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Everything posted by T R U

  1. QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Oct 18, 2010 -> 10:42 PM) and u became a heat fan 3 months ago. I sure did, and they will be the best team in the league
  2. QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Oct 18, 2010 -> 10:29 PM) Cliff Lee is the greatest pitcher of the modern era. oh please, yeah hes good but he was sent to the minors what.. just 3 years ago?
  3. so how poor will the ratings be for a Rangers/Giants world series? my guess is itd be pretty bad
  4. QUOTE (whitesoxfan99 @ Oct 18, 2010 -> 09:46 PM) The ACC is trash. A record in that conference is meaningless. so, the WAC is trash too and Boise still gets credit for their wins.. the Big East is trash but one of those teams gets an auto BCS bid.. 10+ wins and a conference title will mean something, especially from one of the big ones
  5. QUOTE (nitetrain8601 @ Oct 18, 2010 -> 05:49 PM) I'd prefer to see TCU in the NC. Love the Horned Frogs. Couple of thoughts: OSU isn't overrated. Terrell Pryor proves he always was though. I still can't believe the hype that surrounded him in high school. Wisconsin is a really good team. Iowa will beat down Wisconsin. Boise blows and deserves nothing. The two teams who they faced who were supposed to make them look good are mediocre. That is Nevada and VTech. And keep in mind, VaTech pushed themt o the limit. OU is not a strong team. Any other year they wouldn't be #1. College Football as a whole is pretty weak this year. I pretty much have no interest in it other than seeing an Oregon and TCU NC. The same TCU team that couldn't even beat Boise last year? Boise is pretty much the same team, TCU lost some big defensive guys but they returned a lot as well.. I don't see how much is different and would take Boise over TCU again if they played which I hope to GOD we don't have to see again.. its time to put these "BCS Busters" against legit opponents.. I agree with you about OU, and I wouldn't say Va Tech is mediocre.. a lot of people said the same thing about the 07 Michigan team after they started 0-2 and they still ended 9-4 with a win over the Florida Tebows in the Capital One Bowl.. Look at Va Techs remaining schedule.. Duke, Ga Tech, UNC, Miami, Virginia.. I dunno maybe they lose to Miami, but there is a very good chance they are playing for the ACC title and a possible 10+ win season..
  6. QUOTE (GoSox05 @ Oct 18, 2010 -> 02:52 PM) I can't wait till Fallout New Vegas, but its going to be hard to put down Halo Reach. eesh, I put that game down about 5 days after I got it.. the multiplayer was crap.. good story though
  7. QUOTE (zenryan @ Oct 17, 2010 -> 02:16 AM) I've never said they havent looked lackluster at times. Really only TCU and Boise havent looked lackluster during games this year because they've played no one with a crap. But I'm sure youre going to say Boise deserves to be number 1 because of their recent wins over Toledo,New Mexico St and San Jose St. God forbid they play anyone touch in consecutive weeks because that just wouldnt be fair. TCU didnt look good against Colorado St. Boise has looked good, but like you said they haven't played anyone outside of Va Tech and Oregon State.. And no, Boise shouldn't be #1.. Oregon has been the most impressive team so far this year
  8. oh man I cant wait for the Miami/Chicago game.. Cameron Wake is going to eat Jay Cutler alive with that line you guys got..
  9. man how the hell do you guys like basketball games? is it just because this one is Jordan focused or what, I never could seem to get into bball games.. I think its because it was near impossible to get realistic stats..
  10. OU has been as lackluster as anyone else you mentioned..
  11. QUOTE (zenryan @ Oct 16, 2010 -> 09:16 PM) Should be Oklahoma. Oregon?
  12. QUOTE (J.Reedfan8 @ Oct 15, 2010 -> 10:14 PM) Sorry. Figured with the OOTP Texas pick and all that, since you live there. My bad Carl. I was originally Houston, but took Texas when I saw how stacked their farm system was.. If anything the Astros would be the other baseball team I have any interest in..
  13. QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Oct 15, 2010 -> 10:12 PM) You are the epitome of a bandwagoner. Did I say I was a f***in Yankees fan?
  14. QUOTE (J.Reedfan8 @ Oct 15, 2010 -> 10:09 PM) I thought Texas was like your second distant team? What? Hell no I am anti Dallas anything.. Dallas blows
  15. thank god, I want the Yankees to win
  16. T R U

    Films Thread

    yes Jackass was awesome and had penis galore!
  17. QUOTE (Buehrle>Wood @ Oct 12, 2010 -> 05:20 PM) Salute your Shorts seemed to be on the air way longer. No kidding, I felt like I watched that for years..
  18. T R U


    damn that bike riding is crazy
  19. QUOTE (chw42 @ Oct 13, 2010 -> 11:51 PM) But doesn't it also depend on inventory sometimes for used games? Yes I believe it does.
  20. QUOTE (chw42 @ Oct 13, 2010 -> 02:34 PM) Why is your GameStop so much better than mine? It was originally priced at $26.. but I have my GameStop card and I traded in GH Metallica because I got the new GH Warriors of Rock and loaded all the Metallica songs onto it making having GH Metallica pointless now..
  21. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Oct 13, 2010 -> 11:27 PM) Id agree that if they arent solid, they are a bust. I just am saying that if you are taken 14th overall, and not even the top player at your position, your no guarantee as a franchise player. And I think you can have a franchise player at LB etc, just depends on the team and the scheme. You can have a franchise player anywhere, I was just saying that the main ones that a team is trying to get are those three positions.. like Adrian Peterson is a franchise RB, but teams aren't dying for RBs like they are the QB, LT, and CB positions.. And yes, you are right.. if you are taken 14th overall and not the best player at your position on your team you are not a franchise player..
  22. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Oct 13, 2010 -> 10:49 PM) I guess when I hear "franchise player" I consider it to mean one of the best players on the team. I think guys like Ogden and Pace. I would consider a guy "solid" if he started for 5 years. Might just be difference on how we are using the words. Well Left Tackle, Quarterback, and Cornerback are really the only "franchise player" positions in terms of where you need a cornerstone guy.. however, ide say that anyone taken in round 1 needs to at bare minimum be a solid contributor to your team for the length of his contract.. Anything less, and its a bust
  23. QUOTE (knightni @ Oct 13, 2010 -> 11:03 PM) Bust = Raiders making Gallery a Guard. meh, its hard to call a pretty good player a bust.. at least he has contributed to their team unlike Jamarcus Russell.. now THAT was a bust..
  24. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Oct 13, 2010 -> 04:46 PM) A tournament would guarantee the best team in the country wins the prize of being called the best. lol, yes every playoff in sports history has had the best team win.. The BCS guarantees that 2 of the best 3 teams at LEAST are playing for a National Title.. all a playoff does is make the regular season slightly less meaningful and gives ANY team a chance to get hot and win a National Title.. I prefer the current system where you have to pretty much be flawless to get that Title game..
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