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Everything posted by T R U

  1. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jun 26, 2014 -> 04:12 PM) Embiid just screams bust to me. Ill second this
  2. QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Jun 26, 2014 -> 08:26 AM) I thought I read last night its lottery protected. What I saw said if it falls between 4-19 Houston gets it
  3. QUOTE (Jake @ Jun 24, 2014 -> 03:46 PM) As s***ty as it is, there are worse scams than those that help a sick little girl. I hope her need of help is at least sincere Yeah except if those people are scuzzy enough to pull something like that, odds are they aren't using that money to help the girl out. At least not all of it.
  4. Pretty much any nickname that joecoolman had a part in was absolutely terrible
  5. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jun 24, 2014 -> 09:12 AM) WTF is wrong with some people. Taking advantage of a kids injuries like that? http://wgntv.com/2014/06/24/report-disfigu...c-story-a-hoax/ I think ive reached a point in my life where the phrase "WTF is wrong with some people" no longer means anything and its no surprise to see stuff like this nowadays. Very sad that this is the world we live in.
  6. QUOTE (Buehrle>Wood @ Jun 24, 2014 -> 12:46 PM) Doubly so now because Brock never got revenge for being lied to about how that Extreme Rules match was supposed to end. What?
  7. QUOTE (Rowand44 @ Jun 24, 2014 -> 09:52 AM) I know, it just goes with out saying that you should throw everything at LeBron if you can. Well of course, hes the best player in the league. Realistically though, I think Houston could get the room and present the best situation for him to win multiple titles. I don't think the Heat are going to be able to reconfigure everything.
  8. Its not realistic for every team to do that, Houston however could shed Lin/Asik and be able to work in LeBron and immediately be the best team in the NBA
  9. Oh man, If I was Houston I would throw everything I possibly could at LeBron. They would be set up better than when the Heat started and their window would be much longer. It would be the perfect fit for him if he wants to win more titles. Wade is toast, why the hell would he opt out? The Heat cant really improve that roster much than what they have. The only other thing I could see is a return to Cleveland to try and right the wrong he did 4 years ago.
  10. QUOTE (bigruss22 @ Jun 17, 2014 -> 02:28 PM) Especially if it's a HS player who really wants to go to college then you're risking losing that pick completely. Most teams want to make sure they are getting some talent guaranteed and will take the riskier player later, so if the hard to sign guy doesnt come then they aren't completely devoid of talent. Id rather risk taking the talented HS player there and getting him into your system that much earlier than taking a college senior much earlier than you should to save 200K so you can just offer that same high school kid the same money later in the draft. Of course, it may not all work out that way but this is just how I am looking at it.
  11. So why don't teams just take the tough sign guys earlier so their slot is better than 100K and they don't have to worry about scraping up funds from other savings to offer more? Why not just take BMDO in round 5 and offer him $375,000+ instead of taking him in round 13 and hoping you can offer him the same amount by cutting costs earlier in the draft?
  12. QUOTE (Chilihead90 @ Jun 13, 2014 -> 02:29 PM) Nothing stops us from signing MDO except for the July 18th deadline. And money
  13. QUOTE (LittleHurt05 @ Jun 13, 2014 -> 01:57 PM) I think it would be cool to have a pinned thread where you can just add random facts, tidbits, news about the White Sox that you don't think deserve their own thread. I even thought of a catchy name for it: "White Sox Catch-All Thread" This idea sucks, I prefer not to miss minor trades and tidbits because I didn't want to search through a mass jumbled thread. If there is anything that deems discussion, it should have its own thread.
  14. QUOTE (Quinarvy @ Jun 13, 2014 -> 05:41 AM) LeBron needs more help. He will. Carmelo is coming.
  15. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Jun 12, 2014 -> 04:41 PM) Not only is that laughable, but if you feel that way, why are you even interested in the draft discussion? I don't find it laughable. The guy was drafted third overall, we don't need to play hardball with him or deal with any bulls***. Sign your contract or go back to school, hes a prospect you act like he is a sure bet. Hes not. Im not going to lose any sleep if Carlos Rodon doesn't want to sign for what will surely be a more than a fair offer. This is pointless anyway, as people in the know are saying is he going to sign anyway.
  16. QUOTE (Chilihead90 @ Jun 12, 2014 -> 04:02 PM) Possible, sure. But assume that the Sox end up not signing Rodon, and we end up drafting him again at #4. We also then get our 2nd pick somewhere in teens. While that sounds like an awesome haul for 1 draft year, wouldn't you rather have had Rodon get a year a development in your system, instead of pitching another year in college? He loses a development year. It seems like you are going to have a couple awful years of prospects, just to have an amazing year, while losing all the development time in between. I don't know, it just doesn't sound like a great strategy unless you are picking late in the draft and decide that strategy for 1 year because you forecast a much deeper class the following year. I think the Red Sox have employed that strategy before. See wites post, don't think you understood what I was saying. Personally, I don't give two s***s if we sign Rodon or not. He has just as good a chance to be terrible as he does at being great.
  17. Hmm, would it be possible to just keep taking impossible to sign guys and offering them 90% of the slot so you just keep accumulating picks in the following draft over the course of many years?
  18. Im just glad im going to get to play GTA V finally. I traded in my XBOX a month before it came out, got the PS4 in November and never got to play it.
  19. My little league coach use to say you should never lose a game where you score 8 runs..
  20. QUOTE (witesoxfan @ Jun 9, 2014 -> 09:31 AM) Yeah, that may have been over the top, but at the end of the day, LeBron was the biggest reason the Heat won that game. Bosh was pretty clutch with that 3 and then hitting a wide open Wade under the basket to ice the game, but yes mostly LeBron
  21. QUOTE (chw42 @ Jun 4, 2014 -> 10:29 AM) As a batter, I'm not going to bail the pitcher out. My goal is to get on base and walking happens to be one of those ways. As a pitcher, your goal is to throw strikes. It's one thing if the umpire is freaking terrible and squeezing you, it's another if you can't throw strikes and expect hitters to bail you out. Now, with all that said, I never go up there looking for a walk. However, I feel like complaining about hitters not swinging at balls out of the zone is pretty damn silly. The strike zone is way too iffy for me to risk not swinging at something close. Im certainly not going to be one of the guys that strikes out, and I don't want to risk that on a guy standing 4-5 feet away trying to judge a lobbed ball coming into the strike zone.
  22. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jun 3, 2014 -> 12:38 PM) walkers in softball has always been a pet peeve of mine. It is one thing if the pitcher is bad, but actually looking for a walk in softball? Slap-worthy. Yup, I want no part of a walk in slowpitch unless the 3 pitches I get are just awful. I swing at anything even remotely close.
  23. QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Jun 4, 2014 -> 09:26 AM) Are there any Illini fans here who think the Redskins name has to go but where pretty upset when they dumped the Chief? That was a controversy, but apparently the Chief offended some. My thing is if the Redskins name really does offend, and it does seem to do just that, just change it. What really is gained by keeping it? The Washington DC NFL team isn't going to be any less popular. I think the only problem is where do you draw the line? People will be offended by everything, especially if they know being offended will get some change. I think Redskins and Chief Wahoo are far enough on the wrong side of that line to go away. They are far more offensive IMO than Illinois' Chief or Marquette calling their teams Warriors. What if Washington was like, ok well change our name to just "Skins" but kept that same logo and everything. Is there still an argument to be made that the name is still offensive even if the Red has been knocked off of it.
  24. QUOTE (danman31 @ Jun 3, 2014 -> 11:29 PM) Soul Suspect has a metacritic of 59... Jose swears by it
  25. QUOTE (Rowand44 @ Jun 3, 2014 -> 08:02 PM) Rollins will definitely have a new look right away, we'll probably see him in a suit next week. Good question about Reigns and Ambrose though. And what about a haircut and one color hair? Im interested to see his look with this change.
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