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Everything posted by T R U

  1. T R U


    I think Dunn has sneaky value to a good team that needs a power bat.. Hes still on pace for 40+ HRs and 100+ RBIs on this terrible team.. what could he do with people on base and actual good hitters around him? I think we would almost certainly have to eat a lot of salary, but I think that there could be interest in him..
  2. QUOTE (Knuckles @ Jun 21, 2013 -> 09:49 PM) https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=479859732103070 Once a tool, always a tool. LeBron is going to need an umbrella to fend off all the tears of his haters
  3. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Jun 21, 2013 -> 09:20 PM) just looking at that makes me want to masturbate
  4. This is going to be unpopular and will never happen, but.. I would offer Chris Sale to the Rangers for Olt and Profar..
  5. QUOTE (Chilihead90 @ Jun 15, 2013 -> 02:04 AM) That's what I'm screaming. The money he saves by trading in games early in their release is negligible to the money he'd save on just rent it for 5 days for like $12. Anyone who hangs onto a game long past its prime is an idiot. I haven't paid full price for a game in about 4 years because of smart trading. I also traded in Bioshock 3 days after I bought it because I beat it and was done with it. It cost me no money to buy the game and I got $30 of credit for it. Its the smart thing to do.
  6. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Jun 13, 2013 -> 01:08 PM) I feel sorry for anyone out there without a PS3. At least you get repackaged Halo all the time. That game has zero appeal to me
  7. Im going to all 4 games.. cant wait
  8. QUOTE (lostfan @ Jun 11, 2013 -> 07:33 PM) You're in amazon? Ive tried best buy and gamestop.. I dont want to do amazon because I feel like its too risky to have a piece of equipment like that in the hands of some slobby delivery man who might toss it in his truck or something like that.. am I wrong for having this concern?
  9. So I guess preordering a console doesnt work like preordering a game.. it keeps prompting me to pay full price for the system when I just wanna throw down $5 bucks and pay it off when I pick it up in November
  10. QUOTE (TaylorStSox @ Jun 10, 2013 -> 10:19 PM) Microsofts network destroys Sony's, for one. The PS3 was a better machine , but Microsoft won because of the network. Microsoft is thinking much bigger than hardcore gamers. Sony is going to a pay to play online system, I dont see how it doesnt stack up to xboxs online service now
  11. QUOTE (TaylorStSox @ Jun 10, 2013 -> 10:13 PM) Sony failed today IMO in everything outside of price. For a system that's supposed to be aimed at hardcore gamers, you'd think they'd be able to show a presentation that wasn't in-engine. The games looked worse. Watchdogs certainly didn't look next gen. Microsoft is ahead of them in the media center idea and they have the network to back it. I'm bored with gaming right now so I won't be buying either, but with integration options in the Xbox, I'd probably go that route. Regardless, you're probably better off going with the console that's more popular and I wouldn't bet on Sony. How so? They are going to be the exact same system only difference is you can still trade in games and its cheaper..
  12. QUOTE (danman31 @ Jun 10, 2013 -> 10:07 PM) Microsoft does have a chance to bundle or price drop, but I don't see how you pick XBox over PS4 right now. I dont see how xbox doesnt take a catastrophic loss from this
  13. QUOTE (kev211 @ Jun 10, 2013 -> 09:47 PM) Never mind.. You now have to pay to play online multiplayer. nevermind? This just means that PS4 online will be more like XBOX Live which is a good thing.. Sorry XBOX, but you have lost a long time customer today. Ill be getting a PS4
  14. *Le sigh* I suppose I can.. email is [email protected]
  15. QUOTE (kitekrazy @ May 28, 2013 -> 12:51 PM) Then what? Then what, what? This team isn't good enough to win this division or make the playoffs. Its not hard to see that if you watch them play. Its pointless to not trade these guys if were out of it. And I am not saying give them away, if the value isnt there so be it but I don't think that's going to be the case.
  16. QUOTE (South Side Fireworks Man @ May 27, 2013 -> 09:37 PM) Have there been any reports about exactly what Cooper was screaming at Flowers about tonight? prolly about how much he sucks at baseball
  17. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ May 27, 2013 -> 07:22 PM) Nope. Only saying why he might have more value now or in the next two months than in the off-season (when he would only have 1 year left on his deal). Peavy should be traded ONLY if we could get a PREMIUM return, AND if we were clearly out of it....meaning 8-10 games back at XYZ point in July, when such decisions have to be made. Most don't trust the White Sox to execute this kind of trade correctly in the first place. But it wouldn't be an easy move to make, because we're two bats away from being a really good team if we could clean up our defensive miscues. Ide be surprised if this team wasnt 8-10 games out of first in mid July. We dont have the offense to compete this year and if guys like Rios, Peavy, Crain, etc. keep performing at a high level they will be in demand come deadline time and I sure hope that we are dealing these guys and not adding.
  18. QUOTE (danman31 @ May 23, 2013 -> 11:27 PM) I don't think you can say that currently since both systems are getting major revamps in each of the categories you mentioned. Ide be leaning more towards PS4 if they can give me an online experience that XBOX does.. but I really do hate that playstation controller and much prefer 2 bumpers and 2 triggers over 4 bumpers so close together on PS
  19. Everything I am reading about the XBOX and how its more geared towards an entertainment hub and not gamers is really turning me off to the system. I will obviously wait to see what E3 has in store but I really do NOT want anything to do with connect. The last thing I need is to have Jose skype me his penis. I dont care to play kinect games, I dont want to have to turn on the system or start games by talking to the XBOX. The kinect must ALWAYS be on for the system to work, I hate that. The worst part is Playstation is such an inferior system in terms of online presentation, options, the controller, presentation.. but I reallllly dont want to have to do anything with Kinect. I guess I am just going to have to wait until E3 before I decide if I am getting either of these consoles or none and just riding the 360 until I absolutely have to get a next gen.
  20. QUOTE (lasttriptotulsa @ May 22, 2013 -> 06:01 PM) My thoughts on this are that they are probably going to have an activation code on the game. This code will be locked to your gamer id. If you are to trade the game in, you would have to release the game from your id and it would not play on your system anymore. On gamestop's end, they would just not accept any game that did not have a unlocked activation code. This would work out for everybody. Gamestop would stay in business, consumers would still be able to buy used games without paying extra. Whether this is how they are doing it, I have no idea, but if I worked for Microsoft this would be my suggestion. I don't think that's how it works.. That means that if I buy a new game, install it on my system, then take to my friends house where he would need to install it and "buy" it to be able to play then I no longer own the game and would have to "rebuy" it when I go back home.. This is my understanding. I buy the game, I own that game and I go home and install it onto my system. I no longer need the disc so I go trade it back into Gamestop for store credit. Gamestop then is able to resell that game to some dumbass who then goes home, inserts the disc, and has to pay a "fee" or whatever it is they are going to do.
  21. QUOTE (kev211 @ May 22, 2013 -> 05:07 PM) The used game market is going to be dead. So there won't be anywhere to trade it in. XBOX already announced they are working on a way for gamers to buy and trade games, so no it wont be dead.. it just might not be the exact same as it is now
  22. I see no problem with the used game fees they are talking about.. I buy everything new anyways.. Here is my question.. you have to install all games onto your xbox1 to play them, then you dont need the disc anymore from my understanding.. so does this mean I can buy a new game, go home and install it, and then trade it in immediately for max store credit? If so, I love this idea..
  23. ugh, looks like its going to be focused around kinect.. i dont like that
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