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Everything posted by T R U

  1. QUOTE (Felix @ Jan 24, 2010 -> 09:39 PM) Even all the evidence points to you winning an argument with TRU, you still don't win. That's just how it works Haha ok, so what evidence is there that the Saints are better than the Vikings? Its not stat wise, because the Vikings crushed them in that department tonight.. It took 5 turnovers for the Saints to win in overtime, gimme a break..
  2. QUOTE (bmags @ Jan 24, 2010 -> 09:28 PM) NO's D relies on turnovers. You said that wouldn't last. It's lasted until the ssuper bowl. I win. NO's D relying on turnovers has nothing to do with them being better than the Vikings.. They were ranked what, 25th? Teams aren't gonna hand you the ball 5 times a game, and it literally took all five of those for the Saints to squeek bye tonight..
  3. QUOTE (bmags @ Jan 24, 2010 -> 09:22 PM) I suppose I win the "New Orleans is better than Minnesota" argument from earlier in this thread? ide agree with you if Minnesota hadn't beaten themselves..
  4. QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Jan 20, 2010 -> 09:09 PM) Did HBK ever leave? I cant remember if he did, seems like he is always there Haha yeah man, like it was literally exactly what you said the only difference was taker wasn't champ..
  5. QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Jan 20, 2010 -> 04:44 PM) Now that I think about it, I can see HBK facing Undertaker. HBK has been talking about taking a long time off to let his body heal, and losing to Undertaker would let Taker keep his title and go out/retire with his streak intact, and Michaels can quietly go away until September or whenever he feels like making his return So basically the exact same thing that happened last year..
  6. QUOTE (CryptviLL @ Jan 16, 2010 -> 08:48 PM) Apparently the links in my previous posts weren't working with sid's new look. Here is an updated image: that's badass, I don't know why you guys don't like it.. At least he isn't rocking the curly mullet anymore
  7. QUOTE (CryptviLL @ Jan 16, 2010 -> 01:39 PM) Anyone here play or played red alert 2 or yuris revenge? My nick was XXxPrePxX on it I use to all the time, I love the C&C games
  8. QUOTE (Milkman delivers @ Jan 16, 2010 -> 02:36 PM) IMO, Goldberg was a major factor in ruining WCW. and bret harts career
  9. QUOTE (longshot7 @ Jan 16, 2010 -> 01:49 PM) But you're right....... yawwwwwwwwwwwwn. ....yawwwwnnnnn in case anyone didn't get that, i was mocking the kennedy... kennedy
  10. They need to make a formation subs depth chart in the roster menu so I can already have backups set up to be in certain spots instead of racing against the play clock to get them in the game..
  11. I also am sick of the DX/Guest Host happy endings, but its a family program now.. My little sister absolutely loves DX, and her and my mom find most of everything that happens on Raw to be funny, and they are tuned in every monday watching.. buying PPVs, Merchandise, going to live events.. Of course, we don't like it and that's understandable.. but were still watching, as well as all of the families that they have added since changing the way things were.. And ill be honest, I like watching wrestling with my mom and sister.. I would feel a little uncomfortable watching it with them as Mae Young gives birth to a hand or Edge and Lita are having sex in the middle of the ring..
  12. QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Jan 8, 2010 -> 01:58 PM) I dont understand why people argue with TRU anymore. When he says he is right and its his opinion, he doesnt budge Well I am the person who had an NFL player (who had to go out of his way to get my number) text me on draft day to rub my opinion in my face and THEN choose to wear my high school number in the pros just to spite me..
  13. QUOTE (SoxAce @ Jan 8, 2010 -> 03:47 PM) This. It is his way or your wrong. Except when its your case, you really are generally wrong..
  14. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Jan 8, 2010 -> 04:29 PM) That's true, you gotta love Carl's confidence. I was just answering his question. No you weren't.. I wasn't asking you to sway me, I was asking you to give me the reasons why I should get a PS3 as if you didn't know me and I was a random person asking why its better..
  15. better graphics according to who? PS3 owners? Like ive said, ive played both and havent noticed any difference.. I already have a blu ray player, and I got this thing called a computer for web browsing.. nothing any of you have said has made a distinct advantage over the xbox.. And I can store music and movies on my xbox 360, I could use the thing for everything bt gaming if i really felt like it.. so im still waiting on anything that is an advantage.. if i was a random person in this thread asking why i should switch to a ps3, what would you say? keeoping in mind I just told you I already have a blu ray player and am perfectly content with my compter for web browsing.. not to mention all of my movies and music already on my xbox.. why should i change to a PS3?
  16. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Jan 5, 2010 -> 05:08 PM) I'm not speaking from a "fanboy" perspective either. I owned a 360 for over a year, I played Halo 3 online constantly, etc etc. I lived in fear of the RROD, I refused to use it for anything other than games (like I needed a DVD player anyway), HDDVD flamed out immediately... it's just a cheap piece of hardware and when compared side-by-side, there's very little in the argument for 360 over PS3. The price should be $150 right now if they want to continue to see market growth, because NO ONE should buy a 360 Elite over a PS3. How can the prices be the same given all the advantages of the PS3 over the 360? Would you kindly enlighten me about all of the advantages the PS3 has over the 360.. and dont use the exclusive baseball game reason, I don't give a s*** about The Show..
  17. QUOTE (IlliniKrush @ Jan 8, 2010 -> 12:27 AM) Alabama hid behind the lead and a running game, against a freshman QB and no running game, and still barely won. Uh...they ran for 205 yards...On 51 carries. Yes some of those were sacks. But I wouldn't say it was "running all over them, easily" nor "gashing them all night," really. Texas let up the one huge run, other than that they gave up about 4.4 yards a carry. They didn't throw the ball. Of course they had some yards on the ground. Alabama didn't do much on offense the entire night save one play. Alabama rushed for over 200 yards on a very good defense, how many yards does a team need rushing to be considered running all over someone? 300? 400? They had two players go over 100 yards.. They didn't throw the ball because they didn't need to.. and most of that was because the running game didn't force them to.. And since when is 37-21 barely winning? They clearly took their foot off the gas in the second half, and rightfully so due to the situation.. And I don't know why everyone seems to think Texas would have won with Colt McCoy, he was not very good in his only big games this season.. Oklahoma - 127 yards 1 TD 1 INT Oklahoma State - 171 yards 1 TD 0 INT Nebraska - 184 yards 0 TD 3 INT Alabama clearly being the best out of that bunch, I don't think he would have made that much of a difference..
  18. QUOTE (Rowand44 @ Jan 7, 2010 -> 11:28 PM) I'll be the first to say it, I really think Boise could have competed with both these teams. Rip away... I highly doubt that, they could only score 10 offensive points on TCU.. there is no chance they could slow down either of Bama or Texas offense, even with Gilbert at QB!
  19. QUOTE (danman31 @ Jan 7, 2010 -> 11:21 PM) Bama scored 17 points on offense on full drives. A pick 6, a drive started at the 3 (that still took 3 tries to get in) and a meaningless last minute TD that was also on a short field. It's easy to argue Bama would still win, but to be impressed with their offensive performance? No. Really? They rushed for like 230 yards on a very good Texas defense.. they didn't need to do anything on offense except give the ball to their two exceptional RBs due to the Texas offense not being able to do anything without Jesus McCoy.. If McCoy is in the game, the ENTIRE game is different for obvious reasons.. but due to the circumstances, Alabama really didn't need to do anything but be extremely boring on offense.. Anyways, I get what you are saying.. but still Texas defense has nothing to do with Colt McCoy, and Bama gashed them all night on the ground. That was impressive. McElroy and the passing game? You're right, fail. Like I said though, they didn't need it..
  20. Bama is prolly the best defense in the nation all things considered, I don't think you can assume McCoy would light it up against them had he played the whole game.. Texas also has a very good defense and Bama ran all over them, easily, its not really a surprise that their passing game looks terrible tonight they didnt need it at all.. Sure, the game goes different with Colt in there.. but Colt doesn't play defense and Bama ran the ball anyway they wanted to. I dont think the result is any different with Colt in there, I still think Bama would have won..
  21. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Jan 4, 2010 -> 02:49 PM) I had XBOX Live. It seemed in no way any better than PSN... and I'm not burning $50-$80 per year. 49.95 for a year of Live, I don't know where you got 80 from.. and either way, you aren't from what I have gathered as serious a gamer as I am, so I wouldn't expect you to to want to spend that money for it.. And I don't know whats goin on in playstation world, but last I heard they didn't have party functions on their system and stuff like that.. maybe it does now, but either way xbox is still better..
  22. QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Jan 4, 2010 -> 10:57 PM) Regardless of how I felt about TNAs show tonite, I still recognize that competition breeds success, and WWE has succeeded before when competition has presented itself. I have hope that TNA can right the ship, but they have to truly walk the "you gotta earn it" walk and not just say it and hand the strap to Hogan or Nash etc. Lets just put it this way.. Theres no Hogan/Bischoff and TNA doesn't have a 3 hour live Impact! going head to head with WWE.. does Bret Hart ever step into a WWE ring? Ide say no, never. Look at how fast Vince got Bret back when TNA said they wanted war.. As long as TNA can keep some pressure on them, the product will most certainly get better..
  23. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Jan 4, 2010 -> 08:27 PM) #1 offense in the country huh? Where is it? Didn't need it apparently..
  24. TNA gets a 6 from me for the night. One of the main reasons is because I was actually happy to have a second option. I didn't have to sit through a commercial, I could flip to TNA.. I didn't have to watch all of a match I didn't care to see, I could watch what TNA was doing. What I didn't like about it was all of the retreads TNA is trying to shove down our throats. Hall and Waltman are irrelevant now. Jeff Hardy can go for all I care, the dude has been given way too many opportunities and messes up constantly. I loved the Styles/Angle match, I thought it was the best part of the show, easily. But man they really set the tone the wrong way with how the show opened. That cage match was a snoozer, you cant have your biggest show ever have this is bulls*** chants 15 minutes in. I don't even know if they are going to continue being on Mondays, but if they are going to be legit competition for WWE they are going to have to step it up better then they did tonight. The show was a 6, as far as going to war with WWE its prolly more like a 4 in comparison. WWE gets an 8 from me for the night. The Bret Hart thing alone was way more than enough. Especially when you didn't know how they were going to run with it. Hart comes out, spits some memories at us, and then he calls out HBK right away. After everything I have ever heard about it since Bret left, who really thought that this would EVER happen? Bret Hart, back in a WWE ring face to face with HBK and Vince talking 97 Montreal?? Maryse is just so hott, I could look at her all day. The Miz is also someone to me who is stepping it up. When he had that bad music with the giant shorts and fedora, I really couldn't stand him. Hes got a new look, hes got new music, I have really been feeling the Miz for a while now. I didn't pay much attention to the fatal 4 way, Sheamus and Bourne was ok, and Orton/Kofi seemed a little out of place but again it was ok. Like I said, the Bret Hart segments sold it for me. Im not gonna lie, but I was really worried for a second that there was not going to be a swerve and they really were going to end with burying the hatchet. I am glad they didn't do that, but, lets say a few months ago I started posting in here about how I think it would be cool if they brought back Bret Hart to host Raw and eventually turn it into a Vince/Hart match possibly at Wrestlemania.. not a single person would have thought that was even a real option and now it looks like we may get to see that, which I think would be a very solid add to a Wrestlmania card due to history alone, I dont care if they are both old as s***. Anyways, I really hope TNA did enough to have reason to keep going on Mondays.. Look at what it has already done to the WWE, TNA shows up with its best shot and Vince somehow gets Bret Hart back in a WWE ring.. there is absolutely nothing they could do better than that outside of a Stone Cold or Rock FULL TIME return..
  25. The TNA show was BRUTAL aside from Angle/Styles imo.. I had it PiP with Raw on the main screen and TNA in the bottom corner and the only thing I saw was WWE washouts the whole show EXCEPT for when chicks were wrestling.. I thought Raw had by far the better show, even with a very light card.. the Hart/HBK faceoff at the beginning was good stuff, but the Vince one was much better..
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