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Everything posted by T R U

  1. QUOTE (lostfan @ Apr 30, 2011 -> 04:47 PM) When I first started message boarding on the big sports sites it was because I was in the Army and lived away from my home fanbase, and there were no other Bears, Sox, and Bulls fans to talk to. I felt "lost" away from "home" and needed a place to go, the first place I used this particular name was the Sporting News's website. I noticed people stopped asking me what the name meant when the TV show came out. It actually has nothing to do with that and I've never watched a single episode of it. haha good, ive always thought you were named after that lame ass TV show
  2. QUOTE (SoxAce @ May 1, 2011 -> 09:51 PM) Reminds me of your nicknames... its terrible?
  3. T R U


    Hey greg, what kind of life do you live? Because if you get this anal over one month of baseball I wonder what goes on with you when an actual real life problem happens to you..
  4. QUOTE (chw42 @ May 1, 2011 -> 08:58 PM) If Memphis had a healthy Rudy Gay, I would be pretty scared if I were the Lakers. Yeah except word is a lot of the players don't care for Rudy Gay and they've actually been better without him..
  5. QUOTE (greg775 @ May 1, 2011 -> 04:19 PM) Enough is enough. You can't get swept at home by f***ing Baltimore. Fire Kenny and fire Ozzie tonight both. Go with that Hahn guy as GM and promote Cooper to manager. I really don't want Buddy Bell. But if it has to be Bell, make it Bell. s*** happens and the team's performance in April and now MAY means it's time to clean house. Even that ninth inning. I mean yes the pitcher was wild, but pick your spots and take a hack! Paulie had at least two meatballs to slam. Rios had no intention to hit; he was trying to draw a walk. bad call? So what. And AJ. He was obviously no threat to get a hit off that slow tossing closer. FIRE SOME PEOPLE TODAY. Please. lol man why do people get so outraged.. If they bomb this year, in the "all in" year, ide say they will both be gone at the end of the year anyways so relax.. Furthermore, ide only REALLY start losing it if we fall way behind Detroit or Minnesota, which were not currently, because I dont care what they appear to be Cleveland will not be at the top of the division all season..
  6. oh what the hell, I forgot the PPV was tonight
  7. He should have gotten more time in the minors
  8. QUOTE (whitesoxfan101 @ Apr 29, 2011 -> 11:16 PM) My big problem is when I think white Bears defensive back, I think Craig Steltz and Adam Archuleta. Its no problem, white defensive backs are usually special teams at best players.. Archuleta had a decent run for a while, but its just fact..
  9. QUOTE (whitesoxfan101 @ Apr 29, 2011 -> 11:11 PM) Why? He's right. Odds are, the kid will just be a special teams player. Mayock liked him though, and he's a decent talent evaluator, so I guess the kid has a shot to be something. Yeah I don't know why you need to grow up.. I agree with your sentiment on him
  10. nevermind the fact that thanks to the Jets they completely lucked into Tom Brady.. man I hate that franchise, and the Jets too..
  11. QUOTE (Palehosefan @ Apr 29, 2011 -> 08:15 PM) Pretty disgusting how well the Pats draft every year. This is such a misconception For a team that always has a lot of picks, they miss on a lot of guys while also ignoring other needs on the team (pass rush?) Everyone is always gushing over how many picks they have ever year, and every year they just do the same thing.. trade those picks for more picks in 2012.. and next year, they will trade those picks for more picks in 2013.. yeah, they always get all these picks, but they don't use them..
  12. Lillibridge needs to be starting in CF until Rios gets right
  13. ill even go one step further, this is not my original account on here.. I actually was originally Jimenez for MVP in honor of the great D'Angelo Jimenez, but I forgot that password one day and had to create a new account..
  14. Unfortunately the ball I got was from Cardinals batting practice and not during the actual game, but it was still cool none the less that it was a ball hit into the stands at a MLB game
  15. tru is just true back when i did e-fedding my character was named Perfect, so I had my AIM name as tru perfection for the people I needed to contact for it.. so most people just referred to me as tru when talking to me or mentioning me in OOC fashion..
  16. So tonight at the Astros/Cardinals game I finally, after 26 years of life, got a ball at a MLB game..
  17. QUOTE (Wanne @ Apr 28, 2011 -> 12:39 AM) In all actuality...10-15 isn't all that bad for how completely horses*** this team has played. Not to mention the blown save extravaganza that went on earlier in the month..
  18. QUOTE (greg775 @ Apr 28, 2011 -> 12:25 AM) I don't get why some of you are so patient. I look at the standings and want to vomit. I look at our box scores the last 15 games or so and want to vomit. I don't understand how you can be so impatient.. the only two teams who matter (Detroit and Minnesota) aren't very far ahead of us at all, and lucky BOTH lost tonight as well.. If you're vomiting over the standings in April its going to be a long season for you.. relax man, there is a TON of baseball left to be played.. you cant possible think they are going to hit .192 the rest of the season.. its not gonna happen.. And what the hell is with J4L's post above mine, someone hack his account?
  19. QUOTE (LittleHurt05 @ Apr 27, 2011 -> 12:33 PM) Empire Carpet Man noooooooooooo I have a VHS of Predator which we recorded off FOX in like 1990 and that comercial comes on like 5 times..
  20. If the owners were like f*** it, the NFL is done EVERY owner would go off and still be a millionaire/billionaire.. the majority of the players from the NFL would be screwed I still don't see why they think they can make any demands here
  21. QUOTE (witesoxfan @ Apr 27, 2011 -> 03:28 AM) Of course, that is always going to be the case. If there is a side that has deserved some sympathy in this, it's the players. Nate Jackson wrote a great piece for Deadspin today, obviously from a player's perspective so it's biased, but it's very much worth a read. The players don't deserve anything, they are EMPLOYEES and wouldn't even be making s*** if it weren't for the billionaires that own the teams they are employed too.. Unless it was total BS, the reported offer from the owners sounded more than fair
  22. QUOTE (witesoxfan @ Apr 27, 2011 -> 03:25 AM) That was extremely clutch defense. Those two plays were pretty much the equivalent of hitting a game winning 2 run homer. Lillibridge could do that too.. im about to order my BL18 jersey, but I don't know if I want the black one or the home whites
  23. QUOTE (lostfan @ Apr 26, 2011 -> 11:35 PM) Roger Goodell wrote an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal blowing s*** way out of proportion, distorting, and bulls***ting. Literally everything he wrote was bulls***. The parts I found particularly amusing: it was the OWNERS that didn't like the status quo, the players were cool with it, but he's pinning the whole thing on the players like they want a radical overhaul of the system - and, he talks about the union lawyers like they're some sinister bad guys cynically out for personal gain. Ummm as if the NFL doesn't have a god damn army of its own lawyers. Nicely done, Goodell, you have surpassed Bud Selig for s***tiness in a league commisisoner The players and the owners are both assholes They BOTH want more money, they BOTH dont care about the fans.. hopefully we just get football this fall
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