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Everything posted by T R U

  1. QUOTE (justBLAZE @ Apr 24, 2011 -> 01:41 PM) I feel like this is one of the games where it stays this way and we win it in the 9th! You chose poorly
  2. QUOTE (whitesoxfan101 @ Apr 23, 2011 -> 11:24 AM) Glad he's ok. That's about the least surprising off the field NFL news you'll find right there though. what an asshole, at least hes not dead
  3. It was a good day - Ice Cube
  4. I thought the lawsuit was over EA's monopoly on football games? I dont remember hearing about how much they charge
  5. I just wanna throw this out there, but there is a rumor floating around on the Dolphins message boards that the judge might order the lockout to be lifted on Monday.. This would mean they would just play this season under last years CBA rules..
  6. QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Apr 21, 2011 -> 11:17 PM) But we're still in the early stages of the season where one good game or bad game can drastically alter a pitcher's ERA. So if its too early to judge Daniel Hudson on his 33-35 starts, how come you are flying off the handle about our 7 game losing streak into a 162 game season? Is it not pretty much the same thing?
  7. QUOTE (Brian @ Apr 20, 2011 -> 06:50 PM) I say it every year but the games in the 1st round should be every other day unless there are scheduling conflicts with the buildings and even that should be avoided. No s*** Why the hell don't they play more frequently
  8. QUOTE (lostfan @ Apr 20, 2011 -> 10:25 PM) The Sox have gone from the "new car" smell to the "omg who the f*** threw up in my backseat" smell. Im thinking more BBO smell from Seinfeld
  9. QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Apr 19, 2011 -> 10:27 PM) But it seems like that's what it's going to take. Basically being 10+ games out until we're allowed to be concerned or overly concerned. And even then somebody would probably bring up the '91 Braves or the Rockies of the last 4 years. being 10+ games out IS a huge concern being 7-10 on April 19th with Cleveland and Kansas City at the top of the division is absolutely no reason for some of the crap that's going on around here.. There is a difference between voicing logical concerns like the bullpen so far, or how our hitting has gone south and then starting fire everyone threads and the total meltdown that is going on.. No one is saying that you aren't allowed to criticize the team, but people are going to get annoyed with the ones already jumping off the ledge.. and im not saying you are one of them, but come on its very very early to declare a 7-10 start a nightmare..
  10. QUOTE (greg775 @ Apr 19, 2011 -> 10:15 PM) The 9-2 to finish it out definitely meant nothing. You think so? You're telling me that they still would have went "all in" this season had the team finished in the 70's for wins last year? Yeah right..
  11. QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Apr 19, 2011 -> 10:18 PM) What happens if Wade Davis shuts us down tomorrow? Still too early? Yes? There is a HUGE difference between 7-10 and 15-30
  12. QUOTE (greg775 @ Apr 19, 2011 -> 10:05 PM) Adam Dunn has been so bad it's laughable. Why can't we ever pick up a guy and have him EXCEL from Day One? Remember Rios and how bad he was at first? My god, Dunn could have picked us up tonight. Instead, predictable whiff in the ninth against their closer, who unlike ours, can close. Are we going to break out of this slump or be out of it this year by mid May? p.s. The way this team is going, the next time we actually lead in a game, our closer will blow it again. This is why you can't blow 3 run leads in the ninth, Mr. Thornton and Pierre. The team goes in the s***TER immediately afterward. f*** we suck. Well aside that Tampa didn't use a closer tonight as James Shields finished the game, Dunn also just had an appendectomy recently and missed some time which DOES matter.. Its hard to have take peoples posts legit when they make statements that lead you to believe they didn't even watch/follow the game (I.E. Tampa using a closer tonight) Ide be absolutely shocked if Dunn didn't have 35-40 homers and 90-100 RBI's by the end of the year.. this place is going to hell over a 7-10 start, my god
  13. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Apr 19, 2011 -> 09:59 PM) We are in the middle of a six-game losing streak and an early bullpen meltdown, plus more bad news about Peavy. Not exactly much to get excited for right now. I didn't say that they didn't play their asses off in the 25-5 run, just that it's not something to count on, and even with that, they missed the playoffs. Again. Yes, a bullpen meltdown that couldn't possibly get any worse than it is now.. what are we at, 6 blown saves? and they all pretty much came at once.. With as long as the season is you have to look at certain situations like that and realize that its not going to be the norm.. And I don't count on a 25-5 run, but I think this team is better than last years team.. And I don't think we need a run like that to be there at the end.. Were 7-10 people, do you think that KC and Cleveland are making playoff preparations right now?
  14. Well, for one 7-10 is not a horrendous start Secondly, a 25-5 run is deserved and not an accident.. that's why it rarely happens.. they got hot at a good time I feel like we are 3-14 around here
  15. I feel like we started out bad last year but ended up with like 88 wins Obviously, that couldn't have happened because if you are 3 games under .500 by mid April you're done.. right?
  16. QUOTE (Paint it Black @ Apr 19, 2011 -> 09:06 PM) You make some great points. Seriously, posts like these should be a permaban. The only thing that drives me up a wall is bunting with your number two hitter. LET HIM SWING AWAY AND TRY TO OPEN UP THE INNING. Giving up outs only gets you closer to ending the game. With the way the offense has disappeared I have no problem with the bunt.. They've been hitting like .200 for a while now, I wouldn't just assume that they are going to string together enough hits, especially in the clutch, to win the game..
  17. QUOTE (chw42 @ Apr 19, 2011 -> 01:15 AM) Here's a question for you, do you beat off to your avatar? Just so you know, there is nothing sabermetric about whatever sqwert brought up, so you can take off those ignorance glasses and relax. haha relax about what? I didn't bring up sabermetrics, J4L did.. I was just pointing out that this is another stupid stat like the nonsense that you try to shove down everyone's throats every other post..
  18. T R U

    2011 Films Thread

    QUOTE (Brian @ Apr 18, 2011 -> 04:46 PM) My feeling as well. Except I don't care if there were boobs or not. I felt in the beginning that it felt cheesy and a retread but as it went and the last act was revealed, I bought it and dug it. that's pretty much word for word what I told your ass it was like
  19. It was pretty awesome The caller basically said the Sox haven't played anyone and the Twins have, the Twins dont need to worry about their slow start as we need to.. Then Ranger was like "KC and Cleveland are leading the division, weve beaten them" brought up the Twins losing to Tampa as we took 3/4 from them.. The caller continued to talk over him and not let him talk, made no points and was being ridiculous.. All he did was call him an idiot and the worst kind of fan.. and it was fitting But man, you should listen to it, it was awesome..
  20. qwerty that has nothing to do with THESE stats.. this is pointless crap that guys like chw42 beat off to
  21. Isn't there already enough stupid ass stats in baseball?
  22. T R U

    2011 Films Thread

    QUOTE (Brian @ Apr 14, 2011 -> 11:24 AM) Sounds as if you liked the first 2 Scream movies, you will dig part 4. I want to see it tomorrow but can't until Monday. Its not as ridiculous as the 3rd movie, but it was a little cheesy.. I liked the ending though
  23. QUOTE (Wanne @ Apr 14, 2011 -> 01:25 AM) Glad our government has nothing else better to do or spend taxpayer money on...good Lord. Hey gotta make sure you keep the streets clean of bad guys like Barry Bonds
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