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Everything posted by T R U

  1. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Apr 13, 2011 -> 08:36 AM) The 0-6 thing is a nice number, but no team had ever come back from 0-3 in a playoff series to win either, and we all know how that turned out for Boston. Thats true, however, they are the only team EVER to come back from 0-3.. the odds aren't good.. And then you have people coming out with the "you remember when Oakland had to win 20 games in a row??" "You remember when Houston had to make up 15 games??" Those are all long shots, especially with Boston playing in the AL, and AL East for that matter.. Toronto and Baltimore are at least solid enough now not to get beat up on by Boston.. There is still Us, Minnesota, Detroit.. Oakland, Texas, Angels.. I think they are gonna be kicking themselves come the end of the season due to this start and them missing the playoffs.. And to whoever asked, it was something like 46 teams have started 0-6 since like 1920 and like 5 of them finished with a winning record and none made the playoffs..
  2. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Apr 11, 2011 -> 08:05 AM) I still think they make the playoffs. Im wondering why you think they still make the playoffs when no team has ever gone 0-6 and made the playoffs, much less even finished with a winning record There is a better chance they finish with a winning record, but I am gonna stick with the "they aint making the playoffs" I believe in the numbers..
  3. QUOTE (Chet Kincaid @ Apr 12, 2011 -> 03:08 PM) I was hoping that was overlooked... Oh it wasn't, but since the one you picked out for me apparently died.. well just call it even
  4. QUOTE (The Critic @ Apr 12, 2011 -> 02:51 AM) Below is WWE's official announcement on Edge retiring from their website: Less than a week after his successful title defense against Alberto Del Rio at WrestleMania XXVII, World Heavyweight Champion Edge has been forced to retire from in-ring competition due to injury. The unexpected news brings to an end a storied WWE career spanning 13 years and consisting of 11 World Title reigns. The Rated-R Superstar had been suffering numbness and uncontrollable trembling in his arms and hands. This is not the first time Edge has experienced these symptoms of nueropraxia. An MRI in Atlanta last Monday was sent to Dr. Joseph Maroon, a renowned neurosurgeon and professor of neurosurgery at The Pittsburgh School of Medicine. After careful examination of the MRI, it was determined that Edge would never be cleared to compete again, and thus, he is forced to retire. In 2003, Edge underwent a two level spinal fusion of the discs between his C5, C6 and C7 vertebrae. After being cleared to compete, The Rated-R Superstar returned to the ring, resulting in stenosis of the spine, or a narrowing of the spinal column, above and below the fused discs. This narrowing resulted in less and less of the vital fluid needed to protect the spinal cord. Medical professionals cannot clear Edge to compete ever again in WWE since doing so could result in paralysis or even death. Word is that this is legit and not a storyline. Too bad, Edge was one of the more interesting performers more often than not. Oh this is definitely legit And very unfortunate
  5. QUOTE (kjshoe04 @ Apr 11, 2011 -> 12:08 AM) Seriously, they are 100 times worse than Yankees fans. They've got cubs fans beat too. I hope they lose about 100 games this year. Well they have a zero percent chance to make the playoffs, so I wouldn't worry about that..
  6. QUOTE (knightni @ Apr 10, 2011 -> 12:25 PM) Ozzie says "rotating closers" in an article today. http://sports.espn.go.com/chicago/mlb/news...x_cid=nhffromfb I like that better If you need Thornton in the 8th, use him, and then you still have whatever out of Crain, Santos, and Sale to close the game out.. same thing the other way..
  7. T R U

    i am drunk

    im about to cry thst i didnt get to puit my weiner between my girlfriends giast boobs tonight
  8. look were all drunk lets just say f*** it mayne and were all cool, aighrt
  9. QUOTE (iamshack @ Apr 9, 2011 -> 09:06 PM) I have to add, I do roll my eyes a bit when J4L seeks his increasingly demeaning crescendo of insults regarding a player's performance, all while he is sitting on his couch eating pork rinds or taco bell. Or 2 40's and a bag of Doritos
  10. QUOTE (Brian @ Apr 9, 2011 -> 08:05 PM) With nothing on tv, I still had mania on the DVr so went through and watched a couple of things again. While watching on Sunday with my buddy we talked the whole time and didn't give it our definitive attention. Going thru, the show was not as bad as I made it out to be. Cody and Rey I thought was good and trips and taker was fun with the false finishes. Do wish they gave punk and Orton more time though. Hope they do not do hhh and taker again next year though. Read that Morrison and Stratus didn't get along very well. Im glad you went back and re-watched it, I thought the Cody/Rey match was a really good one.. Taker/HHH I also really enjoyed.. it wasn't just a spot fest and it was more-so them telling a story in there about how brutal it is to try and take out the Undertaker.. My favorite part was Trips grabbing the equalizer and then not having enough left in him to use it when he was in Hells Gate.. I thought it was a fitting end even though I wasn't too thrilled with a tap out finish
  11. QUOTE (ScottyDo @ Apr 9, 2011 -> 08:31 PM) Lillibridge sucks. Elijah Dukes is/was an embarrassment to the game. You're right, they're very different things. I think J4L was just trying to find an exceptionally strong way of expressing his disdain for Lillibridge, in the absolutist way we're all so fond of. Yeah, I should have realized that from the beginning.. I think this went a little too literal than it needed to
  12. QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Apr 9, 2011 -> 02:34 PM) Give me a break, TRU. U know damn well I don't really think I could get to the big leagues. That part was me joking. But Lillibridge being awful is not a joke. Yes I know you were joking, and that's fine to say that Lillibridge is awful.. but hes not terrible at baseball, no one in the MLB is terrible at baseball otherwise they wouldn't be there.. Is his performance not on par with the better players in the league, absolutely I cant argue that.. but you are saying hes an embarrassment to the game and stuff like that.. Its not the same as just saying someone is a crappy player
  13. The flaw in the logic of he would never have even made it to the majors is that there have been plenty of people who have taken steroids, got caught, and still were either never good in the majors or never made it.. Steroids aren't a magic drug that turn you into an all star
  14. QUOTE (Quinarvy @ Apr 9, 2011 -> 12:19 PM) +1 The logic here is that since someone like say, Luis Terrero, is better than me he is absolved from sucking at the MLB level. Thats actually not the logic at all, I was just saying that because J4L made it seem like he could go out there right now and do the exact same thing as Lillibridge, which is ridiculous.. There is a difference between criticizing a player and saying a player is an embarrassment to the game, gimme a break..
  15. T R U

    mlb tv

    um, just to throw this out there but MLB Extra Innings has nothing to do with DirectTV I have comcast/xfinity and have MLB Extra Innings
  16. Does anyone else love when a bunch of nobodies try to say that someone in the MLB is "terrible" at baseball.. Seriously J4L, STFU, Brent Lillibridge would look like Albert Pujols compared to you.. Theres nothing wrong with having a player who can play up to 6 positions on the field and has solid speed to be the 25th man on your roster.. He is what he is, a guy who is gonna pinch run late or be a defensive replacement in the OF late in the game.. At least we can count on him to not walk after a ball he misplayed or to just have it bounce off his glove completely.. At least he is busting his ass, at least he can get a bunt down, at least he can be trusted to catch a routine pop fly.. Do I wish we had a bench that was full of .300 hitters? You bet your tits.. but no one does..
  17. QUOTE (chw42 @ Apr 8, 2011 -> 10:37 PM) I don't know how you can call him awful. Will Ohman's been awful. You don't judge a player by 3 appearances, especially when there were two errors made behind him in the only blowup he's had so far. For Thornton, hes been awful.. Its hard not to judge Throntons performance in the closers role this early when we are all use to him coming in and being nails.. thats why its easier to judge this, clearly, something is off with him in this new role
  18. QUOTE (Rowand44 @ Apr 8, 2011 -> 10:38 PM) I'll take it you didn't watch either of the blown saves so far. And you would be wrong
  19. QUOTE (Rowand44 @ Apr 8, 2011 -> 10:35 PM) Yes but the game should have been over by than, would have been quite the easy inning if Alexei and Juan make plays that they usually can make with their eyes closed. When you make the guy throw a bunch of extra pitches because you make 2 errors behind him, sometimes that s*** is going to happen. And unfortunately the game wasn't over by then, and Matt still couldn't get the job done.. We cant afford to let this happen 3-4 more times this month before we realize, yikes, this isn't working!
  20. QUOTE (chw42 @ Apr 8, 2011 -> 10:32 PM) He gave up 4. Two of them were after the errors. He had a 95 MPH fastball today. All of you just need to relax for crying out loud. No I don't need to relax, hes been awful everytime hes come out so far this season.. he was perfect where he was, we have two hard throwers with pretty good stuff in Sale and Santos.. I don't see any reason why Sale shouldn't have been the closer so Matt could have stayed in the role that he was dominant in..
  21. QUOTE (chw42 @ Apr 8, 2011 -> 10:26 PM) Did we seriously commit two errors with one out? I don't know how you can blame this on Thornton when that happens. lmao, he still gave up 5 hits anyways Yes, the errors were unfortunate.. but Thornton has been terrible as the closer thus far, there is no possible defense for that
  22. QUOTE (SoxAce @ Apr 8, 2011 -> 10:22 PM) I was calling for Sale too, but I can't even get mad about this one on Matt. He has looked like crap so far though I'll agree with, but it's still early on the season. I don't even think he's hit 96+ once yet either that I can recall. Nah I've seen him hit 97 a few times but my god, he's been awful..
  23. QUOTE (lostfan @ Apr 8, 2011 -> 10:14 PM) How is this game on Thornton? Yeah, he gave up a bomb, but after the 2 errors had sabotaged the game. Man let it go, he's been awful in the role so far.. Sale should have been the closer, there was no reason to mess with a good thing..
  24. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Apr 8, 2011 -> 10:11 PM) You realize there have been two errors, right? You realize I dont give a s***? He hasn't looked good at all so far, not just this game
  25. I've seen about enough of Thornton in the closets role
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