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Everything posted by T R U

  1. QUOTE (greg775 @ Jun 11, 2010 -> 04:51 PM) How can you guys say Bobby f***ing Jenks is not one of the best? Amazes me. because his ERA is almost 5 and he has had some pretty bad outings this year, earlier of course..
  2. QUOTE (Thunderbolt @ Jun 11, 2010 -> 04:48 PM) Until he's not. For now it's good. Why cant everyone feel this way? Aside from the fact that Jenks has been money in June, he hasn't been blowing us games that should be won.. im fine with him as long as that holds.. when he starts blowing games, ill be right with everyone else wanting him to be gone..
  3. QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Jun 11, 2010 -> 04:46 PM) With a 5-run lead? yeah, who shoulda been out there then?
  4. QUOTE (Thunderbolt @ Jun 11, 2010 -> 04:16 PM) He should if he wants to do what's best for this team. I hope this doesn't fool anyone. oh it will
  5. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jun 11, 2010 -> 12:39 PM) But in terms of marketing towards the rest of the country, it rapidly becomes one. I keep missing the final minutes of NBA games in the finals because I need to get to sleep. Well college football is generally always on a Saturday with a few occasions.. so unless you are going to work on Sunday, there should be no problem having to watch a late Texas game.. And I guarantee you, it doesn't matter what day it was on just about every Texas fan will watch the game, regardless of work or not.. At least Texas fans that live in Texas or are from Texas.. they just will, without a doubt..
  6. QUOTE (Tex @ Jun 11, 2010 -> 11:12 AM) college kids sleep until noon, and begin thinking about going out at 10pm. I'm not certain it is that big of a deal competitively. Its not. Even non college Texas fans would stay up to watch the game late. They just don't know how big it is down here.
  7. T R U

    i am drunk

    QUOTE (iamshack @ Jun 5, 2010 -> 05:02 PM) Oh come on now...as you get older, you realize how foolish it is to try and be the guy who can drink the most...where has that ever gotten anyone? I don't try to be that guy, but im not gonna lie that guy is usually hilarious..
  8. QUOTE (iamshack @ Jun 11, 2010 -> 03:25 AM) But the fallacy in your premise is that Kotsay and Andruw Jones are the cause of our losing record. They simply are not. And unless they were to be replaced by Justin Morneau and Ryan Braun, I'm not sure that it would have made a difference. That was just an example of a move gone wrong..
  9. I don't necessarily think that KW should be fired either.. but jesus christ how could he go into this season with Kotsay and an unknown in Jones as the DH? I don't care what Ozzie wants, KW should have known better..
  10. 5 IP - 4 H - 0 R - 0 BB - 6 K - 3/3 Saves That's his June line so far, maybe get off his back a little?
  11. QUOTE (iamshack @ Jun 11, 2010 -> 01:27 AM) Yeah yeah, god forbid the blame actually fall on the players who are being paid millions to put up production far worse than replacement player levels. If that were the case, why would any GM ever get fired? They could just say hey, don't blame me blame the players they are the ones not performing.. The problem is, the GM is the one who brought all these players here that aren't performing..
  12. College Basketball That's the hardest championship to win..
  13. youth and energy will always be superior
  14. QUOTE (flippedoutpunk @ Jun 10, 2010 -> 11:09 PM) Non-Voters are personally responsible for the slavery and lynchings in the south.. My college professor says so.. I don't vote
  15. QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Jun 10, 2010 -> 04:27 PM) Now tell us who Kenny should've traded for or signed in place of Peavy, Buehrle, Floyd, Beckham, CQ, A.J., and Ramirez and you'd have a decent argument. How should I know, im not a GM But that doesn't change the fact that Kenny is the one who constructs the team..
  16. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Jun 10, 2010 -> 02:45 PM) lol I hope thats Blackwood
  17. QUOTE (BFirebird @ Jun 10, 2010 -> 02:39 PM) This is kind of random, but has Alexei's defense improved? According to Fangraphs his UZR is 2.8, 2nd in the AL behind Scutaro. Or has the SS position just gone to crap? Hes always been good, hes just had mental lapses at times that drive people crazy..
  18. QUOTE (girlslikebaseballtoo#26 @ Jun 10, 2010 -> 02:34 PM) ??? means he is no good
  19. QUOTE (girlslikebaseballtoo#26 @ Jun 10, 2010 -> 02:30 PM) NEVER gonna happen!! He was told it wasn't a demotion ..they just need him to handle the new pitchers and they want him closer to Kannapolis and W-S. ..Luis Sierra told me the same thing happened to him last season and he was only in Bristol for a week. Blackwood is a buster
  20. QUOTE (fathom @ Jun 10, 2010 -> 02:29 PM) I like the swear filter...creates a lot more constructive post than just seeing "f***" whenever something bad happens. While this is true.. I think that it would be a lot better with words substituted for the swears instead of them being "f***" Not only would it make for some funny outcomes, but what does the current system really accomplish? Just because three letters have a * in place, you still see the word anyways..
  21. QUOTE (girlslikebaseballtoo#26 @ Jun 10, 2010 -> 02:26 PM) I have a lot to cuss about today!! Mother f***in Blackwood is going to gosh damn Bristol ...WHAT THE s***?!?!? I think you need to find a new person to follow..
  22. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jun 10, 2010 -> 02:22 PM) Then there would be less admins to police the place, and we'd need an even stronger swear filter. I was joking man
  23. QUOTE (WCSox @ Jun 10, 2010 -> 02:21 PM) No, you haven't. Let's try again... And here was your response... I don't appreciate you cherry-picking sentences from my posts and using them to intentionally mischaracterize my points via rhetorical straw man. My original response was for you comparing him to Joe Borchard.. and honestly, I dont care one bit what you dont appreciate, so suck on that
  24. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jun 10, 2010 -> 02:20 PM) Not when this many admins visit the site while at work. Well then maybe you should be working instead of looking at the site?
  25. QUOTE (Leonard Zelig @ Jun 10, 2010 -> 02:20 PM) I say go back to changing the bad words to other words, like f*** to fish, and s*** to shinola or something. that would be much more awesome than the stupid filter in place now..
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