traded its top pitching prospect for Drew Pomeranz, are we really supposed to believe its the Red Sox that are the ones holding these talks up? If we could place bets and then after the trade deadline the GMs came out and said heres what we offered, heres why we said no I would put all my money on the White Sox trying to strong arm Boston into giving up way more than whats necessary.
  9. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Aug 1, 2016 -> 02:33 PM) To me, getting young guys that are already proven makes a of sense. You still get some cost control, and you lose some of the uncertainty of turning into the next Brien Taylor. To be perfectly honest, I would be just fine if they said Moncada, Benintendi, and Devers for Sale. Done Deal. Obviously, I don't know the specifics of the discussions, but if were dicking around with lottery ticket A Ball players being added im just dumbfounded by it. That's 3 of the top 23 prospects in baseball, 2 of which are performing at a high level in Double A. That's MORE than enough for Chris Sale. This will more than likely be an unpopular take on the proposed Sale packages
  10. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Aug 1, 2016 -> 02:24 PM) If you wait until the off season you can get a player that is on a major league roster right now. I have no interest in getting Bradley, Betts, or Bogaerts in any deal for Sale/Q.. to me, that trade makes no sense. Not only would it lower the package, we would open a massive hole in our rotation and while getting a very good position player, I don't see how we are in any different situation than we are in now. If they are going to trade Sale/Q, it should be for a haul of top prospects. I know that they all wont work out, but I like that road better in terms of how this team can have a real chance of building something special
  11. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Aug 1, 2016 -> 02:07 PM) Here is the question. Could he get 4/60? Could he get 3/50? That ups his promised money, and at his age that could be big. It isn't as simple as being over 22AAV. He will be 35 years old come December.. Barring injury, he will complete this season with 10 straight years of 30+ Starts and 200+ innings I think its very possible he could get a 3 yr deal based on track record alone..
  12. QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ Aug 1, 2016 -> 01:54 PM) Not to put words in your mouth, but I think my follow-on post to yours probably summed your line of thinking up. We said we are mediocre, now we expect to see some action today and more in the off-season. Do not be the same team starting next season. In no way were you saying you had to move Q or Sale or you'd be pissed, you simply said, you need to start that process now (that means moving Robertson, Shields, etc) and then continuing that effort in the off-season (and even then, it doesn't mean you necessarily move both Sale & Q, but you need to move one of them before the start of next season to truly shift the balance / change the philosphy). Whether it works, who knows, but when the current path is mediocrity and you've publicly indicated it, then you need to do different. That could be spending $1B on payroll too (and go the opposite direction) but they need to change things up because the current status isn't working (if you listen to what Hahn has said). Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. If this team is mediocre, and you make no moves, do we not still have a mediocre team? If nothing is done, how much more could we possibly add next season to make any reasonable change? Not much would be my guess, aren't we pretty much at the payroll limit? Why did we just trade Duke if we are still looking to compete next season? I have no answer to these questions because all I know is we have a mediocre team, acknowledged by our General Manager, and done nothing to show we are trying to change that
  13. QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Aug 1, 2016 -> 01:44 PM) Maybe because you are complaining in the Sale thread. Yeah, I made a general observation of this teams deadline short comings in the Chris Sale thread. I see how that post could have confused you into thinking I want them to trade Sale for whatever was offered regardless of how "good" the package was. To clarify so you don't lump me into the rest of the meathead crowd who just wants to see something done just because.. I want this team to pick a direction to go in, there are pieces on this team that can and should be moved today.. If you are out of it (Which we are) then moves need to be made to either 1.) Support the team next season (If they believe they can still compete) or 2.) Support the team in the future (If they believe its time to rebuild) Sitting on your hands and doing nothing, that's not a direction. As a fan, I want to see them commit one way or the other. Don't come out and tell me were mediocre and then not do anything, that tells me you're ok with being mediocre.
  14. QUOTE (Flash Tizzle @ Aug 1, 2016 -> 01:40 PM) Wow haven't seen you post in while. Come the winter time he won't do anything about it either, because he can't. There's no easy way of fixing this trash of a team. People assume everything will be different with more teams available over the offseason but haven't we learned by now nothing works in our favor? No team is willing to overpay for any of our players......ever. So here we are mired in mediocrity I try to keep a low profile these days.. The worst part is, this will be the second year in a row this mediocre team just shrugs its shoulders at the deadline (AS OF NOW) instead of saying "This is what we are, this is what we need to do"
  15. QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Aug 1, 2016 -> 01:39 PM) You don't have to watch them at all. If they make you so miserable there are lots of other things to spend your time with. People take this stuff way too seriously. There is a thread on the main page that should put any of this into perspective. There is a lot worse than can happen to you than having to watch Chris Sale pitch for the White Sox the next 2 months. Again, I don't understand why you are focusing this on Chris Sale. I never even mentioned him in my original post.
  16. QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Aug 1, 2016 -> 01:36 PM) If in your mind whatever they do will be wrong, why are you so interested? Because this is my favorite team and I have to watch them every year?
  17. QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Aug 1, 2016 -> 01:33 PM) It has everything to do with it. Ok, well you don't know what offers have been made either.. that argument can work both ways. Doesn't change the fact that I still have zero faith in this front office making the right move.
  18. QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Aug 1, 2016 -> 01:26 PM) Please provide details of the deals they have turned down. What does that have to do with it? My post wasn't a move Sale/Q for whatever you can get post. There are plenty of moves that could have been made outside of our starting pitching. Its time to s*** or get off the pot, what does this organization aspire to be? Mediocre is not an acceptable answer, he flat out said this is a mediocre team. If you acknowledge your team is mediocre, and you do nothing about it, what does that tell you as a fan?
  19. Unless something drastic happens, Hahn has come out and said this team is "mired in mediocrity" and yet, does not do anything about it.. As a fan, not a good look at all. Zero faith in this organization to make the right move.
  20. QUOTE (Footlongcomiskeydog @ Jul 29, 2016 -> 09:51 PM) BoSox ain't trading this kid for anyone and the Sox ain't trading Sale for anyone not named Mike Trout. There's zero chance we retain Sale once his contract ends, not even the White Sox could be so inept that they lose him for a single lousy sandwich pick and nothing more.. He absolutely will be traded one day, but I have my doubts its this season..
  21. Even if he never gets moved, as soon as that contract is up hes gone.. Maybe this will expedite his departure
  22. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jul 6, 2016 -> 01:51 PM) Scott Merkin ‏@scottmerkin 1h1 hour ago Chicago, IL Burdi making his Birmingham debut after being promoted. Could be a little bit of nerves involved. Had not walked anyone in prev. 5 games Well, at least his ERA is still 0.00
  23. QUOTE (soxfan2014 @ Jul 1, 2016 -> 06:06 PM) I think he thinks they're playing in Chicago this weekend so it is relevant to what you said very much. I know what he meant, I was just giving him s***
  24. QUOTE (hi8is @ Jul 1, 2016 -> 06:02 PM) Oh how I wish I lived in Chicago right now Hmm, not sure how that's relevant to what I said at all
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