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Everything posted by T R U

  1. QUOTE (witesoxfan @ Nov 30, 2009 -> 04:40 AM) Not that I'm about to start this, but I imagine you two have never bowled in a very competitive league. I used to bowl in a league a few years back.. If I don't bowl in a while, and then go bowl three games, I feel like my arm is going to fall off afterwards for the next few days..
  2. QUOTE (The Bones @ Nov 30, 2009 -> 07:56 PM) Great retort. I gave you that response because you are saying that I am not allowed to have an opinion on this.. And come on southsider, I have given plenty to back up my feelings on this.. and from most of the responses in this thread everyone has their own idea of what they consider a sport or not.. or who is an athlete or not..
  3. QUOTE (The Bones @ Nov 29, 2009 -> 11:20 PM) You are wrong. Check a dictionary. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/sport End of discussion. You're wrong because its my f***ing opinion. End of discussion.
  4. QUOTE (zenryan @ Nov 29, 2009 -> 10:43 PM) So someone like Tiger Woods or Phelps isnt an athlete but someone like David Wells is? Are professional field goal kickers/punters athletes in your opinion? No they arent athletes.. Neither is David Wells, I never said that everyone playing baseball was an athlete.. however, that's just about the only major sport where you can get away with that.. I also wouldn't lump ALL kickers into the non athlete category..
  5. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Nov 29, 2009 -> 09:14 PM) I almost felt sorry for Orlando Pace today. Then I remembered how much money he gets paid. Speaking of this.. Does anyone else not feel sorry for Michael Oher at all? I hear so many people saying Blind Side was so great and they cried or whatever.. dude was a first round pick, is in the NFL, and is a millionaire.. I don't really feel sorry that he never had a bed of his own as a kid..
  6. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Nov 29, 2009 -> 09:22 PM) What percentage of the population of even professional athletes do you think could run 26.2 miles? Not many, but that doesn't make them more of an athlete.. I don't particularly consider being able to run for long distances being "athletic" Most people use broad terms of athlete and sport when talking about stuff like this.. I hate that, gymnastics and swimming aren't sports to me.. I don't consider them athletes.. same for running etc. ESPN pisses me off so much when they say Tiger Woods is the best athlete in the world.. but like I said, there are broad definitions for it.. I am on the other side..
  7. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Nov 29, 2009 -> 08:22 PM) Are you going to tell me that a marathoner isn't participating in a sport, just because some old people are good at it? Uh yes.. Ive already made my case, some people are going to think certain things are sports.. others aren't.. my opinion isn't going to change on that and neither are yours, no big deal..
  8. QUOTE (kjshoe04 @ Nov 29, 2009 -> 07:59 PM) Senior Citizens play White Sox baseball. haha, well played
  9. QUOTE (Brian @ Nov 29, 2009 -> 05:36 PM) Bowling is a hobby or activity, but I can argue that WALKING 18 holes and trying to physically and mentally be consistent hitting a golf ball where you want it to go is most definitely a sport. Dude golf is a hobby or activity.. just to put it in your thought here, how could you not make the same argument for bowling? Trying to be physically and mentally consistent to aim a 15+ lb ball, adding spin etc. The spelling bee is on ESPN is that a sport too? You have to be mentally consistent with your spelling.. how about pool or darts? To me stuff like bowling, pool, golf, etc. those are hobbies or leisure activities.. Its something that anyone can do regardless of reasonable age.. pick up basketball or flag football are variations of their respective sports.. and I wont even get into trying to play pick up baseball, ive prolly played that about 3 times in my life and it always turned into a big mess anyways.. but you know what is always easy, going bowling or getting a tee time and going and playing 18 holes with some friends..
  10. QUOTE (MHizzle85 @ Nov 29, 2009 -> 04:41 PM) This makes no sense at all. So because I may go play flag football with friends that doesn't make it a sport because we don't have pads or tackle? Or because there's no ump calling balls and strikes in a pickup baseball game that makes it less of a sport? I can literally go throw footballs like Peyton Manning, shoot basketballs like Kobe Bryant & kick soccer balls like David Beckham...the only difference is I'm not any good. But those aren't sports either then right? Going and playing flag football with friends is not comparable to playing an actual football game where as you could go play 18 holes the exact same way as a professional golfer does obviously though not as good.. thats the point im making and it makes more than perfect sense.. 14 year old girls play professional golf.. Senior citizens play professional golf..
  11. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Nov 29, 2009 -> 01:39 PM) The Texans are quickly becoming one of my favorite teams. Andre Johnson is such an awesome player in every facet of the game and Schaub is nails. Too bad they suck and can never seem to shake .500
  12. QUOTE (Tex @ Nov 28, 2009 -> 11:33 PM) 2:30 AM, and not drunk, makes this an interesting scenario. I've played baseball as a leisurely activity, but it is still a sport. I've played pick up basketball games as a leisure activity, but it is still a sport. There is a difference between those sports and golf.. You cant really get your friends together and play 11 on 11 full pad football.. how many times as anyone played 9 on 9 baseball with friends all out, as in the pitcher is throwing hard someone is callin balls and strikes etc.. You can literally go play golf exactly like tiger woods does, the only difference is you arent good.. and good in terms of being on the PGA tour.. Im not trying to bash golf, i just dont think its a sport nor do i think they are athletes especially when people in their 60's or older can play..
  13. QUOTE (zenryan @ Nov 28, 2009 -> 11:05 PM) So I guess your answer is no, you've never played golf before. Actually yes I have.. and yes, I have played 18 holes before.. It was basically me and my jackass friends playing a leisure activity the same way the pros do except we aren't good.. I don't even wanna hear anyone try to explain how golf is a sport.. its not a sport, they aren't athletes.. that's about it..
  14. QUOTE (kev211 @ Nov 28, 2009 -> 11:07 PM) It's a lot better then being 6-6 last year and getting destroyed in games? or the year before? I think it shows they could have been anywhere from 3-9 this season to 9-3 this season if things went one way or another. It's not positive I'm just sad knowing what this team could have done with a defense worth a s***. Well my main point was the were leaning more towards the 3-9 than 9-3 for sure..
  15. QUOTE (kev211 @ Nov 28, 2009 -> 10:55 PM) 6 losses for Notre Dame, all 6 of them came down the to the final minute. You say that in a positive way when I think it shows more that they shoulda been a lot worse than 6-6
  16. QUOTE (MHizzle85 @ Nov 27, 2009 -> 07:20 PM) Oh really now? You ever play 18 holes? Just because it takes like 6 hours and you have to walk a lot does not make it a sport..
  17. QUOTE (Heads22 @ Nov 28, 2009 -> 10:40 PM) though in the 50's a jacket with pockets for your hands should be all you need. No kidding, that isnt even THAT cold.. s*** when it gets 65 here people are wrapped up like its an ice age.. im still wearin shorts and a tshirt
  18. QUOTE (3E8 @ Nov 28, 2009 -> 10:26 PM) Can this Gerhart cut it at the NFL level Not as a feature back
  19. I could have sworn I heard that if one non BCS school made a BCS bowl another one couldnt.. I think they were saying how Boise would be screwed if TCU got in..
  20. QUOTE (danman31 @ Nov 25, 2009 -> 01:01 AM) I would be pretty stunned. Why would Meyer leave Florida? I think it's just wishful thinking on your part and I can't blame you. Well look at it like this.. 1. Obviously, he has a desire to be head coach of Notre Dame. 2. If Florida wins another championship this season that would give him three there. 3. He already has enough money. I cant really think of a reason to stay at Florida.. They will be losing Tebow and a lot of other big time players, why not go to a school that is pretty down and cement your legacy as a coach by turning that program around? What else can he do at Florida? If he goes to Notre Dame and turns them into what Florida is now, I think that would be more satisfying as a coach than staying at Florida with nothing really more to prove..
  21. QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Nov 24, 2009 -> 09:18 AM) I assume you get an achievement for it, that's why I keep trying. Twice I've beaten the "easy" side (where you start), but then I start the other side and die from that huge dude in the armor (who I don't remember from the game). I'm too lazy to google it, but I also thought there was another airplane style level you can unlock. It's an insane time to be a gamer, which more than makes up for the awful summer. Dragon Age, MW2, L4D2, GTA Ballad of Gay Tony, Uncharted 2, God of War pack, and the new Mario. I just don't have the time to play them all, though each has been fantastic (except GTA - the formula is old and boring and I think that could be one of the last GTA games I'll pick up unless they change the structure of the game). Theres no achievement for doing it, the list of achievements has nothing about it on there.. like i said, im pretty sure you dont get anything for it as I have beaten one side and all it did was make an airstrike noise and reset..
  22. QUOTE (kev211 @ Nov 24, 2009 -> 12:28 AM) Wow I thought it was just a stupid thing you could walk around in, until this made me google it and find out about the button. One side is a lot easier than the other.. but as far as I know you dont get anything for doing it..
  23. QUOTE (CrimsonWeltall @ Nov 23, 2009 -> 08:21 AM) Preorders are, basically by definition, determined by hype. Not this one.. Its not like this was a brand new series or something.. it was the sequel to Modern Warfare, made by the same people.. EVERYONE who pre ordered, got it early, got it illegally etc. knew what was coming. They spent time watching the trailers, the people playing on Justin.TV and all other forms.. The only people who aren't in love with this game are people who have no time to thoroughly enjoy it.. and yes Steve we ALL know you are married and were nerds, cool bro..
  24. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Nov 22, 2009 -> 12:43 PM) Uh, yeah. Just because every nerd with an internet connection wants to get online and PWN in the hottest new game doesn't mean it's not overhyped. MW2 online multiplayer brings nothing new to the arena. I still fail to see how its over hyped with over 4 million PRE orders and then millions playing online everyday.. There is literally nothing that is overhyped about this game.. literally
  25. Come on Steve, over hyped? When I got on XBOX live yesterday afternoon there were 860,000 people playing.. and that's JUST xbox Just for examples sake, the most people I EVER saw playing COD World at War was like 75,000 and that was when map packs were released..
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