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Everything posted by T R U

  1. i DLd the Mafia II demo.. I wish I would have known that it was pretty much GTA because I would have played the first mafia had I known.. It was pretty sweet
  2. QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Aug 13, 2010 -> 08:54 AM) I thought the same thing with NCAA Football 10/11. You could pay for a better chance at landing recruits, which basically meant that it was pretty difficult to pull top recruits into your school. Maybe that wasn't real, but it sure seemed that way. Yeah thats true, somewhat.. the recruiting helpers help if you are at a bad school but the best schools still get the tops players regardless of those helpers.. I agree though that its f***ing retarded that they have stuff like this on NCAA and Madden.. I shouldn't have to pay for a scouting report on a player/prospect
  3. T R U

    Films Thread

    QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Aug 13, 2010 -> 11:28 AM) You're aware it's rated PG-13, right? It's fine. Yeah I know, I just don't want someone talking about a blow job or making gestures of stuff like that with my little sister there..
  4. QUOTE (J.Reedfan8 @ Aug 12, 2010 -> 02:50 AM) Dude needs a tan or body coloring spray or somethin... He blinds the hell outta me. Ginger lookin azz..... he IS ginger, and im sure that he cant tan or he would fry..
  5. T R U

    Films Thread

    For those of you who have seen The Other Guys, are there any real inappropriate parts in it? Like lets say someone 13-15 years old was to go see it with their family, would there be anything pretty questionable in the movie for a person of that age? I don't care about language, I doubt that's big in it.. but other things..
  6. QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Aug 11, 2010 -> 04:51 PM) honestly, i have a hard time believing they could switch Sheamus to babyface over HHH's heel. The crowds love HHH, he could be the biggest dick in the world to the biggest babyface on the show and they will still pop for him. Plus, Sheamus isnt a very likable character as it is, switching him to babyface would really take a long work, and i dont think the WWE writers have a long enough attention span to put that plan in motion and see it through the whole recent DX angle where they were just funny guys instead of the old school DX has pretty much made HHH untouchable in terms of turning anything but face.. he could be the biggest dick in the world out there and the fans would LOL all the way home.. I dont see anyway a trips turn would work, and at the same time Sheamus is one hell of a heel.. i think they got a good thing goin there with him.. I like him a lot
  7. QUOTE (The Critic @ Aug 11, 2010 -> 02:26 PM) He'd still behave as a heel, but the fans would cheer him. Isn't that how half the faces act anyway, ever since Austin? I think it could work. I don't know, Sheamus is a huge heel right now.. I would hate to see him changed currently
  8. QUOTE (The Critic @ Aug 10, 2010 -> 01:46 PM) Tripsy could use Nexus to "make Sheamus' life a LIVING HELLLL-UHHH" and turn Sheamus babyface in the process. I could see it....FELLA. Man no way, Sheamus has to be heel
  9. QUOTE (Brian @ Aug 10, 2010 -> 10:38 AM) I'm hoping the partner in the Nexus match for Team WWE is HHH ane he turns and leads Nexus for awhile. I think Barrett does a good job but they need an established guy to keep them hot IMO. Don't care about his revenge on Sheamus. I have a hard time believing trips comes back and doesn't feud with Sheamus.. but your idea would be cooler
  10. QUOTE (J.Reedfan8 @ Aug 10, 2010 -> 12:08 AM) No, that was his name on the I Love New York show.. Punk. He is engaged to Jennifer Hudson. I believe that is the same guy. EDIT: Ya I googled him. same guy, just used his real name as a wrestler name. Yeah you were right the first time his name was Punk.. I remember when I first heard that he signed with wwe and I thought there was no way hed make it, but he just might..
  11. QUOTE (greg775 @ Aug 10, 2010 -> 12:19 AM) 4-4 isn't a bad road trip at all It is if you are a 1st place team and lose 3 of 4 to the worst team in baseball..
  12. QUOTE (MHizzle85 @ Aug 8, 2010 -> 10:16 PM) So I watched the TNA version of One Night Stand.... As someone who grew up watching ECW, this was just sad. Not shabby for nostalgia reasons, but just not a good show. I really hope a lot of these guys aren't still wrestling full-time. Forgot that was tonight, im gonna have to go catch the results
  13. QUOTE (SoxFan562004 @ Aug 8, 2010 -> 07:50 PM) OK, our opinions are obviously different, but when the guy who tapped doesn't dispute it I'm not really sure what you're basing it on. I just think it was weak, they even continued on the ground for a little while afterwards with Sonnen looking like he didn't know why it was stopped..
  14. QUOTE (maggsmaggs @ Aug 8, 2010 -> 01:42 PM) It's tough though when you're in a race. You can't risk getting people suspended on putting on base runners in close games. I am definitely with you that something needs to be done (as the Sox always seem to get hit more than they hit others), but you have to pick your spots. I never understood why you would want to give the other team a free base runner.. if they did hit Pierre on purpose, he stole second and is now in scoring position with 1 out in a 1 run game.. thanks Buck
  15. QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Aug 8, 2010 -> 01:35 PM) didn't Kotsay pretty much win us a baseball game a few days ago? wtf am I reading. He didnt pretty much, he did
  16. QUOTE (SoxFan562004 @ Aug 8, 2010 -> 09:29 AM) What do you mean? He tapped. He doesn't deny it and nobody in mainstream MMA media disputes this idea, Team Quest, as Meltzer points out, has done that same thing before. Chael clearly tapped. If you say so, but I disagree
  17. T R U


    heavy weights, low reps for size
  18. Fitch/Alves was quite the snoozer but MAN Sonnen blew it.. He was destroying Silva the entire fight, it was the biggest let down ever at the bar I was at when he half submitted.. which I still didn't think was that legit anyways but oh well..
  19. The coordinator playcalling is actually pretty nice and I enjoyed using it.. its not like the random play ask madden would give you, you can actually set up your own gameplan so in certain situations plays you already have selected will be available to you through your coordinator.. The point is to make the game faster so instead of flipping through the playbook, your gameplan is used and the play that fits the situation is selected.. the demo was pretty fun with it
  20. QUOTE (chw42 @ Aug 6, 2010 -> 05:04 PM) Am I borderline retarded? well you do like that sabr crap
  21. T R U

    Films Thread

    QUOTE (JoeCoolMan24 @ Aug 4, 2010 -> 01:45 AM) I saw Inception tonight, and for the past 2+ hours I have been trying to solve it. My friend and I keep texting eachother back and forth feeding ideas off eachother. I think I got it pretty much solved after watching some vids on youtube. This right here makes me never want to see that movie..
  22. im sick of seeing the bases loaded with 1 or 0 out and the 5th/6th batter in the order coming up being Kotsay or Pierzynski.. its a total inning killer
  23. QUOTE (pktmotion @ Jul 31, 2010 -> 12:57 PM) Let's just go back to AZ and say" listen we threw you a huge bone with Hudson, What's it gonna take to get LaRoche""and don't you dare say Viciedo/Beckham/Flowers/Morel". A couple of mid level arms: Torres+Cassell. I think the upside of Edwin Jackson is worth more than Hudson.. especially considering how bad Hudson looked while he was up here this season.. I have no problem with the Jackson trade, mainly because I don't think Hudson will ever be more than a back end guy..
  24. why are you the official soxtalk nicknamer? your nicknames suck.. no offense
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