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Everything posted by T R U

  1. QUOTE (Brian @ May 19, 2013 -> 09:25 PM) Good match up until finish. Wasn't main event so it just makes some kind of rematch next month. Man, you cant have a no contest in a last man standing match.. that was pretty weak
  2. QUOTE (LittleHurt05 @ May 16, 2013 -> 08:19 AM) A WS title justifies any trade. With Pods leading off and the money saved to acquire other players, that trade directly led to a WS title, isn't that the final goal? If they had gotten more talent, but not won the WS, would that still have been a better trade in your eyes? It's like the Cardinals trade of Colby Rasmus. On paper, it looked like they got screwed talent-wise. However, the players they acquired helped them win the World Series that fall. Sounds like a winning trade to me. There is zero proof that the trade had anything to do with us winning a world series.. you have no way to know how the season would have played out had the trade not happened, still could have won a world series but well never know.. It was a bad trade as far as value goes, there is no argument to dispute that..
  3. QUOTE (Jake @ May 15, 2013 -> 08:56 PM) FWIW, Pods had a higher WAR than Carlos Lee in 2005 WAR, what is it good for? Absolutely nothing.
  4. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ May 15, 2013 -> 08:05 PM) Simple. Lee/Ordonez/Valentin Offloading that nearly $40 million in salary made everything else possible. Then throw in the acquisitions of Garcia (the extension also made possible by the reallocated payroll) and Contreras the season before, it all just came together, along with the emergence of Jenks and McCarthy in the 2nd half. Think of it as a chess move. It improved the team chemistry. Addition by subtraction. that doesnt justify a bad trade.. you could have still traded Lee for a better return and saved all that salary.. like I said im glad we won the world series, but that trade sucked
  5. QUOTE (KPBears @ May 15, 2013 -> 11:15 AM) As you mentioned, you're looking at a "limited" sample of Viciedo. I'm looking at his total body of work at this point. He kind of reminds me of a lesser Carlos Lee. Yeah, Lee has a fair amount of hits and home runs over his career. But it took him a long time to amass those stats, and he's never meant that much to any of his teams. When the Sox got Pods for him, I think the Sox fleeced the Brewers in that trade (I don't care that the rest of Soxtalk hates Pods, face it, 2005 doesn't happen without him). And I see Dayan as a worse version of Lee. I think De Aza is a solid leadoff hitter, but there's a difference between solid and good (I'll throw Alexei and Beckham, maybe, into the solid but not good category as well). Dunn is done (pun intended, and spot on as well). Konerko is also done. I love Paulie. Carried himself as a true professional on and off the field. I want his number retired, and a statue in 5 years. But he has almost nothing left. Regardless of the return, I want the Sox to trade him to a contender, because Paulie deserves one more chance at a ring. Keppinger is pure garbage. He kills lefties? You know what that means? He's a platoon player at best. You don't make your big offseason move a platoon player. It's ok to do that midseason when you're just trying to fine tune a team that's already good/great (like the 2005 Sox when they just added Blum). I like what Gillaspie has done so far, but lately he's been coming back to Earth, and he's got a long way to go to prove he's for real considering his track record. This team has more holes than Swiss cheese. With the possible exception of Rios, there's not a single above average hitter on the team at any position, and in most cases, they are far below average. It's not the matter of guys underachieving (because they're not, the lineup is just that bad) or adding a couple of pieces in the offseason. The pitching staff is strong (although, assuming Peavy isn't dealt and stays healthy, I think we still need a number three starting pitcher, and I have my doubts that Danks is ever coming back as an effective pitcher), but the lineup needs at least three good hitters, and at least two of whom are big on base guys, and a major comeback from Konerko. There's no help on the farm, and there is zero chance that this team can compete this year. Stockpile prospects and invest money, and more importantly time and effort, in player development. Obviously I love that we won the World Series in 2005, but the Lee for Podsednik trade was just awful from a trade perspective. We got hosed in that deal, the return we got for a player of Lee's ability was brutal
  6. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ May 13, 2013 -> 06:17 PM) Yeah, I am still waiting to see who has been able to do it in that short of a time period. Boston? They tore the team apart last season and used their resources to load back up and have been pretty good so far this year.. I think that would be a path the Sox could take since we have the money and resources to do some things if we dumped a lot of assets this year.. Not a perfect example, but I think the Sox could do something in a similar fashion as what Boston did..
  7. QUOTE (ZoomSlowik @ May 3, 2013 -> 07:52 PM) Completely understandable. Playing the same story twice (three times if you got the season pass/new level cap) to max out a character can get repetitive, not to mention farming for particular weapons. I'm kind of compulsive with leveling and getting new guns though, and there's enough content that I frequently come across side missions I haven't done in a while (sometimes ever, especially with some of the DLC). The problem was me and my friends beat the game within a few days of it coming out, but my jackass cousin nabbed Jacks face so I had to start a new game all over by myself and beat that again. Then the DLC came out with the Mechromancer so I beat the game AGAIN with that character. The thought of having to play all of those same missions all over again just made me sick to my stomach and I couldnt play anymore. And of course ive played New Vegas, and I like FO3 better..
  8. QUOTE (ZoomSlowik @ May 1, 2013 -> 07:38 PM) That game is like crack, I got it on launch day and am still regularly playing it. Got real stale for me However, I just bought Fallout 3 again for like the 4th time last week and its still awesome.. I remember I didnt care for it when I got it when it originally came out but I also had never played a Fallout game before and didnt know what how to play..
  9. QUOTE (Soxfest @ Apr 25, 2013 -> 07:37 PM) Dolphins with a reach at 3 with Jordan? 3 of first 4 picks drafted LT's. Jordan would have been long gone before Miami got on the clock, I am just glad all it cost them to go from 12 to 3 was a single 2nd round pick
  10. QUOTE (Eminor3rd @ Apr 9, 2013 -> 05:20 PM) This is such a meatball thing to say. Prospects are probabilities. Gio's value at the time was not what it is at his ceiling, it's the average of all possible outcomes. More often than not, hard throwing lefties with major control issues become relievers. Occasionally, they hit their absolute ceilings and become frontline starters. KW traded lottery tickets for established talent, which was what he needed at the time. Oakland bought lottery tickets at the cost of established talent, which made more sense for them at the time. No.
  11. QUOTE (Buehrle>Wood @ Apr 8, 2013 -> 09:32 PM) My dad, brother and I watched wrestling for the first time in years tonight. This fandango guy is awesome. An amazing gimmick. I was iffy on the gimmick at first, but now I love it.. and honestly I think its going to work, the crowd was all over it tonight.. although, this crowd has been great tonight overall and it could just be a one time thing.
  12. QUOTE (Brian @ Apr 8, 2013 -> 08:31 PM) Why couldn't they have done that last night? I was thinkin about it and I really think they wanted all the talk to be about Rock/Cena... thats why HHH didnt lose, thats why there was no cash in.. thats what would have been talked about, not Cena/Rock 2
  13. Zigglers cash in was absolutely wonderful, my second favorite one next to Edge cashing in on Cena at New Years Revolution
  14. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Apr 3, 2013 -> 04:39 PM) I already own it If I am correct, you couldnt have multiple coaches. My friends and I create a franchise with each of us owning a team. We then would draft, sim seasons, play championships when we were together. It was my understanding you could no longer do this in madden 13. I tried when it first came out, but I never tried in the last 6 months. You could have multiple coaches online, dunno if that was available offline
  15. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Apr 1, 2013 -> 10:41 AM) 7 hours, hard to justify purchase. Unless you're into DLC and that stuff no its prolly not worth a buy, definitely a rent for sure. Its a great game and the ending made me look back and see how so much made sense now from earlier in the game. Loved it.
  16. QUOTE (buhbuhburrrrlz @ Mar 27, 2013 -> 12:15 PM) I think reading some of the blurbs from reviews set my expectations way too high. I mean I was reading things like GREATEST STORY OF OUR GENERATION, and GREATEST CREATIVE FEAT I'VE EVER EXPERIENCED. It's hard for a game to live up to that. It's a good game don't get me wrong. I just wasn't feeling anything like that. Also it's on the short side, it can be beaten in under 12 hours. I just beat the game in about 7 hours, one sitting.. so yeah its VERY short and that's a bummer.. however the ending, in my opinion, was very satisfying and made the short game worth it. Anyone else get to the ending yet, looking for another opinion on it.
  17. The ending for Bioshock was absolutely fantastic.. prolly the best ending to a video game ive ever played
  18. lol the Rams did a good job? Jake Long is a bum. The last few seasons have been injury plagued and downright poor play. You don't pay 9 million a season for someone who can barely stay healthy and is a shell of his former self. Honestly, no one should be paying 9 million for an offensive lineman. The only time they impact the game is when they don't do their job.
  19. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Mar 13, 2013 -> 06:19 PM) Have you seen Hartline's new deal? Nobody is going to touch that 6 million a year for a 1,000 yard receiver? Whats your issue with that.
  20. QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Mar 9, 2013 -> 04:15 PM) First line in the Kotaku review of MLB 2K13 Ive heard the same thing, but a lot of people on Operation Sports are saying that the gameplay and visuals seem to be better than last years.. its about 75 - 25 with that opinion from what I looked at last night. Im still not going to spend 60 for that game though, they literally recycled last years games and did virtually nothing new.
  21. QUOTE (knightni @ Feb 25, 2013 -> 08:32 PM) We can invite to your new yahoo account. [email protected]
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