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Everything posted by T R U

  1. QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Jun 20, 2010 -> 01:26 AM) I don't get all the "I don't want to get my hopes up" talk. What's the worst that can happen? We end up sucking again and we're right back where we were 2 weeks ago. It's just baseball. Let the good times roll. Its just a little ridiculous when some people, or mainly just one, claim that were a playoff team all of the sudden.. Also, the fact that were beating up on the NL is another thing that really dampers the "were back in this thing" vibe.. if this happened against a string of AL teams ide buy it, but we have been just disappointing against the AL and thats the thing that is going to count the most.. but youre right though, it is just baseball..
  2. QUOTE (flippedoutpunk @ Jun 19, 2010 -> 05:04 PM) I like the name Carl. so powerful and majestic
  3. QUOTE (MHizzle85 @ Jun 20, 2010 -> 01:17 AM) I just assumed that outside of WWE & TNA no one that's a regular in this thread knows a ton about the indies. My bad on the wrong assumption. Well, ide actually say that would be a fair assumption.. I wouldn't figure most wrestling fans to follow all aspects of it either now that I think about it.. But I have been a huge wrestling fan for as long as I can remember.. As nerdy as it sounds, most of the indies stuff I know is from when I would be in EFeds and needed character ideas or move ideas..
  4. QUOTE (greg775 @ Jun 19, 2010 -> 11:12 PM) For what it's worth, the stories say Ozzie thought Rios was tired and Konerko he gave the day off. We won, so IMO nobody has the right to b**** one f***in bit. Well maybe you have the right to b****, but it seems dumb to me. WE WIN! Its called no harm no foul
  5. QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Jun 19, 2010 -> 10:42 PM) There should be a required criteria for creating a thread. I feel a lot stupider after entering this thread than I did coming into it. And that's saying a lot. Danks looks weird on it
  6. QUOTE (Buehrle>Wood @ Jun 19, 2010 -> 04:29 PM) Kinect looks just awful. From everything to the games to the name itself. It's marketing is a complete disaster too. And Microsoft was a mess at e3 while Nintendo had one of the better showings ever and Sony was decent. Kinect itself has no buttons and it doesn't even work if you sit down or have a coffee table in front of you. $150 for a piece of junk, all on the verge of Microsoft's investors wanting them to get out of the home console market. Kinect better not fail, but all signs point to it doing just that. Looked like it worked just fine when people where doing demos of it.. I fail to see why you think Microsoft was a mess at E3
  7. itll be hilarious when Quentin finishes the year hitting .215 but he has 25 HRs and 100 RBI
  8. Yes Fox is awesome.. I get to watch Boston and LA!! garbage
  9. I don't have a problem with people being optimistic, ide like nothing more than for this team to make the playoffs.. but, can we settle down until this team is either over .500 or beating the AL teams.. we couldn't sniff a 3 game winning streak until interleague were we've already had two 4 game win streaks.. We are 10-6 in June so far.. that would be 6-1 vs the NL and 4-5 vs the AL When interleague is over, if we continue to be hot against AL teams ill buy into it..
  10. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jun 19, 2010 -> 02:42 PM) But you don't make the all star team by being reliable. Yeah, you make it by being popular..
  11. QUOTE (MHizzle85 @ Jun 19, 2010 -> 11:55 AM) I'm surprised T R U has even heard of him. Why is that? I know a lot more about wrestling than just the E..
  12. You scared me with this thread, for a second I thought you had mastered time travel
  13. QUOTE (WhiteSoxfan1986 @ Jun 18, 2010 -> 09:07 PM) They didn't get Roy Halladay in return. They were separate trades. They wouldn't have gotten Halladay had they not traded Lee, so essentially yes they did trade Lee for Halladay..
  14. lol so im watching Married with Children right now and Peg tells Kelly that Al got tickets to the baseball games this season, and Kelly says "puke" and Peg says "I thought you liked the Cubs?" and Kelly says "I do. But I hate the seats on the roof of that apartment where dad gets the tickets from." And then Peg says "Well maybe one day they'll forget about that fan interference that kept the Cubs from going to the World Series and they'll let us back in the stadium." And this is from an old episode, one of the first few seasons.. like from the late 80's.. its hilarious that it ended up really happening..
  15. QUOTE (Kalapse @ Jun 19, 2010 -> 12:15 AM) The only thing that really upset me was people's unwillingness to accept that he was bad in more than ONE important situation, his success rate in situations in which the game was on the line was unacceptable and near the bottom of the league. We are 21-7 in games that Jenks has pitched in, in any situation.. for comparisons sake, the Yankees are 20-4 in games that Rivera has pitched in.. My post about you throwing some stat at us was more of a joke than anything, didn't mean for you to think I think you are a Jenks hater or anything.. I understand he deserves criticism for how poorly he looked at the start of the season..
  16. QUOTE (Chet Kincaid @ Jun 18, 2010 -> 11:30 PM) Freaking ESPN... They report on the game and all they talk about is Strasburg. They don't even mention Gavin's name. I used to love them, but I've been steadily losing respect for anything ESPN since 2005 when Berman almost cried on air when we swept the Red Cubs in the first round. Did anyone notice the other night when the Sox beat the Pirates in the game where they made all those errors in the 9th, the highlights were Pedro Alvarez's first AB and then his errors in the 9th.. not a single Sox highlight from that game was in the reel..
  17. QUOTE (Heads22 @ Jun 18, 2010 -> 11:27 PM) Jenks sucked hard at the beginning of the year. He's much improved. And I wont argue that.. its true
  18. QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Jun 18, 2010 -> 11:26 PM) And he deserved every bit of criticism. Just like he deserves full credit for the turn around. Yeah, he did deserve criticism for some of his bad outings.. but luckily for us most of them came in non important situations..
  19. QUOTE (greg775 @ Jun 18, 2010 -> 10:44 PM) Truly. I actually feel unworthy of enjoying the wins since this team pissed me off so much before when it seemed like this team was destined for .400 win percentage. Hope the starting pitching can keep it up. How bout Bobby Jenks!! He's been pretty darn good in this winning streak. Are any of the Jenks haters still unwilling to give him some love? Some of us have admitted we were wrong about Pierre and Rios (last year). But some won't admit they are wrong bout Fat Bobby. Weird. Since the Cleveland game where he sucked and everyone wanted his head he has put up a line of.. 9.2 IP - 6 H - 1 R - 1 BB - 13 K - 7/7 in Saves Now we need Kalapse to come in here and give us some off the wall stat that disproves how Bobby has improved
  20. Man, when is the last time we had three guys like Hudson, Viciedo, and Flowers to bring up all in the same season.. I cant wait to see them all here..
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