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Everything posted by T R U

  1. QUOTE (GreatScott82 @ Jun 13, 2010 -> 10:40 PM) another thing, last year we got Rios for nothing. A similar situation can occur with Fielder if we eat up the rest of the contract. Wait a minute.. are you really trying to "what if" Prince Fielder getting put on waivers?
  2. QUOTE (Kalapse @ Jun 13, 2010 -> 10:22 PM) Just speaking in hypothetical terms how exactly would you pull that off without weakening said rotation? Would you say trading Danks and some prospects for Fielder and then replacing Danks with Hudson weakens this team? Im not sure where I would side on this, but that's a huge LH bat the put right in the middle of the order..
  3. QUOTE (lostfan @ Jun 13, 2010 -> 09:55 PM) I really can't stand Boston, and all the bandwagon fans they have from other cities in my news feed that I wasn't even aware watched the NBA, but anything to help me strike down the myth of Kobe Bryant's immortality among his obnoxious fanboys, I'll take. Amen to that. What the hell were those two 3's he shot at the end there.. they were better off trying to take a real shot than watching Kobe try to do a 360 contorting three that wasn't anywhere close to going in.. And why does everyone hate Rondo? Hes awesome..
  4. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jun 13, 2010 -> 08:03 PM) Really, he's still working in AAA. His slow start shows that. He didn't start the season off like Stras. That not really a fair comparison though as he is no where near the prospect that Strasburg is.. Either way, I think we can agree that he could pitch in the majors right now..
  5. T R U

    Films Thread

    QUOTE (3E8 @ Jun 13, 2010 -> 01:50 PM) Did you guys like the ending to Shutter Island? It ended up exactly how I hoped it wouldn't I talked about this a while ago in this thread, but the ending was obvious from the previews alone..
  6. QUOTE (Thunderbolt @ Jun 13, 2010 -> 10:37 PM) Did you really just spend an entire thread bashing Tyler Flowers and then preceded to say that Jake Fox would be a viable option for this team? He hits the ball hard though.. Nevermind the Cubs didn't want him and the A's didn't want him either, but he would fit perfect starting somewhere for us..
  7. QUOTE (flavum @ Jun 13, 2010 -> 04:04 PM) Hudson took the loss. 8-3, 3.91 It sucks that he has to sit in AAA when hes more than ready to be in an MLB rotation..
  8. QUOTE (kapkomet @ Jun 12, 2010 -> 08:23 PM) Until you shrivel up and die. you will pass the youth and energy portion of your life long before that, that's why age loses
  9. QUOTE (kev211 @ Jun 13, 2010 -> 01:04 AM) This thread has the potential for some great bumps if Chase ever ends up doing something in the majors. Edit: Now that I think about it, it would be absolutely hysterical if Chase somehow ended up passing Bonds home run record this thread has zero potential and because we were asked to spare feelings, I will leave out the second part of my joke..
  10. I have a very bad feeling were gonna get screwed for the future with this easy stretch in the schedule..
  11. Do you think its cause he spit in Cenas face on Raw?
  12. T R U

    Films Thread

    QUOTE (Milkman delivers @ Jun 11, 2010 -> 10:27 PM) I started watching that about a week ago, and I couldn't stop wondering how that movie got made or how anyone sat through it. I turned it off after about 15 minutes. Is there a movie that you DO like? Seriously, I dont think I have ever seen you say you like a movie.. its always "I didnt laugh once" or "I hate all of them" or "I turned it off before it finished" You are like the harshest critic that there ever was
  13. QUOTE (hogan873 @ Jun 11, 2010 -> 09:01 PM) “All the trade talk, this and that, I’m a human being,” he said. “Every person goes through it. I’ve said all along I just want to get through Sunday so it all goes away.” They better trade him before this, otherwise I see no way that he waives his 10/5 to get traded.. that quote right there tells me if the 10/5 kicks in, he is here till the end of the year. And yes, he is the kind of douche who would just stay here instead of going to a contender. Not that I don't like AJ, but am I wrong for thinking he would just say "no thanks" and stick it out till the end of the year?
  14. QUOTE (WCSox @ Jun 11, 2010 -> 05:39 PM) On the other hand, it doesn't hurt when guys like AJ, PK, and Jenks beat up on them and raise their own trade values. No, and I hope that they do up their trade value.. but I just don't want KW to see us at like 32-35, still like 8 games out or so, and thinking we have a chance to do something.. So much has to happen for us to have ANY shot at getting back in it.. the way the season has gone so far, I wouldn't think that all of the sudden the handful of guys struggling will start playing above their talents.. We just dug too big of a hole to start the season..
  15. QUOTE (justBLAZE @ Jun 11, 2010 -> 05:30 PM) Well, if he goes for a player that's ready to contribute now would be really nice. Any player he would acquire that's going to contribute is going to cost us prospects.. there is no way you can look at this teams performance through right now and justify trading prospects to try and make a run.. We already have a slim system as it is, Kenny cant be that stupid to give away the little we still have for some false hopes of catching the Twins this season.. it just isn't gonna happen..
  16. QUOTE (Kalapse @ Jun 11, 2010 -> 05:26 PM) Hey, only 8 out and currently in the midst of a winning streak; this thing ain't over yet, baby! We need AJ for the stretch run! the worst possible thing to happen is for us to beat up on these National League teams especially with another Cubs series and a Pirates and Nationals series, sigh, KW might be trying to ADD to this mess if we don't watch out..
  17. QUOTE (justBLAZE @ Jun 11, 2010 -> 05:18 PM) Ozzie in the post game interview: "AJ isn't getting traded." Does that mean he's as good as gone by Monday? - semi serious. Better not be true.. If KW doesn't do anything, I shall be pissed
  18. QUOTE (justBLAZE @ Jun 11, 2010 -> 01:17 PM) Stone criticized Pinella's use of Tyler Colvin, media blew it up and it got hot. Steve responded on WGN but joked about it. I swear I heard Stone make a Santo joke.. he said something about someone losing their legs and then said "sorry Ron" as if he didn't mean to say it out loud..
  19. QUOTE (Kalapse @ Jun 11, 2010 -> 05:13 PM) If there are no other options, sure but I can't get behind it when Putz is fresh and ready to go. You have to attempt to limit Jenks and Thornton's innings and pitching Linebrink with the game well within reach is not the way to go about it. Yeah I get that, but what im saying is you shouldn't feel the need to use one of your best relievers when the game is that far out of reach.. I understand why we used our garbage men, but a 5 run lead is pretty big for the 9th inning.. no matter where you are playing.. Williams definitely needs to go though, I am ok with Linebrink as the garbage MR
  20. QUOTE (Kalapse @ Jun 11, 2010 -> 04:59 PM) 0-2 with a pair of quality starts and another outing of 5 IP, 3 ER. 4 starts overall, though. Arent we 0-4 in those games tho?
  21. You should feel comfortable throwing Randy and Linebrink out there with a 5 run lead.. they have no business on the roster if you cant use them with that big of a cushion and not fear for blowing the lead.. that being said, I agree that Williams is horrible and needs to go.. ide rather have Threets up here..
  22. QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Jun 11, 2010 -> 04:56 PM) I'd agree with you if we weren't 3-8 against the Indians. I think Peavy is like 0-4 vs them though
  23. QUOTE (greg775 @ Jun 11, 2010 -> 04:53 PM) My god. The definition of a bandwagon fan. He does fine and you TOLERATE him. He blows one save and you want his ass. Welcome to the working world. Hope your boss doesn't treat you like that. My god. Are you kidding greg, im sure there are many people who will tell you I have been one of the supporters for Bobby this season along with yourself.. Im not saying that I tolerate him, I am saying as long as he keeps doing his job he should stay as closer.. but if he starts blowing saves and costing us games, he needs to be removed from that role..
  24. I think we could win 100 games if we were in the NL Central.. We just look like an NL team
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