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Everything posted by T R U

  1. QUOTE (stretchstretch @ Jun 1, 2011 -> 09:07 PM) and you gotta love how espn titles their article "White sox sweep slumping Red Sox" right, the team who won 5 of their last 6 before we came to town is "slumping"...... to degrade the quality of the sweep as if they came to the park and took advantage of a wounded animal.....rather than admitting we punkslapped a hot first place team in the AL East.... meh, they are on a 4 game skid and just got swept at home.. but we know how big it was, so whats it matter
  2. T R U

    2011 Films Thread

    QUOTE (JoeCoolMan24 @ Jun 1, 2011 -> 02:21 AM) Was Liam Neeson in HO2? nay, was suppose to be though
  3. T R U

    2011 Films Thread

    QUOTE (flippedoutpunk @ May 31, 2011 -> 01:28 PM) Those are my thoughts exactly.. I thought it had its funny parts but they really overdid Chows character and made Alan out to be a completely outrageous moron which made him not as lovable as he was in the first. Yes, chow sucked.. and what was the deal with Alan at the very beginning of the movie? he wasn't like that in the first one..
  4. T R U

    2011 Films Thread

    QUOTE (Milkman delivers @ May 31, 2011 -> 01:38 PM) I think the side saying that it wasn't funny has been open to others finding it funny. But apparently anyone who doesn't think it was hilarious has a problem Its not that you dont think its hilarious, its just that some people here are making it seem like they sat there the entire movie and just "chuckled" at some parts, which I just find hard to believe.. im not saying it was a masterpiece, but man, how can you not laugh at most of that movie? Also milk, that was obviously not a real penis so it was less gross than what happened with kimmy, yikes..
  5. T R U

    2011 Films Thread

    QUOTE (Milkman delivers @ May 31, 2011 -> 01:23 PM) What part, then? The only gross out part of the movie, I thought, was the part with the Tranny and the things she said to Stu.. im sorry, but seeing a little penis on an asian man wasnt that big a deal..
  6. T R U

    2011 Films Thread

    QUOTE (Milkman delivers @ May 31, 2011 -> 01:18 PM) I assume you are talking about Chow in the very beginning. But then you have the scene with all of the tranny's (trannies?) walking around with their dicks hanging out, and then the picture of Stu getting f***ed by one of them. No, not even that chow part.. that wasn't really "gross out".. but definitely the trannys
  7. QUOTE (JoeCoolMan24 @ May 31, 2011 -> 01:06 PM) Sox 40-man roster is at 37.... http://www.mlbtraderumors.com/2011/05/40-m..._medium=twitter Its getting close to time to make a decision..
  8. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ May 31, 2011 -> 10:30 AM) I consider the best arms to be the ones that give me the best results. To say Mark Buehrle is our worst starter completely ignores production and statistics. Buehrle has a 3.91 era and a 1.37 WHIP vs Edwin Jackson's 4.63 and 1.56 respectively, or John Danks' 5.25 and 1.51. Your post could not be more inaccurate. Maybe to you, I think what I said is pretty accurate..
  9. QUOTE (LittleHurt05 @ May 31, 2011 -> 12:59 PM) Ugh, no way. Jackson is way too inconsistent with his control to trust in a one game situation. yeah ide rather have Buehrle and his mighty 84 MPH fastball on the hill.. hes a soft tossing lefty, ide rather have Edwin Jackson going in a big game over MB every time..
  10. T R U

    2011 Films Thread

    QUOTE (Steve9347 @ May 31, 2011 -> 12:52 PM) I loved the first one. There was quite the departure from the first film's good natured jokes and how over the top dirty the second one was. I never said I didn't laugh during the second movie... I laughed at the beginning, especially when Phil said "f*** you" to Andy Bernard. It, sadly, was all downhill. It took me about 40 minutes to really fall out of love with the movie. They just went all gross out dirty jokes. The first Hangover most certainly was not gross out humor all the way through. eh, I think the one main gross out part just gave off the feeling that it was the whole movie.. outside of that one part, which im sure you know what im talking about, I don't really recall major gross out humor..
  11. QUOTE (flippedoutpunk @ May 31, 2011 -> 12:52 PM) Oh crap.. all this talk about The Show made me realize that im over a week late on my blockbuster return! haha I remember when you were copying games and had them overdue for like a month
  12. T R U

    2011 Films Thread

    QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ May 31, 2011 -> 12:09 PM) The law of diminishing marginal returns does apply to dick jokes. Well, there wasn't THAT many dick jokes as Steve made it out to seem.. but still its like people went to this expecting a different movie.. how?
  13. T R U

    2011 Films Thread

    QUOTE (Milkman delivers @ May 31, 2011 -> 12:06 PM) Take it sleazy. I'm not sure I mentioned it on here, I know I did on Facebook. I didn't laugh out loud once, and that's the truth. I got a lot of heh's out of it, but that's the same reaction I get from watching Everybody Loves Raymond. Like, OK it's comical, but it's not funny. Its hard to not comment when you are pretty much comparing Hangover II to Everybody Loves Raymond.. but, I can see theres going to be no point in this..
  14. T R U

    2011 Films Thread

    QUOTE (BigSqwert @ May 31, 2011 -> 12:02 PM) LOL. Why are you taking it so personally? Were you the gaffer on this film? Im not taking it personally at all, thats prolly just how you imagine the tone of my post.
  15. T R U

    2011 Films Thread

    QUOTE (Steve9347 @ May 31, 2011 -> 09:25 AM) If you don't understand the difference between how smart "The Hangover" was versus how bad "The Hangover: Part II" was, then your opinion in movies doesn't really matter. "The Hangover" was smart and people of all ages found it hilarious, while the sequel will undoubtedly be loved by males ages 14-23 (or those who never grew up) and a disappointment to the rest of the world that needs more than constant dick jokes to enjoy a movie. If you went to a movie like the Hangover II with any intentions of seeing stuff outside of grotesque humor and almost a copy of the first movie, you're a moron. They didn't make a second one to create some new story, they did it because the first one made a ton of money and they could make even more this time. Some of you need to learn how to just enjoy a movie.. zomg, too many dick jokes.. if you say you didn't laugh at all the whole movie, you're a f***ing liar and you have some agenda to be some hardass wanna be critic around here. And I mean movie critic not the sweet, sweet poster.
  16. QUOTE (greg775 @ May 30, 2011 -> 10:07 PM) Indians lose in part because Jayson Nix homered. Jayson Nix is still in baseball. Good for him. lol greg we JUST saw him the other day.. you had to have noticed in the 4 games we played in Toronto, Nix was still in baseball
  17. Ive been using the shake weight, im getting pretty ripped
  18. T R U

    2011 Films Thread

    QUOTE (Milkman delivers @ May 30, 2011 -> 11:40 AM) I don't get why people don't get it. The movie simply wasn't that funny. I'm not a movie snob, especially when it comes to comedies, but this movie just didn't make me laugh out loud once. There were a few snickers here and there (like with the monkey smoking in slow motion and Stu screaming "f*** the po-lice"), but nothing that really had me laughing. I went with two other guys and they never laughed out loud either. It was enjoyable to see once, but it just wasn't very good. If you hadn't seen the first one, the second may have had a few laugh out loud scenes where they basically just reenacted parts of the first movie, but it's hard to laugh at Mr. Chow jumping out of the ice machine and beating everyone up when you could see it coming a mile away. If you didn't laugh out loud at a few of the parts of that movie, theres something wrong with you.. then again, ive seen all the lame movies you've said you liked in here, so its not all that surprising..
  19. QUOTE (JohnCangelosi @ May 31, 2011 -> 12:55 AM) Not to mention his old school style still thinks we need slap hitting Pierre in there instead of Dayan, who is clearly the better option its not even funny. The management of KW and Ozzie to not see this glaring issue is beyond me. Shame on KW for not standing up to Ozzie regarding this issue, he HAS TO know that Pierre is garbage and isn't doing a thing to help this team win. Could we really be the only ones to see this? Thats why you're a fan and KW is in the front office.. Pierre isn't garbage, but, that doesnt change the fact that Dayan should be up here.. either way, Juan isn't hurting the team
  20. QUOTE (greg775 @ May 30, 2011 -> 11:02 PM) Mark is not a relief pitcher; that's why it's so absurd. That just can't happen. He's too established for that. Jackson is the best bet. Though Danks should be put in there ASAP to avoid a 20 loss season and get him some confidence back. Its not absurd, and Danks isn't losing 20 games anyway so that's irrelevant.. Your best arms should be the ones you're counting on to give you the most innings and Buehrle is by far the worst arm in the rotation.. QUOTE (Rowand44 @ May 31, 2011 -> 12:04 AM) Um...that's a pretty big difference in era there and peripherals don't mean a damn thing with Mark. We know exactly what we're going to get from Buehrle and we know it's going to be a hell of a lot better than what we get from Edwin. Come on Rowand, its not even a full run difference how can you consider that pretty big? And anyways, im not saying that I want Buehrle to go to the pen, I am saying that IF they even eventually do that I would prefer that it be Mark who goes..
  21. QUOTE (greg775 @ May 30, 2011 -> 09:53 PM) Shack you are calling for a sweep in Boston. That would be awesome, but highly unlikely. It's Fenway. Im pretty sure we've won 11 of 13 against Boston, not that unlikely..
  22. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ May 30, 2011 -> 04:12 PM) Yeah that's how we do things here. Punish the guys who succeed. Yeah, we can just do what a moron would do and send one of Jackson/Humber/Danks to the pen instead and completely destroy the trade value they would have as starting pitchers.. Buehrle: 73.2 IP - 82 H - 19 BB - 35 K - 3.91 ERA Jackson: 68.0 IP - 79 H - 25 BB - 59 K - 4.63 ERA How is that any case that its outrageous to suggest MB should be the one to go to the pen? Because hes been here 12 years? Theres no point in adding Danks because he is the most likely trade candidate and it would be beyond foolish to put Humber, your best pitcher, into the pen.. Jackson still can have trade value, and he has much better stuff than Buehrle and sorry, but the numbers aren't that much different to suggest that its the wrong move..
  23. QUOTE (Chet Kincaid @ May 30, 2011 -> 02:12 PM) Trade Buehrle now while he has some value and before he starts to suck again. seriously.. If anyone needs to go to the bullpen, its Buehrle
  24. QUOTE (Milkman delivers @ May 30, 2011 -> 11:47 AM) The same thing applies to Tyler Flowers. Since he was the centerpiece of the Vazquez trade, they're going to keep counting on him as a big part of the team's future even though he seems to not be very good. hes doin pretty good in AAA right now
  25. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ May 30, 2011 -> 12:57 PM) It's Memorial Day, May 30. Memorial Day is the first legit "Evaluation day" we hit during a MLB season. This team is 7 games below .500, 9.5 games back in the division. If they don't win this series, it's just about selling time. I would still give it till the end of June.. there is really no rush, and we still have a lot of games with the Cubs, Nationals, Diamondbacks.. plus, if you make this kind of investment going "all in" you might as well try to give them as much time as you can before pulling the plug..
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