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Everything posted by T R U

  1. I'll be at the game tonight, hoping for the best. I have 3 extra tickets for tomorrow's game, right behind home plate. I can't find anyone else to go, so if anyone is interested in going PM me and we'll work it out. They are free, no worries there. It's sale day too, gonna be a good one.
  2. QUOTE (soxfan49 @ Jun 22, 2016 -> 11:39 AM) O/U: 2.5 runs of run support tonight for Quintana? I'm saying under. Sox lose 3-2 in 12. Ill take the over, they avg 2.71 in his starts
  3. QUOTE (JUSTgottaBELIEVE @ Jun 20, 2016 -> 08:29 PM) As I said in my initial post, hard for me to consider the cavs underdogs when their two top players went first overall, were heavily hyped while still in high school, perennial all stars and Love was a big time player as a freshman at UCLA and the fifth overall pick as well as a perrenial all star pre-Cleveland. This logic makes no sense. Golden State just set the wins record, hadn't lost 3 games in a row since November of 2013, and were practically unbeatable at home. The Cavs were absolutely underdogs.
  4. QUOTE (DrunkBomber @ Jun 20, 2016 -> 04:28 PM) I was in the camp of really disliking LeBron after the decision and tbh his flopping has always been pathetic to me (however after watching GS whine all series you realize even more how much apart of the game it is now) but I found myself really rooting for LeBron to win this year. You have to appreciate watching someone deliver on a promise to bring the first championship to their home city in 50+ years. Add on top of that they were underdogs and left for dead down 3-1 and had to win 3 consecutive games, including 2 in GS against a team who only lost 9 games all season. My one gripe about the finals were that every game besides game 7 was a blowout. My favorite was Curry's wife saying the Cavs possible come back from 3-1 was fixed by the NBA for money and ratings when Golden State had just done the same thing the round prior. As far as the blowouts go, at least the most important game wasn't.
  5. QUOTE (Soxfest @ Jun 20, 2016 -> 04:33 PM) It appears that one reason for WWE taking the title off of Roman Reigns may be due to house show business. WWE live event attendance in May had dropped from 5,600 last year to 3,900 this year, which is a 30% decline. While John Cena had been out of action, the A and B house show tours had been doing close to the same numbers. The B shows are usually the smaller towns and venues, and were headlined by Dean Ambrose. On this morning’s edition of Wrestling Observer Radio, Dave Meltzer (via wrestlinginc.com) had the following to say… “Last month the ‘B’ shows with Dean Ambrose, that were often in smaller markets, were drawing just as well as the ‘A’ shows with Roman Reigns. Roman Reigns is drawing really bad. Before he wasn’t, but now he is, so now it’s an issue. Does that mean that it led to this [title change], or is this just another way to get Roman Reigns more over, because that’s been the goal for the last however long? Time will tell.” Yup, thats what I read in regards to the attendance figures
  6. QUOTE (Rowand44 @ Jun 20, 2016 -> 03:46 PM) Who knows why they ended up going with this but I find it interesting that the theory is at least out there that this is in response to just how little of a draw Roman has proven to be for them. Like I said, no clue but I can buy into that one. I also saw something that said the "A" shows featuring Roman were drawing the same as the "B" shows featuring Ambrose and that could have played into this as well. I dunno, well see.
  7. QUOTE (LittleHurt05 @ Jun 13, 2016 -> 08:27 AM) Ex-Bear Bryan Robinson, 41 Oh my, did anyone look into this? Apparently he was having a gay affair and could have possibly died from too rough anal sex
  8. QUOTE (JenksIsMyHero @ Jun 20, 2016 -> 11:22 AM) Ramsey shooting the dying giant in the eye instead of John, who was RIGHT THERE, are far more unrealistic/egregious. I thought about that too, but realistically, lets say he shoots Snow instead. Wun Wun would probably have enough in him to squish him anyway. Even if that didn't work, he was surrounded with no support and would have died anyways. Its not like if he had killed Snow he would have gotten away so I was ok with that even though I immediately said the same thing "Why didn't he just shoot him, he was right there?"
  9. QUOTE (The Critic @ Jun 20, 2016 -> 01:16 PM) I see Dean Ambrose's title run being as memorable and impactful as Dolph Ziggler's. I think I saw someone post some conspiracy theory that they made the decision to have Ambrose cash in and win last night to coincide with Cleveland winning so they can milk that on Raw tonight. Its a stretch seeing as how Dean is from Cincinnati, but I guess we will see if its mentioned at all tonight. I would expect that his reign will be short lived, cant see him holding the belt past SummerSlam.
  10. QUOTE (brett05 @ Jun 20, 2016 -> 12:10 PM) Tonight's RAW I start it off with Dean. After some talk about who gets their rematch first, he pulls out a contract from his back pocket. He signs it and dares Roman and Seth to come down and do likewise. Or better... Start with Rollins in the ring asking for his re-match. Wait a bit and have Reigns ask for his re-match. Have it almost get to fists and then kill the lights. After a moment show the two laid out in the ring. Allow the whole place think it's Dean. Do it again next week doing it Rollins first then another segment to Reigns. Third Monday allow ax executive chair to spin where only Ambrose sees who/what is in the chair. We get to later see a contract for Battleground of Dean vs an unknown opponent. Battleground Rollins v Reigns the other match is the one that has done all the damage. Ambrose comes out and says something like folks thought I was crazy to turn in the briefcase as I did. Now they see that I am a lunatic for taking a title match against an unknown opponent. the lights drop and we see the dim light...We're Here. Bray's music hits and that becomes battleground. Unfortunately, in clear predictable fashion, I think we see the Seth Vs Roman match at Battleground to determine the #1 contender only to have that result be inconclusive and then a triple threat is made for SummerSlam. I think someone already said that in here, definitely agree with that.
  11. QUOTE (bmags @ Jun 20, 2016 -> 11:41 AM) I enjoy hating on Lebron playing basketball. Some people hate on Tom Brady. Others hate Jose Bautista. Sports are more fun that way. Yup, couldn't agree more. I hate Tom Brady and think Dan Marino is the greatest QB of all time. I think were just spinning the tires trying to argue LeBron is better than Jordan on a Chicago sports board. Not gonna happen.
  12. Jose just showed me a screen cap from reddit.. "Seth became the first person to 1v1 pin Roman Reigns clean in his entire main roster career. Roman has not lost 1v1 clean since 2012 in FCW to Adam Rose."
  13. QUOTE (Palehosefan @ Jun 20, 2016 -> 08:28 AM) LeBron already has 13 NBA seasons under his belt and almost 40k minutes played. There's no chance in hell he's going to be dominating(healthy) for 4-5 more years. His body will begin breaking down like Kobe's when he's approaching his mid 30's, especially with all the banging he has endured over the years. The body can only take so much abuse, it doesn't matter if it starts at 18 or 21. LeBron has a legit argument to be made as one of the top 2-3 players in history, but its hard to argue he's better than Jordan. Well again, I didn't mean at this very moment.. But if he wins 2-3 more titles and a couple more MVP's, plus the finality of his stats there is going be a very strong case that he is the best of all time.. The dude is a freak, I don't think there's any reason to think he cant be dominant for 4 more seasons
  14. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Jun 20, 2016 -> 08:21 AM) Well I think you took it too far there. Jordan had better numbers in a defensive era and 6 titles. I guess I should have added "When its all said and done" Didn't necessarily mean right now..
  15. QUOTE (JUSTgottaBELIEVE @ Jun 20, 2016 -> 06:33 AM) Still can't respect a guy that conpletely turned his back on Cleveland for an "easy" ring in Miami only to return to Cleveland after they had Irving, a decent team around him, and significant cap space. I guarantee you no one in Cleveland cares about LeBron going to Miami now. He left as a free agent, get over it already. What other superstars are winning championships without a decent team around them? How is that a knock on LeBron? 6 straight trips to the finals (With two different teams), 3 championships, and probably another 4-5 years of dominance left in the tank.. As hard of a pill as it is to swallow, he will be the greatest of all time even if the Jordan crowd refuses to admit it.
  16. QUOTE (Jose Abreu @ Jun 15, 2016 -> 11:50 PM) "poor life choice" = eating too much junk food, not exercising, etc. Domestic violence is a vastly different issue. Ok, so then replace it with bad decision. Its still the same thing I said above. And what you outlined there I would consider more "life style". I think its safe to assume alcohol was involved here, and he made a stupid decision that hes gonna have to be labeled with the rest of his life. So what? Im not the one who made that choice or has to deal with it. I just wanna see the White Sox win games. Im a fan of the name on the front of the jersey first and foremost. I dont care about what some jackass does in his personal life.
  17. QUOTE (Kalapse @ Jun 15, 2016 -> 07:34 PM) To categorize domestic violence as a poor life choice is f***ing stupid. To each his own
  18. QUOTE (bigruss22 @ Jun 15, 2016 -> 04:12 PM) Well sure, but that doesn't mean people can't have breaking points. Mine so happen to be domestic violence, rape, murder, etc. Being a jerk is one thing, I probably have a harder time rooting for you/the team if that's the case but 99% of the time doesn't stop me. When Kendrick Nunn plead guilty to beating a woman I was 100% ready to not watch a single game of Illinois basketball until he was out of the program. And it doesn't mean that they aren't perfect people or someone who does amazing things, but if you do something to morally wrong like that then yea, it impacts my ability to cheer for them and the organization that supports that behavior. lol oh my... "This guy made a poor life choice, im not watching grown men play a game until hes gone"
  19. QUOTE (greg775 @ Jun 13, 2016 -> 11:31 PM) Holy cow. They couldn't put them away at home. LeBron always has a chance. If Cleveland takes care of business at home, we have a game seven. This could be just like the OKC series in reverse. Golden State blowing a 3-1 lead. Quick Greg, start proclaiming this is Golden States year and no one will stop them.. I wanna see LeBron win one for Cleveland
  20. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Jun 9, 2016 -> 11:34 PM) Don't think Anderson's coming up. He's kind of cooled off the last 2+ weeks. I feel like ive seen this said a few times now.. hes hitting .297 in June with an OPS over .700 Hasn't walked yet, but only 8 games and well that's not much of a shock anyways.. Man, that dude is killing lefties.. .346 avg with 3 homers and a .900 OPS in 81 ABs
  21. Rollins had major knee surgery 6 months ago, how the hell is he back? What a beast.. Also, im not a huge Roman hater but come on.. A styles clash, followed by a styles clash on a chair, followed by 4-5 chair shots and somehow RIGHT after that Cenas his way to another win..
  22. QUOTE (SCCWS @ May 19, 2016 -> 05:45 PM) If Kenny hired Gaston, we might still be looking for our first WS Trophy. Luckily Ozzie got it before he imploded. You mean 3rd?
  23. QUOTE (maggsmaggs @ May 4, 2016 -> 05:16 PM) He might be the best pure hitter in the Draft. I would love him, Senzel or Lewis. Teams are kicking themselves for not drafting Schwarber, Collins is in that same vein. Schwarber went 4th overall behind Brady Aiken (Who turned into Alex Bregman), Tyler Kolek, and Carlos Rodon.. I don't think anyone is kicking themselves for not drafting Schwarber..
  24. QUOTE (lostfan @ May 3, 2016 -> 12:01 PM) some random black guy wait a sec.. this guy just told me on facebook recently he never posts anymore
  25. QUOTE (Kalapse @ May 1, 2016 -> 09:13 PM) All time great episode, advanced every plot line substantially and threw in some real quality kills. The big dick guy death scene was the best
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