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Everything posted by T R U

  1. QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Sep 3, 2011 -> 03:40 PM) Juan's hitting over .280. He's good. He was only bad defensively for one month and he's demonized by Sox fans. I'll never get the Juan hate. Just saving greg the time. Hes better than Milledge
  2. How embarrassing.. I cant believe they lost.. at least they were put out of their misery
  3. boy you are really obsessed with this twitter thing
  4. So Batman: Arkham Asylum is pretty sick
  5. QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Aug 30, 2011 -> 11:50 AM) Maybe that $4 million could've been spent on the draft? And it was a terrible move. A washed up steroid abuser, one who had been on the DL multiple times? Just sign Thome for $1 million and there's no need for Manny. lol ok man, they surely would have spent that money on the draft.. I think we both know that wasnt gonna happen
  6. QUOTE (bigruss22 @ Aug 30, 2011 -> 11:49 AM) I am loving the changes, I just think they have been made too late. We're 5 games back at the end of August, that's quite a feat to overcome and the Tigers have only been playing better too. 5 games back, still 6 left with Detroit.. not to mention Cleveland, KC, and Minny for the whole month of September.. Its amazing what a difference it makes when you remove a black hole from the middle of the lineup and replace it with production..
  7. where is milkman and sqwert to crown Cleveland and say this is the worst team in the league? damn he beat me in!
  8. QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Aug 30, 2011 -> 11:13 AM) $4 million bucks for 20 games or so is most definitely something. Uh, who gives a s***? Did that stop us from spending money in the offseason? Nope. Did we give up anything of importance? Nope. That was a move that COULD have had awesome results, it didn't.. oh well.. it wasn't a bad move by any means though..
  9. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Aug 29, 2011 -> 10:23 AM) I'm not sure. Turn it around and ask it the other way...is KW the kind of person who would walk out on JR over a dispute about Ozzie? If JR told him that he is only GM in name and Ozzie will make all the decisions, then yes I do think he would have walked out or resigned a while ago.. I honestly think that KW is trying to give HIS moves all the time in the world to work out so he can satisfy himself..
  10. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Aug 29, 2011 -> 10:08 AM) If the scenario was: KW has no authority right now to fire Guillen because of an edict from ownership, Consequently, KW has no authority right now to force Guillen to follow his instructions (because he can't fire him for open defiance of KW's decisions), and Guillen makes clear that he will not play Viciedo if he's called up, he'll bench the kid like he did last year, and maybe insult/run him down a bit for good measure Then KW's hands are tied from above and below in the org. So do you really think KW is the type of person who would stick around knowing he has no power? I dont..
  11. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Aug 29, 2011 -> 08:29 AM) It was extra hard to read the twitter feed with Joe Cowardly going into cover Ozzie's ass mode by trying to make Viciedo into Kenny's fault instead of Ozzie's fault. It is extra douchey to read the smartest columnist in mom's basement when you know he is just trying to cover for his one source in town. How is it not KWs fault
  12. QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Aug 28, 2011 -> 09:24 PM) I'm not going to pretend I was clamoring for De Aza or Flowers. And I'm not going to take the short sample sizes we've seen so far and extrapolate that over a full season. That's crazy and b****ing just to b****. All I will say is that Ozzie/KW had multiple options they could've turned to when so many guys they were counting on this year failed to produce at any point this season and they did absolutely nothing. Why do people keep saying KW/Ozzie like? Is there any proof ANYWHERE that Ozzie has the power to veto roster moves? KW coulda fixed this mess a while ago, too many people think Ozzie is the problem when KWs ego wont allow him to fix messes he made HIMSELF
  13. QUOTE (Flash Tizzle @ Aug 27, 2011 -> 11:23 PM) I'm basically setting the expectations upon our GM to deliver a franchise changing deal involving atleast two blue chip prospects (does not include a RP or 4thOF) from any trade involving Danks. It's necessary for our improvement. And they damn well better produce. If he can finish the year pitching like he did tonight, they better damn well get a package like that.. We could prolly have the Yankees by the balls if their pitching f***s them in the playoffs this year
  14. I cant wait for them to trade Danks, they couldnt possibly f*** that up
  15. T R U

    2011 TV Thread

    QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Aug 27, 2011 -> 11:29 AM) lmao, that face is awesome
  16. T R U

    2011 TV Thread

    QUOTE (DrunkBomber @ Aug 26, 2011 -> 06:39 PM) I suppose its not as complex as something like "pro" wrestling but whatever floats your boat I guess. Everytime I try and watch a TV show to be entertained I just cant do it knowing that its fake.. Im watching Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia, but I cant get into it because I know its staged.. same thing with movies too, I don't like watching them either because they aren't real.. its impossible to find something entertaining that you know isn't real
  17. QUOTE (TaylorStSox @ Aug 27, 2011 -> 12:45 AM) I wouldn't even bet that he can make enough contact to get a ball out of the IF. It's one thing to be like Rios, make contact and not be able to drive the ball. It's another to be like Dunn and miss the ball by a foot on 75% of your swings. I've never seen anything like it, in any sport. It's the equivalent of Reggie Miller airballing half of his 3's. It's insane. more like 80% of those 3's
  18. QUOTE (Quinarvy @ Aug 27, 2011 -> 12:59 AM) Sale is at 2.65 Crain is at 2.35 According to Sox site. well, we cracked that mystery
  19. QUOTE (chw42 @ Aug 27, 2011 -> 12:45 AM) It was 2.65. I dont think so.. You say it was 2.65 CBS gamecast and box score had him at 1.69 and then ESPN says 2.30
  20. QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Aug 27, 2011 -> 12:32 AM) Yeah, pretty sure it's not that low. Second edit, apparently CBSSportsline is the one who needs to look things up.. so its like 2.30 still dominant regardless
  21. QUOTE (fathom @ Aug 26, 2011 -> 11:38 PM) Seems like Crain has been up in the zone with everything for the last 2 months. At times, almost seems like he has a sore back. His numbers are good, but I recall him dominating the 2nd half last year with a slider in the dirt. hard to complain about a guy who has a 1.69 era in 58 ip this year.. i know you arent doing that though, i just wanted to point out hes been pretty dominant all year for us
  22. QUOTE (Quinarvy @ Aug 26, 2011 -> 10:56 PM) Would an OF of Lilli-De Aza-Viciedo with Milledge as the 4th OF be the worst thing in the world for next year? Yes I think one of the best things about Lillibridge this season is how Ozzie has used him, I don't think wed be seeing the same production had he been a starter this whole time.. and lol, I remember when J4L called Lilli an embarrassment to the game of baseball
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