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Everything posted by T R U

  1. QUOTE (kapkomet @ Dec 15, 2010 -> 08:10 PM) I was going to take a picture of my car themometer saying 81 at 7:00 at night on December 15th, but my cell phone battery died. it sucks! im ready for it to be cold, not 80 at the tail end of December
  2. T R U

    Films Thread

    I just got back from Tron, I guess it was ok.. but then again I never saw the original
  3. QUOTE (SoxFan562004 @ Dec 16, 2010 -> 11:54 PM) there are always a few floating out there, and this may be the one you're talking about, but there is a jewelry store that has a couple at a cabin and it's storming out, and the guy is just insanely creepy and weirds me out.
  4. QUOTE (zenryan @ Dec 12, 2010 -> 10:06 PM) Do you think Henne is the QB to lead the Dolphins into the future? I think they should entertain a trade to acquire Kolb. Hes been so inconsistent this year, but it doesn't help him that they run play action on 3rd and long or when they are down late in the game and its obvious a pass is coming anyways.. Henning just doesn't know what hes doing as an OC now.. he got lucky the wildcat caught everyone off guard and they were able to get 2 solid years out of it but that's over and done now.. hes like 64 years old, its time for him to go.. I think if they get a good young OC that will open up the playbook Henne will be fine, ide rather them give him one more year under a new offensive mind that have to burn a 1st round pick on Mallet or Locker (If Mallet even lasts that long) and start all over.. The problem with acquiring Kolb is its going to cost a 1st because they don't have a 2nd and I doubt Philly is going to deal him for a 3rd.. their defense is championship caliber, all they need to do is insert a new philosophy into the offense and actually play to Henne strengths and I think he can do more than enough to put them at the top of the league.. Im just sick of seeing play action on 3rd and long, a wildcat out of nowhere that kills the drive/momentum, and 2 WR routes on crucial 3rd down plays.. its so frustrating..
  5. QUOTE (zenryan @ Dec 12, 2010 -> 09:52 PM) Yeah, it sucks that the screw job vs Pittsburgh really killed the Phins playoff hopes. I like the Dolphins too and I hate making excuses but Miami really "lost" more games this year than being beat. it was a screw job vs Pitt but there is no excuse for losing to Cleveland and they gave the game away against the Patriots the first time.. Their OC is a dinosaur who is way past his time, once they get that fixed next season and get some people healthy then they will be where they need to.. As for now, they get Detroit and Buffalo at home and then a walk against a home field clinched Patriots depth squad.. its looking like 10-6 which ide be happy to have after the brutal schedule they faced the first half of the season..
  6. QUOTE (J.Reedfan8 @ Dec 12, 2010 -> 07:21 PM) Jets lose to the Dolphins today.. LOL. I'm sure Carl will be very happy about this. why is that LOL? Dolphins should be 8-5 and prolly 9-4 if they didn't crap their pants against Cleveland.. Im not as happy about that though as the Bears getting thoroughly raped, im so tired of hearing Bears fans thinking that they are any good..
  7. QUOTE (justBLAZE @ Dec 6, 2010 -> 04:17 AM) If the organization didn't make enough money to run itself and make profit then owners would be losing money and they won't let that happen. The point being with the quality of stars on the team and the success on the field, the profit would be there..
  8. QUOTE (Quinarvy @ Dec 4, 2010 -> 03:00 PM) Because having a team in debt would be bad. And it's different for the Sox then compared to the Yankees or Red Sox, because the Cubs happen to also play in this city and absorb most of the city's fanbase. And if they were in the red, which being at a $180M payroll certainly would have them in red, then we'd basically mortgage our future and have to become what the Cubs are; a poor team due to big contracts with high ticket prices to pay those off. lol If we had a $180 million payroll we would more than likely be selling out every game and most likely the AL Central favorite every season.. Itd be like being able to sign Dunn and Konerko.. and THEN signing Carl Crawford and Cliff Lee as well.. and then signing the rest of the holes This team could definitely afford that payroll, hell every team can.. these owners didnt make their money from their teams, they have plenty of money.. owning a team is just an extra thing that they are allowed to have because of how much money they have made from their other ventures.. Its ridiculous to discuss this anyways because it will never happen, but if it did happen it would work
  9. QUOTE (The Critic @ Dec 5, 2010 -> 09:29 AM) There are reports floating around that the Juan Cena gimmick has already been scrapped. thank GOD
  10. QUOTE (lostfan @ Dec 5, 2010 -> 11:36 PM) Watching the end of this Steelers-Ravens game... Flacco has a clean pocket, a guy open on 4th down, and just bounces it off the ground. Flacco is a decent QB but I think he's really overrated. Highest QB rating in the league since week 5 going into Sunday nights game.. Ide say better than decent, but overrated maybe a little
  11. QUOTE (The Critic @ Nov 30, 2010 -> 03:42 AM) The good news - Miz is the WWE Champion. The bad news - they book him to be saved by MICHAEL COLE to prevent him losing the WWE title to JERRY LAWLER. Ugh. Talk about a weak heel champ... I was thinking that maybe was a bone being thrown to Lawler for his birthday.. Also, they ALWAYS make their heel champs look weak
  12. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Nov 25, 2010 -> 08:43 AM) I think I'll start ignoring your predictions. Especially after your early season prediction of the Heat and last week's Bears game. lol ok.. so because I was in the majority on the Heat predictions and the Bears got to play a Miami team starting a handful of backups at multiple positions and still were unimpressive?
  13. They really need Mike Miller in there.. sucks that they wont be able to break that record this year but I think by the end of the season theyll be where they need to
  14. I just saw the replay of it, and thats prolly the best MITB cash in that theyve ever had.. usually the current champ is already unconscious when they cash in
  15. QUOTE (The Critic @ Nov 23, 2010 -> 08:52 PM) They can't be serious! (SPOILER in the link, and what a horrible, horrible idea it is - again, if it's true. The link appears to be legit) http://www.cbbankarena.com/default.asp?cbb...l&objId=722 haha oh man thats hilarious.. im literally LOLing
  16. QUOTE (zenryan @ Nov 21, 2010 -> 01:12 AM) I was at the Nebraska-TAMU game. It was blatant cheating by the refs. I was able to take a pic from my seats of the game. LMAO!!
  17. worthless, if I had thought Thigpen was gonna be this bad I wouldn't have even said anything..
  18. QUOTE (MexSoxFan#1 @ Nov 18, 2010 -> 10:12 PM) I would´ve gone for it, Miami looks unimpressive... yeah gee I wonder why.. the thing about that is the Bears have done absolutely nothing with it either.. Thigpen looks comical out there and they are still in the game..
  19. geez, Miami has been absolute s*** and its only 6-0.. Hopefully they get Cutler to implode in the 2nd half and Thigpen settles the f*** down.. dude is all over the place
  20. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Nov 17, 2010 -> 11:07 AM) Thats different. The camping snipers that never move from hidden spots are gay. Yeah I know its different, I just hate when we play CTF and after the game some dumbass is yelling that we just "camped" like im suppose to let them just come take our flag and run off..
  21. QUOTE (lostfan @ Nov 15, 2010 -> 06:15 PM) Blitzing, by itself, doesn't really do anything to Cutler. I think there is this assumption that all you have to do is throw an extra rusher at Cutler and he'll automatically fold like Grossman did (Grossman couldn't move and couldn't throw over the line). He's going to see the hole in coverage and he's going to burn it. Cutler's interceptions happen when he throws at guys who blatantly aren't open or when he gets baited like a DB and a fair amount of time it's one of his WRs f***ing the route up after the ball is released (usually Knox) I meant getting to Cutler and sacking him, not just blitzing making Cutler turn into an INT machine..
  22. QUOTE (witesoxfan @ Nov 15, 2010 -> 10:54 PM) 3 of Miami's 5 wins have come against Buffalo, Minnesota, and Cincinnati. Minnesota and Cincinnati may have talented offensive teams, but both have QBs whose reputations and past achievements far outweigh their current abilities, and beyond that, Minnesota's receiving corps is terrible outside of Harvin. They also got absolutely curb-stomped by New England and Baltimore too. I also don't know how good Tennessee is - they're obviously a decent team, but I think that's probably all the more you can say about Miami right now too - they're a decent team. And, quite frankly, that's probably about all you can say about Chicago too. There's also a reason Tyler Thigpen is a 3rd QB. He could probably be a backup elsewhere, but he has a QB rating of 73.6 in his career, and that is as high as it is because of the 10-12 game stretch with Chan Gailey's pistol offense. I mean, I'm sure Brian Brohm can do plenty of things to win a football game for a team too, but there's a lot more he can do to lose a game too, and that's where Thigpen will be at for this game. The Dolphins better hope that they can run the ball, and considering Chicago has allowed the second fewest rushing yards per game, I would say that they are probably not going to be able to run much either. Yes there is a reason Thigpen was the 3rd QB.. Henne was a 2nd round pick who needed to be given the reigns and Pennington wasn't going to be 3rd.. Had Penny not come back, Thigpen would have been 2nd string.. besides, its not like Henne had been lighting it up this year I don't see Thigpens play being too far off from what we've gotten from the QB position anyways.. he looked pretty good in his limited play against Tennessee.. I don't see how you can say Miami and Chicago are the same team.. Chicago has two bad losses to Washington and Seattle, they should have lost to Detroit, and they have eeked through every win they have outside of Carolina and getting Minnesota at home.. If they lose to the Bears Thursday, then I will agree with you they are a decent team at best.. there wont even be any excuses with Thigpen in.. they should beat the Bears, at home, no problem if they are better than a decent team..
  23. There will always be campers regardless.. However if you complain about people camping in Search and Destroy or Capture the Flag when they are clearly defending either the bomb/flag then I hate you and you need to learn how to play defense in a game type like that..
  24. T R U

    Films Thread

    QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Nov 16, 2010 -> 08:05 PM) Do they also carry The Human Centipede? I didn't see it there but Redbox definitely had it
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