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Everything posted by T R U

  1. I'll be at the game. If you're watching I'll be wearing a sox hat.
  2. Lord tensai should have been a masked wrestler.. he looks exactly like old A-Train just in red instead of black..
  3. How much does MLBtv cost? I need to use this piece of s*** PS3 for something
  4. QUOTE (JoeCoolMan24 @ Mar 19, 2012 -> 09:33 PM) That's crazy to me. You don't even use it for Netflix or MLB.tv or any other apps? I guess if you don't have those services, it's moot. But I love watching movies in Blu-Ray. Planet Earth and Life are incredible looking. I have Netflix, I just use it on the XBOX
  5. QUOTE (JoeCoolMan24 @ Mar 19, 2012 -> 09:25 PM) Well, I mean, you are entitled to your own opinion, and I can't change that. However, you can sell me your PS3 for cheap. Right Meow! im probably going to just keep it for the Blu Ray and RPG type game such as Fallouts, Elder Scrolls, Borderlands.. but if I change my mind ill let you know.. I used it maybe 4 times since I bought it..
  6. QUOTE (JoeCoolMan24 @ Mar 19, 2012 -> 08:53 PM) Fanboys? Lol, did you not get to the end of my comment where I laid out how I was a big 2K baseball fan until recently? I'm certainly no fanboy. In fact, a lot of people at Operation Sports dislike me because I make fun of all those guys who dick ride on the developers from SCEA who post there. I usually post negative things on that board to prove it's not sunshine and roses like those people believe. The Show could revert back to 64-bit graphics and those guys would tell you how beautiful it is, it's disgusting. Anyway, it's NOT just graphics. In my post I pointed out all the areas that I thought were terrible, none of which mentioned the PS2-era graphics. All I know is ive been reading all the Show hype on this board for years and I finally bought into it and was severely disappointed with the game when I finally gave it a shot..
  7. QUOTE (Tmar @ Mar 19, 2012 -> 08:37 PM) Haha dude you scared the hell out of me; this was the first thing I saw, thought he was in an accident or something Haha oh Tim.. you are always good for a laugh
  8. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Mar 19, 2012 -> 08:23 PM) It was either that or not be the Sox or sim a season which makes every other team different. The Sox suck in that game and in real life. However, touche'. Oh, and it was funny. After I forced Rios for Upton, the poor D'Backs smartly waived Rios. Immediately. Video Game 1, KW 0. FoP was saying that people were having trouble hitting on bigger TVs (Oh and whats with the "This game was designed for 720P) But when it says timing perfect and location wheelhouse and I weakly ground out to the pitcher, and this happened, multiple times, I have had enough of it. My RTTS guy was hitting .210 through 120 ABs.. Its completely ridiculous to expect me to continue playing this game when its telling me everything is perfect on my swing yet the ball goes nowhere.. Not to mention the menu navigation on The Show is a pain in the ass..
  9. QUOTE (JoeCoolMan24 @ Mar 19, 2012 -> 08:23 PM) The graphic gap between the two games isn't even the biggest thing. I admit to never playing the final builds of 2K baseball in years, but I play the demo every year, and the gameplay is just horrendous. The sounds aren't right, the gameplay is buggy, the controls are odd (although I suppose those could be defaulted to button-styled), and the camera views are bad. InsideEdge is something I do like, and they have some pretty cool stat overlays, but that's about it. I honestly wouldn't even pay $30 for that game. And it's not just me, and it's not just graphics. All the reviews in the world will show that SCEA's version is the better game. You don't have to like it, and maybe you just want an easy, arcade style game that isn't very deep, but that's fine. But I'll never concede that 2K's version is even close to The Show, and this is coming from a guy who always owned All-Star baseball and then 2K baseball up until The Show '09. you fan boys kill me.. since when is 2K arcade simulation? The graphics is the only thing thats killing the 2K series.. the gameplay is no different than The Shows.. You act like 2K is some one button does everything game.. Oh im sorry, getting to choose to keep your guy warming in the bullpen "Waiting to enter the game" is a deal breaker, The Show is beyond deep..
  10. QUOTE (witesoxfan @ Mar 19, 2012 -> 07:58 PM) Have you guys actually played the My Player mode in MLB 2k12? Im sure they havent. 2K12 is a good game, the graphics just look weak.. which I dont understand why they cant grasp that..
  11. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Mar 19, 2012 -> 07:32 PM) I'd imagine you didn't have fun because the Show takes a legitimate learning curve and is not at all like an arcade simulation. lol, settle down mr force trade
  12. QUOTE (ZoomSlowik @ Mar 16, 2012 -> 10:00 PM) Draft order and all keepers are set. Be sure to check the draft results page to make sure I didn't screw anything up. Ill assume that means when I picked my keepers on yahoo that it worked.. excellent..
  13. QUOTE (JoeCoolMan24 @ Mar 19, 2012 -> 12:17 AM) I mean, if you only have an Xbox, I guess you have to live with it. But if PS3 copies of that game are being sold, then people need to have their PS3's removed from them, because that's pure abuse. Sorry, but I have played both The Show and 2K this year and they are essentially the same game with The Show having much better graphics.. I dont really care what the game looks like, am I having fun playing it is much more important to me and The Show was not a fun game to play at all.. It may be because of my awesome giant TV, but I dont know that for sure.. All I know is, I want to have fun playing any game and The Show was not fun to me.. If 2K looked like The Show did, it wouldnt be so lopsided in popularity.. I really dont care though as I get everything I need for my baseball fix from 2K without having to play The Show and want to rip my ball hairs out in the process.. Now the only thing I have left to do is figure out what to do with this piece of s*** PS3 that FoP made me buy and is now just collecting dust under my TV..
  14. Yes, I did trade in The Show for MLB2K12.. The Show was terrible and I cant believe I got suckered into buying it by FoP.. Plus, MLB came with NBA2K12 as well and im loving that game so far.. I dont get how you guys can like PS3 so much.. its so inferior to XBOX its not even funny.. You have to wait for long loads whenever you put a game in the PS3 (Yawn) the dashboard is clunky and poor to navigate.. the controller is too damn small.. You cant talk to anyone when you are playing online.. The bluray is pretty damn nice though..
  15. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Mar 13, 2012 -> 04:41 PM) I was just going off what you stated. He got stabbed, by his wife, last offseason.. I dont think its hard to get whats wrong with him.. He is a great WR, cant argue that.. but the dude is a little off.. I think they new regime in Miami just didnt want him around and thats the main reason why they dumped him.. They had plenty of cap space, not like they were under the gun or anything..
  16. QUOTE (knightni @ Mar 13, 2012 -> 04:16 PM) I would think that Kyle Orton and Chad Henne's deep ball abilities had more to do with that. His production isn't really in question here.. its not like he completely fell off the table with either or those QBs throwing to him..
  17. They didnt trade Marshall to make room for Manning and Wayne.. They traded Marshall because he is a problem child and the new regime wanted to move on without him.. Ive given up on the Payton Manning in Miami thing, I dont think he is considering them at all.. Ive heard a lot of Ryan Tannehill at #8 which I wouldnt be opposed of if they think he is the guy considering Mike Sherman was his coach at A&M and is pretty familair with how he could end up at the next level.. There is still a chance at Flynn too, either way I think they are going to make some sort of move like that.. I am dissapointed they only got 2 third round picks for him after giving up 2 seconds for him just two years ago but it clears up some space so we can make some more moves to improve overall.. He never lived up to elite status while here so it is what it is I guess..
  18. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Mar 5, 2012 -> 10:27 AM) You have ps3? If we did a shorter season (not committing to 162 games of online play), I'd be down. Yeah, FoP made me buy one yesterday..
  19. Is there going to be a soxtalk MLB 12 online league this year? Ide assume there will be a ton of people available for one seeing as how most people in here get the game..
  20. I selected my keepers on the yahoo page.. Let me know if it doesnt work out that way and I can post them in here for ya zoom..
  21. I guess this is ok, but very cheap.. As long as he is liked by the players and doesn't make stupid decisions I don't see how this is any different from anyone else who could have been here.. its not like you have to be a genius to be a winning manager..
  22. QUOTE (danman31 @ Oct 5, 2011 -> 04:13 AM) That was my impression of Gamefly. I saw the prices and thought 'you're kidding, right?' I'm curious what the new Netflix model will be. Considering 1 DVD at a time is only $8 a month and Blu-ray makes it $10 I can't imagine video games would even double that (which would still be less than Gamefly). If it's another $8 I'd consider going on and off it every few months, but if it's $5 a month I might keep it year round. I'm more hopeful than realistic I think though. Redbox has games now and they are $2 per day.. I got Dead Island from a redbox as a way to try it out, and I didn't like it.. Im glad that only cost me $2 to find that out instead of much more.. That would be sweet if Netflix had a video game service
  23. Yes, as I took over my team from someone a few years ago and have only been able to fix my pitching over that time.. itd be sweet to get to draft the guys I wanted to keep
  24. Jackson is very boom or bust, but he scored 17 this week and didn't even score a TD.. Hes risky, but I have him in every league I am in because he can get you that 20+ week (sometimes without even a TD) and that's huge for a WR.. I don't feel that MJD is a #1 fantasy back for this season, the Jaguars are lousy and they are going to be behind in a lot of games so I don't think the value you are going to get from him is going to be enough to trade arguably the best WR in the league.. I understand that Tron isn't going to score 2 TD's every game, but you would be crazy to trade him right now.. Detroit is going to throw the ball a lot whether they are losing or winning, and this season is insane for the passing game.. I would keep Calvin.. a boom or bust WR and a fringe #1 fantasy back on a very bad team just isn't equal value for a guy that has been the #2 fantasy WR overall so far..
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