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Everything posted by T R U

  1. T R U

    2012 Films Thread

    QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Jul 6, 2012 -> 09:06 AM) Okay. HOpe you didn't get your name from John or Joe Carter. Will try Savages today, looks like a "good" Stone movie and better than most of his recent claptrap. Moonrise Kingdom is the other possibility. I'm going to have to vote no on the new Woody Allen, although Midnight in Paris was excellent. Allen's doing all of his movies with European settings recently. Nope, it would be my sons name. Who also happens to share a birthday with THE one and only, steve
  2. T R U

    2012 Films Thread

    The Amazing Spider-Man was SO much better than the three previous Spider-Mans. Made them look lame as hell in comparison.
  3. QUOTE (kitekrazy @ Jul 4, 2012 -> 12:26 AM) They should be paying you. D-back games are cheap too, plus $1 concessions. Train will take you there for a $1.75. They have a deal where $30 gets you an upper deck ticket and unlimited hot dogs, nachos, popcorn, and soda
  4. QUOTE (sunofgold @ Jul 3, 2012 -> 08:33 PM) Chris t'mas Sale-ami is great from NY. what the hell?
  5. Houston Astros game 2 Upper Deck Tickets, which are used to get in then we go sit wherever we want.... $14 2 hot dogs, 2 drinks... $24 Parking... $5 Its cheap as hell to go to a game down here
  6. QUOTE (Rowand44 @ Jun 30, 2012 -> 02:41 PM) The Tigers aren't very good. The sox are definitely good enough to win this awful division. Yes, they could win this awful division. I just don't trust some of the performances we have seen so far. I don't think the Tigers fell far enough behind, plus they can still add at the deadline. I think were about done making any kind of significant moves. I just don't buy that the Tigers aren't going to make noise in the second half, especially in this awful division.
  7. QUOTE (Cali @ Jun 30, 2012 -> 01:59 PM) I don't get why everyone just assumes Detroit is gonna magically turn it around? Have you watched them play? They are just as inconsistent if not more so than the Sox. No pitching outside of Verlander who's not the CyMVP this season, the worst infield defense in the league and an offense with Miggy and Prince that's scored 31 less runs than our Sox. It's almost the mid-way point and they haven't started a run yet, so maybe just maybe, they're not that good this season... Doubt it. They will turn it around. We aren't that good, Dunn and Peavy have already started slipping back a little bit. We have a shaky rotation right now, I just dont have the feeling that this is going to last. Detroit, for as bad as they have started, are only 5 games back. Teams with as much talent as they have on that roster usually get it right at some point. The hole they are in just isnt deep enough.
  8. It is nice so far, but Detroit will still win this division. We got off to a nice start but I doubt that they will be able to keep this up the entire season.
  9. QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Jun 25, 2012 -> 09:51 PM) How did your brothers tryout go? Havent heard yet, but yikes TNA Hes been training and doing some stuff with Funaki, and Funaki has been sending stuff to WWE for him. Hes already done stuff for WWE before so hes on the right track.
  10. It was good seeing Psycho Sid tonight, he used to be my favorite back in the day.. I dont understand why they took Laurinitis off the show, I thought he was great. Makes no sense to me. And man, that TNA crap is awful.
  11. QUOTE (Jake @ Jun 21, 2012 -> 10:41 PM) I watch Illinois, but it's hard for me to get really into it. As soon as you get a good player, he leaves for the NBA. I hate watching and realizing that I'm not seeing the sport played at its highest level. College football is the same way with the added bonus that the system of determining the champion is completely stupid. Thats what I dont get, who care about the player in college basketball.. Yes, I want them to get good ones, but I just want Illinois to win period. Doesnt matter if they only have a guy for one season.
  12. QUOTE (Jake @ Jun 21, 2012 -> 10:39 PM) They're watching for LEBRON and I'm uncertain whether that will last now that he's in the club of championship winners. I know so many people that are watching the finals just because they don't like LeBron, and these are the type of people that would have never thought much of anything about LeBron if it weren't for the whole decision fiasco. These people are not going to remain fans now. They'll shrug their shoulders and move on. I think that's too bad. Ive got news for ya, the Heat will be in the playoffs next year and those same people will be back rooting for them to lose.
  13. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Jun 21, 2012 -> 10:36 PM) I watch the NBA because NCAA is over and so is football. Something has to fill that sports hole. I meant generally the casual fans. I also use the NBA to hold me over until football returns.
  14. QUOTE (Jake @ Jun 21, 2012 -> 10:33 PM) BTW, I think Miami winning tonight is terrible for the NBA. Like it or not, the hatred of LeBron James brought a new interest to the NBA and I don't think that Miami hatred/mystery of whether LeBron will ever win will persist now that LeBron gets his ring. There will still be SOME vitriol, but the casual fan won't be watching anymore just to see Miami lose now. I'm not sure if this phenomenon lasted long enough to build real fans that would watch regardless of the monolithic storyline. Oh please, people watch the NBA for the stars. Its the only real sport thats completely star driven.
  15. QUOTE (Jake @ Jun 21, 2012 -> 10:26 PM) Do you think LeBron needed "the decision" to make money for charity? It is and was abundantly obvious that LeBron walked into a much better situation to win and win right away in Chicago. If winning was impossible in Miami he wouldn't have done it, but it was clear that he just wanted to be with his boys in Miami and get out of the shadow of Jordan and the hometown hero Rose. LeBron on the Bulls was by far going to be a more consistent winner than what you have in Miami. epic douche will work. He is simply self-serving. lol youre crazy man.
  16. QUOTE (Jake @ Jun 21, 2012 -> 10:17 PM) The idea of LeBron coming to Chicago seemed really cool, but in the fiasco it became we found out what a lowlife he and his really are. If it was about winning, he would have come to Chicago. It wasn't, it was about LeBron. I'm glad that the whole world doesn't now hate my team and hate my city. wtf? lowlife? Nevermind all the money that went to charity from the decision, but the Heat were in the finals last year and are about to win it this year. Im pretty sure it was all about winning. Three stars is better than two, otherwise I think he would be in Chicago right now had the Miami thing not been able to happen.
  17. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Jun 21, 2012 -> 10:10 PM) You mean do you think Bulls fans would be b****ing about refs giving them calls? Doubtful, who b****es when things go in their favor? Its like asking if people are b****ing about the AJ call, or any other call that went the Sox way. I know, hence why I said its hilarious.
  18. QUOTE (Brian @ Jun 21, 2012 -> 10:06 PM) Different screen name, same jaded opinions. You act like Bulls fans are like Knicks fans. Most Bulls fans I know just shrugged off him shunning the Bulls. Lebron way too good to never win a ring. He earned it this year. Haha, ok, how is this a jaded opinion. Are you going to seriously tell me that if he signed with the Bulls these NBA threads wouldnt be dramatically different? Just because I said that doesnt mean it was directed towards you.
  19. QUOTE (Brian @ Jun 21, 2012 -> 10:04 PM) If you honestly think that should of been a flagrant, you will never have any credibility here. It was a hard foul, that's it. I miss the old days sometimes. Im not saying I thought it should be a flagrant but he definitely lunged at him.. It was the reaction that he did nothing at all was what I am scoffing at
  20. QUOTE (SoxFan1 @ Jun 21, 2012 -> 10:00 PM) Give me a break. This has nothing to do with the role players on the Heat and you know that. And if you don't, well, I'm sorry. by group I obviously meant the big three, quit being a hater because LeBron didnt choose the Bulls.. you guys are so bitter its hilarious.. If this was the Bulls and LeBron, no one would be talking about the refs and you would all love him.. but he didnt take his talents to Chicago and now hes hated.. You sir, give ME the break..
  21. QUOTE (Jake @ Jun 21, 2012 -> 09:58 PM) That flagrant call is just f***ing heinous. That's terrible. What? He clearly lunged at James
  22. QUOTE (SoxFan1 @ Jun 21, 2012 -> 09:56 PM) I can't watch this s*** anymore. Ugh. Nothing worse than seeing a group of guys who passed up more money and selfishness to win a championship..
  23. Ballgame. Should be two in a row for the Heat, but at least LeBron is going to get his title
  24. LeBron playing through these cramps is Jordan-esque.. what a stud
  25. lol you guys crack me up Quit whining Heat haters
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