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Everything posted by T R U

  1. Can I personally attack someone through PM?
  2. QUOTE (Rowand44 @ Aug 11, 2014 -> 10:22 PM) That was a fun throw back there and he seemed clean which is great to see. I'm always worried anytime he's on screen. Man those guys are gray as f***, and they are the youngest ones out there too thats the best part
  3. oh my god, I hope Lesnar demolish all of those old guys
  4. For comparisons sake, here is my draft strategy this year (WR heavy) against a team who took 3 RBs to start the draft.. The round in which they were taken will be noted next to the player. My team is the first listed. The mock was 12 team PPR. QB: Nick Foles (8) / Tony Romo (8) RB: Shane Vereen (4) / Demarco Murray (1) RB: Pierre Thomas (5) / Gio Bernard (2) WR: AJ Green (1) / Larry Fitgerald (4) WR: Brandon Marshall (2) / Torrey Smith (6) TE: Jordan Cameron (6) / Ladarius Green (9) FLEX: Pierre Garcon (3) / Doug Martin (3) K: Stephen Gostkowski (13) / NONE D: Philadelphia (14) / Kansas City (14) BN: Darren Sproles (7) / Terrence Williams (7) BN: Darren McFadden (9) / Frank Gore (5) BN: Khiry Robinson (10) / Russel Wilson (10) BN: Kenny Stills (11) / Justin Hunter (11) BN: Charles Clay(12) / Eric Ebron (12) They took Legerete Blount in the 13th and skipped a kicker for some reason. My thought on Philadelphia is they have a nice home match up against Jacksonville in week 1 and I like those odds. I stream defenses anyways, so that or Pittsburgh is looking pretty nice for me with the last pick of the draft. I wanted to draft Tannehill with that 12th pick, but looking at my team I need a TE replacement week 4 and I have some time to need a QB replacement so I opted to cover that now and pick up a QB down the line.
  5. Ok guys, so its almost that time. I think im a pretty good fantasy football player, god knows I do way more research and studying than my wife would like, however I am still very interested in hearing opinions and others strategies as well. I will always end up doing what I think is best, but I do enjoy the insight and I just love talking fantasy football. With that said, Id like to open up some discussions here and get some second opinions on things. My league is having its live draft on August 20th, its a 12 man PPR league. TD passes are worth six points, there is one flex and its W/R/T. We did a draft lottery, basically we put everyones names in a hat, drew the first name and whoever it was got to pick their draft spot. My name got pulled like 4th, and I chose 12. I picked 12 for a few reasons. First and foremost, I wanted my pick of 2 elite players back to back. Secondly, it also assures me of owning the #1 waiver priority to start the season. Here is what I am thinking. I am not taking a RB at all with either of those first two picks. The cream of the crop will be long off the board and if I am certainly not going to take a risky RB over an elite WR. Currently, I am almost 100% sure Jimmy Graham is going to make it to pick 12. I plan on taking Jimmy Graham and one of Demaryius/Dez/AJ Green to kick off my first two picks. My question to you is if you knew that Graham and one of those WRs are going to be on the board at your two picks, do you take that combo?
  6. Just finished our third season, our record so far is 6-24 We went from giving up 20+ runs a game to about 13-15 now but we are only scoring like 6 runs a game and were not going to beat anyone hitting like that. Almost hit one out today, hit the base of the fence in the air but I slipped on first base and was held to a double.
  7. QUOTE (Chilihead90 @ Aug 10, 2014 -> 08:46 PM) When you say "ITT", it means "In This Thread". You say it right before you sum up the stupid theme of the comments in that thread. I was mocking those insensitive people for their extremely callous comments on what should happen to a driver who leaves his vehicle. Gimme a break, bottom line is if the guy doesn't get out of his car and walk almost to the middle of an ACTIVE RACE no one is dead right now.
  8. QUOTE (Jake @ Aug 7, 2014 -> 05:10 PM) What irritates me about this CLE talk is the stupid assumption that all of the best players on CLE will put up equivalent numbers to their previous seasons. If we learned nothing else from the Miami experiment, it's that somebody's going to take a big hit to their counting stats I would guess that's going to be Irving, but I don't see that as necessarily a bad thing. The main thing to remember here is that when you take LeBron James and give him two other really good players and role players he has a 100% success rate in reaching the finals. I see no reason to think its not going to happen until I actually see it happen.
  9. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Aug 7, 2014 -> 03:39 PM) The fact that they did lose twice is kind of the point. They aren't invincible. Well, to the East they are if we want to go by that logic
  10. Everyone said the same stuff when the Heat got together, and yet they went to 4 straight Finals and won two rings. I see no reason this will be any different, especially since this Cavs team is better than those Heat teams even when you consider the east is a little better.
  11. T R U

    2014 Films Thread

    QUOTE (Y2HH @ Aug 5, 2014 -> 07:48 AM) I'm fine with it being a part of the universe in a minor form, but based on people saying it can stand on it's own, within it's own universe, I'm fine with that explanation and will give it a watch when it's rentable. I'm just happy to hear it's not the usual superhero vs bad guy crap I've already seen 50 times. Ruh Roh
  12. QUOTE (JPN366 @ Jul 31, 2014 -> 03:06 PM) They could have done better. According to who? We don't know what they were offered for him.
  13. QUOTE (Dunt @ Jul 31, 2014 -> 03:04 PM) That is an awful haul for Tampa, just awful What are they supposed to do? They aren't going to pay him, so they pretty much either take the best offer they get or watch him leave for nothing
  14. After feeling pretty bad that I decided not to go to Raw last night, I feel ok about it now. Wasn't that great of a Raw.
  15. really enjoyed Bo Dallas tonight, the outburst was great
  16. QUOTE (wardo @ Jul 28, 2014 -> 04:31 AM) Sale has had a tremendous season obviously. An ERA of 1.88 entering August is insane. Unfortunately, he probably has no legit shot at the Cy Young although this is probably his best season so far. Spending time on the DL earlier this year has most likely already killed his chances. His innings pitched and strikeouts will be below guys like Hernandez and Scherzer, and also the amount of starts he has. Is he the best pitcher in the AL? Pretty damn close. Is he the Cy Young in 2014? No. Damn you're right. I was going to ask the question has there ever been a team with a Cy Young winner AND the rookie of the year and still finished below .500? You're right though, Sale has no chance at the Cy Young given his projected workload.
  17. QUOTE (Charlie Haeger's Knuckles @ Jul 26, 2014 -> 10:18 PM) Its probably a lot like CoD in that getting the max "level" rank isn't difficult, but unlocking the extras is. I got to level 60 on CoD in a few weeks of online game play, but its mighty difficult to unlock everything.... for example the sniper "outfit" requires 130 kills with a chrome barrel rifle. I think you got it flipped. It takes about a full day worth of play time (Literally 24+ hours of multiplayer gameplay) to get to 60, and you have to do that 10 times. 130 kills with the chrome barrel attachment is nothing, you could do that in one sit down if you really wanted to. If you can get 15 kills a game your looking at 8-9 games to unlock that.
  18. QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Jul 25, 2014 -> 12:50 PM) No prior history shouldn't come into play with some offenses. Wife beating is one. I guess it works that way in multiple sports. Chuck Knoblauch had to beat up 2 wives before the Twins pulled the plug on his Twins HOF ceremony. Beating one was OK. Now, I do think there is a difference between getting drunk and then both getting into a fight and you punching her and knocking her compared to just beating (as in repeatedly) the crap out of a woman for no reason more than you had a bad day or don't care for what was for dinner that night. I don't remember the entire story, but im pretty sure they were both fighting. Of course doesn't make it right either way.
  19. QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Jul 25, 2014 -> 12:46 PM) Did Plaxico have multiple run ins with the law when he got 4 games for shooting himself(after 2 years in prison)? Honest question, I dont recall IIRC, the law he broke was a pretty serious law in New York. I dont remember hearing about him having any previous issues.
  20. QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Jul 25, 2014 -> 12:30 PM) I think if you looked at just those two instances and laid them next to each other, yea it could be annoying when presented every fact. When you look at the league wide varying punishments for violence and drug use, you see a very strange inconsistency that is driving everyone crazy. I guess my main complaint here is that the comparisons im seeing make it look like Josh Gordon smoked weed ONCE and was suspended all year. That's pretty much what I meant by this. I understand that domestic violence is worse than smoking weed. That's what was really irritating me about what im seeing some fools post, and most of them are the pro weed crowd so its not surprising.
  21. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jul 25, 2014 -> 12:15 PM) If you had to ask yourself which deserved a more serious punishment, being caught with pot a dozen times or beating a woman unconscious once? I tend the think the multiple offender deserves a harsher punishment then the first time offender. Isn't that generally how life goes? Now, I think that domestic violence is worse than smoking weed. However, I then go back to the first time hes ever been in trouble before thing. Josh Gordon knew his next failed test was going to be a year long ban and did it anyways, and then while awaiting his hearing got a DUI to top it off. Ray Rice hasn't been in trouble before. Im not talking about which is worse, its more like people are ignoring Josh Gordons history and comparing this like they are both a one time instance and these are the punishments that have been laid out.
  22. Does anyone else get annoyed with the punishment comparisons to Josh Gordon and Ray Rice? One guy has never been in trouble with the NFL before, the other is a multiple offender at the NFL level and was kicked out of two colleges for the same reason. I don't think its really comparable. Am I off here or does anyone else agree?
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