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Everything posted by T R U

  1. QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Jul 26, 2011 -> 07:07 AM) T R U, Im not completely pissed about it, but I do think the angle would have done better if they played up the Punk off TV/No contract bit a little more. I dunno man, Punk is huge right now how good for ratings/buys would it be right now to have him off TV for a month or so? I wanna see where its goin before I just assume Cena is gonna beat Punk and this is over at summerslam.. It obviously took a lot to get Punk to stay, I doubt that they are going to end this that soon.. Punk was always good, but its like ever since they let him say whatever he wanted he has turned into some huge superstar.. they cant blow this
  2. QUOTE (flippedoutpunk @ Jul 26, 2011 -> 08:59 AM) bye bye xbox NEVER
  3. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jul 26, 2011 -> 07:26 AM) Get ready for your new life buddy! Congrats! Were ready for it, im pretty excited
  4. My girlfriend is pregnant and were going to Vegas to get married in either August or September go me
  5. QUOTE (kapkomet @ Jul 25, 2011 -> 08:34 PM) I know it's in traffic and all, but my car thermometer hit 121 today. It's f***ing broiling down here. Thats always awesome isn't it? mine was at 106 today, and that was all the way until the sun went down.. man i hate texas so much I know a lot of you are like "oh its better than snow all the time" but you would change that tune quickly when its still in the 90's into November, like it was last year down here.. Its hotter than two squirrels f***in in a tube sock
  6. You guys have to give this a chance and see where its going Cena just won the title, and was immediately s*** on by CM Punk AND the fans.. this doesn't mean Punk is "back" he could have just been making his presence felt to show that he is the REAL champ.. All I know is, CoP is awesome and Punk is getting massive ovations.. at some point they have to do something right, I have a feeling this is finally it
  7. Instead of getting this s*** done months ago and saving everyone from getting pissed off, they wait until right before actually losing checks before getting it done.. what a joke.. It would be awesome if no one showed up to the Thursday night opener to send a message, but theres no chance of that happening...
  8. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jul 24, 2011 -> 10:16 PM) No doubt. And we are talking about a 35 year old hard thrower? Yeah. Bye-bye. haha, I cant tell if your responses are legit or not.. this is like the 4th one ive seen where it just had a hilarious mocking vibe to it
  9. QUOTE (kjshoe04 @ Jul 24, 2011 -> 09:55 PM) Because they would really want to take on that kind of salary right before they have to make a huge offer to Pujols. hence the joke
  10. QUOTE (greg775 @ Jul 24, 2011 -> 09:40 PM) I would be fine with trading Matt and a horrible prospect from Class A who everybody knows will NOT make it for Rasmus. Man, you are hilarious Personally, I would offer them Dunn and Rios for Rasmus.. Dunn will turn it around eventually and Rios has 5 tool potential
  11. T R U

    2011 Films Thread

    So Captain America was pretty cool, but, the real treasure is after the credits where there is a teaser trailer for The Avengers movie!!
  12. QUOTE (fathom @ Jul 19, 2011 -> 11:46 AM) Critic, I so agree with you. I was really disappointed by how quickly they transitioned to finding a new WWE Champ. The last segment clearly saved the show, and the angle still has a lot of intrigue. Well, I still haven't seen anything saying CM Punk has resigned.. what if he really was leaving and Vince had decided it would be best to just have him leave and have a tournament to crown a new champion with a new belt rather than having an insane Chicago crowd possibly do something stupid had he lost? I know how unlikely that is, but the relieving Vince of his duties makes some sense in all of this.. not getting CM Punk resigned, allowing him the chance to leave with the belt, firing Cena.. And they could still continue it with HHH trying to bring back CM Punk.. If they really wanted to crown a new champion, they could of last night so I dont know how much I am buying into that actually happening.. All I can say is they have made some pretty big strides to a better product recently, and its very encouraging..
  13. lmao! Vince is fired and Triple H is taking over.. I really like how the last two days have gone
  14. QUOTE (The Critic @ Jul 18, 2011 -> 08:06 PM) Uh oh....this smells like a wrong turn for this angle. maybe not.. ending is interesting here
  15. Ugh, im going to have to buy this PPV when it comes out on DVD
  16. I seriously hate every one of you who just got to see that live
  17. QUOTE (Quinarvy @ Jul 9, 2011 -> 11:54 PM) It would have been funny had Getz put "Beckham is a b****" when he saw it. Well, I find using the B word offensive to women.. cant say that
  18. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Jul 8, 2011 -> 12:03 PM) Hopefully next time at a game when you sit in your seat with all of your food on your lap as you start to eat, people keep asking you to get up, in 30 second intervals, so that they can get past you....all during an inning. Guys, I agree with you that its very annoying when people constantly get up and im not one of those people.. all I am saying is there are certain situations when you need to, and I don't agree with being told you have to wait.. Im glad they don't do that here in Houston, because when we go to the Astros/Giants game in August to see Brian Wilson and my pregnant girlfriend needs to go to the bathroom a couple times, if some dude was at the end of the aisle telling her she has to wait that's not going to sit well with me..
  19. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Jul 8, 2011 -> 11:53 AM) Who cares if you wait 30 seconds until Dunn strikes out and there is a break in the action? The point is no one should have to wait, and if Dunn is just going to strike out what does it matter if you miss it? Which you wouldn't anyways..
  20. QUOTE (ChiSox_Sonix @ Jul 8, 2011 -> 11:49 AM) They do this in hockey all the time. Just because you paid for your seat, that gives you the right to impede others and distract them while they are sitting in the seat they also paid for? Hockey is a little different from a baseball game.. and yes it does give you the right.. if you have to go to the bathroom or want food or to buy something and you have to walk past people to get out, too bad.. If you pay for your ticket, you shouldn't have to worry about not being able to leave/get back to your seat.. who cares if you cant see for 1 second..
  21. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Jul 8, 2011 -> 11:47 AM) It is true and it's awesome. haha thats so lame, ide ignore the usher if they tried to pull that on me
  22. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Jul 8, 2011 -> 11:45 AM) This. I love stadiums that have ushers who monitor this and prevent people from going back to their seat during an AB. What? That cant be true, if you paid for your seat you should be able to come and go as you please..
  23. With the way the season has gone so far, I wouldn't be shocked at all if he finally did get the call up and just fell right on his face.. It would just be another kick to the groin this season, and fitting with the way things have gone thus far With so many people severely under performing we should be thanking the baseball gods we are still in it
  24. I know we all hate Pierre but hed prolly produce better over in the NL.. just personal opinion..
  25. Theres a hit, some of you can get off suicide watch now
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