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Everything posted by T R U

  1. T R U

    Celebrity Crush

    I love Taylor Swift
  2. A7X is one of my favorite bands and I just saw this news, it sucks especially considering they were working on another album..
  3. 28 years old and so far its natural causes
  4. QUOTE (Brian @ Dec 30, 2009 -> 02:46 PM) Don't think I ever heard he was sick or even had cancer. Glad he is not suffering anymore. I know he had more of career, but I will always remember him getting knocked out by Bart Gunn legit. haha man I remember Butterbean knocking out Bart Gunn now.. that was awesome
  5. QUOTE (Brian @ Dec 29, 2009 -> 08:53 AM) I'm sure Bret could get into shape by WM if that is what is to happen. I still think it ends with Bret/Vince at Mania and HBK/HHH. I hope so.. As much as I loved HBK/Taker I don't wanna see it again because it cant end good.. either its the same result as last year or Undertakers streak ends, which I don't want to see happen..
  6. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Dec 29, 2009 -> 09:33 AM) Modern Warfare 2 had about 4 hours of gameplay in it's mission mode. It varies, I'm just saying they won't keep you entertained forever (though my story is changing on MW2, the special ops missions and online are top notch). I played World at War for a whole year straight pretty much till MW2 came out.. Im already almost a 5th prestige on MW2 and I plan on playing it for a very long time because of how good the online is.. that and Left for Dead 2 of course.. then the next game I will get will be Aliens Vs Predator in February..
  7. QUOTE (SoxAce @ Dec 28, 2009 -> 05:25 PM) I still can't believe they still talk before the playoffs. The Patriots obviously tied their record in the regular season, not to mention had more wins overall than them, and of course lost in the super bowl so they didn't go "perfect" as far as the entire season. (inc. playoffs) News to Mercury, Walsh, etc.. If your gonna talk, do it in the playoffs if a team goes 16-0 since one team already did that. Except the Patriots didn't go undefeated, so you're wrong they can talk about it whenever they want..
  8. QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Dec 28, 2009 -> 04:24 PM) I think the part that rubs everyone the wrong way is Mercury Morris and Co dancing and popping champagne every time. Its one thing for the fans to rub it in your face, thats what they are there for, but the players should have a little more class about it. And I understand it is only a few of the 72 Dolphins that hang on to that tradition(although it has to be getting close to the point where there arent many left, that was 37 years ago, holy cow) Lets be honest here, you prolly wouldn't even hear about them if ESPN didn't bring it up every single time someone was on the "Path to Perfection".. They are the ones who talk about it, they are the ones who bring Morris on TV.. I don't see anything wrong with them popping champagne once the last undefeated team falls.. what they did was obviously a very important part of history in the NFL and they are entitled to not only celebrate it, but want to remain the only ones to accomplish it.. Its not like they are at the Colts games booing them and heckling from the stands..
  9. I am so glad the Colts decided to call it quits on the rest of the regular season now, keeps my Dolphins as the only perfect team!! Oh, and if there were only 5 good teams back in the 70's why didn't anyone else do it? If it was the Bears who had gone undefeated everyone would hate them too and Bears fans would defend them the same..
  10. T R U

    Films Thread

    I just saw The Big Lebowski the other day on my XBOX netflix.. it was pretty funny
  11. I just dont see TNA being able to hang with Bret Hart on Raw..
  12. One down, one to go.. Now the Colts need to stop getting lucky and finally lose.. either way I don't see them winning the Super Bowl, they are definitely not undefeated good..
  13. If Bret is indeed on the Jan 4th Raw I think that the Monday night wars might never happen.. There is NOTHING that TNA can do to rival Bret Hart on RAW and whatever kind of confrontation we could see with McMahon, HHH, or HBK.. I think that TNAs ratings might be pretty low if this is the case..
  14. QUOTE (IlliniKrush @ Dec 17, 2009 -> 09:32 PM) Jumping into the back of a pickup truck and staying in there while she's speeding around, yeah I'd say he had it coming. A man of many stupid decisions and what 6 arrests? Not that surprising this happened the way it did... Well ill wait to hear the whole story
  15. QUOTE (IlliniKrush @ Dec 17, 2009 -> 06:36 PM) But, Steve's right in that he did kind of have it coming to him. Really? Ide say people who have it coming to them are more like murderers or rapists. There are plenty of people who have done one or multiple things that he has done, even on this board, do they all have death coming to them as well? And anyways, no one knows exactly what happened so to say he was trying to chase and attack her is just a biased opinion so far. May it be the case? Possibly. If it were though, how would she have even had time to get into the truck and drive away. Im pretty sure that if he had wanted to attack and injure her, it would have happened long before she had gotten into the truck and started to drive away. So just so im understanding this.. smoking weed, speeding, getting into fights, and drinking with underage people means you should prolly die? I better watch my back.
  16. QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Dec 10, 2009 -> 04:35 PM) I havent followed them much this year, but does Cinci have much of a defense? Or is this going to be the same thing it was with Weis, all O no D? All you have to do is look at any post from RockRaines in here and he talks about how bad their defense is..
  17. QUOTE (MHizzle85 @ Dec 7, 2009 -> 01:28 AM) Hopefully this means that Vince works on putting a quality product on Monday night again. If TNA is successful it would almost certainly guarantee it.. WWE has been coasting since WCW died because they have no competition thus no reason to really be as good as it could be..
  18. Uh oh, could we possibly be seeing the Monday Night Wars returning?? 1/4 TNA is airing a 3 hour LIVE show, yes that is a MONDAY NIGHT to counter this, WWE is supposedly going to ask for a third hour and they shall be going head to head.. TNA has said that if the ratings are good enough they will consider going live on Mondays head to head with Vince.. Im pumped..
  19. QUOTE (Felix @ Dec 5, 2009 -> 05:27 PM) I can't say I've really been that into versus on this version or the original, but Scavenge is pretty similar and a ton of fun. I just enjoy being the infected, thats the best part
  20. QUOTE (Tex @ Dec 6, 2009 -> 09:10 PM) The Longhorn defense gave up no touchdowns last night, and nine of the points allowed came off turnovers, and a couple of those were tipped passes. Nebraska had three first downs, or was it only two? For a rout, Alabama will have to score and I'm not certain is they can post more than 21 or 24 points. I'd feel good if I was the Tide, but I wouldn't be thinking rout. Plus, four weeks off, levels things a bit. Texas reminds me of the Sox a few years back, reeling and staggering into the playoffs. There was a reason why I said if Nebraska had any offense at all they would have crushed Texas.. Florida had one of the top defenses and that really didn't stop Alabama, ide say Alabama has a better defense than Nebraska does as well.. Another thing that brought me to my prediction is Colt McCoy and his lack of showing up in some of their big games I.E. Oklahoma, Oklahoma State, and Nebraska.. Anyways, when I say rout I don't mean like 42-10 or something but more along the lines of a 31-17 game that was never really close..
  21. QUOTE (zenryan @ Dec 5, 2009 -> 11:09 PM) Nebraska's defense is in the same league as Alabama and Florida's. But Alabama's offense is so much better than NU's so I would say Tide by 10 right now. by 10?? Dude, if Nebraska had anything resembling an offense they would have slaughtered Texas last night.. I fully expect Alabama to rout Texas
  22. QUOTE (Felix @ Dec 2, 2009 -> 03:50 PM) I posted that a couple days after it was released and no one bit. Still, it's a fantastic game. Prolly from all the MW2 stuff, but, I reserved and picked it up and yeah it is a badass game.. versus mode is awesome
  23. QUOTE (kapkomet @ Nov 30, 2009 -> 09:54 PM) Pro wrastlin' isn't a sport, either. It's all acting. Just sayin'. Its entertainment, which is clearly stated in its name.. No one said wrestling was a sport in here anyways..
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