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Everything posted by T R U

  1. QUOTE (MHizzle85 @ Jun 13, 2011 -> 11:19 PM) My only gripe with any of these titles these days is that no one gets a serious run anymore. When the world title changes hands 16 times in the last two years, it tends to decrease the importance in my eyes. absolutely Im not a fan of that either
  2. QUOTE (IlliniKrush @ Jun 12, 2011 -> 11:28 PM) Oh OK, since you became a fan during the summer after the moves happened, you are a true fan. My apologies. Sorry for the loss tonight. No worries, they'll be back.. appreciate your sympathy though
  3. QUOTE (IlliniKrush @ Jun 12, 2011 -> 11:18 PM) Um what? I think some of you guys need to go find the definition of a bandwagon fan
  4. QUOTE (zenryan @ Jun 12, 2011 -> 10:42 PM) So before Jordan came into the league, were you a Celtics or Lakers fan? well, I was born in 84 so before Jordan came into the league I was living in my dads nut sack and wasn't a fan of any teams
  5. QUOTE (Palehosefan @ Jun 12, 2011 -> 10:34 PM) You can't catch too much grief for being a Heat fan. There's only like 10 of us in the world now. Apparently, I like how its being made to appear ive been posting in this thread all year trashing everything non Heat.. And just for the record so J4L can make a mental note of this.. I like the Colorado Avalanche, all Illini sports, and Kansas State football.. outside of the obvious White Sox and Dolphins.. I can name other sports related things im a fan of too just in case you see me mention a team that I neglected to list..
  6. QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Jun 12, 2011 -> 10:28 PM) GMAB, tru. You jumped on the Heat bandwagon like Oprah jumped on those corn dogs during one of her recent shows. You had that avatar of the Heat 'celebration' the day after the Decision. You never talked about or made it known you were a Heat fan before that. Yeah, im pretty sure i JUST explained that I decided to follow the Heat once LeBron and Co. signed up there.. and the Heat SIGNATURE that I had was because they had the jerseys lined up to say "3:16" which, as a wrestling fan, I liked.. I don't really care if you think I bandwagoned the Heat.. You act like I was a diehard Celtics fan and all of the sudden switched to Miami.. I already told you, im not a huge NBA fan.. I like certain players more than I like actual teams
  7. QUOTE (kapkomet @ Jun 12, 2011 -> 10:26 PM) I just remember you all over the LeBron thing. Oh well. I'll go WAAAH now. Thats because I WAS all over it, but I was never talking s*** to anyone about it.. you guys act like they aren't gonna be back..
  8. QUOTE (chw42 @ Jun 12, 2011 -> 10:20 PM) So you bandwagoned when the Heat got Bosh and LeBron? No. First of all, its hard to be a bandwagon fan before any games have been played.. secondly as I already explained during last summer, I am not a huge NBA fan and have really never had a favorite team outside of following the Bulls when they had Jordan due to my mom and being from Chicago and then following Orlando when they had Shaq and Penny.. I already liked LeBron and Wade as individual players as it is..
  9. QUOTE (kapkomet @ Jun 12, 2011 -> 10:21 PM) Dude, relax. I'm just messing with you. Thats fine then, but I thought you were being legit which made no sense to me as I didn't say anything that deserved the responses I was getting from you..
  10. QUOTE (kapkomet @ Jun 12, 2011 -> 10:15 PM) Because I remember your dickhole responses last summer and then you come in and be a hater. It's ok, kid (since I'm an old dickhole). And I'm just pulling your chain. Ide be interested to see these comments I made as I don't remember being a dickhole in any of them.. the only thing I did was say that I liked the Heat and would be following them as my team now.. I wasn't talking s*** to anyone.. and me saying "well that sucked" isn't a "hater" statement.. believe it or not, not everyone hates the Heat.. why don't you get off the sour grapes of the Heat wiping their ass with the Bulls and relax
  11. QUOTE (kapkomet @ Jun 12, 2011 -> 10:10 PM) No, I'm like 80 and slobbering all over my keyboard. gmafb, kid. why are you being a dickhole for no reason what-so-ever?
  12. QUOTE (kapkomet @ Jun 12, 2011 -> 09:49 PM) WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. lol, grow up aren't you like 50? I wasn't crying about it, gmafb
  13. QUOTE (Quinarvy @ Jun 12, 2011 -> 01:05 AM) My friend said he's got a 40 GB HDD lying around, so that'll help. if that's the case, then its a pretty good deal for a new CPU and an XBOX for around 700 or so..
  14. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jun 11, 2011 -> 04:02 PM) I don't know why they should. The talent level no longer appears watered down like one could have said 15 years ago. There are very few/no teams that are actively losing money except through horrid management. Franchise value and revenue is soaring. Even teams that have been downtrodden for a decade (Tampa Bay, Pittsburgh) are showing promise. KC, as you stated, has a young and up and coming roster, hopefully several future all stars on it, the All Star game is in KC this year, and supposedly a lovely and updated ballpark. the all star game is in Arizona this year
  15. QUOTE (Quinarvy @ Jun 8, 2011 -> 03:39 AM) Looks like I'm gonna end up getting one using some graduation money, because my current PC is on its last legs. So, since its only 4GB, is it even worth getting games like Mass Effect (since I can't play the original on PS3), Gears, or Fable 2 & 3? No because you aren't going to have enough GB to save anything.. creating profiles, the avatar stuff, DLC, games.. it eats up a good chunk of GB.. not so much on mine since I have 250 GB, but if you only have 4 GB you're not going to be able to do much.. For example, most demos are about 1G.. its pretty shallow
  16. QUOTE (JoeCoolMan24 @ Jun 8, 2011 -> 02:54 AM) FYI, for all your haters, or those who didn't believe me when I insisted Morel had a history of an adjustment period to each league..... Morel is batting .329 since May 1st. yeah but how many walks does he have since May 1st... check and mate sir
  17. QUOTE (witesoxfan @ Jun 8, 2011 -> 03:07 AM) YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSS well played sir, well played..
  18. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jun 7, 2011 -> 09:11 PM) Just saw an ad, Free Xbox 360 with a Windows 7 PC purchase. Its a 4G XBOX, so aka worthless without the hard drive..
  19. QUOTE (witesoxfan @ Jun 8, 2011 -> 02:36 AM) Actually, a marathon is a race. And baseball is too. Baseball is a marathon, not a sprint. Yes, I meant sprint obviously
  20. QUOTE (MHizzle85 @ Jun 7, 2011 -> 07:29 PM) Tweaked just a bit for more truth. Well I wouldnt go that far.. for the most part they have kept the two main titles on their top talents.. but man the IC title use to be the tits.. the battles Razor Ramon and HBK had over it.. hell Razor and Double J.. it use to be prestigious and now its just kinda like here you have it for a while since we dont have anything to do with you right now..
  21. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jun 8, 2011 -> 12:38 AM) No 8???? Lebron still the GOAT!!! Miami is gonna piss this series away if LeBron doesn't realize hes the best player on that floor and start acting like it.. jesus, 11 shots? Cmon man..
  22. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jun 5, 2011 -> 12:24 PM) Both our CF and LF have taken steps back from last year. Man, does anyone pay attention to splits? I know its trendy to bash on Pierre this season but here are his month-month splits April - 111 AB: .243 / .286 / .270 / .556 - 5 SB 7 CS May - 112 AB: .286 / .365 / .339 / .704 - 4 SB 1 CS June - 18 AB: .278 / .409 / .444 / .853 - 1 SB 1 CS Its hard to argue that he hasn't been helping the team since May 1st, Rios on the other hand...........
  23. QUOTE (iamshack @ Jun 7, 2011 -> 11:54 PM) We're 19-11 over that time. That's a .633 winning percentage. If we were to continue on such a "mediocre" pace for the remainder of the season we would win 93 games. Its like talking to the wall man
  24. QUOTE (MAX @ Jun 8, 2011 -> 12:17 AM) The six out means about nothing right now too. Its the beginning of june. You people are crazy. You mean like how our slow start in April and part of May should have meant about nothing too? Everyone still flipped about that.. Its not so much that were 6 back now, but that we are actually starting to put some things together and win games.. So yeah, you're kinda right that it doesn't mean much right now but the fact that were getting back into it does mean a lot because after the start we had we need all the momentum we can get right now..
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