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Everything posted by T R U

  1. T R U


    QUOTE (Milkman delivers @ May 26, 2010 -> 08:04 PM) but Podsednik is still blowing Pierre the f*** out of the water for the overall year. not really
  2. T R U


    .244 / .289 / .367 / .656 this would be the great Scott Podsedniks line for May so far.. that's in 90 ABs, in which he also has 6 walks to 19 strike outs
  3. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ May 26, 2010 -> 04:11 PM) A dip in attendance at the super bowl...in New York City? You know the super-storm that killed everything in its path from the movie "The Day After Tomorrow"? Yeah, that storm would wind up freezing a packed stadium to death. And even if it did...every ticket would be sold anyway. The reason why the Ratings would be noticeable is that the ratings always skyrocket in the market where the game is played. NYC ratings would go through the roof, and the effect could well last years afterwards too. And what if the Super Bowl that year is like San Francisco vs Tampa Bay? You think NY gives a crap about that game..
  4. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ May 26, 2010 -> 03:01 PM) Until the ratings come in. I agree the TV ratings would prolly go up too, how much more? I dunno, does a casual fan really care about the weather that much to influence whether they will watch the super bowl or not? Also, what about the actual game itself? You don't think there could be a dip in attendance there? Who wants to sit for 4+ hours in that weather?
  5. QUOTE (WhiteSoxfan1986 @ May 26, 2010 -> 03:55 PM) Just one more example of why Soldier Field sucks. It's a shame they couldn't have built a better stadium, there's no doubt Chicago would be in the running for future Super Bowls. I doubt it All its going to take is a 10-3 or 14-7 game in a snow storm to pretty much nix this cold weather super bowl stuff..
  6. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ May 26, 2010 -> 03:44 PM) I think he's saying "new structures" as in...Houston didn't have to demolish all that much to put its stadium within the city limits. They didn't really demolish anything.. it was put right next to the Astrodome in the old parking lot..
  7. I don't think it should be in New York either, not because it'll be cold or snowy but for the fact that it can create an unfair advantage.. For instance, if the super bowl ends up to be a cold weather team vs a team who has played all of their games in warm weather outside of maybe 1 or 2.. That warm weather team has to play the most important game of their year in a possible snow storm? or maybe freezing temperatures? You don't think a team like Green Bay or New England would have an advantage over a Houston or Tampa Bay? At least when its in the same few places every year its almost always ideal conditions for a game of this magnitude.. I just think its going to happen that a warm weather team is going to play a cold weather team in the super bowl that year and itll be a bad game..
  8. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ May 26, 2010 -> 05:08 AM) I get the disappearing glitch in multiplayer all the time. You sure about that? because I did too on release day but the next day they patched it and I haven't seen it since..
  9. lol, I like how its a strike out but no out is recorded
  10. QUOTE (qwerty @ May 26, 2010 -> 01:16 PM) I lied, i didn't check his 2010 season (prior to today) in which he has thrown three innings twice. 8 times this season pena has thrown a inning plus. Four times he has thrown two or more (prior to day). Ooo, my bad.. I didn't mean for my post to be calling you out.. I thought you weren't including this season, so I was just saying yeah and hes done it this many times this season.. like, to add to your post..
  11. QUOTE (qwerty @ May 26, 2010 -> 01:11 PM) Pena has thrown more than two innings once in a game only once in his career prior to today. You have to date back all the way to his rookie season, in which he threw 3 innings in on september 16th of 2006. Hes thrown what, like 5 multi innings games this season so far?
  12. QUOTE (Kalapse @ May 26, 2010 -> 01:05 PM) What an amazing outing by pena: 4 IP, 2H, 1BB, 3K, 0R (1 inherited runner scored). It's an absolute miracle that we're up 5-1 in the 8th after only getting 2.1 IP out of Buehrle. Tony Pena really is having a very, very good year there's a reason why he has a positive WPA even with his very high ERA, he's gotten the job done when it's mattered most and gotten lit up in blowouts. Yep just two in garbo time against the Rays and Yanks, other than that hes been very good.. im shocked were about to be 2-15 in games Pena has pitched in.. you figure he would be used more in a better role besides garbage man..
  13. QUOTE (LittleHurt05 @ May 26, 2010 -> 12:58 PM) Pena still in there??? I think 3 is enough Ozzie, we got the guys to go 7-8-9 Ozzie was tossed a while ago
  14. QUOTE (fathom @ May 26, 2010 -> 12:52 PM) Pena with a heck of an outing, even though his ERA is up, he's done a solid job this season. 4.38 isn't too bad.. especially since hes for the most part always out there for these type of outing.. Actually it was just two bad outing against NYY and TB, or he would have awesome numbers.. Wow, if we win today it will only be the 3rd win in 17 games that Pena has pitched in..
  15. I don't understand how hes been so bad, his numbers don't look that bad.. His last 5 starts, hes not walking people anymore hes getting strikeouts.. hes not really getting hit around that badly and yet there's 6 runs on the board for each of his last two starts.. He really hasn't been walking people since his first 5 starts, its just weird what the problem is..
  16. QUOTE (LittleHurt05 @ May 26, 2010 -> 12:42 PM) Who said the rotating DH with Kostay wouldn't work????? If the entire offense didn't fall flat on their face for the first month of the season things obviously would be quite different..
  17. QUOTE (hogan873 @ May 26, 2010 -> 12:37 PM) Maybe all Kotsay needed was regular at-bats for 6 weeks straight. Maybe.. His May line (more ABs than April) is .296 / .387 / .519 / .906 and thats not counting today..
  18. Pretty sure this is the first game thread I have ever started, thanks knight.. Also, does anyone else feel like we've been exactly 7 1/2 games behind Minnesota for like the last month? I haven't paid much attention to it but it seems like it hasn't moved from that number in a long time..
  19. QUOTE (Brian @ May 25, 2010 -> 09:05 PM) If that is the case, it goes against everything from old school wrestling. If a guy is leaving for an injury or whatever, he should be putting the other guy over. So lame. In this day of wrestling its about the money and the popularity.. you almost rarely see the heel win anymore, I mean s*** Batista lost three matches in a row to Cena.. It doesn't really matter if hes leaving or not, he can just lose in the end but come on how is there suppose to be any credibility to that story line if Batista gets buried in every match they have..
  20. QUOTE (The Critic @ May 25, 2010 -> 03:57 PM) I doubt he has Hogan-esque "creative control" written into his contract. And I'd bet he sees the fun in it. The hair grows back, and he gets to flip out for a few weeks. Im sure he doesn't, but I am pretty sure if he told Vince he would really rather not lose his hair im sure that they could have gone another way around it.. And yeah, maybe he does see the fun in it and doesn't care, I don't know.. actually, if he really cared about it that much he prolly would have told them he didn't wanna do it..
  21. QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ May 25, 2010 -> 08:23 AM) So, I'm probably 5-6 hours in to Red Dead, and so far, and it's the buggiest/glitchiest "major" release i've ever played. Not enough to be ubber annoying, but enough to frustrate me. I was doing the first bounty hunter mission last night. The guy is by a lake/river. He takes off on his horse down the "bank" of the water, though there is no "bank" or shore, just a rocky wall filled with shrubs and trees. I lasso'd his ass in the middle of a gigantic tree that was nearly as wide as I was. I've also failed missions at least twice by running my horse into the guy i'm supposed to talk to, causing the system to think i'm attacking him. I'm surprised they didn't fix that one. Seems pretty obvious that if i'm doing a job for the guy i'm not going to hurt him. Still, this is the type of immersive game that I never got with GTA (except for the first one). I think the missions are better, the side stuff is more fun, and being out in the "open" gives the game a whole different feel. I have not experienced any major bugs or glitches and I have completed the story and have spent a lot of time on the game.. maybe its only certain instances, but I haven't run into any yet
  22. T R U

    Films Thread

    QUOTE (Felix @ May 23, 2010 -> 08:38 PM) Saw MacGruber on Friday night. The reviews weren't that great for it, but I thought it was pretty funny and definitely enjoyed it. I wasn't expecting much heading into it though, so perhaps that helped it out. Being a movie based of a spoof on SNL I don't think people should be going into it thinking its going to be some incredible movie.. I went and saw it yesterday afternoon and I thought it was pretty funny.. I thought Val Kilmer was awesome in it..
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