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Everything posted by T R U

  1. QUOTE (MHizzle85 @ Nov 16, 2009 -> 12:36 AM) Yeah, but Orton's been suspended twice. Mysterio's been suspended & was in rehab last year, while the WWE went ahead & covered it up. Oh, but we can't have a champion that smokes pot. But we can have one who's amped up on steroids, or one who's hooked on pills. There was a laundry list of people who had tested positive for steroids after they started cracking down on it, which shouldn't have been very big surprise to anyone.. Wrestlers being amped up on steroids and/or hooked on pills wasn't something shocking in the business and before the wellness policy.. either way, if Orton was champ and been pulled over for speeding and was found with marijuana and pills and got arrested his booking would have been handled totally different than him receiving a 30 day suspension for failing the wellness policy.. And while not right, there could have at least been some understanding as to why any wrestler would need to take steroids or pop pills.. RVD doesn't need to smoke weed and most certainly as the champion of the company doesnt need to be doing something stupid like speeding while having such things on him..
  2. I dont recall Orton, Batista, Mysterio, or HHH ever being arrested like RVD was.. As the champion of the company, that cant happen..
  3. QUOTE (MHizzle85 @ Nov 15, 2009 -> 09:55 PM) Because if he was in Vince's good graces he wouldn't of been booked to look horrible his last few months with the company. Uh no kidding, why do you think he was booked to look horrible.. hes the one who messed it up..
  4. QUOTE (MHizzle85 @ Nov 15, 2009 -> 04:42 PM) fixed for truth. How is that fixed for truth? RVD was always well pushed, he was the ECW champion AND WWE champion at the same time at one point until he HIMSELF f***ed it up.. not Vince
  5. QUOTE (MHizzle85 @ Nov 15, 2009 -> 12:38 AM) You say that as if everything in that interview is completely wrong... Its prolly not wrong. However, ECW was dead regardless. There was zero chance they could have brought back what ECW was back in the day and had it be exactly like it. Like RVD said, most of the guys prolly couldnt even perform anymore. Everyone the E has under the wings arent like the ECW style. Plus, its prolly not the image that Vince wants for the E. So, as much as the old ECW was awesome there was really no way it could have been brought back at what it was. And at the same time, RVD completely blew his chance.. So I also have to think had he not been caught things might be a little different from him..
  6. QUOTE (Brian @ Nov 14, 2009 -> 02:54 PM) He is so jaded. Vince was about to push him as one of his top stars before he dropped the ball. Cry me a river. Pretty much spot on..
  7. QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Nov 12, 2009 -> 01:34 PM) http://www.cnn.com/2009/TECH/11/12/cnet.xb....ban/index.html can't you just change your gamer tag? No because banning your xbox has nothing to do with banning a gamer tag.. Yeah you can create a new gamer tag, but it will need to be on a brand new xbox. So if your brother has a gamer tag, he wouldn't be able to play online anymore either because the actual box itself has been banned from the xbox live service.. Basically, if you get banned and ever want to play on xbox live again, you need to buy a new xbox.
  8. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Nov 9, 2009 -> 02:51 PM) Dude, I just don't have the time, to be honest. I can't be staying up until 4am shooting it up with a bunch of 18 year olds who have nothing better to do than hone their skills all day long. I used to have the time to commit to a game like say, Halo 2 and even as recently as Halo 3, and of course it was a blast to completely annihilate f***ers all night and roll with your buddies. However, I'm not about to put in the time to become good enough at MW2 online. During the week I have to work and take care of the house, and on weekends normally I'm out doing s***. Basically, married life does not coddle to the online gamer. I get in my games for the online Madden dynasty, though. We'll see with MW2, I definitely want to play the single-player campaign, but 4.5 hours is quite short for $60. Heck, renting Arkham Asylum for a week and returning it 5 days past due was a perfect setup, and that single-player game was pretty long. If I decide I want to start losing sleep, I'll buy MW2, but I think I'll rent it and enjoy the single-player. However, this is great to hear. I'd more than likely play it on the harder difficulty settings to get a realistic gaming experience. You know once I have it in-hand I won't be able to resist the multiplayer. You need to get this game.. For 1 - Playing the campaign on Hardened or Veteren is going to take you a while. I started going back through and doing them on veteren so I can get the achievements and it took me prolly 4 hours just to beat 5-6 parts of the campaign. Playing them on the harder difficulties will most certainly make your campaign play longer and more realistic. Also, there is Spec Ops mode which is solid by yourself but really made for you and a friend to play. Its king of like little challenges like wave defense, races, and elimination games that you get stars for depending on what difficulty you can complete it on. For 2 - The multiplayer is very fun, but as you have said you don't have all the time in the world to play all night and hone your skills. Whats wrong with that? Why cant you jump on there and play for fun? You don't need to be at the top of the leaderboards and the best player ever. Its just flat out fun, and even someone who doesn't have all the time in the world to play all night can still have a good time playing it. It will be game of the year, hands down.
  9. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Nov 8, 2009 -> 01:32 PM) What Bob said^ Single player campaigns are an afterthought in a lot of today's games. Even when their is a story mode or campaign, online co-op is a big component driving it. That being said.. The campaign for MW2 is still awesome.. and besides, I did it on the easiest setting just to go through it.. if you played on the harder ones it would most certainly take you longer.
  10. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Nov 7, 2009 -> 08:57 AM) ...and it's a renter. Not really, the true value lies in the multiplayer. If you are someone who isn't into multiplayer, you prolly shouldn't spend $60 on this game though..
  11. QUOTE (CrimsonWeltall @ Nov 6, 2009 -> 07:52 PM) Yeah, I'm talking PC. COD4 on PC had virtually none of those problems I listed. Game size can be important for clans who have a lot of players and want to have them all playing together. It's also nice when map-makers create larger-scale maps, though that won't be a factor for MW2. You're right, the PC version has lost a lost a lot of things that PC gamers are pissed about.. but I have a 360 and have none of those problems.. The multiplayer on the 360 in phenomenal, best ive ever played.. And I dont even have all my friends to play with yet, it will only get better..
  12. QUOTE (Kalapse @ Nov 6, 2009 -> 06:16 PM) My biggest problem is that I don't have 8 hours a day to play online an hone my skills so it's real hard for me to hold my own online with these obsessive gamers so I lose interest quick. Campaign only took me 4 1/2 hours You also get a chance to get a good feel for all the guns and play style from the campaign, so there really is nothing foreign when you step into multiplayer.. The way you sounded, it would seem you have pre ordered MW2 and expect to have it the day it comes out if not the night before.. Thats just a little odd to me if you don't really play much multiplayer and are just so so on shooter games.. Either way, the campaign is like playing a movie and the multiplayer is extremely fun.. You should give a shot at puttin a little time into it if you can, its great stuff.. Im sure you will think differently of this game than other shooters you have played.. If I had to put it as short and sweet as possible, it makes Call of Duty 4 look like garbage.. and that was a good ass game..
  13. QUOTE (lostfan @ Nov 6, 2009 -> 08:15 AM) Dragon Age is really gonna cut into my Modern Warfare 2 time. I think once you play Modern Warfare 2 that will quickly change..
  14. QUOTE (Sonik22 @ Nov 5, 2009 -> 04:02 PM) Holy s*** thats awesome Its such a great game, I haven't played multiplayer yet though because I don't wanna run the risk of it.. Either way, this is an awesome, awesome game..
  15. QUOTE (Sonik22 @ Nov 4, 2009 -> 12:06 PM) 6 days!!!!! Sucks for you guys I GOT MODERN WARFARE 2!!!!!! I went on craigslist and someone was selling 5 copies so I quickly texted the number they had on there, met them in a CVS parking lot, gave em $45 cash, and left with my copy of the game!!! The game is badass, just amazing..
  16. QUOTE (Milkman delivers @ Nov 3, 2009 -> 01:37 PM) I meant like is it a poster of him playing some sport (I know people who have those because they were gifts from their high school) or something that he might have done by himself. Yep, that's it. Its of me running over these two dudes, my mom got it for me for christmas back in 03. Its pretty sweet.
  17. I have a poster of myself hanging over my bed, seriously.
  18. QUOTE (knightd1 @ Oct 31, 2009 -> 11:36 AM) L4D 2 demo was at GameStop. I should note that I have the game pre ordered so I don't know if thats a pre req for getting the demo. Its only 2 lvl campaign like the Crash Course DLC for the original L4D. There are alot of new guns and melee weaps, new infected characters too. The Demo doesnt' allow for online vs, so I cant comment on infected characters. There are new infecteds too. Its pretty freaking cool!! Cant wait B) Yep, MW2 and L42 should keep me occupied for quite a while..
  19. QUOTE (kev211 @ Oct 29, 2009 -> 05:46 PM) It needs to be November 10th. Yeah its killin me, but ill be first in line to get it at midnight for sure.
  20. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Oct 29, 2009 -> 12:49 PM) I personally look forward to mowing down those videogame civs upon this game's release. I couldn't agree more.. this game will be epic
  21. QUOTE (qwerty @ Oct 29, 2009 -> 09:54 AM) I would like to take this time to call you a f*** face. You got me straight addicted to bloons the past two days, i even had a dream that i was popping damn balloons. I wish i never came across that post of yours, damn you. Haha, you should play the other ones too. This new one was pretty easy, but the older ones were more challenging yet didn't have as much stuff.. Ive spent many hours just sittin here playin bloons..
  22. QUOTE (Nunnigan @ Oct 29, 2009 -> 12:15 PM) I dont find playing as a terrorist shooting up a airport particularly intriguing. I guess we'll see how it plays out if we're given context into our actions the character is suppose to carry out. Well for one, you don't have to shoot anybody. You can just advance through the level. No one is going to make you shoot anyone. Secondly, all we have seen is part of this mission. We have no idea what happened before it, we have no idea what happens after it. We don't know reasons for it etc. Most people should reserve judgment until they actually play the game.
  23. QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Oct 29, 2009 -> 05:25 AM) Do you have a video of the play somewhere? Looking at that picture it just looks like the ball is coming loose, I dont see anything you are talking about lol what? The ball is clearly out of his hands.. And yes, he fumbled into and out of the endzone, so it should have been Miamis ball on the 20.
  24. This is great.. it was an interception, and ruled a TD on the field. It was also reviewed and still ruled a TD. Thanks for this picture Sports Illustrated. My favorite part is the ref staring RIGHT AT THE PLAY!!!!!!! Should have been a touchback, Dolphins ball.. Oh well, makes you wonder if some refs really do have money on the games.
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