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Everything posted by T R U

  1. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Jul 9, 2012 -> 09:51 PM) What if I just want the Sox to win more games, and that is more likely if fans arent booing Adam Dunn. Then what channel should I watch? Boooooooooooo
  2. QUOTE (Quinarvy @ Jul 9, 2012 -> 09:45 PM) I'm going to reiterate, epilepsy sucks. Like, destroys your life suck. I can't imagine how Dunn felt watching his young child go through what should be a happy part in his life where his biggest problem is a scraped knee. But he has to watch his son writhe in pain and is powerless to help him. His son probably can't do things that all kids enjoy. His kid might never be allowed to drive, he'll try to fit in but so much will be cut off to him. If it's not cured, he'll have to register with a disability office at schools, because it f***s up your ability to think. Every moment his kid is alive could be his last. He could be playing catch with his kid and watch his kid fall over as the ball soars over his head. But you know what? f*** the guy for striking out. Clearly he should forget about the misery his son is going through because he's in a batters box. So f***ing leave the team and help your son until you're comfortable enough to come back. Stop making excuses for him. Its a f***ing game, go watch the Oprah channel if you wanna feel sorry for people in unfortunate situations.
  3. QUOTE (mmmmmbeeer @ Jul 9, 2012 -> 09:37 PM) Lots of class being shown in this thread. The guy has to travel all over the country leaving behind a kid who should not be left alone....yeah, I'm sure he really gave a s*** about what you superfans thought of his performance. oh shut up If its so tough, retire
  4. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Jul 9, 2012 -> 09:16 PM) Who cares about how the fans feel, the fans dont have to perform. No one is asking you to go on the field and hit a 90+ fastball, so I really dont care about you or other fans feelings. The fans SHOULD BE CHEERLEADERS, that is the point you are missing. Do you even understand the function of a cheerleader? They are supposed to get the FANS CHEERING. CHEER LEADER The point of a game is to win, if you care about the team, you should do everything in your power to help that team win. If you dont care about the team, go ahead and boo, it will make you feel better, and that seems to be what you care about, how you feel, as opposed to the team winning. After this post, I am never posting another thing again except for to follow you around and quote and boo every post you make from now on.. I want to see if the quality of your posts go down because im not supporting you.
  5. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jul 9, 2012 -> 09:02 PM) In what world did Adam Dunn not realize that people weren't pleased with his performance last year? How stupid do you think he is? Its not just Adam Dunn. Theres plenty of legit reasons to boo someone or something at a sporting event. Thats the only voice the fans have, cheer and boo. Dont give me this write a letter crap or say nothing because the player obviously knows they were bad. You dont have to boo, no one is saying that.
  6. Actually I got to Microsoft and stand outside the door and slap a high five to everyone who walks out because XBOX is undeniably better than the crappy $300 paperweight that is the PS3. Write a letter? Ide have to boo myself if I did that. I understand you're some kind of lawyer or lawyer in training so you think you can out argue everyone on this board, but your opinion doesn't matter any more than anyone elses here. You either boo or you don't, you'll never be able to justify that its wrong and ill never be able to justify that its right. Writing a letter is not an acceptable option and is more likely to be crumpled up and thrown away than read. This isn't 1950.
  7. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Jul 9, 2012 -> 08:39 PM) But if the stats show booing hurts performance, why take the risk? You keep comparing a boss to a player playing a sport. Imagine if in the middle of a presentation, your boss started booing you. How do you think that would go? After the game, behind closed doors, is an appropriate time to discuss failures. I hope they let me into the locker room then so I can tell Dunn how terrible he is. Oh, youre telling me that I cant do that? Well how can I let it be known that I am not happy with the performance that I am paying to see....
  8. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Jul 9, 2012 -> 08:37 PM) 0 evidence? Well I put it into the googles and this is what I found: http://thehoopdoctors.com/online2/2012/03/...mpact-his-play/ And more: http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_6894...3/ai_n57525309/ And onto the actual test: If this was a stadium, theyd be booing you. Sorry, but I dont buy that.
  9. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jul 9, 2012 -> 08:35 PM) What is the point? What are you trying to accomplish exactly? Because personally I feel the fans need a way to show the players that they aren't pleased with the effort/performance that their team is giving them.
  10. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Jul 9, 2012 -> 08:24 PM) Its a problem if you want the team to win and you have even a basic understanding of human psychology. You are entitled to boo, I just think its stupid to boo your own team, unless its something horrifically egregious that involves quitting on their own team. The reason I care about their feelings, is because generally people who are happy do better than those who are sad. Go figure. There is zero evidence that suggests booing a player makes them play worse. Secondly, its not stupid to boo your own team. They arent immune to criticism. Booing is the only way to show this, you cant go in the dugout and say "Hey man, I didnt really feel you hustled on that last play."
  11. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jul 9, 2012 -> 08:17 PM) I'll never understand the logic behind getting after players. Are you telling me that Adam Dunn didn't know he sucked last year? That your boos clued him in? You're right. I think a good pat on the back and a well get em next time is more than enough. He deserved the boo's, whats the problem?
  12. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Jul 9, 2012 -> 08:13 PM) Okay so how do I know which ones care? Isnt it safer to just cheer for them all and that way not risk booing for the wrong guy? What? Who cares if they get their feelings hurt. They get to play a f***ing game as their job. They make way more money than the majority of us will ever see. If one of them cares about being boo'd, work harder. I watch sports to be entertained, most of us do. If you don't perform to the level that you're expected to, you're going to hear it. I don't see how that's a problem.
  13. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Jul 9, 2012 -> 08:02 PM) Fired or criticized by your boss, employer, superior, not some random off the street who has no clue. And do you think players react better to cheers or boos? I think that cheers make them play better, so I cheer. Thats the point right? I want my team to win. Im pretty sure a LOT of them couldn't give two s***s if they get boo'd or not. Its not like the Simpsons episode where Homer heckles Daryl Strawberry and then in the next scene he has a tear in his eye.
  14. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Jul 9, 2012 -> 07:54 PM) And maybe that is true. But as a fan, I want the players on my team to do well. So I can get over my need to boo my own player, to try and be positive and hope that they play better. I can only speak for myself, but a lot of people are hard on themselves, and the last thing they need is a group of people who cant remotely do what they do, booing from the sidelines as if they understand. Its not the fans job to understand, that's why they are the fan. "Adam Dunn just struck out for the 5th time today, but you know what hitting a baseball is pretty hard so im gonna let this one slide" Nobody thinks like that, when people suck at their job they get fired/criticized. Doesn't matter what you do.
  15. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Jul 9, 2012 -> 07:35 PM) Do you owe your local community an apology if you don't meet ur sales targets? For not contributing as much as possible to the economy, leading to diminished output, higher unemployment and lower GDP? Adam perhaps feels like it owes it to KW and JR, but every ballplayer knows the booing comes with the territory. Does Dunn or any player have a "higher obligation" because of his public status? To be a role model? Should he have the right to ask for more money if he's overperforming, for example? Or to ask for more cheers or adulation from the fans or endorsement deals (see Alexei Ramirez 2008-2010). THIS IS A GAME! A GAME.. They get paid millions to play a GAME I dont give a s*** if your mom has aids and you just found out your dad has cancer in both testicles.. Hit the damn baseball, and if you hit .150 and strike out 500 times you're going to get boo'd. No excuses. I dont watch sports to find out how Gordon Beckhams uncle is doing in life.
  16. QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ Jul 9, 2012 -> 06:40 PM) It might throw up a red flag, but its significantly better then the heap of garbage they'd be getting from the Nets and the other teams involved. The guy was the best center in the NBA this past year and is incredibly young. He's got issues but he's a bonafide superstar. Hes not going to want to stick around in Orlando, and they will end up getting nothing at all for Howard. At least with the proposed deal out there they have a CHANCE to hit on a draft pick, which is more than having one pointless season of Andrew Bynum then nothing.
  17. Thats unfortunate for him, but I don't really care about Adam Dunns personal life.
  18. What a pathetic crowd in Kansas City, but thats not suprising either..
  19. T R U

    2012 Films Thread

    QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Jul 6, 2012 -> 05:45 PM) 150 percent agree. It made them look like campy crap After watching it I just thought about Spider-Man 3 and was like, jesus what a piece of s*** that movie was. And then thinking of the Green Goblin from the first one.. oh boy.
  20. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Jul 7, 2012 -> 12:59 PM) Ray Allen to the Heat at the price makes the NBA kinda laughable. If this is the way of the NBA the next many seasons, count me out. Why not just have every good player go to Miami and play for the league minimum? Pat Riley and his beaches are making a mockery of the sport I love. Thank God for the White Sox and the Bears and the Blackhawks. Really? Hes about to be 37 and is on his last legs. Wasn't the money difference like 3 million? This is better than people chasing the money, at least they are chasing titles.
  21. I voted for Rios. Although I think the Konerko choice would also be a good one as well.
  22. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Jul 6, 2012 -> 09:50 AM) I'm sure there will be a mention of the past, but remember, this movie takes place like a decade after the last one. Thats crazy, Alfred hasn't aged a day!
  23. Anyone else have to work on the 4th of July? They took a vote at my work, Wednesday off or Friday off, and since I work with a bunch of mexicans they all voted for the 3 day weekend instead of the 4th. Me and the guy who works with me were the only two who voted Wednesday.
  24. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Jul 6, 2012 -> 09:17 AM) I hadn't heard the Christopher Nolan plans to write and produce a reboot of Batman following this one. What? And is anyone else disappointed that there is no mention of the Joker or what happened previously? Such a great movie to just wipe clean for the finale. At least I have heard there wont be any mention.
  25. AJ isnt hot, but she is attractive. I guess I dont see what you guys do but she does it for me.
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